Are you going to log Christmas day?



  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    LOL at the quick add 4k in calories, but seriously may not be the worst idea....
  • amyvandyke
    Without a doubt! I'm so proud of the work I've done that I want to keep tracking my progress!
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    I'm gonna quick add ball park it.
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Yes. I'll log Christmas day just like I log the occasional Christmas cookie and just like I logged Thanksgiving. There are no vacations from a healthy life style and I don't know about you, but I've had enough of allowing myself to do something 1/2-way. Either I'm in it all the way, or I'm not. I've had 20 some years of "days off". That's how I got here in the first place. Mindless eating. I refuse to go back to that place, even for 1 day. It's just not worth it.
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
    i dunno.....i feel off the wagon last week and have been chasing that b*#ch ever think i wil though...
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    Absolutley not, it will make me depressed. I am however taking a pledge to fix my dinner healthier. Regular yams, no brown sugar or marshmellows. Jello instead of pumpkin pie.. etc. I know that I will be over but not as much as last year. Also, working it hard the next couple of days afterward.
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    Nope. I'm not the cook, so there's no way I'd even be able to guesstimate exactly how many calories are in things.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    probably, I might log on with my phone. That will be a little more inconspicuous then getting on the computer while everyone is opening presents and drinking eggnog.
  • spottedlee
    Probably will. I don't think I ever gone overboard with my Christmas meals. If I do, it could be a cheat day.

    I'm cooking, therefore, fatty food will be so little and I will steam LOT of carrots and green beans LOL,, love being the cook!
  • ShaneWinston58
    YES!!! I am going to enjoy myself, but not go crazy with eating goodies. I will blow my caloric count, I know, but I do want to keep track..but have fun in the process.
  • jotiffs12
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe not:tongue::tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • paulkillen1
    paulkillen1 Posts: 4 Member
    Not only am I going to log in but Im going to bring my measuring cups and mini scales with me to my brothers for dinner, It will drive him nuts :-)
  • xaniza
    xaniza Posts: 250 Member
    I'm going to log. I'm planning on going over my limits but, I feel best logging everything - even if it's naughty =)
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Absolutely logging Christmas! If I cannot enjoy Christmas Day because I view it negatively it defeats the purpose of what I am working on. One day does not a lifetime make! I am changing my lifestyle - I am not dieting although obviously I am losing weight. But there is a difference. I am going out tomorrow for our office lunch and Christmas party. I will be over calories. So what? I can burn those extra calories off over the next week and do the same at Christmas.
  • harrydresden
    I'll be logging it ahead of time, just like I have done for Yule (21st December). I'm only even eating anything special on the day, because my mum's going to be here. Otherwise; it's just another day, as I celebrate Yule.

    I won't be "pigging out" over the holidays... simply because I don't want to.
    There's no temptation for crap food, because I really don't like most of it! I'm going to be making some homemade desserts based on green tea (my favourite!) and keep everything soya and tofu, entirely because I cannot eat diary, and I damn well love soya and tofu.

    I honestly don't even know what I'd gorge on over the holidays... I think I'd be full after a mince pie, if I liked them, that is! :3
  • angelswank
    angelswank Posts: 55 Member
    I am going to log it all but i know i will go over on my calories but I am not going to freak out over it. I have only went over on calories one time since I started logging so I think I'm good.
  • mrrad
    mrrad Posts: 46
    Probably will as I am the cook so have already tried to plan what I will eat without going crazy, aiming to stay within my calories by averaging the week and doing plenty of exercise. I want to enjoy a few glasses of Christmas vino!
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    yep! its just as good as any other day.
  • waster196
    waster196 Posts: 138 Member
    Not a chance in hell.
  • ash1976
    ash1976 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes, it won't be pretty, but still going to log!