Healthy and Fit in 2012! (Closed Group)



  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I kind of feel like my head is not in the game like it was at the begining of the year. I really need to get motivated again! As of today I haven't lost anything for the month of February...gotta give it a bigger push in March...summer is only 3 months away! Maybe somebody wants to do a weekly exercise challenge with me???
    Maria, So glad you're back and glad to hear things went well while you were in Vegas!
    I have been struggling to to keep my head in the game too (right now mostly because of work stress and TOM...those 2 lovelies ALWAYS make me want to binge eat!:grumble: ) BUT...I've said it before and I'll say it again...I'VE COME TOO FAR TO STOP, and so have you! WE CAN DO THIS!
    I would be glad to do a weekly exercise challenge with you. Maybe what i really need is a kick in the pants and some good sweat in the form of exercise! Let me know what you're thinking...:smile:

    I'm not planning on giving up this time! I think I finally got to that point where I am just sick of being over weight...I just need that little push. I was thinking of doing little things throughout the day on top of our regular exercise. Such as do 10 push ups per day and add one each day or do 100 jumping jacks and add 5 each day...stuff like that. Mandy did this in a challenge she did and I remember actually doing it because I fealt like I had to lol and it only takes a minute or two per day. We can change it once per week...what would be even cooler is if each person participating suggested a challenge and (if it's a small group) we did like 3 or 4 sets of different exercises per day. What do you think?
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Start 1/30-195.5
    End 2/27- 194 (maintained from the week before, lots of fluctuation... total loss in February 1.5lbs.)

    I met 3/6 goals*, and was very close on 2 others...
    Finish diary 7/7 *
    Sugars over by 5< 5/7
    Fresh fruit-7/7
    Fresh Veg-7/7*
    Strength/circuit training-3/7

    I'm trying something a bit different this week, as I started my TOM. I switched to maintenance in the hopes that having more cals and nutrients will help with the cravings. Today being the first day is always tough, but I am hoping to get some good protein in for dinner tonight and get some exercise in as well. Fingers crossed- It does not help that I'm a bit stressed out at work right now too. Honestly if I get through the week without caving to my sweet tooth... all will be well! LOL! :huh:

    Here are this weeks goals Feb. 27-Mar. 4
    Finish Diary: EVERY DAY
    Fresh fruit: 2 servings a day, everyday.
    Fresh Veggies: 2-3 servings a day, everyday.
    Cardio: 4 sessions atleast 45 mins. each
    Yoga and stretching: 2 sessions (need to free some tension and I've got to start stretching more effectively)
    GOOD LUCK TO ALL...HERE WE GO!!!!:happy:
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176

    I was thinking of doing little things throughout the day on top of our regular exercise. Such as do 10 push ups per day and add one each day or do 100 jumping jacks and add 5 each day...stuff like that. Mandy did this in a challenge she did and I remember actually doing it because I fealt like I had to lol and it only takes a minute or two per day. We can change it once per week...what would be even cooler is if each person participating suggested a challenge and (if it's a small group) we did like 3 or 4 sets of different exercises per day. What do you think?

    Maria, That's a good idea. I like the whole jumping jacks and add 5 each day...I could really use that during the work day... a quick little cardio to boost my spirits. I have some cards that have different calisthenic exercises on them, let me know if you need some suggestions and if anyone else is interested...
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200

    I was thinking of doing little things throughout the day on top of our regular exercise. Such as do 10 push ups per day and add one each day or do 100 jumping jacks and add 5 each day...stuff like that. Mandy did this in a challenge she did and I remember actually doing it because I fealt like I had to lol and it only takes a minute or two per day. We can change it once per week...what would be even cooler is if each person participating suggested a challenge and (if it's a small group) we did like 3 or 4 sets of different exercises per day. What do you think?

    Maria, That's a good idea. I like the whole jumping jacks and add 5 each day...I could really use that during the work day... a quick little cardio to boost my spirits. I have some cards that have different calisthenic exercises on them, let me know if you need some suggestions and if anyone else is interested...

    Let's do the jumping jacks starting today :happy: Just to get it going
  • I'm back!

    So last time I weighed in was before I left for Florida I was 135.3... right now I wont be weighing in until maybe Monday. I guess that will be the start of the "new Month".

    I definitely had some goodies in FL, no regrets. I seem to have a problem on the day I come back from vacation and the day after...those days I ALWAYS overdo I am not happy with my eating yesterday AT ALL. Other than that, I enjoed all the yummies and the beach & cocktails!

    Work is a bit crazy but I am looking forward to getting back to the gym tomorrow. I'm glad I did a lot of walking on the mini-vaca, I think I maybe had one day of just laying out on the beach and doing nothing. The rest was a compilation of adventures and the beach!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I'm back!

    So last time I weighed in was before I left for Florida I was 135.3... right now I wont be weighing in until maybe Monday. I guess that will be the start of the "new Month".

    I definitely had some goodies in FL, no regrets. I seem to have a problem on the day I come back from vacation and the day after...those days I ALWAYS overdo I am not happy with my eating yesterday AT ALL. Other than that, I enjoed all the yummies and the beach & cocktails!

    Work is a bit crazy but I am looking forward to getting back to the gym tomorrow. I'm glad I did a lot of walking on the mini-vaca, I think I maybe had one day of just laying out on the beach and doing nothing. The rest was a compilation of adventures and the beach!

    Good to see you back!!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Hey Ladies!
    I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a little break from the challenge...atleast for the month of March.

