Biting my tongue at seeing overweight children



  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Here in the UK I'm pretty sure allowing your kids to get obese counts as child abuse and people have had their kids taken away as a result.
    The US needs this, hardcore.

    I think that should be a last resort. First the family should be put in nutrition education classes and counseling for what is probably food addiction. Only if the parents fail to cooperate should further action be taken. Removal of a child from the home should be only in extreme cases.
    I am talking extreme. Of course, everyone assumes though that I mean a child who is just overweight. Does no one watch the Maury show?

    By allowing that the government take those children away, you're causing the taxpayers and government to do what the parents should be doing (taking nutrition classes, learning about health, other education).

    By doing that you're just letting the parents off the hook and it's ridiculous.

    And I do watch the Maury Show with those overweight children. And what did they do? They offered those women education and help from a counselor, not call CPS and snatch those children away. :grumble:
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    so..our local walmart used to have a mcdonalds..they took it out and put in a Subway. Who said Walmart was dumb?? *looking around*

    Oh yes..I am the BAD mother for giving my child a Krispy Kreme. Sure..ok.
  • Want2weigh165
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    LOL!!! I have a 2 year old so I totally get that!

    Some parents remove their children from such situations immediately rather than allowing them to learn that temper tantrums in public will get them what they want.

    some children blah blah blah.. yeah you try taking a 2 year old to the post office while you wait in line to mail a package and they continue to run for the door and want to play... they scream and holler and throw fits do you lose your place in line to leave and mail the package later or do you take the sucker that the post office employee offers to calm him down?? hmmm, I take the sucker and it usually it works so the hell with you saying you can immediately leave when it comes to temper tantrums and let's see how it works out for you
  • ahoefs87
    I too get upset seeing overweight children and mothers stuffing their faces, but there comes a time in everyone's life when they have the option to say no to food. Over eating is one thing, I am several hundred pounds and I got here from self esteem issues, traumatic events and a food addiction that I am now working on battling. But, unless you know why those children are over weight we cant judge, even though everyone seems to. Being overweight can be caused from several issues, especially in children. Medical, mental and parental. I dont know if you wanted to vomit because of the children themselves or if you wanted to vomit because it upset you to see them and their future struggles,either way that is a harsh comment. Thank God, these children arent reading this because it could mentally scar them! You are thin, and I am disappointed to read such a blog!
  • chenna14
    chenna14 Posts: 15 Member
    So sad!! While your reaction seems a little extreeme, If you are in the US then your tax $ will likely be paying for the diseases they contract from such an unhealthy diet and lifestyle so you have some right to complain.
    The complaint should be with the gov't taking the money and using it to pay for folks' poor decisions, not the individual.

    How long is it going to take for the govt to fix these issues? Exactly.. Don't blame the govt for something you can proactively prevent.
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    Did she just say the "Maury" show?? I bet you watch Dr. Oz too..hahahaha.
    No, I don't watch Dr Oz. I find him extremely ignorant and obnoxious.
    In reference to the Maury show, I was speaking specifically about the episode about morbidly obese children that was run years ago, not whatever it is he's doing now.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    And I do watch the Maury Show with those overweight children. And what did they do? They offered those women education and help from a counselor, not call CPS and snatch those children away. :grumble:
    Do they throw in any free paternity testing too? :laugh:
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    I get shot at so much for agreeing randomly with something that I have to fight for something I don't believe in to the full extent.
    If you don't believe in it to the full extent, then why say it? Have you changed your mind on the matter? That's okay too, and I think that everyone would respect that.
    It's not that my mind has changed, it's that I agreed that we need SOMETHING that tells parents of obese children that what they're doing is not okay. People are putting words in my mouth so fast I can't even read them all.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    wow, im that blunt all the time, and i dont drink. And sure, there are kids with odd dietary needs, but no diet calls for 3lbs of mac and cheese, buttered popcorn, brownies, and a milkshake in one sitting, especially for an 8 year old. And the op does not need therapy for getting squicked out. Im disgusted by overweight people eating junk food in much the same way i get disgusted seeing people smoke or take handfulls of vicodin. It's detrimental to their health and i dont particularly enjoy watching people kill themselves. However, i have the option of simply turning my head and not staring, which is the option i pick. Overweight children under about ten years old bother me, because that is simply the parent's food choices. No 5 year old can buy their own double whopper and fries.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Seriously...if Im in Target..and my 6 yr old who is 43lbs wants a donut and it keeps him from screaming for the hour Im in the God..hes getting a stinking donut! lol

    LOL!!! I have a 2 year old so I totally get that!

    Some parents remove their children from such situations immediately rather than allowing them to learn that temper tantrums in public will get them what they want.

    some children blah blah blah.. yeah you try taking a 2 year old to the post office while you wait in line to mail a package and they continue to run for the door and want to play... they scream and holler and throw fits do you lose your place in line to leave and mail the package later or do you take the sucker that the post office employee offers to calm him down?? hmmm, I take the sucker and it usually it works so the hell with you saying you can immediately leave when it comes to temper tantrums and let's see how it works out for you

    WOOT ,WOOT! At this point...there be a damn sucker for me too! :):):)
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    so..our local walmart used to have a mcdonalds..they took it out and put in a Subway. Who said Walmart was dumb?? *looking around*

    Oh yes..I am the BAD mother for giving my child a Krispy Kreme. Sure..ok.

