Parents Please Wake Up



  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I live in Houston and my boyfriend and I spend 150$ a week on groceries. :O

    We must be fatties then
    You can feed a family of 5 very well on $500. Our budget for 4 people for a month is $500, but that includes our food, cleaning supplies, toiletries, alcohol, and dog food. My family is not going hungry, there is plenty of food in the house for the humans and animals. I do get the point that they can't phsyically get to a decent store - I have gone to the food desert stores - disgusting is the only way I can describe it.

    I live in New York, and my budget for food for just my fiancee and I is $400 a month. That's just food, it doesn't include any other house stuff. We eat healthy food at home, and thankfully I have a good job and can afford it. If I lived in NYC where I work, my monthly food budget would EASILY be double that. Food isn't cheap everywhere, but even going off your quote, $500 a month is a lot of money for some people. More than many can afford.

    What are you talking about I live in the village and I feed my self on like 50 bucks a week....

    Which would be $200/person/month or $1000/month for a family of five. He's doing it cheaper in New York.
  • Domestica
    I LOVE this post! You echo my sentiments exactly -- but I came from a healthy upbringing and can't even imagine going through what you're going through. Keep it up! You are inspiring people and will continue to do so as you reach your goals! :)
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    I am also curious whether the op has children? I had all the answers and was a perfect parent once. And then I had kids. lol :wink:
  • alanabancroft
    bump for later
  • raw_sugar

    I was merely pointing out that the monetary value of food is not more expensive in the city than outside the city. As for carrying things and walking everywhere you go I am pretty used to that. I just look at it as extra calorie burn and embrace it instead of making hardship out if it.

    And I was pointing out that a lot of people don't have the luxury of being within walking distance of places to actually buy healthy food.. or have the transportation to drive there.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    She's a nurse and her husband works in medicine too so thats probably part of the reason!

    This one made me chuckle. As a nurse, I can tell you nurses have some of the worst eating habits. One day my ex was waiting outside to pick me up and he counted how many of the nurses were overweight, and it was more than 50%. although I think it's improving, it seemed like more nurses smoke than those in the general public.

    Additionally, the dietician (the only one) at the hospital I last worked at probably weight about 300lbs at 5' tall.

    Sadly, knowledge doesn't equal good health habits :ohwell:
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    I know exactly what you mean. And I honestly don't believe that the OP actually has children, based on her post, I truly feel that she just harbors some resentment towards her parents. It irks me when people blame their parents for their own shortcomings. I hear it all too often, and its usually out of the mouth of a hypocrite!
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Yep. I've never had an overweight person tell me what I should be eating or feeding my child. Even though it's sound's advice you should take yourself. You haven't been a child for a long time. I do think you struck a nerve with this one, probably because I do on occasion eat out with my child. Like above said when it comes to parenting (mind your business) especially if your not a parent it comes off like your saying you could do so much better & that we are bad parents, you haven't done so well for yourself and your telling others what they SHOULD be doing?
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    I know exactly what you mean. And I honestly don't believe that the OP actually has children, based on her post, I truly feel that she just harbors some resentment towards her parents. It irks me when people blame their parents for their own shortcomings. I hear it all too often, and its usually out of the mouth of a hypocrite!

    I can somewhat understand the OP's frustration. I grew up in a house with nothing but junk food and no encouragement to exercise. I'm actually over at my mom's house now (hence the bad diet my daughter's been having the past two days LOL) and was thinking "holy crap it's no wonder I got so fat!". But once you're an adult you take responsibility for yourself. Everyone wants to pawn their issues onto someone else. Part of changing your life is also taking responsibility.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Perhaps basing parenting decisions on what is right for your child's health, rather than what others say is the way to win.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Perhaps basing parenting decisions on what is right for your child's health, rather than what others say is the way to win.

    Dude, you completely missed my point. My point was it's no one's business but my own what I choose to give or not to give my children to eat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Perhaps basing parenting decisions on what is right for your child's health, rather than what others say is the way to win.

    Dude, you completely missed my point. My point was it's no one's business but my own what I choose to give or not to give my children to eat.

    I disagree. What you feed your child can affect others in many ways. And if they are fed so poorly that it becomes abusive then people have a right to speak out just as if you were physically or mentally abusing them in any other manner.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Perhaps basing parenting decisions on what is right for your child's health, rather than what others say is the way to win.

    Dude, you completely missed my point. My point was it's no one's business but my own what I choose to give or not to give my children to eat.

