Why are you fat???



  • 4realnowcw
    For me it is really simple. I LOVE bad food. I LOOOOOOOOVE fast food and all junk food. I LOVE to eat until I feel like I am going to explode.

    I HATE working out. I HATE eating healthy food. I HATE almost all fruits and veggies. I HATE being hungry.

    I could say it is because of my PCOS or my brain tumor or my thyroid, and I'm sure these have played a part in it, but the simply face is I love to eat and I love to eat bad food. And I hate getting off my lazy *kitten* and doing anything.

    I love the honesty!
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    PCOS is a trending reason for women that are overweight. I guess we have to learn how to control our insulin resistance and focus on low carb foods. Vitex is a great supplement that helps regulate irregular menstrual cycles.
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    i gained weight and got out of shape mostly due to laziness and depression.

    i went through years of inconsistent eating and jobs that kept me behind a desk.

    a series of failed relationships and a poor me attitude... next thing I knew.. i was overweight, unattractive, unhappy, and more
  • sparkly86
    sparkly86 Posts: 520 Member
    nature and nurture
  • maddmaddie
    maddmaddie Posts: 160 Member
    When I was 15 I would walk/jog for 1 hour every single day and counted calories, plus worked on a farm and helped build a house. I weighed 145 lbs and looked good. When I turned 16, my dad died and I started gaining weight from being careless. I haven't seen 145 lbs since. At my highest I weighed 175 lbs (which I blame on going to New Zealand for 5 weeks and being lazy over there). Now I'm 22 and weigh 160 lbs and working on losing another 20 lbs.
  • atleast20
    atleast20 Posts: 29 Member
    I eat when I am tired. I am always tired
  • AmandaM15
    AmandaM15 Posts: 28 Member
    Gained too much with each pregnancy. Became depressed. Thyroid problems. Stopped exercising. Began stress eating. Lazy procrastinator. Ridiculously slow metabolism. (seriously, i can look at a piece of pizza and gain weight)
    I also crave salt in a major way and basically anything salty is probably unhealthy and fattening.

    Now I cut up cucumbers and salt the crap out of them. ;)
  • WendyKing1974
    WendyKing1974 Posts: 80 Member
    For me it started with my mother "loves with food". She didn't have a lot to eat growing up, so she always loved us with food. Still does. Well, she almost loved me to death. I had no concept of how to eat or what to eat. I thought it was no big deal because, even though I was morbidly obese, I was "healthy". Until I wasn't. So, now I'm learning how to eat right on my own, how to break the cycle so that my kids don't end up this way, and how to have self-control when I'm at my mom's.
  • Xoe4
    Xoe4 Posts: 38 Member
    Depression. My parents got divorced when I was younger - which led to eating. Divorce meant moving and with that teasing (I was a STRANGE child - I'm still strange but proud :D) - which led to eating. Abuse - led to depression and solace in food. Genetics - depression - eating. My life has been rough, but now that everything seems to be coming together (I'm doing something with my depression), its time to get my weight issues under control. :D
  • jadesta55
    lol well im not fat anymore....now i look like a retired athlete( i have a few cuts left in me) but i lost my motivation and im just realizing that i cant eat what i want:/
  • mimi10453
    mimi10453 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm fat because I had 2 babies within a year.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I eat too much.
  • hhcote
    hhcote Posts: 78 Member
    I spent 4 years going to school online to earn my Bachelors. Sat there and ate and ate and ate 40 lbs on. I'm convinced sugar helps me think because now I'm doing an online Masters program without sugar and it's like the brain is vacant. But, I can't indulge it. Gotta find another way.
  • ciaobellakiss
    binge eating disorder.
  • TrimThinTonedTight
    TrimThinTonedTight Posts: 69 Member
    Several reasons, so the short version (in order) is: Inactivity, eating while bored, genetics, poverty, and lastly school. I've put a lot of thought into it, so I put many more details below, if anyone cares to read.

    -Genetics. (My mum is very obese, my dad is overweight, a couple of my aunts (Mum's side) are overweight, a couple uncle's (Dad's side), and my maternal grandparents are all overweight.)

    -School. (School takes up tons of time, and leaves me both physically and mentally exhausted. After all of that, I have homework to do, studying, re-writing my messier notes, sometime I tutor (via email or text), research to stay ahead of the game, extensive reading, and I sit for hours on end.)

    -Poverty. (Long story short, my Mum can't afford fruits, vegetables, or meat/fish as easily as junk. Where I'm from, that kind of stuff is more expensive than junk unfortunately (Or at least it is much more available in the area that I live in). I can't control what my mum buys (Her roof, her money kind of thing) Another part of this is that I could never afford sports growing which is the easiest way to stay fit for me, plus it's more fun (again for me). Plus not playing sports made me depressed which added to the gain)

    -Eating while bored. (Suffices to say I probably do this once a day. I've gotten better at it though by drinking water or chewing gum.)

    And most of all:
    -Inactivity. (Now that I'm older, I don't have the poverty excuse. I live in an apartment building with a small gym. I should use it more often but ironically inactivity makes me to tired to start (or at least want to start). I know that the exercise will nullify the bad food my mum buys, help me sleep better so I'm less tired, and the inactivity that school brings. I just need a swift and big kick in the rear so I'll keep up with it.)

    Almost seems like a ton of excuses most of which are valid (or were when I was little), but I know that once I turned 16 (the age you are allowed to use the gym in my bulding) that it was my fault for staying overweight.
  • MsD1984
    MsD1984 Posts: 36 Member
    Abused a bit as a kid and wanted to protect myself.
    Glad I started getting rid of all my deamons though!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    Same as MsD, above, plus a mother who also loved by feeding me and bribed me with food, for example, don't tell your father about my secret bank accout = have an opera roll!

    Btw if you don't know what an opera roll is, it's probably a good thing. Six inches of fresh-made nougat coated in caramel and rolled in cashews, from a proper konditorei. And yes, it was all mine, every time my mom went to the bank with me, and I never saved part of it for later. Why on earth would I?

    Also, I got that way before nutritional info was included on packaging not to mention before the internet made info more available.

    I also thought that quick fixes would fix me and instead of getting down to work, I tried all sorts of fad diets, none of which worked.

    I weigh about 165 since I had too many treats at Christmas and not enough exercise. I have to work back down from there, but fiendish addiction to MFP should help with that!
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    I have been battling weight since I was a teenager. But now looking back at pics when i was a teen...i wasnt even big...My weight came on when i got married and pregnant. When i got pregnant with my son i was 19 and he only had a 2 vessel cord. My doc told me I needed to eat more cals because he needed the fat. What I heard---eat whatever u want!! After I had my son I had gained 100lbs!! Didnt even realize I was doing it...Before my 6 week check up...i was pregnant with my daughter so DOUBLE whammy! Now Im battling to loose 90 lbs to get back to my goal weight. So pregnancy, fast food, and laziness...thats why Im fat!!
  • Freyja2023
    Freyja2023 Posts: 158 Member
    I got post-partum depression after my last child. It went untreated for a long time and by the time I got help and treatment I was obese and then depressed over my weight. I just stopped caring about myself and focused all my time into my family and home. It finally took me looking in the mirror and realized what was the point of focusing all my energy into what my family needed if I died of a heart attack and stopped being there for them entirely. So I decided to take the time for myself and turn my obsession from my house to my lifestyle to ensure that I was there for when my children had their children.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Addiction to food and aversion to exercise. The combination is deadly!
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