Nudity - and your children



  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    As long as they understand the privacy and respect another persons body must receive I would say it is up to each household to determine and decide.
    I can see where making the human body a taboo or being completely open about can cause problems so neither is inherently right or wrong.
    How any given parent teaches and raises their children is what makes the difference.

    A word of caution though as schools do go on "fishing" expeditions so take into account what may have always been innocent could be twisted around.

    Double standard but still true,this would apply to men with daughters a lot more then moms and sons.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I'm not overly paranoid about it.... Our naked bodies are..."natural" :laugh: I do teach my kiddos to be modest so, I teach that by example... I don't run to cover up like something is horrible or nasty or bad... But I do try to be mindful of my parts that may be showing and how it is viewed by my kiddos...

    When my son at age 4 ASKED me to see my "Boo Boo's" I knew it was time to be a little more "modest" around him with the breasticals :bigsmile:
    I'm not as conservative around my daughter... She's a girl...she's going to have them... I figure, if she grows up seeing her mama's "REAL" body (to a certain extent) she will know what a "REAL" woman's body looks like and maybe that will help her when it comes to the ever daunting body image issue... I don't FLAUNT around the house in the nude, though (only when it's just me and the Mr.)

    I HATE when parents treat bodies and their parts like they are something dirty... I even got on to my son for calling his penis his "bad spot"... I told him there isn't anything "BAD" about it... There are too many "nicknames" that people assign to body parts that have kiddos growing up thinking the human body is something nasty or dirty... I think that causes more issues than people realize!! I believe in being open with your kiddos and let them know that our bodies are a wonderful creatiion (yes, I said "creation" - bite me) As they grow, we can teach what is appropriate and what is not by our actions and responses...

    Ok...that's my schpill
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Just don't feed him any pizza!


    haha your comments always amuse me
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    You have honestly put me a bit at ease, so thank you.... Parenting is not easy *LOL*

    It's not and don't pay much attention to anyone who wants to tell you what you "should be doing". In my experience most of those parents are raising future serial killers any way.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I shower with my best friend. She's not a child, but some people think it's strange that we shower together, and we see nothing wrong with it.
    Nothing wrong with it if you were in a relationship, but just showering with a bestie... what would be the point?
    Water conservation. Duh!
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    ok some people are mentioning that it is fine until a certain age

    so what is the age?

    how do you determine that?
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    I guess it is how you are raised, I am raised in a free country, were nudity is no taboo, since I am living in the USA it seems to be something dirty, though it is natural. I was getting undressed in front of my parents my whole life and nobody ever saw anything wrong with it, they are my parents and other way around I am their daughter, no closer family ties than that. My parents don't see anything wrong when I see them naked and why should they?
    In my opinion their wouldn't be so many creeps out there when something natural would be treated as something natural and not make it seem dirty.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I shower with my best friend. She's not a child, but some people think it's strange that we shower together, and we see nothing wrong with it.

    Yeah... then there's that...
  • I don't think it is a big deal. As parents, we decide what is best for our own children. Our son is also 5 and we don't let him see us naked any longer. We have talked to him numerous times about the body and everyone has "private" parts and boys and girls parts are different and so on. We are trying to teach him a little about privacy and that his private parts are for him only. Everyone is different. Growing up I NEVER saw my parents naked and I have no hang-ups about nudity. When it comes to parenting, I think MOST parents can make an intelligent decision based on their child's actions and questions.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 723 Member
    Good god...America is such a puritanical society. What is wrong with nudity and the human body? We were all born that way...

    The only reason why being naked or being naked around your kids is perceived as wrong is because we've been taught that way. Why not teach your children that their bodies are a good thing, that being naked can be natural. Your kids will let you know when it is time for more modesty, and when they don't feel personaly comfortable.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Its the same at my house. I have two girls - 10 and 3 and a son who's 6. I rarely get a shower or use the restroom alone. They're always popping in and out for something. They see stuff. They've been known to ask questions and so they get age appropriate answers. No one feels gross about it. My oldest is starting to get more private on her own which is also totally fine.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I guess it is how you are raised, I am raised in a free country, were nudity is no taboo, since I am living in the USA it seems to be something dirty, though it is natural. I was getting undressed in front of my parents my whole life and nobody ever saw anything wrong with it, they are my parents and other way around I am their daughter, no closer family ties than that. My parents don't see anything wrong when I see them naked and why should they?
    In my opinion their wouldn't be so many creeps out there when something natural would be treated as something natural and not make it seem dirty.
    So, you were raised somewhere were everyone was cool with folks walking around naked in public? Really? No taboos around nudity at all?

    Also, because most communities in the United States have laws preventing public nudity -- according to the wishes of the majority of the population -- it's not a "free country"?
  • ok some people are mentioning that it is fine until a certain age

    so what is the age?

    how do you determine that?

    I figure a kid will not just barge into a bathroom or bedroom where their parents are nude if they're beginning to shy up. (Most likely related to awareness of human sexuality).
    So, whatever that age may be, I imagine.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Good god...America is such a puritanical society. What is wrong with nudity and the human body? We were all born that way...

    The only reason why being naked or being naked around your kids is perceived as wrong is because we've been taught that way. Why not teach your children that their bodies are a good thing, that being naked can be natural. Your kids will let you know when it is time for more modesty, and when they don't feel personaly comfortable.

    Forget about the American Puritans. The MFPuritans will be reporting this harmless thread as fast as their little fingers can click.

    Some people just aren't happy unless they're running to tell on someone else.
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    I grew up in a house where is was no big deal, my mother was extremely open about it and my dad wasn't (which I think was good). But we had a house with one bathroom, so everyone saw each other in the mornings, and when I go back, it is the same. I don't care- none of us do. When my sister and I were born, we came out naked, so it really is no big deal. I live with my fiance now, and it is exactly the same- I am not embarrassed of my body and frankly, I don't care that I saw my mothers breasts/body growing up. She is a beautiful woman who went through childbirth twice and it is nothing to be ashamed of. That said- I'm glad my dads clothes were ALWAYS on.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    My mom still walks around naked in my problemo. My dad, on the other hand, Never. Never never. He's much more prudish/modest/shy/whatever adjective you prefer.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 417 Member
    With kids, especially that age, it's only weird of you make it weird. If you act like it's no big deal than it won't be. Once they hit puberty though, that's when I think different ground rules should be set.
  • I see nothing wrong with it
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    Can I just say it amazes me the taboo america has on nudity and sex period. Moving to Europe has really helped me see how backwards the states has some things lol... took my 8 year old to Paris Disney... we go to the swimming pool in our resort... go to the showers and you will see women of all ages completly naked just sitting and hanging around... so natural. I see nothing wrong with it... cept maybe the hygine of it lol.. If my german friend that works on the gym says its funny when she uses the sauna at the american gym cause she can feel how tense people are around her... she goes to the german sauna where she can actually relax.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Another good reason to sell your kids on the black market.
    Speaking of which.. I'm all out of Caucasion/Asian half breed children to sell. Any volunteers to help me make some more?
    We'll split the profits 60/40. :flowerforyou: