breastfeeding in public



  • frugalmomsrock

    Um, if you are worried about your comfort, definitely do NOT have kids. lol!

    True that. Pregnancy and labor are definitely NOT the most comfortable things I've done in my life. :)

    Not to mention sleep deprivation, the constant worry, never being able to go the bathroom uninterrupted, cleaning up all kinds of bodily fluid, having to make dining choices for the kids. Parenting is not for the selfish!
    Or making it to the bathroom (hello.. I've had five kids, and I pee when I sneeze). lol
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    I support breastfeeding, public and private!!!
  • nubeing
    I think that it is a natural act and a woman's choice. It is not against the law and I think that there should be repercussions for employees who ask breastfeeding mothers to cover up. Here in Toronto (Canada), many stores have a written breastfeeding policy that promotes that the place is breastfeeding friendly and employees are expected to adhere to that and advocate for that. I have four children, all of whom were breastfed. I fed them when they needed to be fed, and that means in private or in public. Babies are hungry, they don't have time for our social hangups. By the way, breastfeeding is the BEST way to lose that post-pregnancy weight. After my first child, I was back in my old jeans in six weeks. When you finally have those babies in the future, I say feed them whenever and wherever you can.
  • caitmcwill
    [/quote]Or making it to the bathroom (hello.. I've had five kids, and I pee when I sneeze). lol

    haha that was hilarious...been there before :-/
  • caitmcwill
  • mommamindi
    As a mommy who is unable to breastfeed due to medical issues, I have to say I would rather see a baby being nursed in public then being bottle fed, because I know that baby being nursed is not only eating but getting an incredible bond with his/her mother. Breast is best, period, and if you CAN breastfeed but dont WANT to because its "weird" or "uncomfortable" I think you should probably rethink the choice to have kids...

    Being a mother means doing everything in your power to give that child the best you can in life, and that includes breastfeeding.

    Very well said! If you chose to not do whats best by your child and breast feed because you are worried about a little cracking on your nipple, then that is just plain selfish. A cracked nipple is nothing compared to the pain of pushing a baby out after laboring for hours.

    Aint that the shortest labor was 55 hours...let me tell you I will take 10 cracked nipples any day of the year over that hell!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    And seriously, to the people that think formula feeding mothers (without a medical reason of course) are selfish and shouldn't have children? Mind your own f*cking business. My son is healthy and happy and does quite well on his formula. I do everything for him but I'm selfish and/or shouldn't have children because I'm not breastfeeding? My kid may be bottle fed, but at least he'll be open minded and tolerant.

    Thank you! It really offended me to read that people believed I shouldn't have children because I don't want to breastfeed, and I'm worried about my own discomfort. That's my own deal. Formula is not evil. Is breastmilk better? All signs point to yes. But it is my own choice whether I want to breastfeed or not. Just because I don't want to breastfeed doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to have children.

    I dont think anyone said you shouldnt be allowed kids, and if its my post you are talking about, I said maybe you should RETHINK having children, not that you shouldnt be allowed. I stand by my opinion...having a child means you do everything in your power to give your baby the best. Every single time I give birth I mourn the fact that I cannot physically breastfeed because as a mother it is my job to give my baby that. Are my children happy, healthy, and highly intelligent even on formula OF COURSE but breastfeeding offers things that formula of those things include immunities...I mean if I could simply save myself from having to be up all night and day with my three week old son because his big sister got him very sick by breastfeeding I would do it, but alas I cant...and here I am cradling my son in one arm and using the other to type, because if I set him down he will scream because his tummy hurts.

    Am I comfortable...hell arm is asleep and my shoulder is aching, but being a mommy means being uncomfortable when your child needs you ;-)

    You sound like a great mom and I'm sorry if I twisted your words that way. I wasn't referring to you exactly, as I saw other similar comments in this post. I definitely want children. My mom didn't breastfeed me or my sister, and I don't think not wanting to breastfeed should make you reconsider having children. Plenty of women don't breastfeed by choice and are comfortable with their decision. To each their own. I am okay with the idea of a day of labor, just not with breastfeeding for months and months.
  • frugalmomsrock
    As a mommy who is unable to breastfeed due to medical issues, I have to say I would rather see a baby being nursed in public then being bottle fed, because I know that baby being nursed is not only eating but getting an incredible bond with his/her mother. Breast is best, period, and if you CAN breastfeed but dont WANT to because its "weird" or "uncomfortable" I think you should probably rethink the choice to have kids...

    Being a mother means doing everything in your power to give that child the best you can in life, and that includes breastfeeding.

    Very well said! If you chose to not do whats best by your child and breast feed because you are worried about a little cracking on your nipple, then that is just plain selfish. A cracked nipple is nothing compared to the pain of pushing a baby out after laboring for hours.

    Aint that the shortest labor was 55 hours...let me tell you I will take 10 cracked nipples any day of the year over that hell!

