What are your goals for next year?



  • ThenTheresChad
    1. Have lost 78lbs
    2. Graduate, & go to college
    3. Get a great job
    4. Get my new car
    5. Play football
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    2012 Goals:
    1. Run a Marathon- scheduled March 4th.
    2. Ride a Century
    3. Finish a sprint triathlon
    4. Ride over 2500 miles in training
    5. Run over 1000 miles in training

    OK, since you mention it, I amend my prior list to include riding a century. I think the most I have riden at once is ~ 38 miles. Ran a marathon in 08 (and it hurt). Completed my first solo sprint triathlon (usually I just do the biking leg).
  • SunShineBeastess
    SunShineBeastess Posts: 225 Member
    My Goals for 2012

    "Run" a 5k
    Consitently lose 6 pounds a month
    Get close to Goal Weight
    GET MORE SLEEP! :yawn:
    -GET LESS STRESSED! :ohwell:
  • jwintonyk
    jwintonyk Posts: 40 Member
    I'm currently training for a deployment to Afghanistan for most of 2012. My goals for this year would be:

    1. Make it home to my family healthy so that I can meet my beautiful baby girl (my wife is due while I'm away)
    2. Run a 20:00 min 5k (currently at about 23:00
    3. Complete my PB pull-ups with full gear on (current PB is 11 strict pull-ups)
    4. Successfully perform the "human flag"

    ...I'll add more later I think of any others
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I want to get under 20% BF and lose a pants size. I am getting fairly close to that right now so I really hope I can get it done by my 30th birthday in March. After that my goal is to maintain the lifestyle and find balance without going nuts :laugh:
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    Reach my goal weight of 130. Get in shape. Run a 5 k. Make new goals when I reach those.
  • robinaddison
    robinaddison Posts: 232 Member
    What a great thread! My goals for 2012:
    1. Drop my body fat to <25%
    2. 1 unassisted pull up
    3. Backpack 100miles next summer
  • Asher213
    - Reach my goal weight
    - Complete C25K for the first and then do it again to beat my time
    - Continue weight training, get lean and toned whilst building some muscle
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    My goal is to drop another 50 pounds next year. Doesn't sound like much, but I can be sure I'l keep it off at that pace.

    Want to lose about 30 ... will turn 40 in 2013 and I want to look fabulous!
    I also will learn how to stop listening to the negative voices in my head that keep telling me that I'm not worth real love, success, happiness ... and that learning may involve giving someone an ultimatum.

    THIS. I need to have several "crucial confrontations" (at least three) in 2012.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    This is a great thread and really got me thinking. I tend to wing it and need to get better about goal-setting.

    1. Continue on my weight loss/get fit journey. No real weight goal but I know I would like to get to at least a size 8 jeans. If I get smaller, cool. If not, I'd be happy with that.

    2. Continue with C25k and run in a 5k. After I actually complete one, I'll keep working on my speed and/or consider doing Gateway to 8k and then Bridge to 10k.

    3. Increase cycling in order to do the Seattle-to-Portland bike ride (200 miles/2 day) event in July.

    4. Continue with strength training in order to get to where I am lifting heavy.

    5. Be able to do the 20-mile hike into Enchanted Valley carrying all my own gear and having enough oomph left to play and explore while there.

    6. Work on building my business to the point where I'm actually contributing a decent amount to our family's income and expand into other income-generating ventures so we have multiple streams of income.

    7. Get better at maintaining friendships. I mean, I have friends but I tend to be pretty solitary and lose touch with them due to neglect. I need to get better about regularly reaching out more, inviting people over, and spending more time with others. I'm way too much of a hermit for my own good.

    8. Oh, nutrition. While I'm doing pretty good with that now, I need to keep it up but, also, work on finding a larger repertoire of recipes with a larger variety of healthy foods instead of the more limited options I currently tend to eat. Also, try more foods to expand my limited palate.

    9. Get better and more consistent with my water intake.

    10. Develop my artistic expression side. Not sure how yet. I need to play my piano and clarinet more so I get back to the skill level I used to have. Might also try out for a play and, even if I don't get a part, participate somehow with sets, costumes, make-up, whatever. Would also like to work on my photography skills and/or take a drawing or painting class.

    Figured I might as well work on coming up with 10 good ones!