P90X... starting a new thread...



  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    My husband and I are doing P90X together and we are both seeing results. I did get a little discouraged at first, since he was dropping weight really fast, but we are now on week 7 and i have lost 9 pounds and he is at about 14 or 15. It is definitely the hardest workout i have ever done and i am not a fan of the yoga, but it is the first workout that keeps me motivated so they are doing something right.

    Don't get discouraged. Men just lose weight faster; it's just a fact of life. Just put that scale away and concentrate on your inches & body fat lost. Tony has said that it might as well be called P120X for women because it takes that much longer for us. :grumble:

    Good luck on your journey!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I like Yoga a lot - which surprised me as I didnt' think I would. The former dancer in me though really loved it! Lean wasn't my choice but since I got this program to help get my hubby working out, I went with his choice. I prefer weights over cardio. :)

    Yay! I love YogaX!! I look forward to it every week, and will sometimes do it instead of XStretch. I'm still trying to convince my husband to join me. Congratulations!
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    As of Friday my husband and I are officially P90X graduates. I am very pleased with my results I didn't drop a lot of weight only 3lbs but I have more definition in my arms, triceps, back, and legs, clothes are looser and I just feel great. It really changed my whole fitness philosophy. I bought the p90X plus and plan to develop my own hybrid combo so that I can go back to more cycling and running.

    Good luck everyone! It takes a lot of dedication, planning, and preparation to a complete a program of this intensity but it is really the best I have encountered. I plan on making P90X a Winter Ritual. I am looking forward to continuing to "Bring It".
  • kenewayne
    kenewayne Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all!! I haven't posted on the new thread yet, so here goes!

    I started Phase III of the P90X yesterday. I'm just getting around to re-working my diet for this phase. Here's where the trouble starts (and the "asking for help" begins!):

    I'm supposed to eat 2400 calories a day. 60% Carbs, 20% Protien, and 20% Fat...60% Carbs!!??? I'm a meat eater! Always have been. I hate veggies! (no offense vegans!:happy: ). Can anyone out there give me any ideas on what kind of carbs I can eat? I know bread is bad...cheeseburger, bad, fries bad, coca-cola "oops I said it" bad!! ....sorry. Flashback of the Plyo DVD! :ohwell:

    Anyway...suggestions anyone?
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    Oatmeal, thomas whole grain english muffins and mini-bagels, la tortilla factory wraps, other whole grains sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice,fruit? I struggle with carbs too tend to follow the lean protein/South Beach format, but have found they do help keep your energy up.

    You will hear Tony's quotes in your sleep as you progress in Phase III :laugh:
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    As of Friday my husband and I are officially P90X graduates. I am very pleased with my results I didn't drop a lot of weight only 3lbs but I have more definition in my arms, triceps, back, and legs, clothes are looser and I just feel great. It really changed my whole fitness philosophy. I bought the p90X plus and plan to develop my own hybrid combo so that I can go back to more cycling and running.

    Good luck everyone! It takes a lot of dedication, planning, and preparation to a complete a program of this intensity but it is really the best I have encountered. I plan on making P90X a Winter Ritual. I am looking forward to continuing to "Bring It".

    Woo-Hoo!! Congratulations! Isn't it a wonderful feeling?! I also have the Plus DVDs and can't wait to start those next. Good luck on the next leg of your journey.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi all!! I haven't posted on the new thread yet, so here goes!

    I started Phase III of the P90X yesterday. I'm just getting around to re-working my diet for this phase. Here's where the trouble starts (and the "asking for help" begins!):

    I'm supposed to eat 2400 calories a day. 60% Carbs, 20% Protien, and 20% Fat...60% Carbs!!??? I'm a meat eater! Always have been. I hate veggies! (no offense vegans!:happy: ). Can anyone out there give me any ideas on what kind of carbs I can eat? I know bread is bad...cheeseburger, bad, fries bad, coca-cola "oops I said it" bad!! ....sorry. Flashback of the Plyo DVD! :ohwell:

    Anyway...suggestions anyone?

    Good ideas from Kak. Also... Phase 3 is just a suggestion. If you are feeling good eating Phase 2 diet, then stick with it!! Some people (like me ) don't do well eating so many carbs. Healthy or not, if I eat a lot of carb then I gain weight. So... if you want to stick w/ Phase 2 and you are still feeling good then stick with it!

    But... for good carbs you got good suggestions. Oatmeal (old fashioned or steel cut oats), whole grain (check the labels especially for breads that it isn't enriched... but actually 100% whole wheat) bread and pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, higher fiber cereals, etc.

    And yes, Tony gets in your head and never leaves! :laugh:
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oatmeal, thomas whole grain english muffins and mini-bagels, la tortilla factory wraps, other whole grains sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice,fruit? I struggle with carbs too tend to follow the lean protein/South Beach format, but have found they do help keep your energy up.

