P90X... starting a new thread...



  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    those were the 2 I figured we'd need room for - we'll just have to move some furniture around - not a big deal.

    We also only have 1 set of bowflex weights so we're thinking about getting the bands for weights so we can do that part together too.
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    I'm starting week 2, phase 1, Lean.
    I teach 3X a week weight training classes and 2X week spinning so I thought I was already getting weight lifting so I would do Lean for more cardio.
    I'm trying to fit in the 6 days of P90X with my 5 days of teaching classes. Week 1 kicked my butt. I LOVE the P90X workouts but I was so tired at the end of every day. I tried the Phase 1 nutrition but I have to have more carbs so after week 1 I have changed to Phase 2 Nutrition. 40%carb, 40%protein, 20% fat.
    I agree with the above post. I know it's only been a week but no noticeable change. I do feel a bit stronger but no leaner. I actually gained 2 lbs last week but I"m having thyroid issues and new meds right now so that's a different story all together.

    When do you think you began to see noticeable results? I'm wondering if I'm going to see much of a difference at all on the scales so when do you think differences in my measurements might show?

    For those who asked about the fitness test. I did the test and had no problem with anything (except pull ups). I am strong and did 16 toe push ups easy but not even 1 pull up. Not even 1/2 a pull up. I haven't gotten to that DVD yet so I'm good with everything else so far. LOVE THE YOGA, CORE, and KENPO. Haven't done PLYO yet but my friend loves it. Heard it was really hard.
    I think the fitness test is good because you record your starting point and then can have another measure after 90 days.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    those were the 2 I figured we'd need room for - we'll just have to move some furniture around - not a big deal.

    We also only have 1 set of bowflex weights so we're thinking about getting the bands for weights so we can do that part together too.

    Yeah, you don't need too much room except don't kick each other during Kenpo! :bigsmile: The bands would be a good option since you only have 1 set. I just ordered the BowFlex Select Tech 552's and I can't WAIT to get them!! (they were on back order though, bummer! :ohwell: )
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm starting week 2, phase 1, Lean.
    I teach 3X a week weight training classes and 2X week spinning so I thought I was already getting weight lifting so I would do Lean for more cardio.
    I'm trying to fit in the 6 days of P90X with my 5 days of teaching classes. Week 1 kicked my butt. I LOVE the P90X workouts but I was so tired at the end of every day. I tried the Phase 1 nutrition but I have to have more carbs so after week 1 I have changed to Phase 2 Nutrition. 40%carb, 40%protein, 20% fat.
    I agree with the above post. I know it's only been a week but no noticeable change. I do feel a bit stronger but no leaner. I actually gained 2 lbs last week but I"m having thyroid issues and new meds right now so that's a different story all together.

    When do you think you began to see noticeable results? I'm wondering if I'm going to see much of a difference at all on the scales so when do you think differences in my measurements might show?

    For those who asked about the fitness test. I did the test and had no problem with anything (except pull ups). I am strong and did 16 toe push ups easy but not even 1 pull up. Not even 1/2 a pull up. I haven't gotten to that DVD yet so I'm good with everything else so far. LOVE THE YOGA, CORE, and KENPO. Haven't done PLYO yet but my friend loves it. Heard it was really hard.
    I think the fitness test is good because you record your starting point and then can have another measure after 90 days.

    Good for you! I started seeing results after about 2 weeks! (although I felt it after the first week!) It sounds like you're already in great shape! I'm a runner and thought I was in good shape until I started... then I realized how weak my upper body was!! :huh: But now I can do pushups and pullups and love it! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I did the Lean program for the first month. Today is the beginning of my second month, and I am switching to the Classic program. For me, I really enjoy weight lifting, and the Lean program didn't have enough of it. Also, I do sports and I know that Plyometrics will be good for me to do, but it wasn't included in the Lean program.

    Woohoo for Classic! I LOVE the Classic routine! I tried lean, but I really love the weight training! Just FYI, if anyone is doing Lean and wants to do Plyo, then just sub it in for CardioX. :wink:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    So yesterday I started week 2. I LOVE p 90X, I have lost 4 pounds and a bunch of inches. I have really been watching what I have been eating and both my husband and I have been bringing it. Thanks to everyone on this thread, ya'll help to keep us motivated. I can't wait for PLYO X tonight. YEAH

    That is awesome!! 4# down and lots of inches? :drinker: Keep it up!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yea, I agree that you will find more success early on in terms of inches, not lbs. Overall, you may not lose a whole lot of weight. You WILL look and feel great. There is nothing like a beautiful, strong body...no matter what the scale says.

    ITA with this. I didn't lose much weight at first, but lost inches all over! My clothes got looser and I lost that *muffin top* over the jeans. Just keep at it, that muscle will start to build and the fat will start melting off! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello P90X'ers!! Today was my running day, so I hit the treadmill for a 4 mile speedwork run. Will do Ab Ripper X w/ my hubby later tonight and my daily pushups! :bigsmile:
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    Well I've been going for a week but I didn't take "before" pics. I guess I"ll go ahead and do that. I really like this thread. The one at BeachBody is just going in to many directions.
    I am going to try swapping some CardioX for some PlyoX. Can't wait to try it. Only hear good things.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Well I've been going for a week but I didn't take "before" pics. I guess I"ll go ahead and do that. I really like this thread. The one at BeachBody is just going in to many directions.
    I am going to try swapping some CardioX for some PlyoX. Can't wait to try it. Only hear good things.

