50+ Women for the Month of March



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All,

    Got my Heart Rate Monitor yesterday. I used it this morning and I absolutely :heart: love it. I can now know exactly how many calories I have burned while exercising at home.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hope all have a great Morning.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Kathy--I am so wanting one of those. As soon as I feel up to it I am going shopping.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Swissmiss, hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
    As for Kathy, wow! I am exhausted reading about all your exercise and beyond impressed at your willpower on St. Patty's Day.:flowerforyou:
    I am going to really have to try harder to keep up.
    My colonoscopy went well and, hopefully, this will jump start me going in the right direction with the weight loss ticker.
    I am going to my exercixe class and maybe even take a walk later if it stays nice out.
    have a great day everyone.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Thanks zaza--I am feeling better. Just have to deal with an infection now. I have never had a colonoscopy. I do not want to have one although a lot of people have told me that it would be wise. I guess that after all I have been through the past two weeks it couldn't be much worse. Well, have fun with your workout today. Hope the weather holds out for you.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning all

    Swissmiss - I sure hope you get better soon. You have been dealing with alot:heart:

    I continue to take motivation from everyone on this thread. I have even been drinking my water:happy:
    Also i have been having success by following my 'copying a fellow poster' challenge - meaning I do something that someone else on here does - today its a workout DVD - You all do so much more than me and I get inspired to do more too:flowerforyou:
    I have to lose 3 lbs by Mar 24th to meet my goal and I think I'm heading into my special lady time so that should effectively screw up my efforts. However I still will perservere. I think if I hit 216 by my Sat weigh in I'll just 'assume' that I made 215 by Tues:laugh: My late night slips are getting fewer and more controlled. Hopefully I can overcome completely. I might be a bit challenged today for staying within my cals. because I have already eaten my lunch and snacks and it's only 11:45 Oops!!

    Today I will
    drink my water
    do a workout DVD for 20-30 minutes
    10 minutes on the elliptical
    stay close to calorie limit

    Have a great day

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning all

    Swissmiss - I sure hope you get better soon. You have been dealing with alot:heart:

    I continue to take motivation from everyone on this thread. I have even been drinking my water:happy:
    Also i have been having success by following my 'copying a fellow poster' challenge - meaning I do something that someone else on here does - today its a workout DVD - You all do so much more than me and I get inspired to do more too:flowerforyou:
    I have to lose 3 lbs by Mar 24th to meet my goal and I think I'm heading into my special lady time so that should effectively screw up my efforts. However I still will perservere. I think if I hit 216 by my Sat weigh in I'll just 'assume' that I made 215 by Tues:laugh: My late night slips are getting fewer and more controlled. Hopefully I can overcome completely. I might be a bit challenged today for staying within my cals. because I have already eaten my lunch and snacks and it's only 11:45 Oops!!

    Today I will
    drink my water
    do a workout DVD for 20-30 minutes
    10 minutes on the elliptical
    stay close to calorie limit

    Have a great day


    Sounds like you are on your way for a great day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone - my name is elli - i'm on the Senior Golden Sneaker thread but i've been checking this out too and would love to join you ladies - it's just going to take me awhile to figure out who you all ARE! lol, hi Barb! I've seen you on here!

    I live in northeast, rural colorado - my whole life has been a battle with weight. I lost 40 pounds about 2 years ago and started slowly putting it back on. For the first time i caught it before putting it ALL back on so as a result i only have 12 to loose.WAY better than my usual 40!

    I work out at a gym 2 or 3 times a week - doing cardio and weights, and i do bikram yoga twice a week. I try and take my dogs on long walks when the weather's good too. I'm also in the process of renovating my old house so i get some workouts stripping (walls and wood), cleaning, sanding, etc.

    Anyway - looking forward to getting to know you! Have a good one. :flowerforyou: elli
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: elli

    Welcome :flowerforyou: Glad to have you. Sounds like your well on your way. Best of Luck and hope to see you soon.

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    I am now on the right site march 50 thanks for posting where to go.I would like to be 5 lbs less by the end of the month. I have already lost 2 lbs didn't weight last week was on vacation. Good luck to us all.:smokin:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome, Elli, Now I can hear from you more often.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This is a great group full of great ideas and motivation.:bigsmile:

    Hello to all of you that I haven't met yet.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: This group keeps getting better.:smile:

    My day started out a bit out of control. I love the arrival of more birds as the weather gets warmer. The dogs like the birds, too and at the dog park they chased birds for 30 minutes after I first called them to leash up. This is the day of my favorite line dance class and I didn't want to be late :sad: and the dogs were impossible. The happy ending is they finally came to get water and I grabbed them, leashed them, and we went home where I took the world's fastest shower and got to class with seconds to spare.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The next part was better. I wore the size 14 pants I found at the back of the closet and they fit great.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm going to throw out the biggest of the size 16's but not all of them until I buy something new. But this is a great start.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm going to use Heather's idea of using one of the ideas I get from someone else's post as a challenge.

    Of course more water is always a good one.

    My goals today:
    more water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    5 more minutes per session on the exercise bike
    eat slower:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kathy, Tell us more about how you use a heart rate monitor. I know nothing about them.

