Biting my tongue at seeing overweight children



  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    I like how judgey people can be since a good number of the people on this site have or had weight issues themselves.
    If you need to bite your tounge when you see an overweight child maybe you should bite a little harder to not be such a judgemental ****
    next time.

    Yes! Thank you for saying this! For all of you that were overweight as kids and think its a good idea to remove kids from parents....what if that had been you?? How would you have felt being taken away from your parents?
    I was a fat child, and I'm the one everyone is arguing with.
    Would I have understood at the time? No.
    Do I wish someone had said SOMETHING to my parents to make it clear that they were feeding me the wrong foods? YES.

    So you wish someone had told your parents that the very sight of you made them want to puke,or would you have preffered to have been put in foster homes?

  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    So sad!! While your reaction seems a little extreeme, If you are in the US then your tax $ will likely be paying for the diseases they contract from such an unhealthy diet and lifestyle so you have some right to complain.
    The complaint should be with the gov't taking the money and using it to pay for folks' poor decisions, not the individual.
    Even if they have private insurance it would still affect all of us by driving up ins rates in general. And then there is the fact that the children are simply being mistreated. Childhood obesity is everyone's problem.
    Can we agree, though, that calling someone out about it at a fast food place will not solve the problem?
    How about calling someone out at a fast food while you are eating the stuff too, will not any problems?
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Obviously I'm not sitting down drawing out a proposal to the feds, or else I would have answers for you. In short, I feel like something needs to be put in place to regulate this. It's not okay that people can kill their kids with food. Honestly, at a very young age (say 10 and under) maybe BMI is a good way to go about it. No child is going to have enough muscle on them to make the BMI scale so inaccurate that it would say a child is obese if they weren't. Or maybe when they hit that morbid obesity, give the parents a year to get the child to a healthy weight (time probably would change depending on how overweight the child is). I'm not trying to bully parents, just trying to say that it is abuse to feed them in such ways.
    I feel that the mothers that have their kids all dolled up like *kitten* for those kiddie beauty pageants are terrible, and doing some serious damage to their kids. I will never call for them to be taken away though. it's a dangerous path when you call for gov't to intervene for anything beyond protecting kids from immediate physical harm. Once you give them some power, it is nearly impossible to take it back, or keep them from wanting more.

    Gov't regulation is rarely the answer to any societal ills.

    I agree like 10,000% on this!
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    Here in the UK I'm pretty sure allowing your kids to get obese counts as child abuse and people have had their kids taken away as a result.
    The US needs this, hardcore.
    Really? The slope gets awfully slippery here, folks. Where is the line drawn? Spooky stuff, folks. Spooky.
    Yes, really. If a child is on the verge of diabetes as a result of what the parents are feeding them, you don't think that's child abuse? That those parents are obviously not fit to raise children? Once the kid turns 18 they can do as they please. But while they're still young, still learning, still molding, parents need to teach their children good habits, not ones that will possibly kill them. Disorders that affect weight don't make people obese, just overweight.

    Seriously??? And you are the expert HOW!!! I was an overweight child and my parents did everything they could to stop me from getting fatter. Did it work? Nope. I was still fat. So I should of been taken away from my parents because of MY habits?? How can you honestly say a child should be taken away from their parents? YES, maybe the parents should be given nutrition classes with the child but not taken away. This is complete ignorance.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I think it has something to do with people getting very angry at others for a myriad of things.

    Do you like Obama? Then people are going to be very angry at you.
    What about your religion? Yep. Guaranteed people will be very angry about whatever you answer there.

    You want to make a difference with overweight kids? Be the example. Keep the judgement to thyself. Next up on the judgement block may be you for a number of reasons.

    Also the statements being used are inflammatory, derrogative, and highly insulting. There is a difference between "I think that overweight children need to adjust their diet" to "It disgusts me".

    Note "you" is a general term, not any one person in particular.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I won't argue your right to judge in your head, because you're going to do it whether I think you're a terrible person or not.

    The fact that you watched these kids long and hard enough to write such a detailed paragraph is a concern to me. The fact that you're so thoroughly disgusted by these CHILDREN is a concern to me. If you were a fat kid, you know how quickly you can tell someone is staring at you and judging you. You probably made these kids feel like **** because their parent/s may or may not make bad decisions for them. Well done.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    I hope the mom isn't a member of MFP. :(

  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I was a fat child, and I'm the one everyone is arguing with.
    Would I have understood at the time? No.
    Do I wish someone had said SOMETHING to my parents to make it clear that they were feeding me the wrong foods? YES.
    I would hope that we can agree that a random stranger making a comment would not have done anything to help. Also, the gov't has had guidelines around for decades, and most people that are able to drive and raise kids know what is healthy and what is not. No amount of being told what to do will make someone do anything.

