50+ Women for the Month of March



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning all

    Becky - BUMMER! I'm glad you're in touch with your doc to find out wth is going ON! It's bad enough to have "malfunctions" but even MORE frustrating when you're trying to do good things for yourself. Hang in there and please keep us posted!

    Kathy - I hope little Bosco will be easily cured once you see the vet. I know what you mean about wish worring burned calories....i have a boy in Iraq. I'd be SO thin! Unfortunately, it makes me want to EAT rather than Not.

    ZaZa - do you live close to NYC? I have a bro who lives in NJ. he has an aparatment in NYC as well. I grew up on long island - lived in CO since i was 18 tho. Hope you have a fun weekend!

    Suezq - sounds like it was an AMAZING vacation! Makes me want to go on one! And you did so GREAT! My picture is of a vacation i took with my son and his g/f to Hawaii right after i lost all my weight. It was the same kind of thing - we ate great but did so many fun activities i didn't gain any weight.

    Have a great day everyone. I'll check back in tonight! TGIF!:happy: elli
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I have a vet appointment at 5:00 pm. His swelling seems to be going down. I am still going to bring him to the vets.

    I have not exercised today. I can see what my problem is. I get all crazy with worry and I just can't seem to think about exercise. I really have to work on that. I need to let stress go and think of myself. I'm logging my food in now.

    Had Newman's own cereal and eating a small salad but with blue cheese dressing. I know I should opt for a lesser calorie but, I just feel like having it. :grumble: :grumble:

    I will do better, I am very tired, I was up all night with worry and giving him meds. I am having one of my grand daughters over for a one on one night. She is thirteen. I hope I can get through it. I could use a nap but it is not going to happen. I think she will help me get out of this rut feeling. We were going to start sewing together.

    Sorry for the rant but that's me.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am feeling better despite the newest set back with surgery. So, I went shopping for things to help me work out. I purchased a Polar F6 for the gym and a good pedometer to use at work. I think I walk about three to five miles a day at work. Can't do anything yet BUT I am getting ready.:laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good for you Swiss. I just know you will love your Polar F6.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Swiss - you are doing all the right things! Hang in there!

    Kathy - BREATHE!!!!!! quit beating yourself up. Every now and then we get to have our favorite salad dressing! I know what you mean about when "life" happens we forget to work out - it's cause we're women, moms, grammas, wives (well - some of u neway!:laugh: )........in a nutshell - we're caregivers! Of everyone BUT ourselves! So today, do what you need for you! Don't sagatoge yourself to NOT enjoy your granddaughter. If you need to skip another work out and take a nap - DO IT. Just know you'll get back into your routine in a day or two. It's ALL RIGHT! I'm hoping little boscoe is just fine!

    Happy Spring everyone:flowerforyou: :heart: elli
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Just poking my head in (I'm at work) to say I drank all my water yesterday and did my exercises last night.. Yesterday's goal accomplished. YAY! Today's goal is the same as yesterdays. :smile: Good luck everyone. :flowerforyou: HAPPY 1ST DAY OF SPRING. :happy:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: What a great idea!!:flowerforyou:
    I want to loose at least 4 more pounds and I want to start to walk at least 1 hour 3xs a week and eat foods that are healthy in small portions.:drinker: :drinker: Thanks for the motivation!!!!:drinker:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hello everyone

    Welcome to more new friends Yay!!

    Yesterday was an okay day for me. I took the afternoon off to spend with my kids during March break - they both ended up having friends over so I was the chief cook and bottle washer for 6 instead of the usual two - Gotta love teenagers!! I was actually just glad they had a good day.
    Exercise was a bust but I only went over a little bit on cals and I drank my water.

    Kathy I sure hope Bosco is okay.

    Weigh in for me tomorrow - I hope to be down two more (that would just about make my ticker correct - again)
    Have a great weekend all

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Kathy--I missed the info on Bosco. What is going on? In the past five months I had quite an ordeal with my dog. I have sooooo much money in him now that I went ahead a had him micro chipped yesterday.
  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    Kathy - poor little Bosco - he looks so sad in the photo. I hope he is back to feeling more like himself again.

    HOORAY for everyone who will be throwing out their old spring clothes this year and moving into smaller sizes. What a great feeling!

    It snowed here in Philadelphia today on the first day of spring. It wasn't much but winter is just not giving up without a fight this year. It's supposed to drop into the 20s tonight - YUCK! I hope the weather gods begin to smile on us soon!

