Why are we overweight?



  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    They say the closest one to us have the power to hurt us the most...we all have one. We can't make this about them, we have to want it and go after it when we're ready. Some people just don't know how to be supportive, or know what we really need to feel that. It's okay! We have each other! Power to MFP!

    I just have a quick comment- Now my husband is sweet but I must admit that I was pissed at him for not telling me I was gettin fat (hell he sees me everyday) but of course after I dropped the weight (30+lbs) he says stuff now because I dropped so much (now I am working on the last 20 something) and we laugh about it he cracks jokes but I can take it and I know how to dish it as well
    but I got on his case and asked him why he never said anything he said because I didn't know what to say so I told him how about babe get your *kitten* away from the fridge- But thats just me- Now he doesn't hold back but he also doesn't bash me at all and I can respect that-

    Sometimes people encourage you in different ways- Some people need their hand held threw a process and others just need a foot in the butt-

    that is just beautiful...if we say something we are bastaaads..if we dont say something we are bastaaads...and you wonder why we ......good lord

    lol- your damned if you do and damned if you don't lol-

    Now you best believe my husband doesn't hold back the comments he had for when I was bigger but we can laugh about it now cause that wont happen again- and if he sees me eating something he will ask how many calories i have left or say another smart *kitten* comment but like I said I can take it and I can dish it out as well.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Does anyone else know of someone close to them that feels the need to put you down in order to help you lose weight? I honestly think it's stupid, hurtful, and counter productive to be rude about my being fat in an attempt to help me lose weight.

    I must say thanks to all of you out there that do encourage others when they "fall off the wagon." I tell you that your words mean so much. I believe a lot of us have emotional reasons for eating the way we do and I'm am just learning to deal with my emotions in healthier ways.

    I'm not where I ought to be by any means, but I am glad that I found this site and people who cheer me on when I meet my goals, and help me along when I struggle.:bigsmile:

    Have I got a story for you I saw my dad last week and out of the blue he decides to tell me that he's glad I am doing something about my weight because I was very pretty but I had lost my good looks in the weight I'd gained and he thought that was a waste he goes on to tell me that he didn't say anything at the time because it wasn't his place to say I walked out of there unsure if I wanted to cry or go back in there and punch him some things are better left unsaid:cry::mad:

    believe me when I say this

    sometimes Dads do not know how to say they love you but I think that is what he said to you

    I strongly disagree...that doesn't sound like someone saying they love you to me.... sounds like someone that needs to be a bit less blunt and bit more thoughtful before speaking ... I can understand why you'd feel hurt and confused on that ONE Hon! Wow, Sorry your Father felt the need to be so rude, but men sometimes don't know how to explain their feelings very well and think they are doing that by using that type of words I guess??:huh: :noway:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Does anyone else know of someone close to them that feels the need to put you down in order to help you lose weight? I honestly think it's stupid, hurtful, and counter productive to be rude about my being fat in an attempt to help me lose weight.

    I must say thanks to all of you out there that do encourage others when they "fall off the wagon." I tell you that your words mean so much. I believe a lot of us have emotional reasons for eating the way we do and I'm am just learning to deal with my emotions in healthier ways.

    I'm not where I ought to be by any means, but I am glad that I found this site and people who cheer me on when I meet my goals, and help me along when I struggle.:bigsmile:

    Have I got a story for you I saw my dad last week and out of the blue he decides to tell me that he's glad I am doing something about my weight because I was very pretty but I had lost my good looks in the weight I'd gained and he thought that was a waste he goes on to tell me that he didn't say anything at the time because it wasn't his place to say I walked out of there unsure if I wanted to cry or go back in there and punch him some things are better left unsaid:cry::mad:

    believe me when I say this

    sometimes Dads do not know how to say they love you but I think that is what he said to you

    I strongly disagree...that doesn't sound like someone saying they love you to me.... sounds like someone that needs to be a bit less blunt and bit more thoughtful before speaking ... I can understand why you'd feel hurt and confused on that ONE Hon! Wow, Sorry your Father felt the need to be so rude, but men sometimes don't know how to explain their feelings very well and think they are doing that by using that type of words I guess??:huh: :noway:

    her father felt the need to be rude? the need? you know what he was feeling? BS
    we were not there...he said he was glad, he said she wast pretty..yet you say "he felt the need to be rude"? you are wrong
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Does anyone else know of someone close to them that feels the need to put you down in order to help you lose weight? I honestly think it's stupid, hurtful, and counter productive to be rude about my being fat in an attempt to help me lose weight.

