
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    195.2 was my weigh in yesterday
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    Hi everyone happy Saturday I have now reached 145lb which makes me in the healthy range of the bmi chart :drinker:

    How's everyone else getting on?
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    bumped up a pound - way too many unusual foods in one week - so I'm preparing for a solid week of chicken salads, hard boiled eggs and low carbs. Am I the only one who has a harder time drinking my water when it's cold outside? Is herbal tea an appropriate replacement?

    I'm also realizing that sometimes I push my workouts too hard. A slow gentle fat-burn does more for the short term than a pop till you drop kinda burn. I retain a lot of water while my body heals, and the long term pay out takes...a long time. Balance is everything, I guess.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    My daughters house was broken into on Thursday and all the gifts we sent them stolen. Plus all my grandsons wii games and console and DVDs and the play station. Really sucks at this time of the year.... Everything will work out in the end but I am up 2 pounds!! Ugh, my rings wouldn't even go on today so hopefully it is all water.
  • Ok I know its crazy to weigh in at night so I am going to weigh in again in the morning but i caved in and couldn't go any longer without weighting. I am 267.2 now thats 5.8 lbs lost since the start of this challenge!!!! Yay me!!
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    A little seasonal depression and issues with my vehicle yesterday, so a bad day there. But I was 188.6 in the morning, down 2.4 from the startl
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    131.4. Starting weight 133!
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    Hi everyone! Looks like alot of us, myself included, are struggling! What was I thinking trying to get started this time of year! To top it off my hubby is home ALL THIS WEEK and well, he has a hollow leg & LOVES to eat. So we've been whipping up all kinds of goodies & eating out.... UUUGGHHHH!!!

    I just have a super quick minute right now but I'll try to get on here tomorrow & get the new weights posted. I do see some HUGE weight losses recently & need to update the rankings. Good job to those staying on track!!! I
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    194 today
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I'm down 1 lb today to 172.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Congrats to all with losses!! I'm down 1 myself!! Yeah!

    It is a tough time to get started, however, I used to tell my clients that ANYTIME is a great time to get started!! We're not doing a quickie diet, we're all making a life style change. Waiting until the first of the year, usually sets you up to fail. It only take 21 days to create a new habit. Take baby steps, work on getting all of your water in. I drink out of 16oz bottle; thats 2 8 oz cups already. Make it easy on yourself.

    Try making a list about things you want to change about your eating habits, then tackle a couple at a time. Typically if you try to change everything all at once, you won't, you'll get frustrated, and give up.

    Life only goes one day at a time, some of us, (me included) have to tackle challenges each day. If you know that you did the best you could that day, then pat yourself on the back for what you did accomplish, and tackle a challenge the next day. JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I had a bad day yesterday after such a great week. Being a teacher we got sooo many cookies and candy and I ate until I felt sick and then pretty much just threw the day away :o( So I got back on track today and I am reading this great book about ignoring the voice in your head that tells you to eat crap and listen to the true voice in your head that doesn't want to. You cant eat crap if you won't let your hands pick it up and your mouth chew it! So back in the game and I will weigh in soon.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I forgot to log this on Sunday, but my current weight is 236.4, down from 240 when this challenge began!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    SW on MFP: 240 pounds
    SW on Challenge: 237.4 pounds
    CW: 231.4 pounds
    Challenge loss: 6 pounds!

    Congrats to everyone's losses so far! Don't feel discouraged if you lose less than 10 pounds, because any kind of weight loss is better than none, and even if there is no weight loss at all, you are changing your lifestyle for the better and you should all be proud! =)
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Start weight 191, this morning 187.2!
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Since Jlc hasn't logged in for three days, I just wanted to post the most recent updates, just so the people that keep checking back know where we are at. Sorry if anyone feels as if I am stepping on her toes.

    here's our current standings.....

    ****************starting weight / current weight / total lost
    kariewalrath ----273# / 267.2 / - 5.8 POUNDS!!!!!
    191# / 187.2 / -3.8 POUNDS!!!
    sherrywilson ---212#
    mrscanmore --175# / 172 / -3 POUNDS!!!!
    237.4 / 229.0 / -8.4 POUNDS!!!!
    jakeschafer ----210#
    157# / 149 / -8 POUNDS!!
    sarahkatura ----153#
    beachdiva2010 ---144# / 143 / -1 POUND!!!!
    240# /236.4 / - 3.6 POUNDS!!!
    oboeadam ---189#
    scatterdragon---198# / 194 / - 4 POUNDS!!!
    192# / 190.4 / -1.6 POUNDS!!!
    hannahluu96 --154#
    tracylee---- 160# / 156.2 / -3.8 POUNDS!!! AWESOME!!!!
    mcdebbie---179.6 #
    adina81---191.6# / 190.2 / -1.4 POUNDS!!!!!!
    autumnbottom---255# / 253 / -2.5 POUNDS!!!
    200# /198 / -2 POUNDS!!!!
    133# /131.4 / -1.6 POUNDS!!!!!!
    clarecbear82----146.5# / 145 / -1.5 POUNDS!!!!

    I am not going to post any leaders today because I think everyone has done great and I hope everyone continues to do a great job!! =D

    Go us!!
  • Update!! I weighted in this morning and I am now 260.6lbs.!!!! Yay I am so excited!!!! I may make it to 50lbs. lost before newyears after all!!!!
  • Count me in! :D
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    Suprisingly went down after the holidays. Now at 228.4 pounds.
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member

    I am SOOOOO SORRY to drop the ball on this challenge but my internet/wifi service went out & I had to wait for them to mail me the new equipment! UUGGGHHH!!! Really stunk as my older kids got new computers for Chrismas! :(

    THANK YOU TO SD0510 for the update post!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    As for me & my goals- TOTALLY FELL OFF TRACK! :( Stress, hubby being on vacation, more stress, family parties galore, more stress.... hahahaha But I won't give up!! 2012 will be MY YEAR!!!

    Kudos to all of you that stayed the course through the Holidays!! :drinker: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou: