Why are you fat???



  • alofay
    alofay Posts: 127 Member

    And I Love Nacho Cheese!! I used to put that *kitten* on EVERYTHING!!
  • pixydoodle
    I got pregnant and got a car and stopped walking everywhere and ate more junk food as my irls got over because i bought them school snacks. My girls are grown now and neither is fat, the eldest works out but binge eats and drinks, but my little one is just very small framed. I can foresee my eldest getting fat if she doesn't start exercising some self control
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I got pregnant and seriously overate and just sat on my tush most of the day. I gained 70+ pounds in my pregnancy.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Mostly just being lazy.


    And I ate out like, everyday. Had no idea what the stuff on the "nutrition information" meant....
  • treelights
    Not caring what I ate, and being overly-stressed. During the school year, I always gain weight but I eat well/work out over the summer. So, I'm just trying to get back on track. :)
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    i love to chew and swallow!!..lolol
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I was just looking through old photos and I was still a normal size at age 4 but I know when I started school I was already overweight at age 5 and it has continued. My family was all large people who smoked and never did anything physically active. Meals always included 2nd or 3rd portions. Candy and chips and highly processed foods were readily available.

    So I am fat because I grew up learning unhealthy habits and once I reached being an adult and started to learn how unhealthy and not normal (not normal for people of healthy weights) my habits were, it took me many years before I was ready to accept that I needed to change. It is still hard for me to accept some things that I can no longer do on a regular basis.
  • bjhadden
    bjhadden Posts: 120
    When I was 19 I weighed 135 (at 5'8") and thought I was fat (thanks to a boyfriend). I started trying to lose weight by not eating. Well, I ate..but it was very little. I got down to 114 and still thought I was fat. I got married to a great guy and got pregnant around the same time. With the pregnancy I thought you were allowed to eat whatever you want and you would just be skinny again after having the baby (I was 19 and crazy). I gained 49 pounds and needless to say the weight doesn't just disapear. However, I did weigh 135 within 3 weeks of my son's birth. Again I thought I was fat and started the horrible cycle of stave then binge. I somehow managed to remain around 135 for about a year or so, but then started gaining slowly. No matter what crazy diet I tried. I had two more babies and only gained 17 with number 2 and 12 with number 3. Lost all the pregnancy weight each time by the time I came home from the hospital, but the problem was I kept trying to starve the weight off. And unfortunately I also lost my milk supply and had to give up breastfeeding each time which killed me because I really loved nursing my babies. If I had known what I was doing I would not have starved myself because honestly nursing was more important than a silly number on the scale. Well, speed things up to the present. My youngest is 2 and 1/2 and since she was born I slowly made my way up to 180. Two summers ago I joined MFP and got down to 148. I gained it all back over the winter and since then I have been starting and stopping a million times. I have only made it about a week each time I started. I started back on January 1st this time and have stuck to my goals each day so far. I feel better about it this time because I am not trying to starve myself. I am actually eating what mfp says to eat to loes 1 pound a week. It may take 6 months, but that doesn't matter as long as I get there.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Well I was a little "overweight" before my pregnancy because I really didn't watch what i ate. If I wanted a burger I'd have one , if i wanted ice cream I wouldnt think twice. Thennn I got pregnant. I gained about 30 lbs from that itself.
    But that was then and this is now! I'm watching my diett and walking with my little one. Cant wait to be toned and fit like i was about 2 years ago!!!!
  • geohow11
    geohow11 Posts: 126 Member
    too much intake not enough output simple math
  • x_biggirl
    I am fat because I am an emotional eater, I moved to the UK in 2008 on my own. I missed all my friends back home and started eating here like I was still on a vacation. I then had my gallbladder removed, got into a relationship where I've become extremely comfortable. My Aunt who lived here who was pretty much like my Mum died August 2nd 2010 of lymph node cancer. I was so overcome with grief and still continued to use my food as a coping mechanism. My Oma died on June 5th and I flew back to Canada to say goodbye. As well I noticed now that I used to use food as rewards as well not only as comfort and have ballooned out to my highest weight of 207 pounds.
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    Could come up with lots of excuses but the simple fact is I got lazy.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I was about this weight during high school, and then I lost everything during college. Then I went abroad for my Master's and the first year (Glasgow) I was relatively good (not enough worse to overcompensate for the increased amount of walking I was doing), until the last month or so, when there were goodbye drinks, meals, eating out, junk food, you name it. I gained about 10 pounds (estimation). Not terrible, but then I came home for a month and loaded up on all the food I'd missed before. I'd say I gained another 5-ish there. Again, nothing too horrible. Then I went for my second year (Krakow), and again, managed to not gain too much through the first 6 or 7 months, with increased general activity pretty much making up for any increased caloric intake. Then I had my dissertation, and long story short, for a lot of reasons, it was really stressful. I was only supposed to have a month or so after classes (and most classes were on stuff I did not know anything about, so my focus was going to them) to finish my dissertation (most people get 3-4 months after classes, plus right before the dissertation was finals, which were stressful and I did the same stuff to a lesser extent during finals, plus afterwards, I knew I would have to make some decisions about my future.). So I sat in my dorm room for days on end (it was not terribly uncommon for me to not leave the dorm for 4 days at a time). I drank coffee to stay awake, but it just made me more stressed. At first I was eating relatively healthy, oatmeal most mornings, grilled cheese most lunches, lentils most nights, sometimes frozen vegetables (but I had no freezer so I couldn't do that on a day to day basis), but then I kept getting sick! I thought it was just the stress initially, but then my mom randomly sent me this article that said that undercooked legumes could give you food poisoning. I didn't have time to sit there and baby a pot of lentils every day, and I couldn't leave it because I shared a kitchen with half of the floor of the dorm so leaving it was not really an option either. I decided to just dump the lentils and go for pasta. Bad.choice. I'd had a "no pasta no pizza" policy (except as a rare treat) for my entire time abroad, but that went out the window. Oh, and ice cream. Oh, and cookies (you know, to go with the coffee and tea, which I'd started drinking hearing it could help alleviate stress. I didn't put sugar in the drinks, or milk, but did I mention I was stressed?). And also, you know, because I shared a dorm with half of the floor, I had to know when the fewest people were in there to go do my cooking, so even when I wasn't hungry, if it was a time that the kitchen was empty (bonus points if my roommate was away), I went and did my food anyway. But my month deadline passed. And my two month deadline passed. And then I got it in for review by my advisor and started to be able to do a little better, but then I just had to wait for another month (it wasn't officially in at this point, he had to approve it, and at this point, it was getting *seriously* close to my not even being able to graduate, and no word at all from him). I ultimately send him an email asking if he's done and stressing the urgency of my situation, and then I get an email back saying that I needed to double the length (in about two weeks), it wasn't acceptable, and it was unlikely that I could graduate on time. So I did the same for another two weeks. I made it. I was able to graduate on time (got the news literally on the last possible day). Victory, but in the meantime, I'd gained about 40 pounds. Yikes. I don't know if the eating helped me in any way to alleviate the stress, but you know what? I was practically paralyzed with stress. I did not care ...
  • Ladyloraella
    Ladyloraella Posts: 46 Member
    I found takeaways. They were my downfall!!
  • rubygarcia86
    rubygarcia86 Posts: 73 Member
    Easy. I'm fat because of me. I lost 45 lbs back in 2009 and I got alot of attention and compliments and I felt good. Then I started to go out to bars more often (drinking beer, late night drunk eating). Went on dates(free food), then got into a relationship (got too comfortable, tried to eat as much as my boyfriend does, our only forms of dates were eating out). There. thats why I'm fat lol OH and I rather snuggle than go walking/jogging/anything remotely physical.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Well there are all sorts of reasons.