    I must say thanks to all of you out there that do encourage others when they "fall off the wagon." I tell you that your words mean so much. I believe a lot of us have emotional reasons for eating the way we do and I'm am just learning to deal with my emotions in healthier ways.

    I'm not where I ought to be by any means, but I am glad that I found this site and people who cheer me on when I meet my goals, and help me along when I struggle.:bigsmile:

    Have I got a story for you I saw my dad last week and out of the blue he decides to tell me that he's glad I am doing something about my weight because I was very pretty but I had lost my good looks in the weight I'd gained and he thought that was a waste he goes on to tell me that he didn't say anything at the time because it wasn't his place to say I walked out of there unsure if I wanted to cry or go back in there and punch him some things are better left unsaid:cry::mad:

    believe me when I say this

    sometimes Dads do not know how to say they love you but I think that is what he said to you

    I strongly disagree...that doesn't sound like someone saying they love you to me.... sounds like someone that needs to be a bit less blunt and bit more thoughtful before speaking ... I can understand why you'd feel hurt and confused on that ONE Hon! Wow, Sorry your Father felt the need to be so rude, but men sometimes don't know how to explain their feelings very well and think they are doing that by using that type of words I guess??:huh: :noway:

    her father felt the need to be rude? the need? you know what he was feeling? BS
    we were not there...he said he was glad, he said she wast pretty..yet you say "he felt the need to be rude"? you are wrong

    I agree i didn't take it as rude- simply because he waited until she dropped some lbs to say it- He was holding back when the time was right and that was when she loss some pounds.

    Now she can just use that as motivation to continue to progress forward-

  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree (most and i say this for the men on this site) are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    tactless ...maybe ..clumsy with words? for sure men are I happen to know for sure

    just because he is a parent doesnt mean he knows automtically what he shoud say.....if he was out of line...the heck with it,,,you are pretty and doing something positive for yourself...its all good
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Does anyone else know of someone close to them that feels the need to put you down in order to help you lose weight? I honestly think it's stupid, hurtful, and counter productive to be rude about my being fat in an attempt to help me lose weight.

    I must say thanks to all of you out there that do encourage others when they "fall off the wagon." I tell you that your words mean so much. I believe a lot of us have emotional reasons for eating the way we do and I'm am just learning to deal with my emotions in healthier ways.

    I'm not where I ought to be by any means, but I am glad that I found this site and people who cheer me on when I meet my goals, and help me along when I struggle.:bigsmile:

    Have I got a story for you I saw my dad last week and out of the blue he decides to tell me that he's glad I am doing something about my weight because I was very pretty but I had lost my good looks in the weight I'd gained and he thought that was a waste he goes on to tell me that he didn't say anything at the time because it wasn't his place to say I walked out of there unsure if I wanted to cry or go back in there and punch him some things are better left unsaid:cry::mad:

    :cry: Sorry to hear that. That must have hurt you alot. I hope you'll have the right words to talk to him about it as soon as possible so that no lingering resentment builds. Hope you'll have the heart to forgive him for what he did and I hope he'll have the courage to say he's sorry for hurting your feelings so. I do hope that what transpired would bring the two of you closer rather than further.

    :heart: Love your Dad no matter what. :heart:
    :heart: Forgive him no matter what:heart:
    :heart: Love yourself no matter what:heart:
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    aaahhhhh, Dad's?!, Men are so blunt, but you look very pretty in this pic and he sounds like he was worried,just the way he worded it was wrong.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    You are really pretty,But does it matter what people think of you? How do you feel about yourself. I have met and dated many ugly men ( not handsome at all :tongue: ) There was something about them confidence, kindness, but confidence. They would walk like they were kings, ( I always had a thing for that ) Any who. when my friends would meet these guys they would say " oh he is so ugly" or meaner things but you know what after a while they liked them thought they were handsome and some girls even try to steal them. It all boiled down to how you like yourself, how you feel about yourself.
    We need to self love,that is the point of this tread.
    I read a quote I also have it poseted on my wall.

    "It was a great surprise to me when I discovered that most of the ugliness I saw in others,was but a reflection of my own nature"- unknown
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did
    I'm so sorry His words hurt You, I think it's natural for a girl to care what her Father thinks of her...just how we're brought up in this society.

