Getting hit on by freaks



  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    What I got from this thread is just don't hit on women!?!?!? Why the hell am I working out then??

    You can hit on women. So long as you are physically attractive to her. Otherwise you are creepy. ;)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Women are just as physical-minded as men are.

    Nail meet head.

    People say that the sexes are different when it come to attraction.

    They're not.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    I'm guesstimating that 77.8% of these stories are exaggerated bullsh*t.

    I disagree, I've had friends/acquaintances....who used these same creepy lines.
    Ruins it for the whole group hanging out, automatically we are all assumed to be creepers.

    him: hey baby, what's your sign?
    her: she says her sign
    him: mine's for business

    He thought that was brilliant and didn't understand why they would leave quickly. If they stood there in shock
    he would then say "If I told you, you had a nice body would you hold it against me"
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I got hit on by a drunk Marina* girl once. That was freaky.

    * The Marina is where the young upwardly mobile preppy former sorority/fraternity people settle when they move to SF for their first jobs,
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Women are just as physical-minded as men are.

    Nail meet head.

    People say that the sexes are different when it come to attraction.

    They're not.

    Exactly. It's just that in the world of dating, one side gets to pick from the other, and the side that has to dance has to dance harder, prettier, and better than the rest of the lemmings dancing with him =)

    Dance harder monkey!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm guesstimating that 77.8% of these stories are exaggerated bullsh*t.

    I disagree, I've had friends/acquiantances....who used these same creepy lines.
    Ruins it for the whole group hanging out, automatically we are all assumed to be creepers.

    him: hey baby, what's your sign?
    her: she says her sign
    him: mine's for business

    He thought that was brilliant and didn't understand why they would leave quickly. If they stood there in shock
    he would then say "If I told you, you had a nice body would you hold it against me"

    See, I would have dragged that guy to the bar, made him buy me a drink, and spelled out in crayon for him how to talk to a woman. There's no reason these unfortunate experiences can't be educational.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    Now I have to ask what is the best way to approach a woman?

    *Guys take notes!*

    Walk up to her directly ( no lasso, no creepily sneaking up from behind) and say "Hi, I'm (name)."

    ^^^This, it's friendly without being intimidating.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    It's simple, Say "HI, my name is..." save the cheese for playful banter later. If they're not interested who cares you're not walking away with any less than what you started with.
  • klm80
    klm80 Posts: 11 Member
    I was on my way to the laundromat (looking stlyish in my laundry day atier) when i stopped to filling up my car a the gas station and ran in to get some money out of the ATM, some one comes flying in and says "WHO DRIVES THE RED CAR? IT'S OVERFLOWING WITH GAS" Of corse it was my red car... anyway, i get out there shut off the pump and start taking care of business. there was this guy riding circles around me and the pump area on his bike. he kept commenting on my tattoo, and saying how nice it was asking to look at it, exct. while i am trying to help take care of the gass that has started to run into the street. finally before i am about to leave, the bike guy goes, so, is that guy inthere your boyfriend, i said, no? he was like, oh well... said something and i laughed. i said just becaue i am not here with my boyfriend doesnt mean i dont have one. mind youall i am STILL looking FLY! in my laundry day sweat pants, and ill fitting shirt.

    moral of the storry, some guy on a bike at the gas station was trying desparately to hit on me. yeah, mmm not the ideal situation fella!
  • ruggedBear
    OK - no exaggeration here, this is a true story. Let me preface this by telling you I'm a 43 year old mother who dresses very conservatively. I've landed in Albequerque at 2am and am driving around looking for my hotel. I pulled over the side of the road to read the GPS one last time and two men in a pickup pull up next to me. They comment that I am very pretty and ask if I am looking for work. I politely said thank you, but I'm fine and close the window. They drive away and I think nothing of it.

    An hour later, laying in bed it dawns on me - they must have thought I was a prostitute!!!!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I LMAO going through these stories but my favorite posts were from the guys putting some of you shallow ladies in check! I am sooo glad I have a huge heart!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I must be pretty naive - I get giddy when ANYONE hits on me! Added bonus is when they say they have candy and we go for a ride. I usually fall asleep and wake up in front of Wal-Mart by the Sam's Choice vending machine. I frkn love orange soda!

    Freaking awesome!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    *Guys take notes!*

    I have been mate. It seems if you are any of the following:
    A nerdy guy with buck teeth
    old Jamaicans
    guy probably around 35 with a curly mullet that went to his shoulders.
    toothless guy
    pretty harmless
    40-year-old double amputee
    overweight bearded men
    a little too eager
    short older men
    totally blank dead eyes
    40+ teacher
    old guys
    chubby chasing scrawny granddad
    too YOUNG (25)
    older, drunk, mentally ill

    your *kitten* is toast in the dating game.

    I love how the mercenary side of women come out in these types of threads.

    Basically if you are old, young, fiscally or visually challenged you may as well just stay at home and eat chips cos you're not getting laid. Dayum. I'm screwed then...

    NOW I am seriously rolling!!!!!
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    This reminds me of the time I was in college. I had this class and I kept on wanting to hit on this one girl but I never found a good opportunity. So the last few weeks of the class she starts looking at me and smiling. Of course, I smiled back and thought of nothing of it, but it was cool to get the attention without asking :laugh: Then one day she sits next to me and slips a note during class (yes even in college)

    She told me if it was ok for me to walk her out of class for the next few weeks until the quarter is over. What ended up happening was this guy in the class kept stalking her and talking to her everyday after class. I ended up being a cockblock for the other guy but I didn't mind :bigsmile:

    That was very nice of you. We girls need some help sometimes! Hurray for the nice guys out there!
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    When I worked down in So Cal I got so many phone numbers given too me. I must have been much cuter when I was younger-haha. Lucky for me none of them were weirdos. However I never called any of them because I didn't date strangers-so who knows. One of the guys was a private investigator-who said-Not saying you need my business, but if you ever want to go out here is my card-haha. The was a stalker who worked across the parking lot from me-now that was weird.

    I didn't read the other post, but guys sounds like girls are being mean here. It always flattered me no matter what. I was always flattered that a guy would find me attractive enough to want to ask me out. Very sweet gesture.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    An employee's wife once stalked me, leaving notes, buying gifts and sending me self-music-videos of her dancing to her favorite lust songs like the Jets "Crust On You' and Vanity 6 "Drive Me Wild"...

    As a guy, I never once considered how this would make me feel. It's actually unnerving.
    I got a taste of what the ladies must go through....:ohwell:
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I told the cashier at the store "I wanna bag you like groceries" lol

    lmao I just about choked on my sandwich when i read this
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I guess I"m a old city girl. I walk and talk like no ones business. I would have looked right at that pig in the store and said "dream on sucker gave him a little push back that said go blank yourself."

    The poor just want to be noticed. Keep on walking and don't make eye contact.

    But really it comes down to how you carry yourself. Do you seem strong or weak. They must think they can get away with it. I'm not saying bad things can't happen to any women but just think about how men see you.

    My mom says the same thing lol she's from new york, but I was raised in florida. She always taught me to be that way when we're walking around and weird people try to approach you.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    In my 39 years on this planet I have never been hit on once by a lady. For some reason gay men hit on me a lot... :noway:
    Fortunately I have 15 years of marriage on my side. :)
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    There are people who are shameless when hitting on others, and there are some who are too chicken to even say "hi." Not sure which of the two extremes I prefer. I pray for balance. :laugh: