Why are you fat???



  • I have always been a little heavy but in high school I played lots of sports and could control it. I got married right out of high school and my husband was diagnosed with cancer I put on 60 pounds just from stress. Now he is in remission and I want to get back down to a normal weight.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    I have always battld w/ weight. I come from a family that fried everything. Snacks were always arms length away...and I never exercised. I had a lot of reprogramming to do. I look back at my old pics and I look beautiful...but stil at he time I took the pictures I was still bigger than my friends and didn't like my physical aparance. So my fat story is that I had no discipline. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted it. Water was a no no and tasted nasty. I als felt that I "had" to finish my food, b/c u darebetter not waste money. I was taught this as a kid too. But I am a new being..I know better and do better...
  • KatSparkles1
    KatSparkles1 Posts: 6 Member
    When I'm upset or stressed I tend to crave carbs, particularly fast food. I tend to skip breakfast a lot too. My job is stressful to begin with and having 3 vending machines in the lunch is a recipe for disaster. As well at home, with my husband working opposite shifts than me, we rarely have dinners together. This often leads to me either going to a fast food restaurant, buying a prepackged meal at the store, or just not eating dinner in the evening at all. I'm now trying to make a soild effort to eat breakfast every day and eat healthy throughout the day.
  • altorock13
    altorock13 Posts: 7 Member
    I grew up in a home that knew nothing and cared nothing for nutrition. You ate second and even third helpings if you wanted to until you were stuffed full. While my siblings have amazing metabolisms where you could eat whatever you wanted to and stay super thin, I did not get that gene. I also was involved in music and drama instead of sports in High School. By the time I went to college, I was already overweight. I gained the freshman 10-15, and then started to dance in college. I lost that weight, but wasn't able to lose the weight I'd gained slowly over the years growing up. I then went to live in Europe for several years and gained even more from what the people would feed us. I worked 3 jobs when I returned back to the U.S. and barely managed to make time to eat, so it was always fast food. Before I realized it, I weighed 235 lbs and was a size 22. Since then, I've lost 40 lbs and am now 195, but no where near where I want to be. I wish that I had known "then" what I had known now. I have so many bad eating habits that have been very hard to break and learning about health and nutrition has been a slow battle. However, I'm very confident that I can continue the downsizing trend :)
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    I have pretty much always been fat, and I'm not 100% sure why. When I was a kid, I know that I didn't eat an unusual amount of calories, and my mom just thought I would grow out of being overweight as I got older.

    I have PCOS and have since I was 12 or 13 years old, which has made it hard to lose weight and easy to gain it.

    When I was in middle and high school, I was desperate to be thin and developed anorexia. I got down to 82 pounds, which is obviously unhealthy even at only 5' tall. I started eating again after a trip to the hospital and some scary "you're going to die" talks, and immediately shot back up in weight. I did some serious damage to my metabolism and also my ability to sense that I am hungry or full.

    I hope that at some point (hopefully soon but honestly just "in my lifetime" would be good) I can manage to be healthy about food and weight.
  • Dara80
    Dara80 Posts: 19 Member
    I loved this post! I like the idea of really looking at what got us here...So here's mine:

    I have had 3 children. 2000, 2003, and 2009. I lost all but 20 pounds of my preggo weight from the first baby, didn't gain any with #2, and walked out of the hospital with my youngest having given birth to a 9.9 pound baby yet only losing 7 pounds! =-) In between there I ended up with Prince Charming, a career, a chore heavy home, and a full time college schedule. My major weight gain was actually in between baby #2 and baby #3. I made the mistake of using Depo Provera and the weight gain was unreal. I went from 180 lbs to 230 lbs within a few months. I literally would get on the scale every day and see that I had gained more weight. Even dieting didn't stop it. Finally ditched that in time to get preggo with my youngest son which resulted in blowing back up to 260 pounds and not losing it until after he was a year old.

    I am now 217 pounds and aiming to get back to my athletic weight that I was before I had the children which is between 150 and 160. My downfall wasn't the amount of food I was eatting...it was what I was eatting. I have started avoiding all the calorie traps and now I'm moving forward with what I should be eatting. My wake up call was realizing that if I don't get myself together, my babies are only going to have a small amount of time with me on this earth. That bag of chips isn't worth it...at all.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    binge eating. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder. I put on like 20 pounds during my binges. Thank you therapy and MFP
  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
    Parents got divorced, mom stopped cooking dinner, got stuck binge eating on snacks and pop tarts..
  • I was overweight growing up because I ate what was given to me. To this very day I can't go to my mothers house without eating junk because that's all that is in the house. I don't blame her or anyone because when you become an adult it is up to you to change or stay the same. I think my highest weight was over 180 but I Iost the weight a year ago. I'm 20 now and I weigh 143. I knew that if I didn't lose it now it would progressively get worse.
  • zlem
    zlem Posts: 92
    got pregnant and went from working a labour intensive job to doing office work during my pregnancy and using my pregnancy as an excuse to pig out on anything and everything. After having my baby I was in the "obese" category and had loads of stretchmarks and just felt disgusting and hopeless, no way I could get my body back to the way it was before so I just gave up. And ate even more getting fatter and fatter believing there is no way back.