    I've been doing some thinking lately, and I really need to refocus myself. Since I crossed into ONEderland I've been kind of obsessed with the scale...and that scares me a bit! Because I KNOW that this journey is about SO much more than a number on the scale!!

    I'm gonna take some time to focus on what goes into my body-still eating a lot of processed stuff and would really like to figure out how to make better choices even with a busy schedule. And I'm going to focus on the quality of my exercise- sometimes I find myself exercising just to eat...and I have got to get out of that mentality. I want to feed my muscles and help my heart! Stronger and healthier, that's what I'm going for!

    I still want to cheer each other on...just wanted to give you a heads up that I won't be doing the challenge.
    Hope you all have great weeks! TTYL :)
  • @J: I'm glad you are doing whats best for YOU! Its easy to became enslaved to the scale and stuck on calories in and calories worked off. We will all be here for you!

    Im on the verge of TOM so the water weight is ON. I checked the scale on Friday and I packed on a little under 3 lbs during the trip and insanity at work. Honestly, I'm okay. I was eating OUT every meal..a lot of processed, salty food. On top of that I have another 2 lbs I put on through the weekend of water I'm at solid 140 lbs.

    Surprisingly, Im not in disaster mode, I'm not freaking out. I feel good still. Back to the gym this week and hard work will have this weight off!

    Okay so here is my breakdown!

    Weight Loss Goal: 136.0 lbs
    Weight Loss Total: 0.0 lbs

    Week 0: 140.0 lbs (starting weight)
    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Spin 3x
    Zumba 1x
    Burn 2500 calories!

    Get at least 25g of Fiber 5x
    Hit at least 80g of protein 4x
    Stay under my sodium 5x
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry I wasn't around much the last couple of weeks because of work. Work is still really busy and I haven't had a chance to catch up on posts yet -- will comment once I have some time.

    Here are my goals for March:

    Weight loss goal: 3.4 lbs (.85 lb/week)
    Weight loss total:
    Calorie deficit total:

    Week 0: 138.8 (
    ) -- starting weight
    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Week 3:
    Week 4:

    Mar - Week 1: Goals
    Calorie Deficit:
    2975 cal (~425 cal/day)

    Total time: 540 min (75 - 80 min/day)
    Cardio: Stairmaster (315 min; 45 min x 7)
    Weight training (100 min; 25 min x 4)
    Calisthenics: flexibility (65 min; 15 min x 3, 5 min. x 4)
    Calisthenics: strength (60 min; 20 min x 3)

    Follow "meal plan template" every day (in the "Notes" section of my Food Diary)
    Do not have ANY binges.

    In Feb. I did pretty well on the exercise (met or came close to meeting the above goals) each week, even during the past 2 weeks when work was crazy. However, during the past 2 weeks I did really badly on the eating, and had a lot of problems with stress induced bingeing. So for March I'm going to focus on addressing the bingeing problem by using various coping strategies. I'm also going to reduce my daily cal deficit target from ~500 cal to ~425 cal to see if that helps with the bingeing problem. My main goal for this week is to not have ANY binges no matter how stressful work gets.
  • Hello!!! I have been a ghost in here, I know, but PLEASE forgive me :( Feb I had a friend in town for 3 weeks and since then I have been working my tail off at work and also trying to maintain a normal home life in between trying to workout, work, and spend time with my husband and dog lol.

    With that out of the way, I know March is almost halfway done, so I am just trying to get back to where I was pre friend visiting. We ate out about twice a week and spent too much money so not only are we trying to save back $$$ in the bank but I am also trying to slim back down in my waistline LOL. So March for me will be just catching up to where I was before. April I will be starting a new method of attack and I think Insanity should be involved. June is my sister's wedding and I am in the bridal party so I want to have a killer body for my return home! It will have been 9 months since I last visited and I want to look better than last time! Also April is our 2 year wedding anniversary and May is 5 years being events coming up and I want to look and feel good for them! :)

    How is everyone doing? Give me a summary of the last month and a half I have missed!
  • I have to bow out of the challenge for a bit :-(

    Things are pure chaos at the moment, just a lot of general life things are are keeping me busy.

    I had to put logging aside. Which automatically leaves me out of the main part of this challenge. It's nice knowing I can still make healthy choices without weighing all the food I eat or worrying about logging. It's break time, just for a bit. I log what I can, when I can...but I am not being diligent. My diary no longer truly reflects what I am eating.

    I have gained weight, but I am finally back on track with eating. Just DAYS of bad choices and even a few binge days. Which is what happens with me when my stress is up and sleep is down.

    I will do my best to log on as often as I can to give you all the support you deserve :-) I'll be back, just can't commit to the challenge at the moment!
  • Balanced_Life
    Balanced_Life Posts: 229 Member
    Sorry everyone -- I need to take a break from the challenge for the time being. :(

    I've been constantly struggling with work being hectic since the beginning of the challenge, and right now I'm really overwhelmed between work and personal stuff that's come up. I haven't had time to get on MFP lately, and it looks like its going to stay that way for the time I'm not able to give the group the daily support that's the key part of the challenge, or to update my food/exercise diaries daily (though I am keeping track in my Excel file).

    During the past few weeks I've ended up just maintaining, since I've kept up with my exercise but have struggled with stress induced bingeing. My main challenge right now is to eliminate the bingeing and keep up with the exercise.

    Anyway, I'll be back when things ease up. In the meantime, I I'll try to get on MFP whenever I can!