Parents Please Wake Up



  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    you know as a single parent some times all you have time for is fast food but with a little education your child can learn to make better choices at fast food places. my daughter does not like the hamburgers she eats the grilled chicken. so teach them.
  • seehawkmomma

    No, she is saying that taking a healthy child to McD's isn't abusive.

    You clearly havent read her other posts.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I disagree with this. Many parents occasionally get carried away and punish too severely, even when spanking. It is only when it becomes excessive or routine enough to cause long lasting damage that it is abuse. Calling an otherwise good parent that goes overboard once abusive is the same as saying taking your heathy child to McD (there I mentioned it!!) occasionally is abusive.

    Taking a HEALTHY child to fast food OCCASIONALLY is abusive???????

    If the child is healthy and they eat unhealthy OCCASIONALLY its abuse??

    Lady are effing nuts?

    That is the exact opposite of what my post says.

    Nope pretty sure i read that correctly "same as saying taking your heathy child to McD (there I mentioned it!!) occasionally is abusive."

    Are we to the point where you see you are wrong but cant admit it?

    By saying "it is the same as" I was pointing out that saying a one time incidence of a parent going over board on spanking or yelling is abusive is as ridiculous and untrue as saying that taking a healthy child to McD occasionally is abusive. I was saying both statements are equally untrue. Understand?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    A chunky healthy child would obviously not be a child fed to point of obesity and abuse, correct?
    Though the OP may have mentioned McD, I never have said or implied anything about McD.
    A bruise or broken bone is not the only way to abuse a child. This seems to be something we disagree on.

    Abuse is something that is done with malicious and cruel intent. Parents are not saying to themselves, "I'm going to feed my kids junkfood on purpose until they become obese!" It is unintentional. Therefore, this would not be considered abuse.

    Sorry, I must disagree. Abuse is something that causes long term physical or mental harm. Obesity can do this. It can, in fact, cause permanent physical or mental damage.

    and therefore obviously must be laid at the feet of the parents-- ???

    If the parents are the custodians of the children and resonsible for providing their food, then yes.

    So, a 35 year old obese woman, living on her own for, say, 15 years or so who suffered this "permanent physical or mental damage" bears no responsibility-- it's solely her parents fault for force-feeding her crap all her life.

    She may have married, be raising her own kids....buys her own groceries...makes her own choices.... but Mommy and Daddy bear the blame for the permanent damage done to her in her childhood?

    How convenient-- fits perfectly into our blameshifting culture we are in--


    Is the 35 year old obses woman a child?

    You misunderstood the point she was trying to make by a longshot.

    mile or so? At least.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    No, she is saying that taking a healthy child to McD's isn't abusive.

    You clearly havent read her other posts.

    lucky her.

  • seehawkmomma
    I would rather take my child to McDonalds than whoop her a**


    I dont see your point

    My child knows the difference between healthy and not. And she knows Fast food is a treat.

    I have to disagree with you....once again.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    A chunky healthy child would obviously not be a child fed to point of obesity and abuse, correct?
    Though the OP may have mentioned McD, I never have said or implied anything about McD.
    A bruise or broken bone is not the only way to abuse a child. This seems to be something we disagree on.

    Abuse is something that is done with malicious and cruel intent. Parents are not saying to themselves, "I'm going to feed my kids junkfood on purpose until they become obese!" It is unintentional. Therefore, this would not be considered abuse.

    Sorry, I must disagree. Abuse is something that causes long term physical or mental harm. Obesity can do this. It can, in fact, cause permanent physical or mental damage.

    and therefore obviously must be laid at the feet of the parents-- ???

    If the parents are the custodians of the children and resonsible for providing their food, then yes.

    So, a 35 year old obese woman, living on her own for, say, 15 years or so who suffered this "permanent physical or mental damage" bears no responsibility-- it's solely her parents fault for force-feeding her crap all her life.

    She may have married, be raising her own kids....buys her own groceries...makes her own choices.... but Mommy and Daddy bear the blame for the permanent damage done to her in her childhood?

    How convenient-- fits perfectly into our blameshifting culture we are in--


    Is the 35 year old obses woman a child?

    I'm referencing the dreaded "permanent physical and mental damage." If it's so permanent, he/she will still be suffering from it even after being out on their own for decades.... If it's all mom and dad's fault, they have a perennial excuse.


