January Daily Step Challenge



  • lamlam2468
    lamlam2468 Posts: 839 Member
    1/1 -- 3299
    1/2 -- 6093
    1/3 -- 10,661
    1/4 -- 11,679
    1/5 -- 15,104
    1/6 -- 10,413
    1/7 -- 14,158
    1/8 -- 6117 (taking a little break today)
    1/9 -- 3638 (too much to do today; didn't have time to get my walking in)
    1/10 -- 18,228 (oh my, I think this may be a record!!!)
    1/11 -- 11,266
    1/12 -- 11,715 (wanted to get more in this evening but had other things to get caught up in. I so want to break 20,000 sometime soon!
    1/13 -- 10,860
    1/14 -- 2253 (pathetic, lazy day)
    1/15 -- 4072 (weekends are always a little harder for me. Tomorrow I should be back on track).
    1/16 -- 4110 (sorry for the late post; web site down last night).
    1/17 -- 9259
    1/18 -- 9733 -- didn't get the huge steps I wanted to today, as my tummy was feeling icky and I had more important, unexpected things to do.
    1/19 -- 21,065 -- Blew my old record out of the water!
    1/20 -- 919 -- yep, that's no typo! Didn't get a walk in. I was tooo exhausted today/tonight. Didn't sleep till way late last night after helping my dad out on his farm last evening and then I had to do my 8-hour secular job. It's veg out time for me tonight!!!
    1/21 -- 7362
    1/22 -- 13,573
    1/23 -- 4544 (lack of motivation -- tomorrow is a new day)
    1/24 -- 10,710
    1/25 -- 11,833
    1/26 -- 2120 (lack of motivation late in the day, and I was interrupted with life's busyness. Unfortunately, that busyness was sedentary)
    1/27 -- 13,255 --didn't get the treadmill work in today but I did do some light cleaning and this evening ran a ton of errands and got a 1/2-hr mall walk in.
    1/28 -- 3100 (I was on my feet a lot this morning moving around but mainly in the kitchen cooking for a gathering today. Steps don't reflect that. oh well, tomorrow is a new day)
    1/29 -- 8572
    1/30 -- 19,335
    1/31 -- 11,606

    Whew...loved this! Can't wait till tomorrow's Feb step challenge starts!:happy:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Finsihed the month well yesterday. And the number of steps is the same backwards and forwards.

    1/31 - 12,021
    1/30 - 4,603
    1/29 - 7,963
    1/28 - 14,161
    1/27 - 11,316
    1/26 - 9,438
    1/25 - 8,127
    1/24 - 14,124
    1/23 - 19,429
    1/22 - 8,625
    1/21 - 16.034
    1/20 - 9,076
    1/19 - 11,965
    1/18 - 22,570
    1/17 - 11,135
    1/16 - 13,238
    1/15 - 12,122
    1/14 - 7,310
    1/13 -10,003
    1/12 - 7,176.
    1/11 - 9,167
    1/10 - 10,096
    1/9 - 16,148
    1/8 - 23,045
    1/7 - 9,600
    1/6 - 8,651
    1/5 - 10,173
    1/4 - 10,019
    1/3 - 11,113
    1/2 - 13,625
    1/1 - 12.690
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    On to February!
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    I recorded my steps for 7 days in a row, just the day to day stuff, I didn't count my long beach walks or runs, and i averaged over 7,000 steps per day. That's just walking around the house :)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    1-Jan: 0
    2-Jan: 0
    3-Jan: 6982 (only put on Kifit @ 5pm)
    4-Jan: 12984
    5-Jan: 2528 (had the Flu...!)
    6-Jan: 135 (Flu....!)
    7-Jan: 6582 (Flu....!)
    8-Jan: 2719
    9-Jan: 9182
    10-Jan: 7882
    11-Jan: gallbladder surgery, didn't wear KiFit
    12-Jan: recovering from surgery, didn't wear KiFit
    13-Jan: recovering from surgery, didn't wear KiFit
    14-Jan: recovering from surgery, didn't wear KiFit
    15-Jan: 10,316
    16-Jan: 1040 (forgot to put KiFit back on)
    17-Jan: 6529
    19-Jan: 5008
    20-Jan: (forgot to put KiFit on)
    21 Jan: 6745
    22 Jan: 2636
    23 Jan: 3926
    24 Jan: 3015
    25 Jan: 5239
    26 Jan: 1405
    27 Jan: 2055 (migraine...!)
    28 Jan: 8114 (did Walk Away the Pounds 3 Mile Walk)
    29 Jan: 13398 (had a 2 hour walk around a park with the South London MFP Walking group)
    30 Jan: 6266 (2.4 mile round trip walk to the shops)
    31 Jan: 4029

    Hopefully I will do better next month, when my doctor gives me the ok to increase my activity
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Great job everyone! Be sure to join us for February!
