Parents Please Wake Up



  • rainbowbuggy
    It is not abuse to feed your child McDonalds.(Although I have to admit feeding it to them daily seems rather expensive and could damage their health)
    Its not abuse if they had Ramon noodles and Pop tart for breakfast.

    If you really want to get down to abuse lets talk about the One Year old child whose father TAPED HER UP and than proceeded to post pictures on Facebook.

    Lets talk about the poor souls out there who starve their children. Beat them.

    Someone who gives their child junk food daily because thats how they do it is not abuse.

    You should find the true meaning of ABUSE.

    I have a daughter and I feed her "healthy" food, but on the same hand she still gets fruit snacks and pizza. Its about balance.

    I agree! I think the word "abuse" was thrown around pretty lightly here. Feeding your children fast food or other not so healthy foods on a DAILY basis isn't "abuse".....Maybe we could consider it some form of neglect, because the parents are neglecting to teach their children the importance of eating a balanced diet......but by far is it considered "abuse"....

    My children ask me everyday on the way home, mom can we have McDonalds...sometimes I stop and on other days I simply not today honey. The alternative is, I go home and make them a hamburger and they have baked fries instead. Its all about balance and its our jobs as parents to teach that balance.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Here's a question for you, Stacy. Do you even have children?

    No need to get mean and hateful. This is obviously something that the OP is passionate about and I, for me, am thankful for people like her who CARE enough to even post it.
    And yes, I HAVE 2 CHILDREN.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Which is exactly what parents that abuse their child in other ways say. Few abusive parents admit that they are abusive. But I suppose we should all just ignore it.

    WTH? Why are you insinuating I abuse my children?

    Trust me, I know the cycle of abuse, I know how abusive parents act. I work with abused children every day in my line of work. I'm not saying ignore ABUSE. Genuine ABUSE. I'm saying it's really none of anyone's business what I feed my kid if they are generally well taken care of... which they are.:drinker:

    You obviously misunderstood my posts.

    Nope, pretty sure your "meaning" was crystal clear. Nice backpeddling, though.

    I'm not "backpeddling" you suggested that it was nobody's business what parents feed their children. I suggested it certainly was if what they were feeding them was detrimental to their health. That's what I said and that's what I meant. I did not mention you or anyone that was obese. (honestly I still do not know to what obese person you were referring)
  • khbsrt
    khbsrt Posts: 33 Member
    it's too bad you thought you'd get bad responses for your post. I'm proud of you for saying every word of it. I'd give you the biggest hug you've had today if I could. You're absolutely right...we buy the food for our kids and the choices should be healthy food first, every day! I'm a grandma now and have a very healthy diet but wish I would've been more concerned while my kids were growing. We always made healthy food in the kitchen but definitely did our share of "Burger King." You get a 1000 points from me and best of health to you in 2012.:wink:
  • LisaWrob9803
    I don't think it's harder than it seems. I have 2 boys, and both WERE kind of fussy eaters. But as the mom, I'm the boss, and I know right from wrong. Kids won't starve themselves, and if you give them no alternative than healthier food, they will get used to it, and grow healthy eating habits.

    What I did was say "this is what you have to eat, and if you don't want to eat it now, you can eat it later.". Then, when they decided they were truly hungry, they would eat it regardless. Because of this, my son will eat cabbage and tomatoes. Because of this my other son will eat spring mix salad and onions.

    I think a lot of people don't want to be "mean" to their kids, but being mean is not teaching them to be healthy. At least I know by controlling what they eat, I'm helping them to prevent obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, etc. (and kids CAN have all this, and an early age too).

    Sweets are ok, once in a while (you can even find somewhat healthy sweets!), but the key is MODERATION.
  • seehawkmomma
    Here's a question for you, Stacy. Do you even have children?

    No need to get mean and hateful. This is obviously something that the OP is passionate about and I, for me, am thankful for people like her who CARE enough to even post it.
    And yes, I HAVE 2 CHILDREN.

    Well this is something I am passionate about. Child Abuse is serious and many times is either taken too seriously or not enough. I see child abuse. So to have someone say that feeding your child Pizza child abuse is rather annoying. I love my daughter but giving her McDonalds on tuesday and Pizza on Wednesday doesnt make it abuse.