    Yes, take them now! You'll be happy that you had them to compare to! PlyoX is a tough one, but fun! Lots of great moves and you'll get your heart pumpin'! :bigsmile:
  • Newbie on myfitnesspal & here's my first post: Staring P90X tomorrow & am terrified. Middle aged, needing to lose 35 pounds to get to a healthy BMI & just ready to go for it! :wink:
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Newbie on myfitnesspal & here's my first post: Staring P90X tomorrow & am terrified. Middle aged, needing to lose 35 pounds to get to a healthy BMI & just ready to go for it! :wink:

    good for you. I wish we'd ordered ours a week ago so we could start together. Maybe they'll more starting it next week with me.
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    Newbie on myfitnesspal & here's my first post: Staring P90X tomorrow & am terrified. Middle aged, needing to lose 35 pounds to get to a healthy BMI & just ready to go for it! :wink:
    Making assumptions about you based on you quote above. First of all good for you. I love P90X.
    My 2 cents.
    Take the fitness test. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't get hurt and watch you back. There is a lot of core work and if your core isn't ready your back will suffer.
    This is a tough workout.
    I found that most of the things they do on the cardo DVDs are just a tad to fast for my comfort.
    The first time I did the DVD's I tried to follow them exactly. The next time I picked "Music and Cues" from the start menu. The exercise will be listed at the bottom of the screen with the time - counting down- for each exercise. He will announce the exercise and then the music plays.
    I do as many as I can at my pace.
    For example - they do jumping jacks jumping up into the air making a big X with the body.
    They do about 10 and I do about 6.
    Drea Roll - They do about 12 and I do about 8.

    You can always push pause if you need to catch your breath or get water. They move fast between exercises.
    Pushing "forward" will move to the next exercise if you feel that you are not ready for something.
    Most DVD's have a "bonus round" at the end. You might want to skip that the first few times and have a goal to do it by the second month (Phase 2)
    Good luck. Enjoy.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Okay, so I'm officially down one more pound(whoo-hoo!!!!!)and just completed my very first Phase 2 workout!!! My upper-body strength has improved dramatically in this first month, but boy did Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps just kick my butt!!! My newest goal is to make it through all of the 1 handed pushups(on knees, of course) by the end of the month. And as for clapping push-ups, I was inches from doing a face plant... I have the utmost respect for the people who have done more than 1 round with this program.....:drinker:

    Emdede-Don't be afraid!!! Just take it slow, and make sure to listen to your own body. You'll want to start off doing the same amount of reps and weights as the people on the DVD's, but you have to remember to pace yourself!!! And for some good insight as to how sore everyone is on their 1st week, refer to the old thread that we were on... It'll be good for some laughs, too:bigsmile:
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello All. This is my very first post, but I lurk a lot. :tongue:

    I've done two complete rounds of P90X (1 lean, 1 classic), and am currently on week 9 of my third round (also classic). It's a tough program, and yes, it really does work! In fact, my husband who is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is scared to do it with me! :smile:

    I just wanted to add my two cents and remind everyone not to get discouraged about results -- especially early on. It's P90X, not P14X. It's a 90-day program, and I promise if you are committed and follow the nutrition guide, you will see results at 90 days.

    Also, it just takes longer for women to get the same results as men.

    Good luck on your journey everyone!
  • danielle1009
    danielle1009 Posts: 35 Member
    Sandy, Thanks for those words, your right---and I told myself the same thing this morning when I was looking at my workout calendar. I only have 15 boxes crossed out---I still have a longggg way to go...and I have plenty of time to get where I want to be.

    I took pictures this morning because I didn't take them on day 1. So now I'll be able to look back and actually see the changes.

    I'm finding a whole new motivation now, its really time to BRING IT!

    Thanks everyone!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Sandy, Thanks for those words, your right---and I told myself the same thing this morning when I was looking at my workout calendar. I only have 15 boxes crossed out---I still have a longggg way to go...and I have plenty of time to get where I want to be.

    I took pictures this morning because I didn't take them on day 1. So now I'll be able to look back and actually see the changes.

    I'm finding a whole new motivation now, its really time to BRING IT!

    Thanks everyone!


    I highly recommend the pictures! You will really see changes in the pictures, much better than just seeing yourself in the mirror. YEAH for new motivation!! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello All. This is my very first post, but I lurk a lot. :tongue:

    I've done two complete rounds of P90X (1 lean, 1 classic), and am currently on week 9 of my third round (also classic). It's a tough program, and yes, it really does work! In fact, my husband who is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is scared to do it with me! :smile:

    I just wanted to add my two cents and remind everyone not to get discouraged about results -- especially early on. It's P90X, not P14X. It's a 90-day program, and I promise if you are committed and follow the nutrition guide, you will see results at 90 days.

    Also, it just takes longer for women to get the same results as men.

    Good luck on your journey everyone!

    ITA. People want to see results in 30 days. They will... but you gotta give it the whole 90 days to see the *whole* picture! Tony Horton himself says that it is more of a P120X for women to see results than men (not fair! :grumble: ). My hubby lost weight a lot faster than I did too. Just keep at it! If you are struggling with something, it will get easier. Keep doing your pushups, pick up heavier weights (I'm a big fan of the 8-10 reps of heavy weights instead of the 12-15 reps of lighter weights), and do as many pullups (even assisted) as you can. :bigsmile:
  • is it normal to still be sore from the day 1 workout on day 2 lol :laugh:

    the sore part is mostly my chest ... and tomorrow is shoulders with ab-x so im a little nervous
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    is it normal to still be sore from the day 1 workout on day 2 lol :laugh:

    the sore part is mostly my chest ... and tomorrow is shoulders with ab-x so im a little nervous

    Um, yeah... you should be sore! That way you know you're bringing it! I was extremely sore every day for the first 2 weeks... :tongue:
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