The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    My husband said "You're just getting fatter and fatter."

    My husband said that to me as well. He didn't say anything prior to me starting MFP but one day we were hiking and I asked if he had issues with my weight. He told me some of his friends asked if something was wrong with me because they noticed I gained so much weight. Ouch! That really stung. That's when he said he saw that I was just getting fatter and fatter and not doing anything about it (until now). Although he doesn't mince words, he's mostly been a great support throughout this. Yeah those words can hurt but on the flip side, it sure motivated me to keep it up. I pried it out of him though so I guess I asked for it.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    The most recent came while looking through pictures of my kids with my ex-husband and his fiance. As a picture came up of my son and I she asked "who is that?" I looked at her and answered thats me and said oh I didn't reconize you. Of course she is like the size of my theigh lol She didn't stop there though she continued to say how my neck looked much longer in the pictures. I wanted to throw her out of my house but it was christmas. The other occasion that comes to mind is when I was in target with my daughter who at the time was not quite a week old and the dumb lil cashier asked if I had just had a baby. I looked at her and then look at the carseat in my cart and replied yes. She couldn't actually see my daughter in the carseat but then said oh I didn't know if you were pregnant again. I really wanted to say some un-nice things to her lol

    People can be so dumb sometimes. When I was pregnant with my first son, this skinny little beeotch asked if I was having twins. I just gave her a dirty look, said no and walked away.
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    My husband once told me that" it looked like i had 4 butt cheeks" in some shorts i was wearing... That wasnt a good night for him :) .. and once i started losing weight and really working out, he told me " I was worried that when you started losing all that weight, that you would lose your butt... but its fine still" ... he likes a big butt on a woman so he thought that was a compliment... MEN ARE STUPID SOMETIMES! he should be glad i love him so much :)

    Oh yes they are! A looong time ago when my husband hadn't yet learned to never talk about my body unless I ask, he grabbed my hip and said "What is this?" I admit, my hips did have this weird square shape but really?!?! It wasn't a good night for him either...
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    Ewwwww why do you want to look like that. Muscle is disgusting.