    Its a lack of education. These parents are probably obese themselves.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Your post brought tears to my eyes. I so understand what you are saying and with 4 kids of my own I have struggled to teach my kids to make good choices. My husband has been obese all his life. His mother never told him no, He would eat what ever and when ever he wanted. He ended up having gastric bypass at 40 years old. It has been a huge blessing but I know its not for eveyone one. I fight my husbands bad habits all the time. I took on his eating habits when we got married and I have gained 70 pounds since we were wed. I only have one slightly over weight child now but I did have three at one point. You are so right to warn other parents about this issue. We are the first teachers to our children. Good for you. I love this post.

    Now I will go and read what others have said.
  • khbsrt
    khbsrt Posts: 33 Member
    Her point is "stop feeding babies and children sugar and Junk."
  • seehawkmomma
    Her point is "stop feeding babies and children sugar and Junk."

    Right. So say that. Why throw around the word child abuse??
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Okay-- this thread has gone off the deep end. That took longer than I thought it would. :noway:

    I totally love the "child abuse" topic-- people get right up on their high horse and decide what behavior in others is abusive. We all have different ideas of what abuse is-- lemme tell you-- I'm no fan of the Santa Claus lie nor of dumping kids in daycare-- is my opinion controversial? You betcha.

    But my business? Nope-- which is why (save this particular example) I would never dare to offer an opinion-- They're your kids. Raise 'em how you see fit. Put a helmet on 'em if you want to. You can even, GASP, put them in the front seat of your car....I really don't care. They're YOUR kids. Immunize them or don't-- they're your kids. Feed 'em tofu or Big Macs-- they're your kids. You raise yours. I'll raise mine. I

    Reasonable people with sense KNOW what constitutes abuse-- we all know it when we see it. Feeding a kid a Twinkie doesn't quite cut it.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Her point is "stop feeding babies and children sugar and Junk."

    Well, again, call me irritable, but I have a problem with folks telling other people how to raise their kids....
  • ShrinkingHollyx
    ShrinkingHollyx Posts: 34 Member
    Here's a question for you, Stacy. Do you even have children?

    No need to get mean and hateful. This is obviously something that the OP is passionate about and I, for me, am thankful for people like her who CARE enough to even post it.
    And yes, I HAVE 2 CHILDREN.

    What was mean and hateful about me asking her if she has children?
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Here's a question for you, Stacy. Do you even have children?
    I have 5 kids - all fit and healthy, and Stacy is spot on regardless of whether she's a parent herself.

    The truth is what it is. Parents with fat kids are without excuse. They are ruining those precious lives and relegating their future to mediocrity and underachievement. Remember Louie Anderson? Happy comedian - right?

    He lost the weight, wrote a book, Goodbye Jumbo... Hello Cruel World, about how miserable he was fat, saying it was derived from his childhood. And then he gained the weight back and went back to being the jolly fat guy again.

    People acted as though he never disclosed his past. The truth is just too painful.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Here's a question for you, Stacy. Do you even have children?
    No need to get mean and hateful. This is obviously something that the OP is passionate about and I, for me, am thankful for people like her who CARE enough to even post it.
    And yes, I HAVE 2 CHILDREN.
    What was mean and hateful about me asking her if she has children?
    It wasn't. Don't sweat it.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Oh my I had no idea there would be such nastiness in this thread.
    Can't you see this poster has been abused and wants to prevent it from happening to other unsuspecting children? Even though her parents did not intentionaly do it, they did it. Awareness is half the battle.
    Her life could have been very different. But her life is hers now and she is obviously ,fiercely, taking control and doing something about it!!
    You GO Girl!!
    Pay no attention to the jerky ones.
  • ShrinkingHollyx
    ShrinkingHollyx Posts: 34 Member
    Here's a question for you, Stacy. Do you even have children?
    No need to get mean and hateful. This is obviously something that the OP is passionate about and I, for me, am thankful for people like her who CARE enough to even post it.
    And yes, I HAVE 2 CHILDREN.
    What was mean and hateful about me asking her if she has children?
    It wasn't. Don't sweat it.

    Thanks. I didn't think it was either. I just don't think that someone who isn't a parent, or anyone for that matter, should judge the way other parents raise their children.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Thanks. I didn't think it was either. I just don't think that someone who isn't a parent, or anyone for that matter, should judge the way other parents raise their children.

  • khbsrt
    khbsrt Posts: 33 Member
    exactly! Hopefully we are all feeding little people the same healthy food we are trying to make sure we have for ourselves :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    holy crap this thread is still around????
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    BCATTOES.....are you Stacy. She bailed early, she usually sticks around and comments on everything , wouldn't miss a chance to put in her 2 sense (kind of like you). Just curious if you are one in the same?