The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    At my heaviest I was 233.5. I don't recall anyone saying anything rude, at least not to my face. I got down to 160 and was feeling pretty happy when a guy I was dating said, "You aren't fat, just flabby." Um, OKAY!!! We were at the gym and I was weight training so I am trying to tone up. BUT what he said was the truth while I was shocked that he said it, I know it's true.
    Oh, the rude things people say are all true, and I tried to use it as motivation.

    Yes, I had an "*kitten* that looked like 30lbs of chewed bubble gum" - haha

    Rude, crude and just mean!
    But oh, so true...:mad:
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I've also used the horrid things said to me as rocket fuel to get me to where I need to be.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If any of you knew me in real life, I'd swear one of you set me up! I just got hit on by a cutie pie half my age. :laugh:

    It's been so long since anyone hit on me I was floored. I look like hell, too. All sweaty and still in my workout clothes.

    The world is indeed cruel, but sometimes it's just very, very strange. I found out his age, then managed to escape without having to tell him mine! :embarassed:
  • david581c
    About 4 years ago, before the journey began...

    Was at a stag party w/ "friends" and im doing my fatty fatty boom-ba-latty thing and thinkin im smooth, then in front of everyone comes a coworker who gives me a titty twister and LIFTS MY SHIRT UP!!!!!!¡¡111 then gets on the mic to say "ma'am, could u put ur shirt back on?" granted in retrospect, that was a funny joke, it still hurt.

    I died a little that day, tho i was rebourne a bitter, hope-to-be lean, fighting machine.
  • AnathemaRose
    4. I've had multiple doctors tell me that nothing was wrong with me and that it was my weight. When I was below what I should have weighed, the doctor told me I was fat and that's why I was having asthma problems (refused to prescribe or diagnose me). I'm also currently in a situation where I no longer go to my doctor because she doesn't look at me, just walks in, takes a look at my weight and says that I'm overweight and diabetic - thus ending up with me in the hospital because the unchecked boil on my chest finally burst and I couldn't move without pain. . . :/

    I recommend that you find a new practitioner. Geez, what a B****!!! I'm surprised she has any patients with that kind of bedside manner.

    I would if I weren't on the State's Health Plan :/ They only allow me access to doctors in the area so I have my pick between this one, the one that will keep me in her office chatting without looking at me (total wack-o) or the one that doesn't speak a word of English. . .

    I'm almost considering going to Mr. No English, actually xD

    I've been to both a No English doctor and a doctor whose english i ended up back with my childhood doctor.. it's a nightmare isn't it? I have a rare asthma problem and all they keep doing is blaming it on weight.. yet i've gone from a (UK) 28 to a 22/24 at the bottom in jeans and a (UK) 26 top to a 18! yet i have no relief! I'm fed up of it.. it's horrible when people are like this.. i hope you find someone who listens to you <3

    It is a nightmare. My asthma problem was really bad back in Kentucky but no one wanted to diagnose it. :/ I didn't find out until 2 years ago that it was because I breathe extremely shallow. ): But it would have sucked if it were something extremely worse that can't be solved. ):. I hope I do too. I'm mostly hoping that when I get off the State, I'll be able to get a good doctor. I hope you find someone too! You sound like you've had a lot more progress than myself, so there's no excuse for the doctor. I think that these doctors just don't want to do their job; they just want the money for a nice cadallic. ): So I hope that we both find one that's not all for the money and more for helping their patients! <3

    (Also great job on getting down! I'm not too keen on UK sizes but that still sounds amazing to me!)
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    an ex said to me " you would be perfect if you just lost some weight" glad i got rid of his a** !! now i have a wonderful boyfriend who supports me and encourages me <3
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    My ex dumped me because I'm fat. You can imagine how it could break one's confidence and self esteem. It was the most painful one for me.

    Are you serious?? what an AssH**e!!!

    Yup, But it kinda jump started my weightloss journey. I dropped nearly half the amount of weight I want to and I ran into him recently. His reaction?? His jaws hit the floor and he said "You look really pretty". He's been texting and I is the best dish served!
    He did you a huge favor.
    Too often we kill each other with too much kindness.

    My Doctor just told me all the medications I needed or I could drop 50lbs and take no medication.
    I acted like I didn't quite know what he meant, and he blurted out "you're too fat!"

    We need more of this and less fat acceptance.

    I agree that we need less fat acceptance. I wish I had owned 1) a bathroom scales 2) a tape measure and 3) a full length mirror the whole way through college and I wouldn't have put the weight on in the first place. I never realised I was putting on weight. It took me a while to realise I was overweight and by then I was getting the rude comments.


    i disagree- this all just shows if you are rude, mean and cruel enough to a person- they might change themselves to look more pleasant to you/who ever said it. How many of these posts are people going on just fine and even happy with their day and all of a sudden someone feels is appropriate to be mean to them/ hurt thier feelings because they do not like the way they look.

    I don't call it fat acceptance. its called keep your personal opinions about a persons body to yourself.

    I agree with the above post. It's not fair to be cruel and mean to overweight people just because they do not fit into society's expectations! It's ok to have opinion but if its not positive, it's better not to be shared! Come on, people could obese for several reasons from being lazy to fatal hormone conditions. It's not fair judge anyone without knowing their story.

    I think there's two sides in this chain of quotes. One: Yes, we need to be considerate o other people's feelings, no matter the size. Don't say rude stuff. It's not "fat acceptance" it's common decency.
    Two: Doctors need to not be afraid of telling someone when they need to lose weight. Doesn't mean they have to be rude (like some of the examples on this -- wow, it's no wonder people hate their doctors!!) but it is their job to point out health risks they see - that's why we go to checkups - and I think too many of them are afraid to. They also need to help set their patients up for success by understanding weight loss or knowing who to refer patients to (because a lot of doctors are a bit dumb when it comes to helping patients with weight issues!)

    In total agreement to this above post! :)

    There are ways to discuss with a patient about their weight and health risks without totally disparaging them. In fact it has been so bad that JACOH ( hospital accrediting body) has made it one of their patient safety goals to be sensitive to overweight and obese patients so that they will come to get medical treatment.

    Even when I get to my goal weight I won't treat people the way I have been treated.
  • Stephanie_A
    Had a woman come up to me yesterday and say "Awwwww, how far along are you?" i was like really lol umm im not pregnant! the look on her face was priceless
  • crudd12
    Sometimes for the holidays we go to my inlaws who live in Chicago and my brother in law always invites this one older couple and I swear a year and a half ago at xmas this woman told me if I'd eat more vegetables I wouldn't be fat! This was right at the dinner table on Christmas day right in front of my husband's whole family! That made me so mad I went home and went on a diet pronto!
  • laurnol
    You know what screw all of them. All my long life I have been fat with ups and downs. When I was "skinny" no one said crap, unless it was to ask me if I had Cancer or something else, when I'm fat they don't hesitate to tell me, or couch their comments in "hey big guy, here eat this your a good eater or some other crap".. You do what you have to for you. Good luck.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I had introduced my sister to a so called freind really an aquaintance, and they said that is your sister? She is so pretty! and thin i would never have thought you guys were sisters!! hmm,

    Well after a couple of years i lost 70 pounds and my sister gained I was skinnier then her for a change.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    When I was about 13 my dad told me that My a** was too big and I better go on a diet. He would moo every time I would eat anything and if I dared ask for an extra helping ( even if it were salad) he would tell my mother (who was overweight ) that she might as well give me a side of cow. One day he was being particularly persistent about making fun of me my mother got up and grabbed her cast iron skillet and hit him as hard as she could with it over and over again. He stopped making fun of my weight in front of her then and would cower every time my mother stood up from that day on. I ended up gaining about 100 lbs from the age of 12 to 17 because after that my dad would wait until my mother left the house to continue to torture me.

    There have been so many mean and rude comments about my weight by just about everyone I know that they all run together after awhile. I've been close to suicide on may occasions because I was too emotionally weak to resist the depression stupid people cause. Now I know that no matter what I weigh I will always be made fun of by some ignorant fool who is just nothing more than a big loser.

    I'm determined to be happy and healthy and never let anyone steal my joy.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I saw this many times in Nashville. A guy who is chubby or fat would be just standing there an then a women in her 20s-early 30s would walk by him and then the guy would just say "hi" and the girl would say "ugh, gross, youre "fat" and walk away. I would see this every week.

    This happened to me a couple weeks ago in the gym:

    Me: {walking up to pretty girl sitting on a machine} hey how's it going
    Her: **** off
    Me: alright then.

    I am sorry that happened to you. It seems alot of women today really think they are real princesses. You know, I know that story of cinderella, I think these girls have gotten the evil step sisters mixed up with cinderella. I see this crap almost every day to good people. I dont get it.

    I had a chick not long ago and did it to me in a Kroger Parking lot, she parked next to me and I just said hi cause she looked at me and then she replied "eww, gross". She wasnt even pretty. I showed her, I took my gum that I was chewing and put it under her driver's door handle so when when she opens it, she will get a stranger's fresh gum on er hands.

    Those Kardshian Princess wannabes can go and rail themselves.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I saw this many times in Nashville. A guy who is chubby or fat would be just standing there an then a women in her 20s-early 30s would walk by him and then the guy would just say "hi" and the girl would say "ugh, gross, youre "fat" and walk away. I would see this every week.

