Cutting dairy from diet? Your thoughts...



  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    I hate seeing these ancient artifact papers being picked clean for facts that support an argument by people who don't understand how to choose or read a research article.

    Sing it sister:

    How about a meta-analysis that refutes everything she just posted:

    "One sometimes encounters arguments that the protein and sodium of milk somehow negate the potential benefit of its calcium. These speculations are based on the established fact that both protein and sodium lead to increased urinary calcium excretion [160,161]. However, the negative effects of protein and sodium are observed mainly at low calcium intakes, when, with absorption already operating at an individual’s maximum, there is no possibility of increasing calcium extraction from the diet so as to offset an increment in excretory loss. By contrast, at high calcium intakes and correspondingly lower absorption efficiencies, the body has room to adapt to altered loads. Moreover, even at low calcium intakes, the ratio of the calcium in milk to its sodium and protein content is so high as to offset directly any calciuric effects; that is, even without physiological adjustment, the calcium absorbed exceeds the calcium eliminated by virtue of sodium and protein. Finally, the argument is curious on its face. Had it any cogency, milk could never support growth, nor could it sustain health in adults, yet it manifestly does both, as for example, in infants and children of all races and in adults of nomadic, pastoralist peoples. "

    Full Text:
  • kiwipearls
    I agree that our bodies evolved to eat dairy and meat, as well as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Humans are hunter-gatherers.

    As we evolved we learnt how to domesticate our food and we learnt about horticulture. If we weren't meant to eat these things, they wouldn't taste yummy. (taste yummy to those types that like it)

    I agree some people are allergic to dairy and have aversions to meat products and other types of foods. Guess that is DNA and your genetics.

    My neighbour gave up red meat to help his arthritis and it helped improve it. He eats fish and chicken, fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. So I am not against giving up certain food groups for health reasons.

    All I can say is each and every one of us has a different body type. Just eat the foods you like and the foods you know your body can handle. If you are gluten intolerant, stay away from gluten, if you are lactose intolerant stay away from certain types of dairy.

    I'm sorry, but I do get tired of the "Vegan Types" telling us eating meat is bad or eating dairy because it came from a cow is bad.

    I understand how the meat industry and slaughterhouses are bad, and I agree with the way animals are handled and I hate wastage. But prior to meatworks and slaughterhouses we used to do it ourselves, and we used every bit of the animal. Nothing went to waste.

    The problem with modern eating is overly processed food rich in preservatives and additives - bad chemicals that can be found at McDonalds, Burger King and KFC etc. These foods should be cut out of your diet if anything.

    Our foods in the supermarket are also made with these so that products have a longer shelf life.

    If we all went back to basics - ate meat, fruit and vegetables, nuts and grains, dairy, eggs, seafood - that we hunted and gathered ourselves - I doubt any of us would be over-weight.

    EDIT: Just wanted to add that - before the milk, meat and supermarket industries, we were all eating meat, fruit and vegetables , nuts and grains, dairy, eggs and seafood. So it was not these industries that forced us to eat these food types. Those people saw a need and monopolised on it in the modern age.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I see. And this Alan Aragon you quote is the all-knowing of nutrition. Someone who, when I do a quick search, I can't find any info about other than his own self-proclamations. Hmmm.

    He's no Dr. Oz or Dr. Phil, that's for sure :laugh:

    Was about to say xD

    Alan Aragon is the all-knowing ;D

    Google "Alan Aragon": 55,100,000 results.

    Google "plagirl227's father" 4 results (3 from MFP).

    Just sayin'

    Just in case anyone didn't see my sarcasm.
    Alan Aragon = VERY reputable source.
    i <3 him and his knowledge :D
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I hate seeing these ancient artifact papers being picked clean for facts that support an argument by people who don't understand how to choose or read a research article.

    :laugh: :laugh:

    At least I have studies. I'm sure you did a ton of research before deciding dairy was good for you, right? You didn't just...I don't know...hear it at school or EVERYWHERE?

    I've never really had any class that told me what food was 'good' or 'bad' for me. I certainly understand digestion, though. And how to properly support an argument. Give me 10 minutes and I can pick clean a bunch of papers that WILL say calcium is good for you, etc. etc.

    Yes....calcium IS good for you. When packaged with dairy, however, it causes the blood to become slightly acidic, which the body deals with by pulling calcium from the bones.

    Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself! I used to love milk and now I think it's the most disgusting fluid...full of blood, pus, muscus...ew. Not to mention the fact that it's horrible for your body.
  • Xtina_Beba
    I have changed my diet quite a bit since starting this big change in my life, and I am always researching new ways to improve and get better results. A friend of mine who I respect recommended I cut out dairy all together. I have cut out cheese, but I still continue with non-fat milk. She suggested I try almond milk, because I really like my milk and don't want to give it up. She said if I cut out all dairy I should see a big drop in my weight. I was curious on your thoughts and experiences....

    I've cut out dairy completely and have seen a huge change on my appearance (glowing skin, hair), better mood and yes dropped a few lbs as well but I did it mostly because most cow's milk contains hormones that cause harm and soy milk (products) can cause several endocrine disorders.

    So my best bet is almond milk, coconut milk & hemp milk :)
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I hate seeing these ancient artifact papers being picked clean for facts that support an argument by people who don't understand how to choose or read a research article.

    :laugh: :laugh:

    At least I have studies. I'm sure you did a ton of research before deciding dairy was good for you, right? You didn't just...I don't know...hear it at school or EVERYWHERE?

    I've never really had any class that told me what food was 'good' or 'bad' for me. I certainly understand digestion, though. And how to properly support an argument. Give me 10 minutes and I can pick clean a bunch of papers that WILL say calcium is good for you, etc. etc.

    Yes....calcium IS good for you. When packaged with dairy, however, it causes the blood to become slightly acidic, which the body deals with by pulling calcium from the bones.

    Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself! I used to love milk and now I think it's the most disgusting fluid...full of blood, pus, muscus...ew. Not to mention the fact that it's horrible for your body.

    Just a thought here... so the milk we produce for our children to nurse them on, is that somehow completely fundamentally different from cow's milk? I mean, both milks serve the same purpose, don't they? I'm sure what they're comprised of can vary widely depending on the mother's diet, but human milk probably has some of those same nasty and horrible things you mentioned. I just don't get your argument at all.
  • StephNE500
    A choice to eliminate dairy from one's diet won't necessarily result in weight loss, but it will have other health benefits including reducing one's risk for osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as decrease the amount of pesticides, synthetic hormones, and antibiotics consumed.

    Here's a link to some information about dairy from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

    And another here:

    I've cut dairy out of my diet for about 3 years now. I have eaten some cheese since then, when it was difficult to avoid it while eating at someone else's house, and every time I've done that I remember why I cut it out in the first place. I feel so much better when I don't eat it!!! My advice is to take a chance and stop eating dairy for a 2 weeks to a month and see how you feel. Improvements you might experience are: More regulated bowel movements, better sleep, less skin irritations, improved health/less sickness/better breathing.
  • weightlosswonderwoman
    Lactose intolerant here! Which means I've done a lot of research
    I still eat dairy, just dairy products that have had the lactose broken down into simpler forms of sugars.
    I read that eating and drinking these products can be beneifical to everyone- not just people like me.
    Dairy is hard to digest for everybody, so using lactose-free dairy products makes it easier for your body to digest the dairy which equals less bloating which equals a better body for us all
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Okay, are we talking about pasteurized or raw milk?
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    A choice to eliminate dairy from one's diet won't necessarily result in weight loss, but it will have other health benefits including reducing one's risk for osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as decrease the amount of pesticides, synthetic hormones, and antibiotics consumed.

    Here's a link to some information about dairy from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

    And another here:

    I've cut dairy out of my diet for about 3 years now. I have eaten some cheese since then, when it was difficult to avoid it while eating at someone else's house, and every time I've done that I remember why I cut it out in the first place. I feel so much better when I don't eat it!!! My advice is to take a chance and stop eating dairy for a 2 weeks to a month and see how you feel. Improvements you might experience are: More regulated bowel movements, better sleep, less skin irritations, improved health/less sickness/better breathing.

    I tend to have better regulated bowel movements when I consume yogurt that has live and active cultures in it. Just sayin'... :smokin:
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I hate seeing these ancient artifact papers being picked clean for facts that support an argument by people who don't understand how to choose or read a research article.

    :laugh: :laugh:

    At least I have studies. I'm sure you did a ton of research before deciding dairy was good for you, right? You didn't just...I don't know...hear it at school or EVERYWHERE?

