The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    My wife told me I repulsed her. The most embarrassing was when my 3 year old daughter used to call me fat like George, the daddy in the cartoon Peppa Pig.

    Not to be rude but I would die if my husband ever told me that...I mean my husband drops subtle hints here and there like we "both" could lose about 50 lbs, or would you like to start a diet together...We're both overwieght yes but we are also big built, meaning we dont' look as much as we really wiegh but hes constantly telling me how proud he is and hes glad I'm doing something about it day we will talk about how it makes both of us feel with our "past" wieght issues, but until then I'm going to support him and hes going to support me..
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    I hadn't seen my mom in nearly a year and had put on several pounds. Then I spent a few days with her. I got my plate ready for dinner (normal sized portions) and she looked at it, and me, and with surprise said, "Oh! You don't really eat that much, do you!" ... like she was shocked I didn't have a trough piled to the ceiling and a shovel to cram it all in. "I sit at a desk all day and on the couch all night, Mom, I don't eat any different than I used to."

    Ever see that tv show "Golden Girls"? I think the Mom was based on my mom - completely unable to self-edit what comes out her mouth!!!

    You can also see why so many months had passed between visits to my mom. Why subject myself to that stuff too often, you know?
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    At a party, in front of everyone, my boyfriend's friend asked if I was wearing a bodysuit to 'hold the fat in'. MORTIFIED.
  • supertempdonna
    I didn't get the pregnant one but I got this when my best friend was pregnant:

    "Are you sure you aren't pregnant too Emma? You're piling on the weight at the same rate she is..."

    Accompanied with a pat to my belly.
  • Bloomsday
    Bloomsday Posts: 66 Member
    People at work, whom I report to, tell me outright that my career would go better if I did something about my weight.

    So frustrating and humiliating considering that my weight gain has been a result of illness and meds.
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    I've had the pregnant comments before, but the worst was when my Father-in-Law asked me if there was something I needed to tell them. I completely missed what he meant, until my husband told me he wanted to know if I was pregnant! That was awful.

    I've also had my mom call me and ask me how the "diet" was going, even when she knew that I wasn't dieting (this was way before MFP).

    And I agree that sometimes it isn't what people say so much as how they look at you. You can almost hear the disgust in their thoughts.

    But we're all on here for a reason, and we can show them all how wrong they were!
    A long time ago, a friend once said to me, "you're not THAT fat, you just look really fat because you have big boobs." I responded with, "you're not THAT stupid, you just seem really stupid because you say such stupid stuff."
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    The rudest comment that i have been told is...( you have such a beautiful face shame that your fat..) that hurt...but made me a stronger person...
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    My wife and I went to wedding and we were getting ready to go to our car. My brother and I were talking and joking about the buffet they were having there and he said "I bet they're gonna be scared when you get there and see your fat *kitten* walk up with a plate." He didn't just say it quietly. He said it in front of everyone and loudly so everyone in the area could hear it including my kids. I got apologies for that from everyone who heard that but have never heard anything from him. We haven't spoken since. On the bright side I know how much he weighs and will be lower than him in 50 more pounds. He's at 245 right now and I'll be 240 and getting lower. We'll see who the Fat *kitten* will be then! Sorry for the bitterness but he pissed me off and pissed my wife off.
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    My wife and I went to wedding and we were getting ready to go to our car. My brother and I were talking and joking about the buffet they were having there and he said "I bet they're gonna be scared when you get there and see your fat *kitten* walk up with a plate." He didn't just say it quietly. He said it in front of everyone and loudly so everyone in the area could hear it including my kids. I got apologies for that from everyone who heard that but have never heard anything from him. We haven't spoken since. On the bright side I know how much he weighs and will be lower than him in 50 more pounds. He's at 245 right now and I'll be 240 and getting lower. We'll see who the Fat *kitten* will be then! Sorry for the bitterness but he pissed me off and pissed my wife off.

    That is horrible. Family saying things is the worst. When I was my lowest 170 I was told I needed to eat something because I looked gross by my family though I was still over weight. Now after losing 23 lbs (much more to go) My sister said "23 lbs, so what! your still fat!" Nothing is harder than an unsuportive family. Thats why I love MFP so much.
    Did you ever say anything to him about it? I hope you do someday and prove to him how much of a ****bag he is. I havnt said anything to my fam yet but the next time it happens I sure will. My family is all obese and should be the last people telling me how I should look and what I should eat. Everyone has their battles and I think it is wrong to make fun of them about it. It is one thing if he came to you concerned and willing to offer help but ugh some people are dirtbags!!!!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I thought the preggo thing only happened in movies or telly :S

