Dating preferences: what ethnicity are you most attracted to



  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I like men of all varieties :drinker:

    Like Baskin Robins?

    That's a real man?! lol
  • igora_soma
    I like all woman. Can't help it. But I am very very very attracted to Irish Redheads. I do not know what it is about Redheaded woman but Wow they are just Gorgeous

    Haha why thank you! :P

    Im the one that should be thanking you. :-)

    Haha - we do what we can :) too bad there are so few of us!! Head to Dublin, they have the MOST amazingly gorgeous assortment of redheads I've ever seen!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    I was in Spain last year, and the Spanish men were incredible. Dark hair, a little tan, and tall.

    Forgot to mention Spanish men...yum

    Well Hello Ladies!!!!

  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    I have dated all races... but my preference:

    White white white!! Was just talking about this yesterday.

    I can't resist me a hot white boy who loves himself a latina. :love: :love: :love:

  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I don't see color or race, I see people.

    I'll go kumbaya on you and say you'll find handsome men from all different heritages.
    They all look alike in their Stormtroopers outfits, right?

    Now, you, totally make sense!
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    I love them alllllllll!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    race dosn't matter to me, character is #1 on my list
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    If you have red hair I'm sold :love:

    I'm attracted to guys of a northern/western European decent. (what Americans just call white :grumble: )

    But honestly I think every ethnic group has a nice array of good looking men, and I won't be biased, women too:blushing: but I'm straight:drinker: , haha
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Japanese men are quite pretty. They just tend to be way too skinny for my tastes.
  • stcar
    stcar Posts: 207 Member
    I love ALL men!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    Anything that is pink on the inside!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Anything that is pink on the inside!

    Ooh you beat me to it! My dad taught me that as a kid.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Withdraw my poor attempt at humor.
  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    when you close your eyes it all works the same !


    Ummm not when they are black... I think youll notice the difference
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    Anything but smurf....I just can't get into the glowing blue look....

    This is the FUNNIEST thing ever!!! LOVE, LOVE, did I mention, LOVE this!!!!
  • Hecnotha1
    Wow its so crazy to see how we all differ in taste. but in the end the majority voter goes to one race, woman. You creatures are fun to look at, and more fun at.well lets just leave it there, lol
  • NeshBeMe
    NeshBeMe Posts: 148 Member
    when you close your eyes it all works the same !


    Ummm not when they are black... I think youll notice the difference

    I've never dated outside of my race but this is totally not true. I've had to open my eyes and look because I thought he was joking!!! (if you get what I'm saying)
  • Dona_Maria
    Dona_Maria Posts: 78 Member
    I guess I have a type but not any particular ethnicity. Tall, dark and handsome *-* Cat calls! Meow!!
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