    1. Because growing up I always ate what I wanted to eat knowing my metabolism was slow.

    2. I never worked out ever.

    3. I got pregnant with my son, gained a lot of weight, had him and kept eating what I wanted.

    4. I had PPD during the after birth of my son, which caused a lot of emotional eating.

    5. 6 years of being lazy and doing what I wanted to do in the moment.

    It wasn't till I ended up pregnant with my daughter in 2010 that I found out I had Diabetes. Was placed on a strict diet, was on bed rest most of the pregnancy, lost 70lbs. Had her, diabetes went away, went back to eating and being lazy. Gained 25lbs back. I've lost 25lbs plus an extra 15lbs since September. Just today I reached pre-pregnancy with my son, but the difference is I'm in the best shape of my life.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I think mine is self esteem. And feeling abandonned after my mom died. I ate because of stress... because of needing comfort I couldn't get. It was emotional. Feeling like I needed someone to make me feel better... something... anything... hey! This tastes good!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    Defense mechanism from extreme Daddy issues. Bad guys tend to not hide their ways to a fat girl. I lost almost all my weight once and then my husband broke my heart and I gained 100 lbs immediately and then another 50 or 60 for good measure over the last 7 yrs. Well, he knew he made a mistake and 150-160 lbs doesn't make him go away. He loves me for me. Now that I realize that.... I can once again focus on me. 31 lbs down and he is very proud and supportive of me.
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    Emotional eating excuses excuses being lazy getting to a point were you say Im already fat if I want to eat I will eat it wont matter at this point
  • thenewjennie
    I am fat because food is comfort. I eat when I am emotional. I eat when I am hungry. I eat when I am not hungry but bored or angry or sad. I eat the most when I am glued to a television. I could blame my career choice. I teach Kindergarten and I am always feeding small children snacks. The truth is ,however, that I did this to myself. Now, I want to feel better about me. This is my first step. I am so glad that I found this site.
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