    I remember back in grade school, some girl got my attention and called me over to her friends and boyfriend, she asked why i was such a lazy P.O.S. and called me fat turd. I think this was 6th grade? I punched her boyfriend and called her miserable trollop. I think that was the first time i punched a dude too.
    I was pretty fat and lazy back then, but still :|

    But you had a great vocabulary! :wink:
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    @netsirk12: Yeah we haven't had a good relationship for a while and my brother always picks at me about being fat and ugly and that he's the better looking one(even though he's nasty looking, smells bad and extremely unhealthy looking and no I don't bring those things up to him because I don't want to sink to his level) and I just stand there and take his abuse knowing that you can't mold s%^t into a diamond and you can't turn stupid into an einstein. This abuse has been going on for years so I don't even bother with it anymore. I have come to terms with the fact that he's an a-hole that will never change.
  • rachcamp88
    rachcamp88 Posts: 88 Member
    a friend of mine told me: 'you're not fat, you're just round and bubbly'
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    My ex-wife sang a little ditty:

    "Butterball, butterball,
    Daddy is a butterball,
    Yellow rolls of far and all,
    Oh, Daddy is a butterball."

    ... teaching my then-5 and -7 year-old sons to sing along. (I was wearing a yellow shirt, thus the yellow rolls of fat.)

    Easily the worst thing anyone's said.

    That was cruel, only a horrible person would sing that, let alone teach it to children!
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    My ex father in law told the whole family the reason his mother (my grandmother in law? lol) got a new bathtub was because I broke it. How the hell does one break a bathtub?!

    I was at my heaviest of 245 or so at the time, but still -- total ****. That man hated me something fierce, and I'll never know (or care) why.
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
    I knew this guy for a really long time. Finally we hung out one night. We ended up making out, etc. After awhile we were chatting (and drinking) and he told me that I was pretty, but I'd be WAY hotter if I lost some weight. Seriously! Are you kidding me?! We've been making out for like an hour and I know you're kinda drunk but, SERIOUSLY! Worst part about it was, I was like "Ya, I should really start working out more". That is how great my self esteem was, because I knew I did have some extra weight to lose. I had overlooked that being "hot" and attractive doesn't always equate to what you're scale says. This was over 10 years ago. If it were to happen today I'd probably throw a drink on him and tell him everything that I am besides skinny. I'm smart, funny, outgoing, and honestly pretty hot regardless of the scale. Oh ya, then he wanted to date me! what a jerk!
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    I told someone I shaved my beard because I was tired of looking at the gray whiskers. To which he replied, "yeah, but now you can't hide that double-chin." I rejoined MFP that afternoon.
  • AnnieSPAJ
    AnnieSPAJ Posts: 11 Member
    While I was in early pregnancy I got lots of comments about how swollen I must have been in my ankles. The sad thing is I WASNT swollen, my ankles were their normal pre-pregnant size :/ I always felt I had nice looking ankles but once anyone knew I was pregnant it was like I was open to criticism about normal pregnancy woes.

    When I was 6 weeks pregnant my roommate said, "Wow you're already showing!! How sweet!"

    I didn't start showing until I was 18 weeks pregnant...

    I've only heard comments while pregnant. I never had any issues with my weight until pregnancy and now, 10 weeks postpartum.

    I told my job as soon as i found out I was pregnant. I was 5 weeks and a little overweight but also blessed with a potbelly. I had one woman tell me that she already knew because I was showing. I told her, no I'm not, I just have a gut. And she proceeded to argue with me about it. And yeah, people really did think they could comment on whatever they wanted after that. Most of my pregnancy I was right on track with my weight gain, but I'm 5' tall, people couldn't comprehend that it just looked like more because of my height.
  • Jadesfattorment
    I was at the store and some chick around my age (I'm 19.) Who was really and I mean really skinny looks at her friend, points to me and says "Look at the rolls on that one, she is so fat!" and they both giggled of corse. Right as my eyes started to tear up I darted to my car and went home, it really is what got me on this site. :)
  • abigailm83
    The most recent came while looking through pictures of my kids with my ex-husband and his fiance. As a picture came up of my son and I she asked "who is that?" I looked at her and answered thats me and said oh I didn't reconize you. Of course she is like the size of my theigh lol She didn't stop there though she continued to say how my neck looked much longer in the pictures. I wanted to throw her out of my house but it was christmas. The other occasion that comes to mind is when I was in target with my daughter who at the time was not quite a week old and the dumb lil cashier asked if I had just had a baby. I looked at her and then look at the carseat in my cart and replied yes. She couldn't actually see my daughter in the carseat but then said oh I didn't know if you were pregnant again. I really wanted to say some un-nice things to her lol