    This happened to me a couple weeks ago in the gym:

    Me: {walking up to pretty girl sitting on a machine} hey how's it going
    Her: **** off
    Me: alright then.

    I am sorry that happened to you. It seems alot of women today really think they are real princesses. You know, I know that story of cinderella, I think these girls have gotten the evil step sisters mixed up with cinderella. I see this crap almost every day to good people. I dont get it.

    I had a chick not long ago and did it to me in a Kroger Parking lot, she parked next to me and I just said hi cause she looked at me and then she replied "eww, gross". She wasnt even pretty. I showed her, I took my gum that I was chewing and put it under her driver's door handle so when when she opens it, she will get a stranger's fresh gum on er hands.

    Those Kardshian Princess wannabes can go and rail themselves.

    lmbo that is funny and just what she gets! I cant see how any one women or men can be so mean..
    I have two boys that are now young men but they have the same problem, well one does they hurt his feelings all the time he is a little heavy and he is hairy. But he is a great soul and he is handsome. The other son is into fitness and never had that happen yet he still has girls who are just plan rude if they find ut he has no money! He is not dirt poor but the girls now days are selfish and rude, well the ones i have seen anyway.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I'm sorry for these things you all have had to endure..I used to get the other end of the spectrum when I was really thin.."anorexic annie" u ever eat..etc..
    You're all beautiful :0
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    I saw this many times in Nashville. A guy who is chubby or fat would be just standing there an then a women in her 20s-early 30s would walk by him and then the guy would just say "hi" and the girl would say "ugh, gross, youre "fat" and walk away. I would see this every week.

    This happened to me a couple weeks ago in the gym:

    Me: {walking up to pretty girl sitting on a machine} hey how's it going
    Her: **** off
    Me: alright then.

    I am sorry that happened to you. It seems alot of women today really think they are real princesses. You know, I know that story of cinderella, I think these girls have gotten the evil step sisters mixed up with cinderella. I see this crap almost every day to good people. I dont get it.

    I had a chick not long ago and did it to me in a Kroger Parking lot, she parked next to me and I just said hi cause she looked at me and then she replied "eww, gross". She wasnt even pretty. I showed her, I took my gum that I was chewing and put it under her driver's door handle so when when she opens it, she will get a stranger's fresh gum on er hands.

    Those Kardshian Princess wannabes can go and rail themselves.

    lmbo that is funny and just what she gets! I cant see how any one women or men can be so mean..
    I have two boys that are now young men but they have the same problem, well one does they hurt his feelings all the time he is a little heavy and he is hairy. But he is a great soul and he is handsome. The other son is into fitness and never had that happen yet he still has girls who are just plan rude if they find ut he has no money! He is not dirt poor but the girls now days are selfish and rude, well the ones i have seen anyway.

    They are rude and selfish because of men and reality tv stars. Men tell them all the time how beautiful they are and how they deserve to be treated like a princess. These type of girls have manipulated and ran over the nice guys and keep them around to spoil and adore them. If guys would get some balls and stand up to these chicks and not let them get their way every single time. Trust me guys, kissing their *kitten* will not get you laid or her heart with these prissy girls. Seriously, they always get their way. Thats why they are the way they are.

    It kills me how they talk to people. They really hurt people's feelings. Ive never heard a guy say things like this. We just pick on our buddies but not strangers. I volunteer and one day me and 2 others took some of our friends out to eat, they are mentally challenged and I be damned if some women said "ugh, gross, not totally aesthetically pleasing". Wtf, who makes negative comments about handicapped people? Sorry for writing this stuff, its true and I am about to move to Austin TX and I pray that te women there are not like this. I dont want to see it.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member

    lmbo that is funny and just what she gets! I cant see how any one women or men can be so mean..
    I have two boys that are now young men but they have the same problem, well one does they hurt his feelings all the time he is a little heavy and he is hairy. But he is a great soul and he is handsome. The other son is into fitness and never had that happen yet he still has girls who are just plan rude if they find ut he has no money! He is not dirt poor but the girls now days are selfish and rude, well the ones i have seen anyway.

    Because we as a society do not punish mean behavior. In fact, often times it is rewarded.
  • irishmindi78
    "Your belly is so cute!! When are you due?" I said... I'm not..:/
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I think the worst thing anyone has ever said to my face is that I USED to be pretty and then they asked what happened to me.
  • irishmindi78
    not all women are like that... sorry you had to deal with the prissy brats, but personally, I believe in Karma.... They have it coming, they get like that with me and I will tear them apart! I hate that crap!!