January move your @as challenge...



  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I only need to do 5.2 miles tomorrow to meet my goal!! I AM going to make it!!

  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Miles Completed: 83
    Goal for the Month: 75

    Dinos- I think we stole your sunshine here is San Diego- I had a GORGEOUS summer like walk this weekend to test out the feet. I think I have a small sprain from the marathon- hoping it heals up soon. Blueiz- I'm looking to match your time on a 5K I have in two weeks- Great job on beating your time!!!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Walked for 7.75 miles this weekend.

    Total of 81.70
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    2.2 at lunch
    92.63/65 complete

    gotta get 2 miles in at lunch tomorrow and my 5.5 done tomorrow night watching biggest loser and i'll make 100....woohoooo pushing on....

    here's the link to next month's thread...let's keep moving our @sses....remember keep january stuff here and only put february stuff there....

  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    7.25 miles running today

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Ran a modified version of the c25k Week 5 Day 2 program under Montana/Quebec conditions :wink:
    Another measly 3.5 miles to reach my elusive target. I'm cool. Literally.
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Ran a modified version of the c25k Week 5 Day 2 program under Montana/Quebec conditions. penguin-chill-chilly-willy-hoodies_design.png

    So, you're in training to make a visit to Wisconsin finally? :laugh:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member

    So, you're in training to make a visit to Wisconsin finally? :laugh:

    Hmm taking into account that freezing temperatures are considered normal weather in your parts of the world, I better start with San Diego :laugh:
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    1-1: 5 miles (2 stairmaster, 3 treadmill). + raquetball.
    1-2: 2 miles sloshing through the snow & cold outdoors. +raquetball.
    1-3: 6.25 miles (5 jog/walk intervals on treadmill, 1.25 swim)
    1-4: 3.8 miles on treadmill.....3 of these were jogging. + racquetball
    1-5: 5 miles 3.0 walk on treadmill. All i could do on sore muscles today
    1-6: .75 mile swim. + raquetball
    1-7: 7.25 miles (3 stairmaster, 3 treadmill walk, 1.25 swim)
    1-8: 7.75 miles (3 stairmaster, 2.5 eliptical, 1 treadmill, 1.25 swim)
    1-9 rest
    1-10 4.85 miles (3.6 treadmill...3 of these jogging + 1.25 swim)
    1-11 rest
    1-12 6.7 miles (1 elliptical, 1.7 stairmaster. 3 treadmill walk, 1 swim)
    1-13 rest
    1-14 3.1 miles (fantastic frigid 5k)
    1-15 3.5 miles (3 treadmill walk, .5 swim)
    1-16 1 mile swim (+ racquetball)
    1-17 5.25 miles (2 treadmill walk/jog intervals, 2 treadmill 15 incline-all directions, 1.25 swim)
    1-18 .5 mile swim (+racquetball)
    1-19 7.75 miles (2 treadmill jog/walk, .75 treadmill 15 incline-all directions, 5 easy exercise bike).+racquetball
    1-20 5 miles (1 jog, 3 stairmaster, 1 swim) +20 min weights
    1-21 4 miles (3 jog/walk intervals, 1 swim) + 20 minute weights
    1-22 5 miles (1 jog /walk, 3 elliptical, 1 swim) + 20 min weights
    1-23 2.75 miles (2 stairmaster, .75 swim) + raquetball
    1-24 rest
    1-25 23 miles (3 leisurely outdoor walk, 20 easy exercise bike).
    1-26 (3 mile slow walk, 8 mile easy exercise bike).
    1-27 rest
    1-28 3.1 miles (fantastic frigid 5k#2)
    1-29 2.75 miles (2 stairmaster, .75 swim) +45 minutes weights
    1-30 2 miles - stairmaster + raquetball

    Total to date: 129.05 miles
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Ran a modified version of the c25k Week 5 Day 2 program under Montana/Quebec conditions :wink:
    Another measly 3.5 miles to reach my elusive target. I'm cool. Literally.

    Love the pic! Thanks Dinos!
  • sarahkumba
    sarahkumba Posts: 96 Member
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Goal = 50 miles.
    Jan 2 = 1.77 miles
    Jan 6 = 3.50 miles
    Jan 9 = 1.24 miles
    Jan 17 = 1 mile
    Jan 21 = 3.83 miles
    Jan 22 = 4.48 miles
    Jan 23 = 4.18 miles
    Jan 24 = 4.57 miles
    Jan 25 = 3.41 miles
    Jan 26 = 3.28 miles
    Jan 28 = 3.28 miles
    Jan 29 = 5.03 miles
    Jan 30 = 4.28 miles

    Total = 43.85
    To Go = 6.15

    Tomorrow will be a big day but I can do this! I've never completed a MYA challenge (even though I've "signed up" for 3 and I've come close. I'm thinking I will just work out twice tomorrow so six + miles doesn't seem like so much. Good luck finishing up everyone!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've been slacking big-time with my stress fracture, but walked the dog 1.4 miles today with a tiny bit of jogging mixed in. Depending on how my leg feels tomorrow, I might restart C25K on Wednesday! :)

  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    Ran 3.68 miles today. Total miles 388.
  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member


    10 Miles for Today!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Got in 7 miles on the bike tonite! I have a headache and feel wore out! Dinos sorry your temps are BELOW normal, our's are ABOVE normal. We were at 50* again today!! LOVIN IT!!!!

    weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • mandysmom092711
    Ticker update! Walked 2.25 miles today!

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Might still squeeze in a spin class after work (in which case, I'll update again in the morning) but for the moment, this is my total for January.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    my goal for january is 500 miles, i am looking to complete 6000 miles for this year...good luck all

    jan 1.........105(spinning)540HRM.............................26.1
    jan 2.........100(biking)515HRM.................................20.0
    jan 3...........90(spinning)477HRM.............................25.2
    jan 4-0-
    jan 5...........135(spinning/weights)725HRM..............22.1
    jan 6............95(spinning/biking)582HRM..................23.1
    jan 7............90(spinning)505HRM............................25.5
    jan 8............95(spinning/biking)574HRM.................22.2
    jan 9...........120(biking/weights)669HRM..................15.2
    jan 10..........75(spinning)489HRM............................21.4
    jan 11-0-
    jan 12..........110(spinning/weights)747HRM............21.2
    jan 13............70(spinning)490HRM.........................18.2
    jan 14............80(biking)584HRM.............................16.1
    jan 15...........105(spiing/bikng/sttching)690HRM.....22.5
    jan 16.............60(weights)325HRM...........................-0-
    jan 17.............95(spinning/strt)601HRM...................23.5
    jan 18-0-
    jan 19............135(spinning/weights)865HRM............21.5
    jan 20..............65(biking)368HRM..............................13.7
    jan 23............125(biking/weights)697HRM.................15.1
    jan 24..............85(spinning/yoga)483HRM...................22.3
    jan 25-0-
    jan 26.............140(spinning/biking/weights)864HRM....23.2
    jan 27...............70(spinning)388HRM............................18.0
    jan 28...............65(biking)359HRM................................12.5

    428.6/500 miles updated

    edited: didnt make goal :explode: ...i am in the process of moving and finding a new place, february's goal be reduced to 400....i think that will be a challenge for me as well...good luck gang:flowerforyou:
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    5 miles Sat - 62.5 of 70 completed