    You will hear Tony's quotes in your sleep as you progress in Phase III :laugh:

    I agree. Stick with whole wheat options and stay away from the processed stuff. I also struggle with getting enough carbs and usually come up short. I just bought some Clif Energy Bars, which come in many tasty flavors and have roughly 40+g carbs & 10g protein, depending on the flavor. I started having one before my workouts on strength days, and I have noticed quite an improvement over working out on an empty stomach (I workout very early in the morning).
  • TheBull50
    TheBull50 Posts: 220
    la tortilla factory wraps are only 23 carbs, not that bad at all. i usually toast one in the toaster over and use some sugar free Black Berry Jam on it. Nice morning breakfast.
  • kenewayne
    kenewayne Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all!! I haven't posted on the new thread yet, so here goes!

    I started Phase III of the P90X yesterday. I'm just getting around to re-working my diet for this phase. Here's where the trouble starts (and the "asking for help" begins!):

    I'm supposed to eat 2400 calories a day. 60% Carbs, 20% Protien, and 20% Fat...60% Carbs!!??? I'm a meat eater! Always have been. I hate veggies! (no offense vegans!:happy: ). Can anyone out there give me any ideas on what kind of carbs I can eat? I know bread is bad...cheeseburger, bad, fries bad, coca-cola "oops I said it" bad!! ....sorry. Flashback of the Plyo DVD! :ohwell:

    Anyway...suggestions anyone?

    Good ideas from Kak. Also... Phase 3 is just a suggestion. If you are feeling good eating Phase 2 diet, then stick with it!! Some people (like me ) don't do well eating so many carbs. Healthy or not, if I eat a lot of carb then I gain weight. So... if you want to stick w/ Phase 2 and you are still feeling good then stick with it!

    But... for good carbs you got good suggestions. Oatmeal (old fashioned or steel cut oats), whole grain (check the labels especially for breads that it isn't enriched... but actually 100% whole wheat) bread and pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes or regular potatoes, higher fiber cereals, etc.

    And yes, Tony gets in your head and never leaves! :laugh:

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! GREAT ones! How could I forget good 'ol oatmeal! :embarassed: .

    Jess, I was considering sticking with my normal diet cuz' it seems to be working pretty well with me, but I was afraid if I didn't stick to the P90X rules, I wouldn't progress. So, thanks for the advice...I may just have to see what happens with a 'few' more carbs!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    la tortilla factory wraps are only 23 carbs, not that bad at all. i usually toast one in the toaster over and use some sugar free Black Berry Jam on it. Nice morning breakfast.

    Mmmm. That sounds good. I use them to make wraps for lunch. I use 3 oz grilled chicken, 1/2 cup avocado, and 1 tsp honey mustard. I just had one today. :smile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    la tortilla factory wraps are only 23 carbs, not that bad at all. i usually toast one in the toaster over and use some sugar free Black Berry Jam on it. Nice morning breakfast.

    I like the small low-carb ones, they only have 11g carb and 8g fiber!! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! GREAT ones! How could I forget good 'ol oatmeal! :embarassed: .

    Jess, I was considering sticking with my normal diet cuz' it seems to be working pretty well with me, but I was afraid if I didn't stick to the P90X rules, I wouldn't progress. So, thanks for the advice...I may just have to see what happens with a 'few' more carbs!

    No problem! Yep, if you find something that's working for you, stick with it! If you feel like you need more carb, then go for it. I do best around 50% carb/ 25% fat/ 25% protein (which is what I have my MFP set at). Everyone reacts differently! :wink:
  • purple120
    purple120 Posts: 244 Member
    Starting week two, lost four pounds. I only weighed myself this week because I wanted to see if the calories I'm eating are right for me, seems like its working. I'm trying to eat 50% protien 30% carbs 20% fat, at least until I finish phase one. My 22 year-old son is also doing P90X, he hasnt weighed himself, is starting his third week and tells me he's lost several inches already. Keep presing play.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Starting week two, lost four pounds. I only weighed myself this week because I wanted to see if the calories I'm eating are right for me, seems like its working. I'm trying to eat 50% protien 30% carbs 20% fat, at least until I finish phase one. My 22 year-old son is also doing P90X, he hasnt weighed himself, is starting his third week and tells me he's lost several inches already. Keep presing play.

    Yay!! Good job!! There's nothing like having a workout partner to keep you motivated. I'm trying to convince the husband, but he is resistant. I think he's skerred. :tongue:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    Day 2 done! omg can anyone say plyo burn! please tell me thats the hardest workout!
  • kenewayne
    kenewayne Posts: 169 Member
    Day 2 done! omg can anyone say plyo burn! please tell me thats the hardest workout!

    That's the hardest workout.:happy:
  • jen92876
    jen92876 Posts: 6
    Definitely the hardest workout!! I puked the first time i did it!! And now at the 7th week it is my favorite workout!!! And I make it through like a champ:bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone... Did Kenpo X last night and burned over 500 calories!!! I also got Stretch X out of the way because I have volleyball tonight, and didn't have time to do it today. Plyo tomorrow... Which is soooo tough, but my new favorite!!!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Day 2 done! omg can anyone say plyo burn! please tell me thats the hardest workout!

    Yep, it's the 'Mother' of all X workouts. Love it!!