    Like the old saying says, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    I like how judgey people can be since a good number of the people on this site have or had weight issues themselves.
    If you need to bite your tounge when you see an overweight child maybe you should bite a little harder to not be such a judgemental ****
    next time.

    Yes! Thank you for saying this! For all of you that were overweight as kids and think its a good idea to remove kids from parents....what if that had been you?? How would you have felt being taken away from your parents?
    I was a fat child, and I'm the one everyone is arguing with.
    Would I have understood at the time? No.
    Do I wish someone had said SOMETHING to my parents to make it clear that they were feeding me the wrong foods? YES.

    So you wish someone had told your parents that the very sight of you made them want to puke,or would you have preffered to have been put in foster homes?
    How about instead of turning my words into something I did NOT say, just read them for what they are? I wish my parents were made aware, yes. I wish that if they had been made aware and did not change what they were doing that I would have been put into a better home where this would not have happened, yes. My brother is over 400lbs and has knee problems due to him being overweight as a young child. I think parents should be held responsible for their child's health problems (WEIGHT-RELATED, before anyone flips out at this statement)
  • mlemonroe2
    First off bribing your child to be good by stuffing a donut in their face is NOT the way to get them to be good. I know, I'm not a parent so I don't truly understand what it is like to have a screamin 2 year old in the grocery store when I'm running on 3 hours of sleep BUT I still don't think it's right for parents to bribe their children with food to be good. That is not a good way to raise them because then they'll learn that every time they throw a tantrum they will get what they want. They need to learn they are not the boss and they do as mama/papa says.

    my child is 2. she throws lots of tantrums. for the most part, i just let her, but when i'm in the store and its been a long day and i just need to get out of there, i bust out the cheerios or fruit snacks to keep her busy so i can get out of there. all i said was i understand how the person who gives her kid a doughnut feels. not that i give my kids cake all the time to make them behave. it's easy to think how you would react if you have kids and totally another story when you actually do. props to anyone who never gives their child a snack or toy to stop a screaming fit. It dosn't happen a lot, but it happens. No one is perfect, not even parents

    I'm not saying it makes you (general you) a bad parent. I guess I should've clarified and said if it happens every day. I understand sometimes caving and that's okay. But when it's the first resort *all the time* that it's bad. Once in a while isn't.

    I agree with you. There have been quite a few people being harsh to me becasue i said i understood what the other poster was talking about when she said she would give her kid a doughnut in target to make them be quite. Just becasue someone says that, dosn't mean we can assume it's something that happens all the time. People are so quick to judge other people just by a few words they post in a forum. I guess I should just stop looking in them!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    raindropwishes, this is random and totally off topic, but at first glance, because of the lighting, the parrot in your profile picture looks a bit like a white *kitten*. Just saying. :indifferent:
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member

    Also, aren’t most people here for the exact same reasons? Lets us not cast stones at a glass house. We haven’t all been in the shoes of others.

  • Stavakoli
    Stavakoli Posts: 86 Member
    Let me tell ya something... LOL! I'd have had the same thoughts! Don't feel bad. Everybody judges everybody. I'm sure big people judge fit people all the time.... "...look at her, she thinks she's all that because she can wear a size 0, pshhhhhhh, she ain't got nothing on my lovely lady LUMPS!"

    It is a SHAME that parents teach their kids to NOT have self control. That kid probably sensed your "disapproval" and made that face because she's been taught, "Eat up, honey! The more the better! Nevermind if you develop juvenile diabetes or are teased by kids, because you can squash them!"

    **IF anybody is offended by what I say, that's too bad. I would think most of us MFP's are ALL for children's health.

    I completely agree.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    If Im the parent and youre looking at me all grinch like..while Im handing my son a donut..when I turn around and catch you...Im going to make sure we sprinkle powdered donut dust alll over you! lol

    Seriously..I dont give my kids junk all the time. But...if they are good..and act like they arent hellions like their daddys side of the family when were out somewhere...then yes..they get a treat. It may be a kit kat to split or it might be a matchbox car. Hey..even I have standards :)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member

    You obviously do not have a child with ADHD. Children are different. My two children are polar oposites of eachother. My dauther is calm, cool, collected. At 18 months old I knew I could take her to a funeral and her not tip the casket over. My son... well lets just say he's the demon child from hell who would not only have tipped the casket over but jumped into it and pretended it was a truck. You pick your battles, dude.

