Getting hit on by freaks



  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    There's this one chav guy who used to be in my old school a few years above me who I tend to walk past a lot around where I live. He always wears a tracksuit and has his hair gelled and I'm pretty sure he deals drugs. Not a desirable type of guy. Anyway I can pretty much guarantee every single time I walk past him in the street he whispers something inappropriate to me when I walk past. I can't tell if he remembers me and makes a point to do it every time or if he just does it to every female he sees walking alone who's around his age.
    Its really weird. I think he must just be high ALL the time.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    oh man! The stories I could tell...

    One that sticks out in my memory - I was at a club with a few of my girlfriends... someone hits me in the back of the head, I turn around and it's this guy, he says "Hi". I was a bit freaked out since he touched me, but I said hi back, turned around and continued on my way. He hits me in the back of the head AGAIN, and so I turn around and he just says, "My girlfriend thinks you're hot!" I smile awkwardly, say something to the extent of 'oh... thank you..." and get out of there, only later that night to get hit in the back of the head yet again and for him to ask if 'i wanted to be a third...'

    The whole threesome thing was weird enough but the fact that he thought he could just whack me in the head was the really creepy part. Haven't been there since.
  • Katielou112
    Katielou112 Posts: 55 Member
    At the end of the day I don't get why people on here are b.i.t.c.hing about these stories. There's no point in saying "don't be so shallow." Just because a person isn't attracted to a few people who hit on them, or was creeped out by them, doesn't mean they're shallow, it means THEY, personally, subjectively, were freaked out by that come on. I doubt everyone posting here would class the guys who hit on them as 'freaks' most are saying 'I've had some weird ones' etc, it's the OP that said what freaks have you had? It's just an expression, why do people always have to take things so literal and try and moderate a simple forum like it was an official political debate?

    At the end of the day, you can say people are shallow or whatever, but EVERYONE, boys and girls, would PREFER for their partner to be physically attractive to them, have a degree of intelligence and professional success. Anyone who says they wouldn't judge a person who had those qualities better INITIALLY than a toothless hobo who tells you that you smell nice on a train is plain out lying.

    I'm all for personality, heck I constantly get insulted by guys asking me in the club what I am doing with my bf, I'm way too good looking for him etc, for me those are the creeps and I tell them where to get off. But, my boyfriend is very intelligent, has good prospects, is ambitious and comes from a stable family background, all things I am personally attracted to, hence I am way more physically attracted to him. If he didn't have those attributes then maybe we'd have never happened, but it's not because I'm shallow.

    Rant did.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Some women can get over a man not being the most conventionally handsome person she's ever seen once she gets to know him. Some women won't even bother getting to know a man who isn't "hot."

    I think women are more forgiving than men when it comes to physical flaws, but what's interesting, in terms of this particular debate, is that it seems like men just love getting attention from women, whether the women are attractive or not, while women really only want attention from hot guys. Tell a man he's handsome, that he smells nice, that you like his shirt, whatever, and you make his day, even if he thinks you're average-looking, at best. If a man pays a woman a similar compliment and he's not good-looking, he's a "creeper."

    We can agree to disagree on the more forgiving than men part (I find both sexes equally as close minded in this regard in general and regard it more as a "human trait"), but the rest of your quote is pretty spot on.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    oh man! The stories I could tell...

    One that sticks out in my memory - I was at a club with a few of my girlfriends... someone hits me in the back of the head, I turn around and it's this guy, he says "Hi". I was a bit freaked out since he touched me, but I said hi back, turned around and continued on my way. He hits me in the back of the head AGAIN, and so I turn around and he just says, "My girlfriend thinks you're hot!" I smile awkwardly, say something to the extent of 'oh... thank you..." and get out of there, only later that night to get hit in the back of the head yet again and for him to ask if 'i wanted to be a third...'

    The whole threesome thing was weird enough but the fact that he thought he could just whack me in the head was the really creepy part. Haven't been there since.
    He was probably trying to give you a concussion so you would be loopy and confused!
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    oh man! The stories I could tell...

    One that sticks out in my memory - I was at a club with a few of my girlfriends... someone hits me in the back of the head, I turn around and it's this guy, he says "Hi". I was a bit freaked out since he touched me, but I said hi back, turned around and continued on my way. He hits me in the back of the head AGAIN, and so I turn around and he just says, "My girlfriend thinks you're hot!" I smile awkwardly, say something to the extent of 'oh... thank you..." and get out of there, only later that night to get hit in the back of the head yet again and for him to ask if 'i wanted to be a third...'

    The whole threesome thing was weird enough but the fact that he thought he could just whack me in the head was the really creepy part. Haven't been there since.
    He was probably trying to give you a concussion so you would be loopy and confused!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Huevos... cojones... whatever you wanna call em... those guys have em. But they (mostly the 2nd guy in the grocery store), need to stop reading the "date any woman" manuals and jump back into reality. Next time you get a grocery store creeper, just mace him... as long as it isn't me about to be maced. lol :bigsmile:
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    :laugh: Bump so I can keep reading in a min. :) These are great!!! :laugh:
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    If a girl is going to hit on me, I prefer she be a freak! :blushing:

    lmao! This is a great thread.:laugh:
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    oh man! The stories I could tell...

