Coworkers are sabatoging me



  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Take them and give them to the homeless guy who stands by the freeway exit
    or throw them in the garbage.
    Don't let small stuff bother you.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    To emurano: I totally get the cultural "thing" (for lack of a better term) regarding not disrespecting your family even when they're pushing food on you. However, that is STILL your issue. Not your family's. In so many cultures/families, feeding those you care about is a sign of prosperity, adoration, etc. If you (generic you, not "you" specifically) have decided to buck that tradition, then (IMHO) it's your responsibility to suck it up and not be an *kitten* about it.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    To emurano: I totally get the cultural "thing" (for lack of a better term) regarding not disrespecting your family even when they're pushing food on you. However, that is STILL your issue. Not your family's. In so many cultures/families, feeding those you care about is a sign of prosperity, adoration, etc. If you (generic you, not "you" specifically) have decided to buck that tradition, then (IMHO) it's your responsibility to suck it up and not be an *kitten* about it.

    Oh absolutely! I didn't mean to give the impression that I'm blaming my family's culture for my obesity. Well I sort of am, but the point I was trying to make (badly I guess) is that no matter what outside influences you have (Leb family, pushy co-workers, biological disadvantages) you HAVE TO take control of your progress and work around these things.

    To give the original poster the benefit of the doubt I think she's really just asking for help or venting in order to release that pressure so she can re-focus.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    * duplicate post*
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member

    To give the original poster the benefit of the doubt I think she's really just asking for help or venting in order to release that pressure so she can re-focus.


    This is exactly why I started this thread; in order to vent my frustration and re-focus my efforts into sticking to a healthy life style.
  • XtinaHayden
    I had the same problem when I worked in an office. Birthdays or holidays would come up (and it seemed to happen oh so often) and people would pretty much demand I have a slice of cake or a cookie etc. Just got to continue to be firm with the no, yet still polite. If they put it on your desk anyway or hand you a piece, just toss it in the trash.

    But yeah, I def. understand your frustrating. It's so hard when people don't take it seriously when you try to lose weight an eat better.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    No one is sabotaging you. You make the choice to accept the cookies and junk food and eat it.

    They are probably just being nice and used to giving you things like this so don't take it out on them. Just gently say, "no thanks" or toss it, regift it, etc.

    People DO do it intentionally though, my coworkers have done the same. I said no to some maltesers, they all know I am trying to lose weight and I know how many calories some maltesers have. Whilst I was in the bathroom they left a big bowl of maltesers right in front of my keyboard! Then they thought it was funny when I got back. I know nobody can force me to eat anything I don't want, but I'd really prefer it if my coworkers respected what I said and didn't try and make my life harder. I avoid having those things around because I don't need the temptation.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    No one has sabotaged you, the only way anyone can make you eat anything is if they hold you down, pry your mouth open and shove it down your throat. You have the choice to eat it or not.

    My husband brought the family out to McDonalds the other night while we were doing Christmas shopping, no one made me eat there, no one made me eat a big mac and fries, nope I had a snack wrap, not my first choice, and not something I ever really care if I eat again, I make my mind up on what I put in my belly. So do you. If you don't want to eat it, then don't eat it. No one can make you say no, you have to tell yourself to say no. It's a little thing called Will power. No they should respect you and not put the stuff on your desk, but if they do, dump it out, you don't have to eat nothing you don't want to eat, obviously you wanted to eat it if you ate it.
  • XtinaHayden
    This is the best part of being vegan - instant excuse not to eat co-workers' crap. "Sorry, that has milk/eggs/animal product in it, but thanks for the thought!"

    Otherwise, I just take it, thank them, and then dump it/regift it.

    lol. People also tend to take diets more seriously and not be as insistant if you state it's for a medical reason.

    For example. When I was stuck going to luncheons for work and people would ask why I'm not eating, I would simply say, "My doctor has me on a special diet for high cholesterol." then people wouldn't push the issue. PRoblem solved.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    No one has sabotaged you, the only way anyone can make you eat anything is if they hold you down, pry your mouth open and shove it down your throat. You have the choice to eat it or not.

    My husband brought the family out to McDonalds the other night while we were doing Christmas shopping, no one made me eat there, no one made me eat a big mac and fries, nope I had a snack wrap, not my first choice, and not something I ever really care if I eat again, I make my mind up on what I put in my belly. So do you. If you don't want to eat it, then don't eat it. No one can make you say no, you have to tell yourself to say no. It's a little thing called Will power. No they should respect you and not put the stuff on your desk, but if they do, dump it out, you don't have to eat nothing you don't want to eat, obviously you wanted to eat it if you ate it.

    I didn't eat it.
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    If your colleagues have that mindset then just say thankyou . Put the treats in the drawer for later also known as the bin.

    The secret to getting on with your weight loss program at work is to keep it to your self. It is hard to do that because we would like the support and praise from all.

    You will get that support and praise here. :happy:

    Do it for yourself, don't broadcast your intentions and you will find you will stick with it.

    They will be so surprised at how fit and healthier you will be in the new year.

    Don't get stressed enjoy the holiday season :bigsmile:
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    This is the best part of being vegan - instant excuse not to eat co-workers' crap. "Sorry, that has milk/eggs/animal product in it, but thanks for the thought!"

    Otherwise, I just take it, thank them, and then dump it/regift it.

    She is not talking about anything severely restrictive like veganism... she is talking about people who didnt accept "No thank you" for an answer to bad food choices... and milk, eggs, meats are not bad foods....
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'd be thankful and flattered that your coworkers love you. Since the beginning of cultural development food has been a vital part of community, if they didn't like you they wouldn't offer.

    However, I'm making 4+ kinds of dessert tonight to take into my office for Monday.

    Be grateful that we live in a time when butter and flour aren't scarce, be grateful that we have such a surplus people can feed those who don't want food. Be GRATEFUL and don't complain. Don't it eat, take it home and feed it to the neighbor kid or throw it out, do an extra 10 minutes at the gym. Don't complain about too much food. I have friends in Haiti who don't have enough.

    You didnt read the post entirely if you think she is complaining about being given food, in general.

    She is complaining because the coworkers didnt take 'no thank you' for an answer and willingly decided to keep pushing the food on her.

    It doesnt matter whether or not they knew about her weight loss efforts.. the simple fact that she said "no thank you', and yet THEY keep pushing the food is the real issue. THAT is wrong.

    Those coworkers are just like our family members who feel the need to keep pushing food on you. They are just as low and equally rude if they refuse to listen and continue to push the food.

    Ive left family members' homes from their dinner table when they would continue to push me to have food. And when they ask me why Im leaving, I tell them the truth!!! "Sorry but I cant stay here if you cant understand what 'no thank you' means and I should only have to say it ONE-time and that's it. "

    I dont even care if there are in fact people out there who are just looking for the person to try it and hope they like it.. I dont care. They can tell me all they want how their feelings were hurt because I wouldnt try their dish - but thats too damn bad.

    The OP has people she works with that dont give a rats' *kitten* and willingly ignored her 'no thank you' and kept pushing....

    THAT is rude and unacceptable.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    She is not talking about anything severely restrictive like veganism... she is talking about people who didnt accept "No thank you" for an answer to bad food choices... and milk, eggs, meats are not bad foods....

    Sorry if my post was unclear - I was simply saying that generally, I find that people are less insistent if I tell them I cannot have something because I'm vegan than because I am trying to lose weight.

    Also, my choice not to exclude milk, eggs and meats from my diet doesn't have to do so much with their effects on my body as it does with concern for animal welfare.
  • kellyb63
    kellyb63 Posts: 109 Member
    Take a brown grocery bag to work. Put it at your desk. When someone insists leaving unwanted food at your desk, just pick it up put it in the grocery bag when they walk away. You know what to do with the grocery bag.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Take a brown grocery bag to work. Put it at your desk. When someone insists leaving unwanted food at your desk, just pick it up put it in the grocery bag when they walk away. You know what to do with the grocery bag.

    "This grocery bag will now self-destruct."
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    The OP has people she works with that dont give a rats' *kitten* and willingly ignored her 'no thank you' and kept pushing....

    THAT is rude and unacceptable.
    The world is full of rude people.

    You cannot control them, you can only control how you choose to react to them.

    Personally, I find it makes me far happier to choose to be strong and rise above it and firmly follow my own chosen path, than to get angry and upset and rail against the world.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Really though... your coworkers probably could give two dumps what you're doing. They don't really care that much about you. When most people leave work that's it. They don't spend time with you after work, they're not your friends and really they don't care.
    Why should they? I'm sure you feel the same way about them, so why do you think they'd care if you're on a diet or trying to lose weight?

    Do you go home and wonder what your coworkers are doing? No.
    They're not jealous, they're not trying to sabotage you.
    They're just being nice at work and giving out food because that's what people do at holidays. It happened last year, it will happen again next year and the year after that.

    I hate to break it to you and all the haters out there but your coworkers lives don't revolve around you and what you're doing.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Really though... your coworkers probably could give two dumps what you're doing. They don't really care that much about you. When most people leave work that's it. They don't spend time with you after work, they're not your friends and really they don't care.
    Why should they? I'm sure you feel the same way about them, so why do you think they'd care if you're on a diet or trying to lose weight?

    Do you go home and wonder what your coworkers are doing? No.
    They're not jealous, they're not trying to sabotage you.
    They're just being nice at work and giving out food because that's what people do at holidays. It happened last year, it will happen again next year and the year after that.

    I hate to break it to you and all the haters out there but your coworkers lives don't revolve around you and what you're doing.
    Every single word of it.
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    Nahh they aren't intentionally trying to because it gains them nothing. If you want to be polite and yet turn the tables in a funny way, Say "hey thanks but I'm on a strict dietary regimen so by next year I will be as HOT AS YOU, and this just isn't in that plan!" They will probably be speechless and yet you made their day as well! Lee #NoexcusesLetsgo