    :flowerforyou: :heart:

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    One thing interesting about the situation is we are ALL assuming we know what Dad was feeling and thinking and what his motives were. There is really only one way to know that, and that is to go to him and ask. Also, maybe he deserves to hear that you felt hurt by his words. That gives him an opportunity to make ammends if he is so inclined. If he instead chooses to make excuses, well, he's human and has a weakness in that area. If you dad is not able to provide positive feedback, or not able to affirm you, then that support will have to be found elsewhere, like here :heart:

    The real issue is like Marisol said, How do YOU feel about yourself, and what do you know about yourself?
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Excuse me?? I sound like tom crusie on the post pratum rant??? Is that what I understand??

    :blushing: :blushing: Oh, so, so sorry!!!! I meant your bf sounded like Tom Cruise on the Brooke Shields rant!!! Judging someone and their choices without fully understanding!

    Its ok I actually got a laugh out of it after it was explaine to me:laugh: :laugh: I've seen my bf throw that kinda fit before we was arguing really bad one night n its like he was mental or something but that was like when we first got together...I just laughed my butt off the whole time inside thinkin he is nutts...:laugh: :laugh: But we're all good now...Thanks again for the laugh:flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    You have every right to feel hurt. I do think that men don't always know how to express themselves, especially to women, and especially fathers to daughters. However, telling you you USED to be pretty was completely inappropriate, no matter how encouraging he was trying to be. Part of my crushed self-esteem is because of comments like that my father made to me in my early teen years. I'm sure he didn't realize how his comments affected me, but he made them thoughtlessly. I would love to be able to go back in time to address these comments, but I never had that kind of relationship with my father.

    If you have a strong enough relationship with your father, sit down with him to discuss this. Explain that you appreciate his support- which you do- but that the specific comments really hurt you. Your father telling you you're not pretty????:angry:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    hey sweet ~ my dad story:

    i sent him a pic with my first digital camera (back in 2000 or something). i asked him, so! did you get my picture? he said, yeeaaaa. i said, well?!? what did you think? he said.....

    well, how do i say this politely? LAY OFF THE BISCUITS AND GRAVY.

    :noway: i was absolutely FLOORED! at the time, i probably weight 165 which is COMPLETLY healthy for my height. there was a time in my life i weighed 125. now i weigh 183. whatever about him and his comments. both your dad and mine. i know your dad loves you and so does mine. but hello! :noway:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    hey sweet ~ my dad story:

    i sent him a pic with my first digital camera (back in 2000 or something). i asked him, so! did you get my picture? he said, yeeaaaa. i said, well?!? what did you think? he said.....

    well, how do i say this politely? LAY OFF THE BISCUITS AND GRAVY.

    :noway: i was absolutely FLOORED! at the time, i probably weight 165 which is COMPLETLY healthy for my height. there was a time in my life i weighed 125. now i weigh 183. whatever about him and his comments. both your dad and mine. i know your dad loves you and so does mine. but hello! :noway:

    I agree that the comment was out of line...but I can see a male saying that and not having any ill intention at all....to say it to a daughter, well....sometimes the male mouth is faster than the brain...as in most of the time...what can you do?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    hey sweet ~ my dad story:

    i sent him a pic with my first digital camera (back in 2000 or something). i asked him, so! did you get my picture? he said, yeeaaaa. i said, well?!? what did you think? he said.....

    well, how do i say this politely? LAY OFF THE BISCUITS AND GRAVY.

    :noway: i was absolutely FLOORED! at the time, i probably weight 165 which is COMPLETLY healthy for my height. there was a time in my life i weighed 125. now i weigh 183. whatever about him and his comments. both your dad and mine. i know your dad loves you and so does mine. but hello! :noway:

    I agree that the comment was out of line...but I can see a male saying that and not having any ill intention at all....to say it to a daughter, well....sometimes the male mouth is faster than the brain...as in most of the time...what can you do?
    um, think before we speak?:noway: :tongue:

    and I agree Heather..'Hello' INDEED!:noway: :tongue: I have my pocket full of Dad stories too...we probably all do as females even if we can look back now and know they loved us, wow, sometimes you can look back and OUCH! :noway: :laugh: :tongue: But not all men are so blunt or insensitive thankfully:flowerforyou: Though at times when men say they're not being rude, merely blunt they might at times be using that an excuse to be rude!:tongue:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    It is amazing how perceptions differ I was absolutly crushed but I agree most are tackless to say the least. The point that really hurt was the thought if this is what my dad thinks of me what does everyone else think I know It shouldn't bother me but it did

    hey sweet ~ my dad story:

    i sent him a pic with my first digital camera (back in 2000 or something). i asked him, so! did you get my picture? he said, yeeaaaa. i said, well?!? what did you think? he said.....

    well, how do i say this politely? LAY OFF THE BISCUITS AND GRAVY.

