What was your trigger to lose weight?



  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hearing "you looked like that?" why do you look like this. Seeing myself in a counseling mock session video and being called "Precious" from the movie.
  • leslielt
    leslielt Posts: 113 Member
    i decided i needed to get healthier when my cousin asked me to help move a desk and i couldn't even lift the stupid thing
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Thinking I was 160, getting on the scale, and being 180. TWENTY pounds heavier than what you thought... on a 5'4" frame... big deal for me. My highest weight before that, my "I'll never weight this much ever again" was 175... beating it by 5 lbs definitely woke me up.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    A Mirror !!!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    My trigger to finally get my butt in gear and get serious was my nuro/opthamologist telling me if didn't lose 10-15% of my weight he was going to have to drill a hole in my head to input a shunt to releive the pressure and bleeding behind my eyes. That was enough for me to stop playing around gaining 10lbs losing 10lbs. So here I am doing the best I can, using all the tools and help available to me.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    realizing that my depression had gotten the best of me when my fat pants were my regular jeans and starting to get snug!
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    Seeing a picture of me with Mickey Mouse. I looked fatter than Mickey in the costume...
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    Pictures from our family vacation in Florida. That was in April and I've lost 64 pounds :) I've had 4 daughters in 7 years and I'm within 4 pounds of my pre pregnancy weight !!!!
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member
    Not being able to wear any of my old jeans and the final straw was seeing 200 when I stepped on the scale at my doctor's office!!
  • diloed
    diloed Posts: 15 Member
    I got a chance to meet one of my favorite singers after a concert and got an autograph and a picture with him and I can't stand to look at the picture because of how horrible and huge I look in it. I must\ve been in denial because I did not realize I had gotten so big. I Hope that when I get to goal I can get another picture with him and delete the other one.
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    My mother passed away in February from a couple of ailments, one being due to obesity. Fast forward to vacation, saw picks, and realized that I could have the same fate as her one day, leaving my kids without a mother. Signed up late July and have lost 22 pounds and have gotten below the 200 pound mark. Hoping to at least get to 141, my normal weight range!
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    2 kids & the fact that I have a beautiful 6 yr. old QH mare that I WILL NOT ride cause I weighed over 250 pds. & was not going to do that to my big baby (horse)... Plus I hate NOT wanting 2 take pics w/ my kids cause of the weigh I look... Knowing my kids wouldn't have pics. of me n there life...
  • hrwinston
    Stepping on the scale and seeing 201 lbs. I'm 5' 3". Five more pounds I would've weighed the same as I did the day I gave birth to my son 13 years ago.
  • Lissa_1234
    A couple of things.

    I look terrible in clothes and I have gained some more weight. I refuse to buy a bigger size.

    My children. I want to be a good eating influence on them, an influence that my parents were not. I don't want them to grow up learning unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits from their mommy.

    Now, the most important trigger, what has really motivated me. My health, I went for my check-up first of all, I weighed 272 lbs. I almost died, that's how much I weighed after I had my son (first child). Next, when they took my blood pressure, the adorable small nurse asked me if I normally have high blood pressure. I told her that I didn't. She told me my blood pressure was 146/86, I was horrified. Of course they re-took it halfway through the appointment and it was lower, like 130/80, but that's still not good. I am also having some uterus issues that may be attributed to being obese.

    I left the doctors that day and promised myself I would make a full effort at becoming healthy, I mean I have gained an entire small person since graduating high school 5.5. years ago. I just joined MFP 2 days ago, but it's nice to report that in the month between doctors appointments (before joining here) I lost a little over 4 lbs.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    February 2011 my daughter brought home her second baby boy, I took the older one home and she took pics of all of us, me holding the newborn with the oldest next to me and she tagged me on facebook. I was HORRIFIED. :noway: I'm not stupid, I know I was fat but seeing it in pictures makes a whole lot of difference. :grumble: I thought about WLS but when I took the assessment online I realized that alcohol might be a major part of the reason I was so fat. :embarassed: Then I got a letter from the clinic telling me the same thing and I was too high risk to even be considered. :drinker: I'm about to do Insanity for 60 days beginning after Christmas and I don't think wine fits in the program. :sad:
  • og8997889
    It was last New Year's when I decided to lose weight. I was 318 pounds and couldn't even look in a mirror. One day I was in a store buying food and a child came up to me and poked my belly and asked me when my baby was going to come. The worst part of that experience was that I was a guy lol. Anyways after 2-3 months of taking useless diet pills and ab monster machines and all that crap I was reading online and came across a program called Truth About Abs. I still remember the site where I read the review at http://boyels.com . After reading that I started following it of course, I couldn't help it; it was so compelling and addicting. I must say it was probably the best choice in my whole life. 8 months late I'm 212 pounds with a visible 4 pack of abs (working on the 6 pack lol). I still use the program today and I tell you the main thing is to never give up and always push yours further then the day before because while others sleep, we are running.