I'm that annoying one at the gym who. . . .



  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    is annoyed by the person who gets on the machine RIGHT NEXT TO YOU when there are 80 other available machines lol

    Yeah, what is THAT about? And for some reason, they always seem to have bad breath and are mouth breathers.
  • soymilkcoffee
    I'm the one who will stare at your screen to look at your calories burned and try to beat you. :P
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm not ashamed to say that I sing along with the iPod on my rides. Also, I am that girl who will tell you to get off the cell phone if you're having a nice long (and usually loud) chat on the treadmill next to me...if you're on the phone, you're not working out and you might as well just go to the lounge! It distracts me and is a huge gym pet peeve. >: |

    Hi there,im the girl that if you told me to get off my phone I would probobly tell you to F off and then talk louder.

    And I'm the one who will interject my opinions and/or suggestions on your conversation if you're loud enough that I actually develop a few.
  • smangani
    smangani Posts: 120
    Geeez. I need a new gym. My gym is not nearly as exciting as y'alls. I go, workout, and leave. Once this old lady did the elliptical next to me and farted all workout. It was so yucky.
  • smangani
    smangani Posts: 120
    I'm the one who will stare at your screen to look at your calories burned and try to beat you. :P

    Well, I have done that once. :)
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I don't leave my sweat all over the equipment, but I do irradiate them.
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I'm the chick that takes the corner treadmill so I can practice making faces into the wall mirrors. You may think I'm joking, but I'm not. Through 30 minutes of cardio, I listen to my mp3 player, look at the mirror, and practice making a variety of strange faces that would rouse the suspicions of the men in white coats, LOL!

    lol awesome

    this chick is my friend, and I can concur that she is awesome!

  • djhansz1
    ME TOO!! But I guess I really don't care because everyone else has earbuds in too.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    At one point I worked out in steel toed boots. Including treadmill time. So you'd hear the pitter patter of tennies and then there was me, sounding like a charging wildebeest. I'm sure nobody appreciated it much.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    me too, me too, me too!!! I was thinking this when I selected this post. I hope nobody at the gym minds. I love to sing so I have to mouth the words.
    I'm that annoying woman on the stairmaster or stationary bike next to you who mouths the words to the music I'm listening to on my I-Pod-- and occasionally accidentally sings out loud without realizing it.

    What annoying person are YOU ?!
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I'm the annoying one who. . .

    Uses the disinfectant and sprays down and cleans the water fountain before refilling my bottle.
    And some dude watched me clean it the other day and stepped in and germed it up while I was putting the disinfectant away. I had to clean it twice.

    Give a germaphobe a break!
  • CurlyQTee
    I'm the one who gives you a pissy look when you use the machine I'm working out on when there is another one that's the same dang thing that isn't being used. :angry:
  • ankya316
    I'm the annoying one who goes early to the gym to run on the best treadmill or cycle on the best allegro and hog it for 30-45mins!! :p
  • CurlyQTee
    I hunt people down who don't wipe down their machines. I will throw a rag and disinfectant bottle at everyone and call them slobs for not wiping down their machines, as I discuss how discusting herps/cold sores are with them

    I love this. HAHAHA
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    I'm the annoying one who. . .

    Uses the disinfectant and sprays down and cleans the water fountain before refilling my bottle.
    And some dude watched me clean it the other day and stepped in and germed it up while I was putting the disinfectant away. I had to clean it twice.

    Give a germaphobe a break!

    how funny i'm the same way... i CLEAN EVERYTHING!!!!
  • lolathompson
    lolathompson Posts: 70 Member
    You guys are cute! I feel all of you and I sing out loud a bit myself... Lol! actually ALOT!!!
  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    I'm the person wheezing and gasping for breath on the treadmill, making sounds like an 80 year old emphysema patient having rough sex with a spry 20 year old.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    ...wears make up at the gym (hey, I have it one when I show up...doesn't bug me so I have no reason to take it off)

    ...doesn't talk to anyone, I will smile for a greeting but I'm there to workout, not chat

    ...holds my boobs while I run

    ...(if I have the control of the tv) puts the tv on mute and turns on the news (the real news, not fox news)
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm the one who can't be next to anyone because I am so competitive ... If someone is next to me on the treadmill, elliptical, or any other machine I have to be going faster and harder.
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    mouths words to songs...hey I'm pretending to have a rave party on the elliptical...can't help it.

    has black eye makeup running down my face from sweat (I never bother to take that stuff off when the sweat gets it for me)

    wears pajama booty shorts. (I hate pants and I'm usually the only one in my fitness center early in the morning/super late at night anyway.)