    :noway: i was absolutely FLOORED! at the time, i probably weight 165 which is COMPLETLY healthy for my height. there was a time in my life i weighed 125. now i weigh 183. whatever about him and his comments. both your dad and mine. i know your dad loves you and so does mine. but hello! :noway:

    I agree that the comment was out of line...but I can see a male saying that and not having any ill intention at all....to say it to a daughter, well....sometimes the male mouth is faster than the brain...as in most of the time...what can you do?
    think before we speak?

    :laugh: and I agree Heather..'Hello' INDEED!:noway: :tongue: I have my pocket full of Dad stories too...we probably all do as females even if we can look back now and know they loved us, wow, sometimes you can look back and OUCH! :noway: :laugh: :tongue: But not all men are so blunt or insensitive thankfully:flowerforyou:

    yea, even though it was a ridiculous thing for him to say, i eventually chalked it up to his mouth and his brain not cooperating.
    oh yes, i have more where that came from but he is a good guy so i'll spare him the possiblity of being trampled on because of his crazy words...but the biscuits story seemed relevant here :bigsmile:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    My sister was dating some guy that my dad didn't approve of. His words of encouragement were "You don't have to date someone just because he asked you out. I mean, you're not homely, or anything.".
    It wasn't meant to be anything other than a push to get out of a relationship that my sister knew wasn't good for her, and we laugh about it. We know that he meant the best, and it's kinda humorous between us sisters because we know my dad has such a hard time finding encouraging things to say. He's never been the type to tell us to our faces how proud of us he is, but won't think twice to tell other people when we're not around. I think that sometimes Dads, and guys in general, just don't know how to say things in a way that doesn't come across as, well, stupid...:laugh:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    My sister was dating some guy that my dad didn't approve of. His words of encouragement were "You don't have to date someone just because he asked you out. I mean, you're not homely, or anything.".
    It wasn't meant to be anything other than a push to get out of a relationship that my sister knew wasn't good for her, and we laugh about it. We know that he meant the best, and it's kinda humorous between us sisters because we know my dad has such a hard time finding encouraging things to say. He's never been the type to tell us to our faces how proud of us he is, but won't think twice to tell other people when we're not around. I think that sometimes Dads, and guys in general, just don't know how to say things in a way that doesn't come across as, well, stupid...:laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Does anyone else know of someone close to them that feels the need to put you down in order to help you lose weight? I honestly think it's stupid, hurtful, and counter productive to be rude about my being fat in an attempt to help me lose weight.

    I must say thanks to all of you out there that do encourage others when they "fall off the wagon." I tell you that your words mean so much. I believe a lot of us have emotional reasons for eating the way we do and I'm am just learning to deal with my emotions in healthier ways.

    I'm not where I ought to be by any means, but I am glad that I found this site and people who cheer me on when I meet my goals, and help me along when I struggle.:bigsmile:

    Have I got a story for you I saw my dad last week and out of the blue he decides to tell me that he's glad I am doing something about my weight because I was very pretty but I had lost my good looks in the weight I'd gained and he thought that was a waste he goes on to tell me that he didn't say anything at the time because it wasn't his place to say I walked out of there unsure if I wanted to cry or go back in there and punch him some things are better left unsaid:cry::mad:

    believe me when I say this

    sometimes Dads do not know how to say they love you but I think that is what he said to you

    I strongly disagree...that doesn't sound like someone saying they love you to me.... sounds like someone that needs to be a bit less blunt and bit more thoughtful before speaking ... I can understand why you'd feel hurt and confused on that ONE Hon! Wow, Sorry your Father felt the need to be so rude, but men sometimes don't know how to explain their feelings very well and think they are doing that by using that type of words I guess??:huh: :noway:

    her father felt the need to be rude? the need? you know what he was feeling? BS
    we were not there...he said he was glad, he said she wast pretty..yet you say "he felt the need to be rude"? you are wrong

    Seems like we'll all have varying opinions from time to time on some topics on the boardsbut to be rude to others doesn't seem necessary nor edifying when not having the same thoughts....
