Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    feeling good after 45 mins of elliptical, burned 347 calories :laugh:
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    I wish someone could jolt me back into things im so blah to start again. The weather was changing and i was ready to start going for some walks and then bam its chilly again. I wanted to paint outside and garden all which burn calories :wink: but now its like winter out and i just want to curl up in bed :frown:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    I wish someone could jolt me back into things im so blah to start again. The weather was changing and i was ready to start going for some walks and then bam its chilly again. I wanted to paint outside and garden all which burn calories :wink: but now its like winter out and i just want to curl up in bed :frown:

    I completely understand! Maybe try some reorganizing inside? Hopefully spring will be bac k again soon :wink:
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    My legs are sooooo sore! I did a weight training routine I clipped from a fitness magazine with free weights yesterday which also had a series of squats and those horrid dip lunges. And my legs were sore this morning. So I took my usual Tuesday lunchtime step aerobic class - hoping to loosen things up - get them warm. And we did so many squats - that now I'm sorer than when I woke up this morning! hello hamstrings :sad: :sad:

    I'm going to have to take some Tylenol before I go to bed.

    The routine is supposed to be done 3x a week - so my plan was to do it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And then Tuesday and Thursday take my usual cardio classes (step and spin). But my legs are trying to convince me that Wednesday yoga class might be better than a repeat of the same routine.

    Oh well, I'll decide tomorrow.

    Happy exercising,
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i was so good all week until i collected the easter egg that i won, holy smoke, there was 795g of chocolate in it! i have ate about 300g of it yesterday and didnt eat a dinner cuz i felt so queasy!

    very bad idea, now i know why i have not had more than 30g of chocolate in months, so today i have done 60 mins on my elliptical already and plan to do another 60 minutes tonight

    i divided the choccie into small 50g bundles, wrapped them up and put them in the freezer, dont want to see the rest of it for awhile! :sick:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member

    i divided the choccie into small 50g bundles, wrapped them up and put them in the freezer, dont want to see the rest of it for awhile! :sick:

    Hahaha :laugh: Good idea!
  • whatabelighter
    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been tracking my calorie intake for the last couple of weeks and the scales proved it this morning. I have gain 3.8 pounds. I have to regain my willpower again. I'm scared that when I reaches my goal weight..will I gain back the pounds again. I have to change something so that this won't happen again....:angry: WHY IS IT SO EASY TO GAIN WEIGHT THAN IT IS TO LOSE..:explode: :grumble: :angry:

    Today I weigh in at 170.6 pounds
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    Hi guys,

    Where did everyone go??? Should we start a new thread or something? I really, really, really like weighing in on Thursdays, and want to keep it going. I'm back on track again, with my weigh in at 175 this morning. I weighed myself the monday after my vacation, and I was back up to 178 :grumble: :sad: - so I'm glad with my results.

    starting weight 183
    wk1 179
    wk2 178
    wk3 177.5
    wk4 175
    wk5 174.5
    wk6 178 (no weigh in)
    wk7 175

    I was trolling through my old fitness magazines, clipping out strength training and cardio workout routines, and saw an interesting article about the two weeks before your period being the ones where you lose the most weight, because your estrogen hormones help your body to utilize fat more efficiently. That was certainly the case for me, because my best loss was the week before my TOM.

    have a great day everyone,
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    wk 0 - 177
    wk 1 - 176
    wk 2 - 174.8
    wk 3 - 174.2
    wk 4 - 173
    wk 5 - 172
    wk 6 - 171
    wk 7 - 170 :smile:

    we are still here! :drinker: i will keep posting even if im on my own, so dont worry about the thread dying! lol

    so i had a bit of an easter egg disaster, BUT i did 2 hours on my elliptical to make it up and i managed to lose 1 pound, still stuck on one pound a week weight loss, and i know i should be really grateful, but i never manage to lose more than that, i suppose im down to my last 24 pounds or so now, so its defo slowing down! :blushing:

    how did you all get on? we have to stick with it, our CHECK in is coming up on the 30th April, so we want to have achieved our mini personal goals by then, will post challenges tonight when everyone has weighed in

    well done and remember, Summer 2009 WILL be different! :flowerforyou:
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    oh my goodness i didnt even realize i missed a thursday! that must say something about my hectic schedule! i'll weigh in today for sure.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Hi all,