    I hope you know *someone* is staring at you in disgust, about to toss their cookies... it isn't me, my kids ask for donuts too... they get one once a week (WHILE WE ARE GROCERY SHOPPING) I so feel ya...
  • ahoefs87
    p.s. I personally have a niece who is 14 months old, she is 29 lbs, but her doctor says she is healthy. To me, as long as the children are happy and healthy they can deal with weight issues later in life! Once again, I am disappointed to read such a horrible blog about children! To an extent they can not help it!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    And I do watch the Maury Show with those overweight children. And what did they do? They offered those women education and help from a counselor, not call CPS and snatch those children away. :grumble:
    Do they throw in any free paternity testing too? :laugh:

    Of course not! They gotta save that for the next episode! :laugh:
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm sorry that the sight of fat people makes you sick to your stomach. The sight of uneducated mouth breathers having children also disgusts me.

    Thank you for motivating me to write my congressman to pass a law taking away the children of mouth breathing cretins. Those poor children. Being raised to be intellectually devoid and emotionally raised to be cruel and vapid individuals...

  • unifil
    unifil Posts: 39 Member
    Amen to this!!!
    Parents are suposed to be responsible for their children!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    so..our local walmart used to have a mcdonalds..they took it out and put in a Subway. Who said Walmart was dumb?? *looking around*

    Oh yes..I am the BAD mother for giving my child a Krispy Kreme. Sure..ok.

    It's cool, I'm the bad one for giving my kid Pizza... we're in the same boat.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I am a very blunt, forward person. Get a few drinks in me and I'm like a truth machine. It's both a curse and a good thing.

    So the other night, a few of us went to our local cafe after hours where they were showing christmas movies. We had a few drinks, enjoyed some cafe treats, and cozied in for the politically incorrect Rudolph.

    Looking to my left though, I noticed two extremely, and I mean extremely overweight girls dressed in tight multicolored dresses, the buttons on the blouses gapped and barely holding. They couldn't have been any older then 8 or 9. Mom had gotten them the cafe's baked mac and cheese, both their own, with the chowder to dip it into, and chocolate brownies for desert. The cafe also served free popcorn in which I was behind one of the girls in line, as she scooped up and filled her bowl, stopped, realizing she could fit more in, and piled it higher. I swear she snorted at me as she turned to walk back to her seat.

    I felt sick. Nauseous. I couldn't even get my handful of popcorn. I wanted to eject the dinner I had and the cookies I had eaten. I wanted to say something to the mother. I was sitting next to them the whole time. Listening to them eat. Watching. It was like a horrible movie montage. As the one girl finished her mac and cheese, her smaller brother had half of his left, and so she finished his for him.

    I saw the beginning of a long journey of self-esteem issues and hurt as they get older and realize how much their size is going to effect them.

    I also hated myself for thinking the thoughts I had. What right do I have to judge them?

    Thats awful, I would have had to bite my tongue as well. Poor kids, my mom wouldn't have let me eat like that as a kid. When ever we went out to eat as kids, even now we spilt all most everything, portion size is crazy, and also we spilt desserts. One person does NOT need all of that. They are going to grow up dieting and having self esteem issues :/ The most you can do is make sure if you have kids you raise them eating healthy! thats what I will do.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    I'm sorry that the sight of fat people makes you sick to your stomach. The sight of uneducated mouth breathers having children also disgusts me.

    Thank you for motivating me to write my congressman to pass a law taking away the children of mouth breathing cretins. Those poor children. Being raised to be intellectually devoid and emotionally raised to be cruel and vapid individuals...


    mouth breathers:laugh:
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    It's not that my mind has changed, it's that I agreed that we need SOMETHING that tells parents of obese children that what they're doing is not okay. People are putting words in my mouth so fast I can't even read them all.
    Nobody is putting words in your mouth. After this...
    Here in the UK I'm pretty sure allowing your kids to get obese counts as child abuse and people have had their kids taken away as a result.
    The US needs this, hardcore.
    ...many of us raised questions about the opinion you stated.

    Now, this...
    I get shot at so much for agreeing randomly with something that I have to fight for something I don't believe in to the full extent. confusing. What do you not believe to the full extent?
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81

    We ALL judge.. we're human. I've looked at some of the kids i work with and say "Damn, i wanna run some of these kids up the stairs a couple of times" But then, i know what some of these kids eat... so i guess i can say some stuff...

    Anyway, i digress... it's what u do with said judgement that makes u bad or acceptable.

    Dont Gawk and stare and point over these strange kids... you dont know them AND they arent yours.

    So quit worrying about them. U dont need to be feeling nauseous over them. Worry about you and hope they're parents know what they're doing.

    SIDENOTE: but in truth tho... the portions in the US are MASSIVE. For example, the kids soda in the movie theatre is what we have as our adult medium, not to mention the largest sized popcorn here.. is your small..0_0 ... I do believe some parents need to teach their kids about control. It really isnt healthy. It really doesnt matter how much they cry and carry on about what their friends eat. If they are taught not to have certain things, they wont.
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