    I've never really had any class that told me what food was 'good' or 'bad' for me. I certainly understand digestion, though. And how to properly support an argument. Give me 10 minutes and I can pick clean a bunch of papers that WILL say calcium is good for you, etc. etc.

    Yes....calcium IS good for you. When packaged with dairy, however, it causes the blood to become slightly acidic, which the body deals with by pulling calcium from the bones.

    Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself! I used to love milk and now I think it's the most disgusting fluid...full of blood, pus, muscus...ew. Not to mention the fact that it's horrible for your body.

    Just a thought here... so the milk we produce for our children to nurse them on, is that somehow completely fundamentally different from cow's milk? I mean, both milks serve the same purpose, don't they? I'm sure what they're comprised of can vary widely depending on the mother's diet, but human milk probably has some of those same nasty and horrible things you mentioned. I just don't get your argument at all.

    That's a great question you brought up. Yes, human milk and cow milk are very different. Human milk is meant for human infants, (duh), who develop slowly and whose main nutritional needs are for the brain. Cows, on the other hand, make milk to facilitate the massive physical growth calves go through. Hence, cow's milk is much higher in protein than is human milk, amoung other things.

    As far as blood, pus, and muscus being in human milk...I don't know. But I don't plan on giving my infant a jug of breast-milk that has been milked from dozens (or more) different females. It'll be straight from me to her, just like nature intended.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Here's a link to some information about dairy from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

    ^^ PETArds with an agenda^^^
    Less than 5 percent of PCRM’s members are physicians, and Barnard is not a nutritionist (he's a psychiatrist).


    "In sum, “The China Study” is a compelling collection of carefully chosen data. Unfortunately for both health seekers and the scientific community, Campbell appears to exclude relevant information when it indicts plant foods as causative of disease, or when it shows potential benefits for animal products."
    For a complete evisceration of that steaming pile, read this:
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I just want to say something, since everyone always gets so worked up whenever I express my opinion that cow's milk is meant for baby cows, and not as a necessary part of the human diet. I'm not trying to be contrary or stomp all over everyone's beloved milk. It took several years of relunctant open-mindedness and skepticism before I gradually came around to my current stance. Here in America, we are taught our entire lives, through school and the media, that dairy is very healthy and we should eat a ton of it. The facts are different. The dairy industry is powerful, and they have influence in the government. I encourage everyone to do their own research and decide for themselves.

    That is all. :)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I don't cut dairy but I don't drink milk anymore mainly because I've never been a fan of it and I prefer for vodka to be the only drink I waste calories on. :wink:

    But I make up my dairy needs with lots 'o cheese! Yum!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I just want to say something, since everyone always gets so worked up whenever I express my opinion that cow's milk is meant for baby cows, and not as a necessary part of the human diet. I'm not trying to be contrary or stomp all over everyone's beloved milk. It took several years of relunctant open-mindedness and skepticism before I gradually came around to my current stance. Here in America, we are taught our entire lives, through school and the media, that dairy is very healthy and we should eat a ton of it. The facts are different. The dairy industry is powerful, and they have influence in the government. I encourage everyone to do their own research and decide for themselves.

    That is all. :)

    Not so much worked up - who doesn't like to debate right? :D
    I'm reading as I study ^-^ If we didn't debate all these studies wouldn't be posted.

    Ron has some awesome ones!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

  • DownSheGoes
    Cutting dairy out of my diet?

    Best thing I've ever bloody done when it comes to my eating habits.
  • DownSheGoes
    Double post.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I just want to say something, since everyone always gets so worked up whenever I express my opinion that cow's milk is meant for baby cows, and not as a necessary part of the human diet. I'm not trying to be contrary or stomp all over everyone's beloved milk. It took several years of relunctant open-mindedness and skepticism before I gradually came around to my current stance. Here in America, we are taught our entire lives, through school and the media, that dairy is very healthy and we should eat a ton of it. The facts are different. The dairy industry is powerful, and they have influence in the government. I encourage everyone to do their own research and decide for themselves.

    That is all. :)

    Not so much worked up - who doesn't like to debate right? :D
    I'm reading as I study ^-^ If we didn't debate all these studies wouldn't be posted.

    Ron has some awesome ones!

    I guess it's just me that gets worked up, then. :)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Never take advice from someone who:

    a) doesn't have a real profile pic

    b) is in worse shape than you