Why do you wear a wedding band?



  • butterflimom
    I wear it because it is so special to me...It reminds me of our love and devotion for one another when we are not together due to our schedules...It reminds me of how much we have been through over the years and of how much we have grown together...My ring is a 3 stone diamond representing past, present, and future. At the time he purchased it, we didn't have much of a past since we married fairly quickly after meeting. Today we have a long past filled with ups and downs with several heartaches and bumps in the road, but together we have made it side by side....that's what my ring symbolizes to me, our endurance and love with a positive future :)

    To answer your other question, I couldn't go without it. I take it off to clean, exercise, and bath- but rarely leave out my front door without it. I have once or twice and within a few miles felt uncomfortable without it.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Yes, even if I never interacted with another soul, I'd still wear my wedding band, and both engagement rings as well.

    I wear them for sentimental reasons. Because they are a tangible symbol of my relationship with my husband, and the trust he places in me.

    Actually, almost all the jewellery I wear has sentimental attachments.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I concur with the majority of responses. It is a symbol of the commitment of our marriage and pledge of love to each other. I wear mine except to sleep or workout. Right now it's too big, as I had it resized 3 years ago but I want to wait until I hit my goal before I pay to have it resized down again! DH had his resized a week ago as his was falling off. If we were on an island with noone else I would still wear it to show him I am still committed to us.
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Yes I would still wear it if I worked in a remote area. I like to wear it because of what it symbolizes, I'm proud to be married and not trying to hide that fact:)

    I love this!

    My husband and I wear ours constantly for 2 reasons.
    1) It is a symbol that we belong to each other forever and that our love has no end. I do not care if no one else sees it on my finger. I know it is there and that is what matters.
    2) Because I feel totally naked when I have it off.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I think its just a symbol to yourself and the other person and the promise you made. Now with all that said I recently took mine off cause that promise has been broken!
    Other people use it to see if your available though, which is a good thing cause that means they won't hit on you and if they do, well then you know what kind of people they are.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Because my husband gave it to me.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    28 years ago I made a commitment to my best friend and he to me. We sealed that commitment with two very inexpensive (young sailors don't have much money) rings. I still wear that ring and always will. It's not a sign of ownership - we are committed, not owned. It's not to keep others away - my actions do that, as do his. It's not a guarantee that neither of us will ever cheat - only our hearts can guarantee that. It is a touchable, solid, ever present reminder of all we have, all we've been and all we have yet to look forward to. It is a comfort, a joy in my heart, an encouraging word when he isn't around to say them, a peace in times of stress. It is the one piece of jewelry out of all he's given me in the years since that still matters the most. Last summer someone broke in to our home and stole almost every other piece I owned. I had on my wedding band, my anniversary band, a simple birthstone ring and my grandmothers ring. Those are all I have left of 29 years of gifts to mark so many special occasions. Do I miss the bling and sparkle of the others? Yes. Did they really matter in the overall? No. I still have him and I still have the simple gold band that got me through his deployments, family losses, illnesses, financial stresses and all the other "things" that happen over a lifetime. I would wear it on a desert island, remote ranch or desolate mountaintop. I would also be just as bonded to him without out it. He isn't allowed to wear his at work for safety reasons. He takes it off and places it in a special spot before he leaves his truck in the morning. He puts it back on as soon as he leaves. He feels the same as I do about it. I know, because his ring was stolen several years ago and he was miserable until he got a replacement. The rings are ours, for us, about us and a part of us and our story.
  • Boardergurl
    Boardergurl Posts: 206 Member
    I wear mine cause I LOVE it lol! Im proud to show off im married (my ring is in expensive!) and we also got each others names tattoed with our wedding date.... Cause my husband cant wear his ring at work!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I originally wanted one because I loved the book The Hobbit when I was growing up, and I always thought the ring was my mother's wedding ring, so when I got married I wanted one the same, and secretly hoped it would make me invisible. Then after I got married, I read The Lord of the Rings, and that gave me a totally different and much less appealing twist to the ring thing. I used to wear it most of the time because everyone always thought I was about 10 years younger than I was and it was a way to be taken more seriously (there's nothing more annoying at 25 than being mistaken for a 15 year old all the time!).

    Now it's just habit.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    It makes me smile every time I look at it. It's a symbol of the promise we made to each other on August 12, and that makes me very happy.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I wear mine because I have a 2 carat diamond that looks freakin amazing!!! Sparkly!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    In the 7.5 years I have been married, I have taken mine off once. I had a burn on my finger and it was irritated so I took it off for a day to aloe it.

    My husband has taken his off on rare occasions. One was for about a week, they made them take them off at work but it didn't last long, he and his coworker complained. He also takes it off when he goes target shooting but immediately puts it back on and feels weird without it.

    His parents have been married 33 years and have never owned wedding rings. It just isn't their thing but he and I love wearing ours.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm not married and I wore a band my man got me. Now it doesn't fit:frown:
    I wore it to symbolize our committment to each other.
  • JetzGurl
    JetzGurl Posts: 217 Member
    I wear mine because it's a symbol of what we mean to each other. I'd wear it even if I lived on Redemption Island ;)
  • AliDarling
    Wether in the city or in the country, I'd wear mine every where. the symbolic meaning that my husband is every where with me. the only time's it ever comes off is for cleaning.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    My original wedding ring was stolen when we were on vacation last year and it took me forever to find another one because of the sentiment that was involved with the original, the one I wear now still doesn't mean as much as the original. That was the one he gave me the day he proposed, the day I agreed to lay any idea of single life down and pick up my new life with the best man in the world. The new ring is prettier, and bigger, with more diamonds and if I had the choice back then I would have picked this one over the other one, but without all the memories that went along with the other one, this one is lacking. But s'ok I still have the memories in my head and the sentiment in my heart.

    But I would still never take this one off, no matter what, he is my husband and I am proud of that.

    My promise ring was stolen too, it was a cheap ring, no more than $100 I bet, but I won't let him replace that one, it can't be replaced.
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    Wether in the city or in the country, I'd wear mine every where. the symbolic meaning that my husband is every where with me. the only time's it ever comes off is for cleaning.

    Cause that's when you can't find him anywhere. :)
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    :Yes would still wear it. it is a symbol of my love and commitment to my Husband and besides that...

    It safeguards me against the suitors who approach me now that I am losing weight and getting smaller!!! lmao :laugh:
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't wear one mostly because I keep losing the damn thing...i am glad it was inexpensive (see how i didn't say cheap :D) But I am a stay at home mom, and really the only other people I meet are either married or know that I am married (although for some people apparently that doesn't matter) But on the other hand I made a promise to my husband, I don't really need a ring to prove it. My actions speak louder than a ring could.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    My husband is in the Navy and I KNOW he CAN'T wear his band at work. It's dangerous if it were to get caught in something, but he wears it outside of that.

    I wear my wedding ring. Feels weird when I forget to put it on during the day. I don't see people during the day really - I work from home and live alone while he's deployed. But for me, it's a constant reminder of my best friend. And I like that. :)