Ignorant office Manuevers!



  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    I am a teacher so...
    after giving instructions the student that comes up to me and asks "What do I do?"

    Ha, so true! I got to writing up the instructions on the whiteboard so I could just wordlessly point at the board.

    Also, "Miss, I don't have a pen!". I really wished I could just send them home - what on earth are you doing at school (especially in English class) without some kind of writing implement? (It was a school in a wealthy area).
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    not using ear buds when listening to music.

    WHISTLINGGGGGG...causing me to listen to my music without earbuds...LOL
    microwaving fish or popcorn!
    Acting like every phone call is to a person that is hard of hearing
  • quigonnjae
    the person who doesnt wash thier hands when leaving the restroom and THEN uses the HAND scanner for the datacenter ..... EWWWWWW
  • quigonnjae
    a person that does a reply to all for an email addressed to the WHOLE company
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I am a teacher so...
    after giving instructions the student that comes up to me and asks "What do I do?"

    Ha, so true! I got to writing up the instructions on the whiteboard so I could just wordlessly point at the board.

    My son does this because he had undetected Autism and really doesn't understand what to do. It took 4 years for him to learn how to ask. I would attempt asking them if they were not paying attention or if they really don't understand. You may be detering a child that truely needs help, although the chances are that they weren't paying attention you could change the efforts of that one student. :) Just saying it's something to think about.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    People who are constantly turning the thermostat down to 60. I'm FREEZING! Keep your damn hands off it! :)

    yeah...this one!!!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    People who cook fish in the microwave!

    Just curious, why?

    Stinks up the whole joint! Some do not like the smell of fish radiating all over the building.
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    smokers who take literately 7 3-5 minute smoke breaks a day ontop of their lunch breaks and normal breaks. I am a non smoker and rarely have time to take a break to pee plus my lunch because i'm covering your BUTT.
  • mngrrl
    Picking off only the top off of a muffin and leaving the rest on the tray. Gross!
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    ignoring you and not talking all day no matter you've said good morning and been off sick a full month

    having fish in the office even when they've been told not to because being serious;ly allergic I end up having to leave the building or worse use eppi pen grrr
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member

    "I am a teacher so...
    after giving instructions the student that comes up to me and asks "What do I do?"

    Maybe the student has a different learning style. I work with students who need written instructions, its just the way they learn. Verbal instructions are not always enough. Some of them have to have a digital recorder in class to play back what the teacher has said. The student could have some type of learning disability that no one has discovered.
  • MJMarry
    OH, I agree! :)
  • Bringing in cookies or sweets. How dare they..
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    We have a dishwasher where I work.. it doesn't actually work but people still insist on putting their dishes in the dishwasher!

    Worst yet there is one good knife for cutting things and it is ALWAYS in the dishwasher! Wash and dry your dishes. And none of this I put it in the dishwasher to dry... because then you should go put it away too!
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    I don't have time now to read all of these, but I hate it when people (not just men) dribble on the toilet seat in the shared bathroom and then don't wipe it off.

    For those who have food thieves, I used to have one that stole my food all the time. I spiked it with very, very, very hot seasonings and kept the real McCoy in a cooler bag. They stopped stealing food. Not just mine, but everyone elses. Might have been because I changed the containers all the time too.
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    People who dig their dip out of their mouth and throw it in my trash can.

    That is too foul for words...:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

    Yes it is. I work in the construction industry and I'm the only girl in an office full of guys. I have a pretty good sense of humor and let the crude jokes, farts and other "guy" things go, but this one is disgusting. Makes me want to hurl.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    For those who have food thieves, I used to have one that stole my food all the time. I spiked it with very, very, very hot seasonings and kept the real McCoy in a cooler bag. They stopped stealing food. Not just mine, but everyone elses. Might have been because I changed the containers all the time too.

    THIS!!!!! I worked with a lady who brought in a gallon of milk to use as creamer for her coffee throughout the week. We had recently moved one of our operations from UT to IL and had to hire a lot of new people in a short amount of time. Needless to say the quality of the people they hired was sub par. Food was constantly being stolen/used/etc. even if you put a note on it. She would even put her milk in a bag and they would use it. I told her if it were mine I'd get a half gallon and add in a bunch of liquid ex-lax. You'd know by who was running to the bathroom who the culprit was. She was too nice and never found out who it was!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    OMG - all of these are so true!! Here is my pain, and all from the two people who are on the otherside of the cube.

    Eating all day. Russling the wrappers, and not chewing with their mouth closed. How can they not hear themselves. Sometimes I mimic them when they are very loud and it annoys me. Then when they talk, they can't be bothered to wait in between bites, they talk loud with mouth full. I have ear buds in with music and can still hear them.

    Also, not getting off their butts to talk to someone in an office, they yell. No consideration what so ever. These people also listen to voice mail on speaker.

    One lady tries to talk low sometimes, but i call it whisper screaming. Even more annoying then her regular outdoor voice that is used almost all day. She also bangs on her desk everytime she makes a point, makes my papers jump. I asked her not to pound since it rattles everything on my desk. She says she does not do that, so now evertime she does, at least 3 times a day, i have to yell stop it.

    I HATE my cubemates. They are loud, inconsiderate and rude.

    Wow...sounds like we work with the same crazies! I also have to add that the same people who talk with their mouths full of food also do the "teeth sucking" noises when they finish eating...disgusting!!!
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    smokers who take literately 7 3-5 minute smoke breaks a day ontop of their lunch breaks and normal breaks. I am a non smoker and rarely have time to take a break to pee plus my lunch because i'm covering your BUTT.

  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    A couple more:

    Sitting at MY desk and putting your feet, shoes and all, up on it. Especially bad since the person is a nurse and knows what is on those shoes!!

    Listening to my telephone conversation and interjecting information. I'm listening to the person on the other end, not you.

    Insisting on talking to me from your stall in the bathroom when I am in another stall doing my business.

    Falling asleep or not paying attention in a meeting and then asking me questions about what you missed.

    In a committee meeting when person Y is there and she uses the time to talk about stuff from a totally different committee meeting which has nothing to do with my department. I feel like I am held hostage.

    And, as already mentioned, having a meeting to plan a meeting about having a meeting. Plus the meeting to decide who will attend the meetings.