    We are going to see the new Julia Roberts movie tonight - I will be ignoring the smell of popcorn (yum) and the crunch of candy and I will keep reminding myself that "Nothing tastes as good as being thin (or not as heavy!)"

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    happy spring to everyone (especially to Cindy in the snow) We had snow here last year on April 24 so I'm enjoying the spring weather with no expectations of what the next six weeks will bring.

    Welcome home from Mexico, Sue, your vacation sounds heavenly and glad you were able to stay on track with your eating.:bigsmile:

    I don't know if I'd have the courage to put on a bathing suit and go to the beach in Mexico. the only time I've worn a bathing suit in the last few years was to a water aerobics class and to totally deserted pools in RV parks.

    Becky:flowerforyou: Keep on trudging. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep moving one baby step, one day at a time.

    Zaza, glad you're feeling more energetic again. :bigsmile: I hope the new energy level stays with you for a long time.

    Elli:flowerforyou: I love your posts, you are always so nurturing and encouraging. What you say always helps me.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Redneck woman---welcome, glad you're with us. this is a great group---there's so much encouragement.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I hope you keep in touch with us a lot. there are so many wonderful women who will motivate you to reach your goals.

    Healthier4me---you say so many great things. you are so helpful:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Becky47:flowerforyou: I didn't take my measurements either. It seemed like such an inexact science but I've noticed that my socks fit better now that my calves are thinner, my underwear was the first thing that started to fit better. Now my pants and sweatshirts are baggy.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Kathy:flowerforyou: Let me add my name to all of those who are concerned about Bosco. Our pets are as much family as the human members. worrying about them is huge. I,too,have never lost weight by worrying. Hope all goes well with your 13 year old granddaughter:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Mommared:glad you met your goal:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    dkell:flowerforyou: good luck on your goals they are like mine especially the water:drinker: :drinker: and healthy food.

    Heather:flowerforyou: you're a great grandma taking on all the kids at once:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Cindy:flowerforyou: good luck at the movies. we made the decision to not go to movies because they urge to eat popcorn would be too great---we bought some DVDs to watch at home so we're not totally deprived.

    What an amazing group of encouraging friends, I am so blessed to have you all in my life.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Kathy--I went back and saw the info about Bosco. Do you think he could have gotten into something outside that could cause this reaction? Please keep us updated on his condition. I know how we can get about our pets. My dog ran out into the street last Oct. 16 and was hit by a truck. He received a broken leg. If he were a larger dog he probably would have been killed but he only weighs 6 1/2 pounds so he was small enough that only his leg got it. Unfortunately, it required surgery and I had to borrow the money for it. It took four months to heal but he is fine now. What would we do without our pets to love.
  • Good Morning Ladies,

    I just joined. When is the next time you are going to be weighing in? I would like to join your goup.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thank you for all the kinds messages:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Bosco is doing much better. His swelling is almost gone. The vet put him on amxicillin to help get rid of the swelling. The vet said Bosco, might have got bitten from a bee. If the swelling does not go down completely by the week end the vet wants to do some test. That nose of Bosco's can sure get him into trouble. My grand daughter started coming down with a cold so we postponed the sew-a-rama :cry: . It was just as well because I just wanted to go to bed and catch up on my rest.

    Today is a new day and I am back on track and ready to go.

    My goal is to walk, do the BLBC DVD and at least 50 sit-ups. Not sure what I am doing for dinner. Just got up and having coffee & cereal now.

    Bosco thanks you all too. He is staring at me with the cute sad look, that beagles have. I just love him.

    Have a great day.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My mother always said that the cutest puppies were beagles.:smile:
    I am determined to begin eating right once again. I have been consuming a lot of carry-out and fast foods. Along with being inactive this is really ruining my health. I have a weakness that is probably more due to my lifestyle then my surgery. So, today, I vow to eat healthy.
  • I just did see this. I'll be 59 in about 7 weeks.
    I'm new here coming off Weight Watchers,
    so March was my start up month. I want to lose the last 45 lbs. so far, I've lost about 1.5.
    beginning here at the site on March 6th so I'm not doing that great but I've had some digestive issues (waiting for a hernia surgery first of April)
    not that that's an excuse but it's a hinderance sometimes in what I eat. Anyway
    If you do another one of these for April,
    I'll be there! Or here I mean.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning everyone!:heart:

    Kathy - i'm so glad Bosco is doing better! Glad you got to catch up on some sleep too! I hope you don't catch the granddaughters cold. And good for you for getting right back on track after your stressful couple of days! When i go "off" it's always hard to get back "on"!

