Are you going to log Christmas day?



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Nope. I haven't logged since I got pregnant and I probably won't log again until I'm trying to lose weight, which won't be for a while.
  • Mynue_Jeens
    Mynue_Jeens Posts: 98 Member
    I only logged Breakfast on Thanksgiving and will do the same for Christmas.

    One day isn't going to break ou. Just be mindful of what your eating. It's a day or family and friends. I check my calorie counting at the door for such occasions.
  • crysofmyk
    crysofmyk Posts: 52 Member
    YES!! And I'm going to work out on Christmas Day. My son is only 2 3/4...he doesn't really get it yet, and since he never wakes before 7 I should be able to get my work out in AND my shower before we do presents. My gift to myself.
  • dgnagy
    dgnagy Posts: 19
    I'll still log my intake -- if only to help me keep from going TOO far over. A splurge day now and then doesn't seem to hurt me much, but I still strive for some measure of control...
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Oh I'm going to log and enjoy every last morsel :laugh:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I probably won't, but not because of the calories. It'll be because it's the first time we've spent Christmas Day at home instead of traveling to my in-laws', so we'll be hermiting it up in here and playing with all the stuff Santa's going to bring the kids. :)
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Planning to log and planning on going over!!
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I will log just because I am curious as to what it all adds up to. We are having Prime Rib and it will be the first real beef I've had since being on plan and I am looking forward to it. I may have double the serving size, but I will enjoy that and just go easy on the rest of the sides...which I will try to make as healthy as possible since I will be doing the cooking for my family.

    I logged for thanksgiving and watched myself with portions and I still lost that week. I was so happy!!! Would love to have the same happen for Christmas, especially since I will be away from home!
  • chrissvdh02
    probably, but only because I am so curious!
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    YES. I logged on for thanksgiving and logged everything I ate, going do the same Christmas :wink: And I was WAYYYYYYYYY over my goal to :happy: This as become a way of life for me, adding everything logging in everyday :)
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    Yes, I will log...including the "after presents" run I plan to do to give myself some wiggle room. We have healthier options planned for our feast (not heatlhy, mind you, just healthier than normal), and I plan to eat a small sliver of my homemade cheesecake and drink a bottle of wine....its gonna be an awesome day.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    NO! My focus will be on my family and friends!
    Said perfectly. I won't log, not because I don't want to know or because I'm going to binge badly - I probably won't log because I'll be with my family all day. :)

    But you never know, I might log.. *shrug* I might even exercise *gasp*
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you for asking! I was going to ask the same thing, but I wasn't brave enough. My husband asked me and he doesn't think I should. I am thinking I might not, because I will beat myself up for it later. I plan on having cinnamon rolls with icing and a mimosa (or two) in the morning and we are making a big fat dinner later that day. Maybe I just don't need to know on this one day of the year, you know? I don't dare eat that stuff any other time.
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you for asking! I was going to ask the same thing, but I wasn't brave enough. My husband asked me and he doesn't think I should. I am thinking I might not, because I will beat myself up for it later. I plan on having cinnamon rolls with icing and a mimosa (or two) in the morning and we are making a big fat dinner later that day. Maybe I just don't need to know on this one day of the year, you know? I don't dare eat that stuff any other time.
  • anniewinter
    I will be logging in everything everyday except for 2 weeks in that time I log what I eat and drink in a journal on my computer, I will have no internet connection for 2 weeks, so I'm going to do it the old fashioned way :)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Oh yes, I will log...
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I want to log just because im curious how much i eat. Its good though, its summer here, so I just have prawns and salad, so it shouldnttt be too bad....but there is usually alot of dressing and cheese on those salads, so it probably will be quite alot i will if i remember
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I will log in and visit ya'll and I will exercize......I might even log breakfast and lunch (even if that is chips and chocolate).....but once dinner time comes everything is ZERO calories and doesn't count!!
  • lynnmarie60
    no, I'm giving myself that day off but I will eat in moderation. :smile:
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Heck no!