    One that sticks out in my memory - I was at a club with a few of my girlfriends... someone hits me in the back of the head, I turn around and it's this guy, he says "Hi". I was a bit freaked out since he touched me, but I said hi back, turned around and continued on my way. He hits me in the back of the head AGAIN, and so I turn around and he just says, "My girlfriend thinks you're hot!" I smile awkwardly, say something to the extent of 'oh... thank you..." and get out of there, only later that night to get hit in the back of the head yet again and for him to ask if 'i wanted to be a third...'

    The whole threesome thing was weird enough but the fact that he thought he could just whack me in the head was the really creepy part. Haven't been there since.
    He was probably trying to give you a concussion so you would be loopy and confused!

    Haha probably! It was so weird... My friends and I have a running joke, everytime we go out somewhere something like that happens to me, I must have a sign on my forehead or something...
  • josery1630
    josery1630 Posts: 205 Member
    auticus I stand corrected. My apologies. I should not have lumped you into that group.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    oh man! The stories I could tell...

    One that sticks out in my memory - I was at a club with a few of my girlfriends... someone hits me in the back of the head, I turn around and it's this guy, he says "Hi". I was a bit freaked out since he touched me, but I said hi back, turned around and continued on my way. He hits me in the back of the head AGAIN, and so I turn around and he just says, "My girlfriend thinks you're hot!" I smile awkwardly, say something to the extent of 'oh... thank you..." and get out of there, only later that night to get hit in the back of the head yet again and for him to ask if 'i wanted to be a third...'

    The whole threesome thing was weird enough but the fact that he thought he could just whack me in the head was the really creepy part. Haven't been there since.

    Oh, I absolutely draw the line at a man putting his hands on me in ANY way, let alone a violent way. You want to see a tiny, seemingly harmless girl turn into a psycho in a fraction of a second, touch me without my permission. He'd be missing his balls.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    auticus I stand corrected. My apologies. I should not have lumped you into that group.

    No harm.
  • tarachannel
    I told the cashier at the store "I wanna bag you like groceries" lol

    lmao...I would have fallen out lauging at you!!!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    The creepiest person who hit on me, was me. And well I went all the way.

    Also there was this one girl in the grocery store. I asked her for a bad of sugar, but she got this sugar substitute, and then walked ahead of me the whole time. I only needed a 60 pound bad of sugar, it was all that I needed.
    Also I think I was breathing pretty heavy at the time, from carrying all that sugar.
  • 8bitAlina
    8bitAlina Posts: 353 Member
    *Guys take notes!*

    I have been mate. It seems if you are any of the following:
    A nerdy guy with buck teeth
    old Jamaicans
    guy probably around 35 with a curly mullet that went to his shoulders.
    toothless guy
    pretty harmless
    40-year-old double amputee
    overweight bearded men
    a little too eager
    short older men
    totally blank dead eyes
    40+ teacher
    old guys
    chubby chasing scrawny granddad
    too YOUNG (25)
    older, drunk, mentally ill

    your *kitten* is toast in the dating game.

    I love how the mercenary side of women come out in these types of threads.

    Basically if you are old, young, fiscally or visually challenged you may as well just stay at home and eat chips cos you're not getting laid. Dayum. I'm screwed then...

    NOW I am seriously rolling!!!!!

    LOL, too funny, and apparently true if you're judging by the responses here.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    The creepiest person who hit on me, was me. And well I went all the way.

    Also there was this one girl in the grocery store. I asked her for a bad of sugar, but she got this sugar substitute, and then walked ahead of me the whole time. I only needed a 60 pound bad of sugar, it was all that I needed.
    Also I think I was breathing pretty heavy at the time, from carrying all that sugar.

  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    Some of these stories are pretty funny lol, i love reading all of them. I don't have any stories to add though, i honestly can't remember ever being hit on not even by my husband, our relationship started out weird(not like most) so i don't ever remember him hitting on me before we were together, he does however hit on me now that we are married and sometimes it is creepy lol.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I was helping a man in his late 70's retrieve his car from our impound lot. He immediately started making remarks, but in a really sweet and polite way...asking if I was single etc. I was really taken aback due to his age, and the fact that most people who see me in uniform just assume I'm a lesbian. I don't "girl it up" much at work and have short hair. He asked me out for lunch - I declined. He asked me out for coffee - I politely declined again and told him I wasn't available. Finally, he leaned forward dejectedly and rested his weight on both of his canes and said, "I understand. You don't date civilians. You must have all kinds of guys chasing you, looking like you do." He shuffled out of the impound lot slowly, but not before looking back one last time and saying, "Are you SURE you can't just have a cup of coffee with me?" His son was in the back ground rolling his eyes and I wanted to smack him. I really felt awful afterwards, because it seemed like he had no perception of our age difference. It was like he was 25 trapped in a 75 year old body.
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    stoopid double post