    If the child (as a child not later as an adult) contracted an obesity related disease such a diabetes as a child then that would be a long term affect of the abuse that they will likely deal with for the rest of their life. There could also be long lasting mental issues just as devastating as those from hitting or berating by a parent.
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    So my daughter will be 4 in april.
    She will eat fruit, she will eat most veggies.
    She will eat meats, pastas, she eats peanut butter and honey sandwiches daily.
    Heaven forbid, she has McDonalds, Pizza, boxed Mac n cheese too..
    She also eats (gasp) frozen dinners and chicken nuggets, and toasted raviolis.

    Shes 32lbs. So... abuse because she will ocassionally eat junk? Abuse because she is underweight for her age? What's your call?

    Because she will eat a dinner such as chicken nuggets (you know, those things that abusive parents feed their kids..) along with some steamed vegies, a glass of milk and if she is still hungry maybe a string cheese (OMG processed cheese too!?!?!?)

    GET A GRIP. You should spend more time worrying about yourself than passing judgement on to others. For fu(ks sake!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would rather take my child to McDonalds than whoop her a**


    I dont see your point

    My child knows the difference between healthy and not. And she knows Fast food is a treat.

    I have to disagree with you....once again.

    What are we disagreeing about?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    A chunky healthy child would obviously not be a child fed to point of obesity and abuse, correct?
    Though the OP may have mentioned McD, I never have said or implied anything about McD.
    A bruise or broken bone is not the only way to abuse a child. This seems to be something we disagree on.

    Abuse is something that is done with malicious and cruel intent. Parents are not saying to themselves, "I'm going to feed my kids junkfood on purpose until they become obese!" It is unintentional. Therefore, this would not be considered abuse.

    Sorry, I must disagree. Abuse is something that causes long term physical or mental harm. Obesity can do this. It can, in fact, cause permanent physical or mental damage.

    and therefore obviously must be laid at the feet of the parents-- ???

    If the parents are the custodians of the children and resonsible for providing their food, then yes.

    So, a 35 year old obese woman, living on her own for, say, 15 years or so who suffered this "permanent physical or mental damage" bears no responsibility-- it's solely her parents fault for force-feeding her crap all her life.

    She may have married, be raising her own kids....buys her own groceries...makes her own choices.... but Mommy and Daddy bear the blame for the permanent damage done to her in her childhood?

    How convenient-- fits perfectly into our blameshifting culture we are in--


    Is the 35 year old obses woman a child?

    I'm referencing the dreaded "permanent physical and mental damage." If it's so permanent, he/she will still be suffering from it even after being out on their own for decades.... If it's all mom and dad's fault, they have a perennial excuse.


    If the child (as a child not later as an adult) contracted an obesity related disease such a diabetes as a child then that would be a long term affect of the abuse that they will likely deal with for the rest of their life. There could also be long lasting mental issues just as devastating as those from hitting or berating by a parent.

    Well, sorry-- as long as you use the term abuse, I can't take you seriously-- seems like just somebody with a chip on their shoulder looking for someone to blame.

    Not really my bag to engage in such conversations-- they're pointless.

    have fun everybody--
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    So my daughter will be 4 in april.
    She will eat fruit, she will eat most veggies.
    She will eat meats, pastas, she eats peanut butter and honey sandwiches daily.
    Heaven forbid, she has McDonalds, Pizza, boxed Mac n cheese too..
    She also eats (gasp) frozen dinners and chicken nuggets, and toasted raviolis.

    Shes 32lbs. So... abuse because she will ocassionally eat junk? Abuse because she is underweight for her age? What's your call?

    Because she will eat a dinner such as chicken nuggets (you know, those things that abusive parents feed their kids..) along with some steamed vegies, a glass of milk and if she is still hungry maybe a string cheese (OMG processed cheese too!?!?!?)

    GET A GRIP. You should spend more time worrying about yourself than passing judgement on to others. For fu(ks sake!

    I don't think the OP called that abusive, In fact, I don't think I've seen a response that did either.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    GET A GRIP. You should spend more time worrying about yourself than passing judgement on to others. For fu(ks sake!

    My bottom line reprimand to my children most days.... Minus the F word, naturally-- :wink:
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member

    Sorry, I must disagree. Abuse is something that causes long term physical or mental harm. Obesity can do this. It can, in fact, cause permanent physical or mental damage.

    You have to start taking responsibility for yourself at one point, though. You can't just sit there and say "I'm obese because my parents fed me like **** for part of my life". You're obese because YOU made the choice to shove **** down your own throat, not exercise, or a combination of both.

    Yes I agree, adults have to take responsibility but the choices that parents make nutritionally can (I am not saying always) but can affect someone forever, that is what I am saying. I am not saying my parents are the reason I am obese, it is my fault but it is definitely a contributing factor.