    I went away for 2 nights and just got back. It was the first time I saw my brother-in-law and his fiancee since I started my healthy lifestyle. My brother in laws fiancee commented on how great I was looking. Even though I know I'm doing this for myself, it's so nice to get a pat on the back every once in awhile. It gives you a little push to keep on going....:bigsmile:

    I always find it scary going away because of wanting to make healthy food choices but sometimes being limited in what's available. Anyways I did pretty good...I stayed away from the alcohol and dessert. I watched my portion sizes and made fairly good choices given what I had to pick

    I'm down a pound this week, 156 now, and I know it's because I've stepped up my exercise in the last couple of weeks.

    Good luck to everyone else on their weigh-ins & congrats realta on going down a trouser size!!!
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Start 163
    wk 1 162.6
    wk 2 161.2
    wk 3 161
    wk 4 160
    wk 5 162.2
    wk 6 160.6
    wk 7 160

    I was so close to the 150's :grumble: Next week I suppose :smile:

    Congratulations to everyone for another fine week!!!
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Still no change for me. 156.
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    phew - yeah!

    It's so good to know that we are all still working on our goal to have a great summer.

    I got a compliment at the gym today. A big beefy guy wanted to use the flat bench I had staked out, and as part of our chatting he said to me "don't get too skinny, now". Isn't that sweet!! I am so used to thinking of myself as grotesquely overweight and unattractive because of it (even though I know I'm not) that it kinda floored me that someone else would think I looked good right now, and could possibly be on the verge of anorexia. :blushing:

    I've been in a good mood ever since.:wink:

  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Checking in again, same as before, maybe summer will not be different, while it kinda will i already lost a lot, just cant seem to get under 155. Atleast I am not gaining any back.
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    SW: 164
    3/5/09: 162
    3/12/09: 160.5
    3/19/09: 160.5
    3/26/09: 160.5
    4/2/09: 159
    4/9/09: 159
    4/16/09: 159

    i hope it's not going to be three weeks at every step!
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    SW: 164
    3/5/09: 162
    3/12/09: 160.5
    3/19/09: 160.5
    3/26/09: 160.5
    4/2/09: 159
    4/9/09: 159
    4/16/09: 159

    i hope it's not going to be three weeks at every step!

    That has to be soooooo frustrating! You're doing everything RIGHT, and your body hasn't clued in yet.

    Keep trying smithiekat - you can totally do this.

  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Happy Friday everyone!!!!

    I did strength training & cardio today even though I didn't feel like it. :grumble: I know it will help get me the results I want so I'm doing my best not to slack off. I'm hoping to meet my mini-goal I set for the end of April and there's only 2 more weigh-ins until then. Yikes!!! :noway:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i did 15 minutes of strength training before work on my new 'My Fitness Coach' game for the wii, its really cool, can feel the muscles in my arms being worked already :drinker:
  • kfeuvrel
    kfeuvrel Posts: 89 Member
    On Friday's my coworker and I go to an indoor swim center near work, and swim for lunch. Today we swam in the warm pool (there's a traditional lane pool which they keep at a lower temp - because you're supposed to swim at a speed that keeps you warmer than usual, HA! :laugh: ). Although I think I did more resistance walking through the water than I did actually swim laps.

    It's a nice change from going to the gym everyday at lunchtime.

    Tomorrow is my kickboxing class - which is fun, but totally kicks your butt. My legs, particularly my calves, will not be appreciating all the speed foot work. But it's 700 calories, so totally worth it, and keeps me on the straight and narrow on the dreaded "OMG how could I have possibly eaten 2,000 calories!" weekends.

    Stay sane everybody, warm weather is on the way!!!
