January move your @as challenge...



  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    3.11 this morning (-17C) :embarassed:

    Ticker updated

  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341


    Walk in the park with my husband and dog for 4.6 miles! Beautiful sunny afternoon!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    1-1: 5 miles (2 stairmaster, 3 treadmill). + raquetball.
    1-2: 2 miles sloshing through the snow & cold outdoors. +raquetball.
    1-3: 6.25 miles (5 jog/walk intervals on treadmill, 1.25 swim)
    1-4: 3.8 miles on treadmill.....3 of these were jogging. + racquetball
    1-5: 5 miles 3.0 walk on treadmill. All i could do on sore muscles today
    1-6: .75 mile swim. + raquetball
    1-7: 7.25 miles (3 stairmaster, 3 treadmill walk, 1.25 swim)
    1-8: 7.75 miles (3 stairmaster, 2.5 eliptical, 1 treadmill, 1.25 swim)
    1-9 rest
    1-10 4.85 miles (3.6 treadmill...3 of these jogging + 1.25 swim)
    1-11 rest
    1-12 6.7 miles (1 elliptical, 1.7 stairmaster. 3 treadmill walk, 1 swim)
    1-13 rest
    1-14 3.1 miles (fantastic frigid 5k)
    1-15 3.5 miles (3 treadmill walk, .5 swim)
    1-16 1 mile swim (+ racquetball)
    1-17 5.25 miles (2 treadmill walk/jog intervals, 2 treadmill 15 incline-all directions, 1.25 swim)
    1-18 .5 mile swim (+racquetball)
    1-19 7.75 miles (2 treadmill jog/walk, .75 treadmill 15 incline-all directions, 5 easy exercise bike).+racquetball
    1-20 5 miles (1 jog, 3 stairmaster, 1 swim) +20 min weights
    1-21 4 miles (3 jog/walk intervals, 1 swim) + 20 minute weights

    Total to date: 79.45 miles.
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Goal = 50 miles.
    Jan 2 = 1.77 miles
    Jan 6 = 3.50 miles
    Jan 9 = 1.24 miles
    Jan 17 = 1 mile
    Jan 21 = 3.83 miles

    Total = 11.34
    To Go = 38.66
    To complete goal = 4.3 miles/day for the rest of January

    My goal is still doable, but I'm going to have to get serious. Perhaps going on walks with friends will help!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    11.4 miles ran

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    We just broke the 3,000 mile mark for January. :bigsmile:
    61 people are moving 2.47 miles/day each (our best average ever. 2nd best was September with 2.44)

    Ran/walked 7 miles today

  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I have something bad going on with my back, so I only managed a slow walk today. 2.5 miles
    Total: 52.22

  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    3 mile run and a 4 mile walk on the treadmill tonight :)

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I did NOT workout Friday. That is the FIRST time I missed a day of fitness since Christmas day of (((2009))).. My new year resolution this year is to work out 5 out of 7 days not EVERY day like I have for the past two years. I am getting burnt out but I persevere!! Today I did 3 miles on the elliptical..

    weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Completed 111.83 miles this month between running soccer and walking. Klondike was this weekend 20 mile hike and camping in the snow. -5 degrees. Cold is the new warm...LOL Its finally winter in NEPA
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    We just broke the 3,000 mile mark for January. :bigsmile:
    61 people are moving 2.47 miles/day each (our best average ever. 2nd best was September with 2.44)

    WE ROCK!!!! :bigsmile: :glasses:

    GREAT JOB EVERYBODY!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    1.4 hiit on treadmill

    63.61/65 complete

  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341


    Just made my goal for the month with a wonderful 4 hr 20 minute hike north of Madrid. Much warmer than last weekend. Quite a steady climb with 467 gain! Wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon - especially with my husband and Jack Russell!

    Hope you all are movingggggg!
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    We just broke the 3,000 mile mark for January. :bigsmile:
    61 people are moving 2.47 miles/day each (our best average ever. 2nd best was September with 2.44)

    WE ROCK!!!! :bigsmile: :glasses:

    GREAT JOB EVERYBODY!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    WOW!!! We do ROCK!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    5 miles treadmill watching glee and talking to my sister in the phone

    68.61/65 complete

    Made my January goal. Now to push further and get more miles done before the 31st. Wtg @ss movers so far this month.
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Goal = 50 miles.
    Jan 2 = 1.77 miles
    Jan 6 = 3.50 miles
    Jan 9 = 1.24 miles
    Jan 17 = 1 mile
    Jan 21 = 3.83 miles
    Jan 22 = 4.48 miles

    Total = 15.82
    To Go = 34.18
    To complete goal = 4.27 miles/day for the rest of January

    My goal is still doable, but I'm going to have to get serious. Perhaps going on walks with friends will help!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Walked the dogs for 3.25 miles.

    Total: 55.47

  • amazingmummy
    amazingmummy Posts: 816 Member
    ran today 3.8 miles in about 50-55 min i thi k.
  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member


    Woo Hoo 18 miles today!!!!!