    I disagree. What you feed your child can affect others in many ways. And if they are fed so poorly that it becomes abusive then people have a right to speak out just as if you were physically or mentally abusing them in any other manner.

    You have just proven my other point: you can't win with the outside world no matter what you do. Everyone has their opinons on what's abusive, what's not, what's good nutrition, what's not. Which is why people should just mind their own when it comes to other's parenting choices.
  • Clarecbear82
    Clarecbear82 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm sorry but I hate it when people blame their childhood for everything as a parent you do the best you can for your children and I'm sure yours didn't go out of their way to make you the way you are! I'm from a family of three children and I was always overweight unlike my siblings. The main reason being I was a greedy lazy kid unlike the others who where very active. We all had the same food but I would eat anything I could get my hands on as I had a strange fear of missing out. It wasn't my parents fault I was like that its not like I was deprived it was just the way I was.

    I now have three children of my own and try to feed them as healthy as I possibly can on a very tight budget.

    I just hate it though when preachy people who have no kids try to tell others what to do. It just gets on my nerves because your wrong whatever you do in some peoples eyes.

    My oldest hates chocolate and the other day when we where out there was a woman giving out chocolate lollys my 3yr old nearly bit her hand off for one but my 6yr old daughter politely said "no thankyou i don't like chocolate" to which the woman replied "oh does mean mummy not let you eat it?" She soon shut up when I pointed out that my son was eating one. But ot wound me up because why is it any of her bloody business if she is aloud it or not. I also get funny looks when she tells people she doesn't like fizzy drinks either. So as I said you can do no right with these busy bodies.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Perhaps basing parenting decisions on what is right for your child's health, rather than what others say is the way to win.

    Dude, you completely missed my point. My point was it's no one's business but my own what I choose to give or not to give my children to eat.

    I disagree. What you feed your child can affect others in many ways. And if they are fed so poorly that it becomes abusive then people have a right to speak out just as if you were physically or mentally abusing them in any other manner.

    You have just proven my other point: you can't win with the outside world no matter what you do. Everyone has their opinons on what's abusive, what's not, what's good nutrition, what's not. Which is why people should just mind their own when it comes to other's parenting choices.

    Which is exactly what parents that abuse their child in other ways say. Few abusive parents admit that they are abusive. But I suppose we should all just ignore it.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    This thread becomes a lot more bearable when you utilize the ignore feature.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My daughter had Ramen noodles last night for dinner and a pop tart this morning for breakfast. Sue me.

    I freakin' hate it when people say "Parents you should be doing xyz". I find with parenting especially it's just best if people mind their own business. If my kid's eating McDonald's every day someone says something about it. If I'm giving them nothing but veggies and brown rice I'm "depriving" them. Can't win in this situation.

    Perhaps basing parenting decisions on what is right for your child's health, rather than what others say is the way to win.

    Dude, you completely missed my point. My point was it's no one's business but my own what I choose to give or not to give my children to eat.

    I disagree. What you feed your child can affect others in many ways. And if they are fed so poorly that it becomes abusive then people have a right to speak out just as if you were physically or mentally abusing them in any other manner.

    You have just proven my other point: you can't win with the outside world no matter what you do. Everyone has their opinons on what's abusive, what's not, what's good nutrition, what's not. Which is why people should just mind their own when it comes to other's parenting choices.

    Which is exactly what parents that abuse their child in other ways say. Few abusive parents admit that they are abusive. But I suppose we should all just ignore it.
    What we shouldn't ignore is that what I feed my child affects other people, wth? On top of that I have an obese person telling me what I should be feeding my child....anything wrong with that picture?

    I was not talking about anyone in particular nor do I know what obese person your are talking about. I was merely stating that if a parent is feeding a child to point of that child being unhealthy that is a form of abuse and it is everyone's business when children are abused.
  • seehawkmomma
    It is not abuse to feed your child McDonalds.(Although I have to admit feeding it to them daily seems rather expensive and could damage their health)
    Its not abuse if they had Ramon noodles and Pop tart for breakfast.

    If you really want to get down to abuse lets talk about the One Year old child whose father TAPED HER UP and than proceeded to post pictures on Facebook.

    Lets talk about the poor souls out there who starve their children. Beat them.

    Someone who gives their child junk food daily because thats how they do it is not abuse.

    You should find the true meaning of ABUSE.

    I have a daughter and I feed her "healthy" food, but on the same hand she still gets fruit snacks and pizza. Its about balance.