    Too much bread, cheese, booze, fruit juice, fizzy drinks and too much time sitting on my *kitten*!
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I love to eat..
  • TidoWyla
    TidoWyla Posts: 72 Member
    Besides being lazy and not eating right, I have a desk job which is great for your *kitten*....well....making it bigger maybe! I got pregnant, ate everything in sight, gained 60lbs....had the baby, lost 30lbs, took me a good year to realize I had to do SOMETHING. I joined myfitnesspal (I have a new log-on now) lost all my baby weight, plus some....got pregnant again, only gained 30 this time. Took me awhile to get back on myfitnesspal, lost all the weight, in July my husband became sick and I completely fell off the wagon, stopped running, stopped working out, stopped eating right..... and now I'm back..... Basically being lazy and not eating right...and babies, but I can't really blame them for eating crappy and being lazy!
  • My problem is I eat the wrong things. You would have thought fast food was my best friend. I truly enjoy the convenience of it (and the taste of course). I've had this bad relationship with fast food for a long time. When people used to say, you better stop eating that crap because it's going to catch up with you, I ignored them. Well needless to say, it caught up with me. Never would I blame my husband for my weight but I have been with him since we were teenagers. He has never complained about my weight gain. I guess you can say I was comfortable. He has always expressed his attraction to me so I never felt pressured to stay in shape for him. With me being tall, I remained pretty proportionate as I picked up weight. So I would say to myself, you still look o.k.......until it was out of control and I didn't recognize my own reflection in the mirror anymore.
  • along21291
    along21291 Posts: 45 Member
    I just stop controlling myself when I go home. I am working to make this a lifestyle change instead of this crappy yoyo dieting :(
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    This is pretty much my entire high school life:

    1) didn't eat breakfast.
    2) had a large cookie every day at morning break plus soda.
    3) eat noodles + a chicken mayo roll for lunch with more soda.
    4) come home and have scrambled eggs/roll/crisps
    5) have a huge carb/fat dinner
    6) tea and toast before bed

    All of that coupled with no exercise meant I put on a lot of weight in high school.

    When I left school I started working, drinking 3-4 times a week and eating junk food just as much. I had an active job though so I didn't put on much. Now in an office job and it's good to finally be on the way to having abs again :D
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    I'm an emotional/stress eater. Recently, I realized just how early I learned the behavior. When I was a little kid, if I was sad, my mom would let me have some ice cream. If I was frustrated or angry, my dad might suggest having McDonald's for dinner. To this day, when I feel those emotions, those are the things I reach for. It has become a cycle: I feel bad about myself, I eat something unhealthy, I feel worse about myself, I eat more, etc.

    There are a couple specific circumstances that led me to be at my highest weight ever. About 3 years ago, I moved to a new state to attend school. I didn't know anyone and am really shy at first. I was so lonely that I was constantly eating. It's a bad sign when you're on a first name basis with the pizza guy before you really make friends in a new city!

    Most recently (September), I quit smoking. I'm so proud of myself, but in the process I completely replaced smoking with ice cream. I was probably eating a pint a day. Two months later I looked up and realized I was fifteen pounds heavier. I actually lost almost 35 pounds in 2011 and was heading the wrong direction. That's how I ended up here.
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I was happy with my weight until 4 years ago where a number of things happened, I finished University, started full time work (goodbye to being able to go to the gym in the afternoons), was in a very bad relationship where I comfort ate. My partner also wouldn't allow me to join a gym due to the cost, and the fact that I had to care for his child (not my child but we had full time care of him). My life turned into being all about other people and I lost the "me time" where I would previously have spent at the gym or out walking.
    Once I left him I stopped gaining weight and have maintained the same weight since leaving (about 1.5 years ago), but now it's time to lose the weight (and all the emotional baggage associated with it!).
  • JoanneLynn
    JoanneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    By putting everything else first and my health last.
    1. Kids
    2. Job
    3. School

    Then if I had anytime left in the day after cooking dinner (something quick and easy, usually process food).
    I worked out. (last).
  • mortla
    mortla Posts: 73
    It became my coping mechanism at an early age. I grew up in a semi chaotic household where I wasn't allowed to show anger and shared emotions were not appreciated. I wasn't close with either parent and didn't have many friends when I was young, so I turned to food. Damn learned behavior! :(
  • a140
    a140 Posts: 7
    lazy - then how did you lose 15 lbs!
    I think you are doing just great. I wish I could get to 15 lbs soon.
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