    I'm not saying it's not a factor but when you're an adult you make the choices for you. I do completely understand. I'm at my mom's house and there's not a vegitable in sight let alone whole wheat bread or drinks that aren't completely sugar.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    A chunky healthy child would obviously not be a child fed to point of obesity and abuse, correct?
    Though the OP may have mentioned McD, I never have said or implied anything about McD.
    A bruise or broken bone is not the only way to abuse a child. This seems to be something we disagree on.

    Abuse is something that is done with malicious and cruel intent. Parents are not saying to themselves, "I'm going to feed my kids junkfood on purpose until they become obese!" It is unintentional. Therefore, this would not be considered abuse.

    Sorry, I must disagree. Abuse is something that causes long term physical or mental harm. Obesity can do this. It can, in fact, cause permanent physical or mental damage.

    and therefore obviously must be laid at the feet of the parents-- ???

    If the parents are the custodians of the children and resonsible for providing their food, then yes.

    So, a 35 year old obese woman, living on her own for, say, 15 years or so who suffered this "permanent physical or mental damage" bears no responsibility-- it's solely her parents fault for force-feeding her crap all her life.

    She may have married, be raising her own kids....buys her own groceries...makes her own choices.... but Mommy and Daddy bear the blame for the permanent damage done to her in her childhood?

    How convenient-- fits perfectly into our blameshifting culture we are in--


    Is the 35 year old obses woman a child?

    I'm referencing the dreaded "permanent physical and mental damage." If it's so permanent, he/she will still be suffering from it even after being out on their own for decades.... If it's all mom and dad's fault, they have a perennial excuse.


    If the child (as a child not later as an adult) contracted an obesity related disease such a diabetes as a child then that would be a long term affect of the abuse that they will likely deal with for the rest of their life. There could also be long lasting mental issues just as devastating as those from hitting or berating by a parent.

    Well, sorry-- as long as you use the term abuse, I can't take you seriously-- seems like just somebody with a chip on their shoulder looking for someone to blame.

    Not really my bag to engage in such conversations-- they're pointless.

    have fun everybody--

    i.e. It's 5:00 and time to go home???
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member

    I don't think the OP called that abusive, In fact, I don't think I've seen a response that did either.

  • ShrinkingHollyx
    ShrinkingHollyx Posts: 34 Member

    I don't think the OP called that abusive, In fact, I don't think I've seen a response that did either.


  • Shanahan09
    I totally agree...and education is needed as well. Also, even with the knowledge of parents knowing what is healthy and what is not, there are the lazy ones out there. It's faster/easier for them to give the kid a hot dog nuked in the microwave instead of making them a healthy sandwich. This is where it starts. Don't reward with food, don't use food as a buffer when the child is upset/sad. Teach the child that food is fuel for the most part. What parent wants their kid to come to them as a teen and go "Thanks Mom/Dad for giving me unhealthy foods as a child, now I'm overweight and have Type 2 diabetes." Can you imagine that scenerio? I would be horrified that I as a parent, did that to my child. Starts at home.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I agree. I am constantly shocked at Wal Mart at how many children (under 5) I see drinking soda. This last week I saw a two year old drinking soda out of a baby bottle. This bothers for me than just the soda though. It's all about healthy choices, and moderation. Yes I give my kids candy and desserts. Yes I let my kids eat chips and pizza and fast food. But less than once a week. Soda though, they will not have soda until they are well over 5. There is no reason a child can't be healthy with 100% juice drinks, water, and milk.

    so scary!!!
  • kat65
    kat65 Posts: 124 Member
    It's not just fast food that make people fat. I grew up heavy, and my parents never went to any type of restaurant.

    My son was a chubby boy, and it was not due to fast food either.

    In reality, many people do not know how to make healthy choices -- parents. Also, they carry around their own pain. We do not walk in their shoes so we cannot judge them.

    Teaching (education) on how to make better choices and counseling can help people lose weight.
    Without that, people will find it hard to lose weight.
  • DanceForever904
    DanceForever904 Posts: 611 Member
    ok look i agree with u on some type of level BUT Ieat fast food everyday and ive lost 61 pounds! its not the place its what u eat at the place for example mcdonald: 1 grilled snack wrap WITHOUT sauce is 230ish calories 1 caramel apple low fat yogurt 180 calories end meal.....its my frequent go to u kno what the parents are ordering there kids??? if not then dont assume just cause there at mcds that they are eating bad!!!! i hate when ppl assume!!!