    Shoot... I had 9 hours, 1 hour 45 minutes (crossing my legs to wait for my mom), 30 hours, 7 hours 43 minutes, and 4 hours 36 minutes (mostly "easy" labors, med free), and I'd *still* take cracked nipples over child birth.
  • tawnajean
    I was wondering if you had any children yet :)

    I had planned to NEVER breastfeed in public. The only problem? My babies didn't always agree with my plan! I am PRO discrete public breastfeeding. But hey, it's not my boobs hanging out.

    I am AGAINST mothers having to breastfeed in a bathroom stall! Really?! Really?! I don't think any baby should have to eat where people are deficating! Does anyone else like to sit on a toilet and eat? Then why should a baby?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I was wondering if you had any children yet :)

    I had planned to NEVER breastfeed in public. The only problem? My babies didn't always agree with my plan! I am PRO discrete public breastfeeding. But hey, it's not my boobs hanging out.

    I am AGAINST mothers having to breastfeed in a bathroom stall! Really?! Really?! I don't think any baby should have to eat where people are deficating! Does anyone else like to sit on a toilet and eat? Then why should a baby?

    Not sure this is directed at me or not lol but no I don't have children, but when I do, I don't plan to breastfeed. I don't knock anyone else that does though - in fact, I think it's great - but it's not for me and I already know that.
  • AnnieSPAJ
    AnnieSPAJ Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry, the way you said it it sounded to me like we shouldn't have children because we're not willing to do everything possible for them. And I knew I wanted kids since I was a kid, it's not something I would rethink because I don't want to breastfeed.

    For the record, I was going to try breastfeeding, but my son was in the nicu for 11 days so we had latching issues. I pumped for 3 weeks and quit because I absolutely hated it, and he was getting formula anyways because I wasn't producing enough. Knowing that, I'm not even going to try with the next one. I'll be happier not worrying about it, and a happy mom is important too.
  • mommamindi

    And seriously, to the people that think formula feeding mothers (without a medical reason of course) are selfish and shouldn't have children? Mind your own f*cking business. My son is healthy and happy and does quite well on his formula. I do everything for him but I'm selfish and/or shouldn't have children because I'm not breastfeeding? My kid may be bottle fed, but at least he'll be open minded and tolerant.

    Thank you! It really offended me to read that people believed I shouldn't have children because I don't want to breastfeed, and I'm worried about my own discomfort. That's my own deal. Formula is not evil. Is breastmilk better? All signs point to yes. But it is my own choice whether I want to breastfeed or not. Just because I don't want to breastfeed doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed to have children.

    I dont think anyone said you shouldnt be allowed kids, and if its my post you are talking about, I said maybe you should RETHINK having children, not that you shouldnt be allowed. I stand by my opinion...having a child means you do everything in your power to give your baby the best. Every single time I give birth I mourn the fact that I cannot physically breastfeed because as a mother it is my job to give my baby that. Are my children happy, healthy, and highly intelligent even on formula OF COURSE but breastfeeding offers things that formula of those things include immunities...I mean if I could simply save myself from having to be up all night and day with my three week old son because his big sister got him very sick by breastfeeding I would do it, but alas I cant...and here I am cradling my son in one arm and using the other to type, because if I set him down he will scream because his tummy hurts.

    Am I comfortable...hell arm is asleep and my shoulder is aching, but being a mommy means being uncomfortable when your child needs you ;-)

    You sound like a great mom and I'm sorry if I twisted your words that way. I wasn't referring to you exactly, as I saw other similar comments in this post. I definitely want children. My mom didn't breastfeed me or my sister, and I don't think not wanting to breastfeed should make you reconsider having children. Plenty of women don't breastfeed by choice and are comfortable with their decision. To each their own. I am okay with the idea of a day of labor, just not with breastfeeding for months and months.

    There are many things that people are comfortable with....not all of them are right. Society has taken breasts and turned them into something women should be shamed of. It is a mother's right not to breastfeed that is true, its just not something *i* will ever understand. I know people who are uncomfortabe with the actual act and they pump instead of having the baby latch, which does not always work as pumping is a hit or miss with some women. I just know how I view my role as a mother, and I would literally give up anything in this world to be able to nurse.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I was wondering if you had any children yet :)

    I had planned to NEVER breastfeed in public. The only problem? My babies didn't always agree with my plan! I am PRO discrete public breastfeeding. But hey, it's not my boobs hanging out.

    I am AGAINST mothers having to breastfeed in a bathroom stall! Really?! Really?! I don't think any baby should have to eat where people are deficating! Does anyone else like to sit on a toilet and eat? Then why should a baby?

    i did what i felt was the best for everyone, generally i was the only one in the bathroom. i didn't starve my babies and they got breastfed, so i'd say it worked out a-ok when i chose the bathroom stall. not only was the breast best, but so was privacy, for me.
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    I was wondering if you had any children yet :)

    I had planned to NEVER breastfeed in public. The only problem? My babies didn't always agree with my plan! I am PRO discrete public breastfeeding. But hey, it's not my boobs hanging out.

