So why are you fat??



  • MysticLiz
    MysticLiz Posts: 61 Member
    I stopped caring about myself, plain and simple - There were no health scares, no rude comment, no certain picture. I just looked in the mirror one day and realized I had no respect for my body and everything that it does for me.

    I didn't want to deal with emotions so I shoved them down with food thinking the food would make me feel better and it did for a moment until I started beating myself up - it was a terrible cycle. I got the courage to look deep and figure out why I turned to food for comfort and a light bulb went off and the lifestyle change began and each day it gets a little easier.

    I can relate to this 100% because it's exactly what I went through. Congrats on turning it around for yourself. Never loose focus and don't look back ;)
  • lilbigginz
    I was in denial of my weight problems. I thought I was happy until I realized I couldn't walk from the bedroom to the living room without feeling like I was running a 5k. That kicked me in the face and have been on the ball with my weight loss journey ever since.
  • MartiJJohnston
    BUMP! Great thread... Will come back soon and comment. Have to read all the stories first!
  • neclar
    neclar Posts: 75 Member
    when i was a kid, my family just ignored me being heavy and didn't encourage me exercising ( even when i wanted to). now that i'm older, i've changed my kids exercise habits and my own. i like it and really wish i had more encouragement when i was younger so i didn't end up at over 300 lbs. i'd luv to do sports and things smaller people can do with ease.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I just need to convince myself that food is NOT my friend.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I got pregnant. Gained the right amount of weight. Ate healthy. Nursed the baby. Worked out through my whole pregnancy.
    But the weight just didnt come off once the baby got here.
    I still have about 10 lbs to go but its frustrating when you havent really ever had to lose weight. Then all of the Counting calories? Whats that?
    Not to belittle those who have stuggled with weight their whole lives. I can't imagine what that is like.
    But suddenly being thrown a problem than never was before is a b!tch!
  • FitnActiveMom
    My portions got bigger and bigger and bigger!
  • cheree1965
    Relationship ended boredom hit quit exercisng Eating something for the last time. Now health problems no energy. Its harder the older you get. Giving up my comfort and find it in other things
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    because. I WAS LAZY.

  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    Because I overdue my portion sizes and never exercise!
  • Because I love food!
  • NegativeX
    I was lazy and grew up with bad eating habits that were taught. Definitely had to re-educate myself from scratch,
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm not......anymore!!

    but I used to be because I love food......almost all food, and I could eat enough for 3-4 people and I did. I hated working out so I never did that, I had 2 kids and used it as even more of an excuse to eat....and that landed me a 300lbs+ body.
  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    I think at one point I was obsessed with working out and diet that it became overwhelming. I started to backslide into old habits and my 32" pants became 33"' then 34" and then...36". I love to eat and go out to dinner and as someone who travels a lot in my current job, eating out and not working out haven't helped. I'll have to figure this out going forward.
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I dont know how to eat properly. I either eat too much or eat too little which means body is always in a survival mode. The weight is slow to come off but I am trying to be healthier no matter what.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    Bad food choices - unhealthy eating and no exercise. All my fault. Won't blame anyone as nobody force fed me. The more important question is why am I healthy??? Because I love being able to do things with the grandsons!! Because it feels fabulous to be fit. That is what counts. Why? ALso all me. You don't get fat or fit because of others. You do it all to and for yourself.
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    I over indulge in good tasting food and never focused on being healthy and exercising until now.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It's simply that I reached a point in my life where it wasn't worth it to make the herculean effort to stay thin. I also didn't know about esoteric concepts like eating back exercise calories. Not to mention my weight loss medication stopped working, the herbal weight loss medication I used to take was banned in the US, and everything else in my life was unsustainable and falling apart as well.

    At some point over these past few years of hiding in the house and stuffing my face, I realized something, though. Being a people pleaser destroyed my life. I don't owe people anything. And if someone doesn't like me, they still better get out of my way, or I will make them sorry. It's a dog eat dog world, and I aim to be the dog with the full plate in front of me.
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    Me being lazy. True story.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Why was I fat?

    I got pregnant and followed the "you're eating for two!" theory. Gained a bunch of weight, didn't have a lot of money - so I resorted to cheap and easy meals (which are generally NOT healthy). I ate a lot of fast food back then and drank Mt Dew like it was going out of style. As my marriage began to fail, I turned to food as a comfort. Nothing like an entire personal cake and can of Dew to wash away the blues. I was lazy - why workout when I can watch tv instead?

    I was fat because I ate too much and I didn't move enough.