    My daughter has fairly severe ADHD. I have managed to keep her under control without ever giving her a doughnut. All children are different. Some take more motivation than others. And I dont get upset when I see a child with a doughnut. I get upset when I see a child who is FAT (not husky, not chubby, not big headed, not big for his age, just plain old fat) eating one with a buggy full of other crap while clutching a 20oz coca-cola and is visibly dirty and neglected. I am not above bribery with my girl. I, as a parent, have the right to decide what I think is best. I instead bribe her with a trip to the playground, or a new frisbee, or her choice of a movie at home. I think that using food as a motivator in any form is not a good idea. It instills the idea that when we are good we get food, when we are sad we get food, when we are angry we eat. I would rather her understand that releasing physical energy or doing something (non food related) that just you want to do is a great way to deal with emotion. I was an emotional eater, and as a result, I was an emotional fatty. I have had to retrain every fiber of my being to understand that the benefits and joy I will get from a round of putt putt or a good new pair of running shoes or even a bubble bath, far outweigh the benefits of a doughnut.
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Let me tell ya something... LOL! I'd have had the same thoughts! Don't feel bad. Everybody judges everybody. I'm sure big people judge fit people all the time.... "...look at her, she thinks she's all that because she can wear a size 0, pshhhhhhh, she ain't got nothing on my lovely lady LUMPS!"

    It is a SHAME that parents teach their kids to NOT have self control. That kid probably sensed your "disapproval" and made that face because she's been taught, "Eat up, honey! The more the better! Nevermind if you develop juvenile diabetes or are teased by kids, because you can squash them!"

    **IF anybody is offended by what I say, that's too bad. I would think most of us MFP's are ALL for children's health.

    I completely agree.

    yup yup!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    LOL!!! I have a 2 year old so I totally get that!

    Some parents remove their children from such situations immediately rather than allowing them to learn that temper tantrums in public will get them what they want.

    some children blah blah blah.. yeah you try taking a 2 year old to the post office while you wait in line to mail a package and they continue to run for the door and want to play... they scream and holler and throw fits do you lose your place in line to leave and mail the package later or do you take the sucker that the post office employee offers to calm him down?? hmmm, I take the sucker and it usually it works so the hell with you saying you can immediately leave when it comes to temper tantrums and let's see how it works out for you

    \My 3 year is better educated then that.
    He dont throw tantrums in public places and he listens to me when I explain to him that he needs to settle down and he can have something healthier when we get home.
    Its all in how we raise and educate our children in how its appropriate to behave.
    If you wanna let your children walk all over you, thats your problem.

    You obviously do not have a child with ADHD. Children are different. My two children are polar oposites of eachother. My dauther is calm, cool, collected. At 18 months old I knew I could take her to a funeral and her not tip the casket over. My son... well lets just say he's the demon child from hell who would not only have tipped the casket over but jumped into it and pretended it was a truck. You pick your battles, dude.

    You always have an excuse.
    In everything you post. Lol.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    I must be the only person to agree with the OP. Obesity rates in children have TRIPLED in the past decade. There's a serious problem with the lack of nutritional education parents are teaching their kids. My family has a huge problem with obesity, and I used to be obese myself. You have to learn healthy eating habits at home. If these kids don't learn now, they're going to have SERIOUS health conditions.

    I would have been sickened, too. Not because they were fat but because they are going to have a low quality of life.

    If being overweight was okay, then none of us would be here (on MFP) right now. The end.

    I couldn't have said it ANY better myself.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    LOL!!! I have a 2 year old so I totally get that!

    Some parents remove their children from such situations immediately rather than allowing them to learn that temper tantrums in public will get them what they want.

    some children blah blah blah.. yeah you try taking a 2 year old to the post office while you wait in line to mail a package and they continue to run for the door and want to play... they scream and holler and throw fits do you lose your place in line to leave and mail the package later or do you take the sucker that the post office employee offers to calm him down?? hmmm, I take the sucker and it usually it works so the hell with you saying you can immediately leave when it comes to temper tantrums and let's see how it works out for you

    \My 3 year is better educated then that.
    He dont throw tantrums in public places and he listens to me when I explain to him that he needs to settle down and he can have something healthier when we get home.
    Its all in how we raise and educate our children in how its appropriate to behave.
    If you wanna let your children walk all over you, thats your problem.
    Amen! If my kids throw tantrums over donuts, there is NO stinkin' way they are getting them!
  • mlemonroe2
    I have a hard time believing that anybody is calming down a toddler having a tantrum by telling them they are going to provide “healthy” foods when you get home LOL

    And side note, on top of all the people saying that they wouldn’t give the child the donut, I would like to also point out those are probably the same people who are giving you nasty dirty looks because you can’t “control” your child.

    Have a heart that is full of love and respect for other people. Be it if they are “overweight” or “ugly” whatever doesn’t meet YOUR standards. Being loving and kind isn’t a hot topic around here ive noticed. “Voicing” opinions in rash cruel ways is much more popular..

    Also, aren’t most people here for the exact same reasons? Lets us not cast stones at a glass house. We haven’t all been in the shoes of others.
    Well put! People are so quick to judge someone they don't even know based on a few words they post in a forum. Everyone raises their children differently. No one is perfect and there isn't always one right way. Isn't it the time of year for love and understading :happy:
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