    Hi Debbie - i'm fairly new here as well, to my knowledge we don't have a group weigh in day - i could be way off on that though! I weigh every Monday morning and record my weigh then. Sometimes i "cheat" during the week and weigh - but it doesn't seem to be a very good idea!

    Hi Kay - congratulations on your weight loss so far! You've already come a long way! Just take care of yourself for now, eat as well as you can and get past your surgery! Darn the whole aging thing anyway! Probably Swissmiss can talk to you about the whole surgery thing..........

    Swiss - good job swearing off fast food for today! One day atta time! I know for me - when i eat healthy i always feel so much better - it's still HARD sometimes! Just keep on trying!

    Have a great weekend everyone - i'm headed over to my house to strip more wood. I started in one of the upstairs bedrooms last night - on some red paint. Under the red paint is this AWFUL bright, limey kind of GREEN............ugh!:sick: Oh well - it'll be great when it's done - sometime before 2010 hopefully!!!!!!!:ohwell: elli:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy spring, It's 29 degrees here with frost everywhere:bigsmile:

    Kathy, I woke up this morning thinking about Bosco. I'm so glad to hear that he's doing better. Brandy and Sasha, my standard poodles, send him their love and best wishes. They know how it feels to be under the weather and have their humans be worried.

    Welcome Debbie and Kay, Congrats on making the decision to change your life for the better:bigsmile: This was the smartest thing I've done in a long time.

    Yesterday I gave away my favorite extra large sweatshirt with a picture of a red poodle and a black poodle (the picture looked almost like my dogs). I gave it to the largest of the three girls who were here to groom the dogs yesterday. They have 8 dogs including the mothers and some litter mates of both our dogs. Jim gave his sweatshirt to the middle size sister.

    Elli:keep on trudging with that house. 25 years ago when I was between husbands I changed the carpet, paint, and window coverings in most of my house and I was overwhelmed by the job and scared to be doing it "alone" until someone told me that it must be a great blessing to be able to make the decisions about what to do without having to compromise with anyone. I loved what I did with the house because it was all mine.:bigsmile:

    My goal today is to clean out some more stuff from my closet and take it to the clothing drop box so I can't change my mind and wear it again. I'm going to save one pair of size 16 pants to put in the back of my closet so when I reach my goal I can take one of those pictures you see in the weigh loss ads of the thin woman in the giant pants.

    My other goal is to choose wisely when we go out to dinner with friends coming from out of town. We're going to the Vietnamese restaurant where I ordered veggie/tofu stir fry last time so I think it will go well.

    One last thing: drink a lot of water:bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thanks again for all your kind thoughts. I means so much.

    I was logging in my lunch so I thought I would stop in.

    Barbie, great job on giving your 16's away. Good Idea about keeping one pair. I wish I had saved my 18 jeans. Oh well. I have the pictures to prove it.

    Swiss, good Idea about cutting back on your fast food. Belive me, when it came down to just my husband and I at home that's about all we did. Now, I plan most of the week, (in my head anyway) and do more cooking at home. I control my calories that way. I save going out for week-ends.

    Kay Welcome, Great job on you weight loss. My mom likes to call me Kay now. It reminds her of her sister that passed away. I like Kay also.

    elli: I really needed the sleep. I am like the road runner around the house today. Enjoy your home renovations. Last year my husband and I tore down a wall and redid the living room. Then we renovated the bathroom. OMG. It was so hard with him. I knew what I wanted and he wanted something else. I won most of the time. lol We did it all ourselves. OMG what a time that was.

    Well, back to the grind. I'm just about done with the house now it's my turn.
    It is beautiful here today. I have to get my walk in. I

    :flowerforyou: I was walking across the street in the cemetery. Yes, a cemetery. I pod in my ears, hooded sweat shirt, my arms moving back and forth and not paying attention to anything around me. When I notice my husband and Bosco. My husband had a huge smile on his face. He said I looked like I was preparing for a fight like in the movie Rockie. That made me feel so good. He knows I am taking this health thing very serious. :flowerforyou: Thanks with the help of all of you for the great support.

  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    I hope Bosco is doing better. This is so unreal. We have a Beagle as well and guess what his name is? Bosco. I love my Bosco, you just want to hug beagles because with their eyes they always look so sad. Received your e-mail, but work has had me covered up for a solid week day and night. Traveling tomorrow through Tuesday hope I can stay on track with my eating.

    I've lost 2 lbs so far of my goal of 5. At least gardening time is coming so I'll be getting my work out and maybe the weight will go quicker.
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