    Hugs and best wishes to all of you.:bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome, Elli.
    I think that I am now putting on weight. Don't feel to confident.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    he everyone - thank you for the welcome! Kathy - i love that one of your goals is simply to stop overeating! I think i may adopt that one if it's all right! I eat healthy - just way too much!

    Becky - do you just THINK you are gaining weight or are you? It looks like you've done so well - 13 of your 20 pounds!!!! Do you think maybe you've just hit a plateau? Or are you working out and gaining muscle weight? How do your clothes fit? Don't give up! Even if you have gained a few pounds - you can DO this:happy: we all can! Hang in there!

    Barbie - glad you made your line dance class! Today was one of the rare days i didn't do ANYTHING - workout wise that is, and ate all my 1200 calories. So i'm feeling "fat". It's silly, i know. I got hung up with the electricians and the contractor tonight doing a walk through and discussing my house - then it just got too late. I'm not much of a night owl! Anyway - i'll do something tomorrow!

    Have a good night everyone! We can DO IT!!!!!!!!! elli
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome elli:flowerforyou:

    This is a wonderful thread...there is nothing like the support of other like-minded individuals to keep each other motivated and inspired:happy:

    I know that without this site and great members I would not have been as successful in my lifestyle changes. I feel very thankful:blushing:

    I had a busy day at appointments in the city but I managed to get a very brisk 65 minute walk outside when I returned home. I got the greatest boost today...3 different people commented today about how much weight I had lost and how great I looked. I am sure after that I could have walked on air:bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is another busy day but I committed to keep a date with Bob and the Biggest Loser Bootcamp group (DVD) and hopefully some more outside activities. Got burn those calories and drink that water:drinker: Having my heart rate monitor sure lights a fire under my behind to keep motivated:happy:

    Warmest wishes to all:heart:
  • becky47
    becky47 Posts: 6
    Hello everyone...I hope you don't mind me joining you mid-month, but I am rather new to this site. :smile:

    I am a 50 year old RN wanting to lose at least 50#. I am already getting frustrated because I have been tracking my food and exercising (water aerobics, elliptical & walking) 4 times a week and I haven't lost anything. :mad:

    My doctor tells me that is is menopause and not to worry about the scale, but just keep on doing what I am doing. You ladies are all losing and you are my age or older. What am I doing wrong???

    My goal was to lose 2# per week and exercise 3 x per week.

    Any suggestions?
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hello everyone...I hope you don't mind me joining you mid-month, but I am rather new to this site. :smile:

    I am a 50 year old RN wanting to lose at least 50#. I am already getting frustrated because I have been tracking my food and exercising (water aerobics, elliptical & walking) 4 times a week and I haven't lost anything. :mad:

    My doctor tells me that is is menopause and not to worry about the scale, but just keep on doing what I am doing. You ladies are all losing and you are my age or older. What am I doing wrong???

    My goal was to lose 2# per week and exercise 3 x per week.

    Any suggestions?

    Welcome becky47:flowerforyou:

    I understand your frustration...but please don't give up. Have you been taking your measurements? Give your body a chance to adjust to your new lifestyle changes. It is just my personal opinion but I know that it took my body awhile to get out of shape so I needed to give it time to get back in shape. Keep working at what you are doing and you will soon see results. In the meantime keep tracking your measurements:heart:

    Remember we are here to support and encourage one another. Hugs to you:heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I love my Heart Rate Monitor. I gives me incentive to move, move move. Now I know exactly how many calories during exercise. Got to go and burn some calories. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Someone on MFP found this model on buy.com Sounds like a great deal.

    Reebok Precision Trainer XT Heart Rate Monitor w/Chest Strap
    Our Low Price: $29.99
    User Rating: 4.5

    Normal retail is $119.00

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning Ladies

    A warm welcome to the new people who joined us Always nice to have more encouraging folks around on this journey.

    Today I will:
    Walk outside for 60 minutes
    drink my water
    10 minutes elliptical
    Have a waaay more patience with my teenagers:laugh:

    Have a great day all

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Becky47--I so understand what you are going through. Before menopause I had no trouble losing weight. All I had to do was cut back a little or add an evening walk. Now, I watch my calories so carefully and get plenty of exercise (usually) and can't get the scales to move. It is our metabolism slowing down. I read a book a few months ago on how to up our metabolism. It had a different chapter dedicated to each helpful suggestion. I will have to look up the book and let you know the title.

    elli--Yes :mad: I know I am gaining. I lost three pounds since my surgery, which was two weeks ago. I weighed again last night and have put the three back on. :sad: I am so disappointed. There may be nothing I can do until I have the go ahead to work out again.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Becky AND Becky 47 - don't give up! Hang in there - i KNOW how frustrating it is but the weight will eventually come off (as long as it's not something medical - i.e. thyroid stuff). One thing tho - B47 - 2 pounds a week is a LOT. Don't sabatouge yourself. You may want to go for 1 pound a week which still huge! And like someone else said - give your bod a chance to adjust to all this new stuff you're throwing at it! Drink lots of water too.
    Cathy - i love the cartoon! lol:laugh:

    My goals for today are to get SOME type of work out in. AND to stay at or under my 1200 calories.

    Have a happy day everyone! :heart: elli