    I am AGAINST mothers having to breastfeed in a bathroom stall! Really?! Really?! I don't think any baby should have to eat where people are deficating! Does anyone else like to sit on a toilet and eat? Then why should a baby?

    Not sure this is directed at me or not lol but no I don't have children, but when I do, I don't plan to breastfeed. I don't knock anyone else that does though - in fact, I think it's great - but it's not for me and I already know that.

    I wish that breastfeeding was the hardest, most uncomfortable part about being a parent. (It was tough and I was glad it was over!) To tell the truth, I would breastfeed all over again if it mean not having to help my kid through middle school cliques, heartbreaking relationships, even just trying to explain to my four year old why some people choose to be mean. Little kid little problems, big kid, big problems.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    sheesh... a lot of people feel pretty strongly about this.

    when i have children, i plan to breastfeed. and if it turns out that i need to feed my baby in public, i will find a place to discreetly do so. i could care less about what others think.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    :noway: Wow, I'm so glad I live in NZ, where breastfeeding is 'generally' seen as a normal part of having babies. I've breastfed all 3 of my kids (and will do so with number four) whenever they were hungry, whereever we are. I've never had anyone say anything to me or even look at me sideways (that I've noticed!). Like all of the other b/feeding mummas in this thread, I haven't 'flopped it out' for all to see, I've simply fed my baby while keeping myself covered (thought this is more about covering my belly and back than my boob!).

    Totally agree with the, 'If you don't like it, don't look' statement!

    To the OP, it's absolutely your right to choose whether to breastfeed or not, though I'd ask you to consider waiting til you actually have a child, you never know, once you have that babe in your arms you may completely change your mind. It's a truely beautiful experience. Oh and for the record, once you get the hang of it, you shouldn't have cracked nipples for very long. If you do, get someone to help you with latching (midwife, lactation consultant, experience mother etc).
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    To the OP, it's absolutely your right to choose whether to breastfeed or not, though I'd ask you to consider waiting til you actually have a child, you never know, once you have that babe in your arms you may completely change your mind. It's a truely beautiful experience. Oh and for the record, once you get the hang of it, you shouldn't have cracked nipples for very long. If you do, get someone to help you with latching (midwife, lactation consultant, experience mother etc).

    agreed! i not once had the cracked nipples and have to say, wait until you have your baby(ies) and see how quickly you change your mind. though, i have read those who were not breastfed often choose the same path, but, to each, her own.
  • starblazing
    starblazing Posts: 28 Member
    "its perfectly natural"
    "its beautiful"
    "its best for the baby"
    blah blah blah

    I think the ones who choose to breastfeed publicly are crying for attention, and they are sure to get it.
    Like most men, I enjoy the opportunity to see a breast every now and then, but this just doesn't seem like the right way to do it.
    I'd prefer they take advantage of a private spot.

    Just 'cause its natural doesn't mean you have to share it with the world.
    Other natural things I prefer not to experience others doing in public:
    passing gas
    clipping toe nails or finger nails
    clearing a nasal obstruction with a finger
    flossing or using a toothpick

    honestly, it is a great thing for mother and child to do, however, i totally agree that this should be done somewhere out of sight of the general public. my dad took my family to a swimming hole when i was 6 and my brother was 9, two chicks showed up and took their tops off and start sun bathing. we left. its not appropriate to whip out your boobs for any reason in public in front of children. we were to young to be seeing that, natural or not.

    AND - everyone in entitled to their own opinion. we don't have to hate on one another just because we view things differently.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    honestly, it is a great thing for mother and child to do, however, i totally agree that this should be done somewhere out of sight of the general public. my dad took my family to a swimming hole when i was 6 and my brother was 9, two chicks showed up and took their tops off and start sun bathing. we left. its not appropriate to whip out your boobs for any reason in public in front of children. we were to young to be seeing that, natural or not.

    AND - everyone in entitled to their own opinion. we don't have to hate on one another just because we view things differently.

    Are you aware that women don't have to remove their shirts to nurse?
  • starblazing
    starblazing Posts: 28 Member
    honestly, it is a great thing for mother and child to do, however, i totally agree that this should be done somewhere out of sight of the general public. my dad took my family to a swimming hole when i was 6 and my brother was 9, two chicks showed up and took their tops off and start sun bathing. we left. its not appropriate to whip out your boobs for any reason in public in front of children. we were to young to be seeing that, natural or not.

    AND - everyone in entitled to their own opinion. we don't have to hate on one another just because we view things differently.

    Are you aware that women don't have to remove their shirts to nurse?

    yes, i am aware. i said that you don't need to whip your boobs out in public. if it is covered up, then that would be apart of the "out of sight of the general public."