40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    Hi, Everyone!

    I am 42 and in the best shape I have ever been in, which is a great place to be at. Also about me... I am a wife, mother (of 3), school teacher and I just became certified to teach group fitness instruction and Pilates (I am currently holding classes twice a week for some of the children in my school). My life is full but happy. However, I am struggling to maintaining my current fitness level because I cannot find time to workout and would love to hear from others in a similar situation on what he/she does. I am already up most days by 5 AM to start my day. So, any earlier is not an option. Ideas?
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    Hello all, just checking in...being sick sucks big time. I'm on my 3 week of dealing with a darn cold that just doesn't want to leave me alone. I thought having lost almost 60 lbs meant not getting sick, well atleast it is almost rare for me. The last time I was sick was a little over 2 yrs ago, right after my mom passed away I had walking pneumonia. I guess stress plays a big part in our immune systems. Hopefully I'm well soon so that I can hit the gym again and focus on my weight training.
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    Hi, Everyone!

    I am 42 and in the best shape I have ever been in, which is a great place to be at. Also about me... I am a wife, mother (of 3), school teacher and I just became certified to teach group fitness instruction and Pilates (I am currently holding classes twice a week for some of the children in my school). My life is full but happy. However, I am struggling to maintaining my current fitness level because I cannot find time to workout and would love to hear from others in a similar situation on what he/she does. I am already up most days by 5 AM to start my day. So, any earlier is not an option. Ideas?

    Maybe throw in some night classes for adults.....just a thought. Your day seems pretty full and maybe your excerise has to come in when teaching classes. Hope you find a happy medium.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    Love the title!

    Hi, I'm 41 (soon to be 42), SAHM with two beautiful kids, and a wonderful hubby. I've kept the "baby" weight on now for 6 years since my daughter was born. DO NOT want to go for 7. I live to hike, and love weight training -- have the muscles to show for it...unfortunately they're in hibernation at the moment, hehe. But I do love my delt lines, and can't wait for them to get more defined with the weight loss. ( Don't know why, just think delts are so sexy...hmm, weird?) Anyway, with the "ahem" baby weight also came life's stresses as to why I've kept the weight on. Sadly the weight also hinders me from truly living life to the fullest. Won't go here, won't go there because of the added lbs, and frankly, I'm getting sick of this. We want to take the kids to Disneyland before summer hits, and I don't want to cringe when I look at the pictures after. Time to shine!! Would enjoy having some 40-Somethings for friends.

    All the best in reaching your goal,
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    2 mile run (lunch): 18m26s, was going for a 9-9:30m/m pace. Managed it, though I am beat from this past weeks activities and lack of sleep. Oh, did pushups too: 102 (24+26+26+26)
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    40+ and pretty new to this. Hoping to learn some new tricks meet some people along the way. Count me in.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    On week 6 day 5

    Last 3 days was burned out physically and mentally

    Took a mini break, well earned, from the insane workouts

    Was not able to log a 1,000 cal deficit, but have learned, gotta take it in stride

    Not meeting my weight loss numbers either

    Next 3 days in a seminar

    So already on my bike this am

    Gotta keep moving
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Welcome to all the new members!!!! Awesome!!! :drinker: Feel free to ask all the questions you have. Post your goals, struggles, success, etc. Check in day is on Fridays. Just let us know if you met your goals for the week, etc.

    LadyPersia, no word from Sing. :sad: I want to stay optimistic but my gut tells me something bad happened to him. I dont think he would have left us hangind like this. How are you doing?

    Ok, gotta go, too little time today at work...take care!!! :flowerforyou:

    BTW, got my body fat tested yesterday by a coworker who is an exercise physiologist. 19.21% not bad for a 48 yr old woman!! hee hee I was afraid I was "skinny fat"...so I feel more comfortable now. :drinker:

    19.21 is freaking awesome
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning all you Cool Kids. Yippy !! It is Friday. Do you have plans for this weekend?
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Good morning everybody,
    I'm coldddddddddd. I'm heading for that shower after running 6.5 miles this morning at 5 am. I should have done that before getting on here. :smile:
  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    Happy Friday to All!!!! so far so good. clean eating, workouts on most days and consuming at least 1200 everyday. I weigh in on Saturdays so have no idea how much, if any, I've lost. But its okay. Even if the scale doesn't move this week, I've already lost 8.5 lbs in January and I feel better.
  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 158 Member
    It's been a great week. I have doubled up on my workouts trying to finish these last 15 lbs before vacation. I started the Ripped in 30 with Jillian and am down 2lbs in five days. Pretty good. We are on our way. Hope you are all have a good week.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Hi, Everyone!

    I am 42 and in the best shape I have ever been in, which is a great place to be at. Also about me... I am a wife, mother (of 3), school teacher and I just became certified to teach group fitness instruction and Pilates (I am currently holding classes twice a week for some of the children in my school). My life is full but happy. However, I am struggling to maintaining my current fitness level because I cannot find time to workout and would love to hear from others in a similar situation on what he/she does. I am already up most days by 5 AM to start my day. So, any earlier is not an option. Ideas?
    This sounds so much like my situation! I too am a wife, a teacher and a mom with active kids (2).

    I struggle with finding time also. That's why, the best cardio for me is running. I can do it anywhere, almost anytime, with no time wasted waiting for a class to begin, travelling to the gym, etc. As much as possible I run when my kids are at their activites/practices. Luckily, they are old enough that I can leave them alone if I am running in the neighborhood (I would never go all the way to the gym with my youngest home alone, but I have shown him the route I use in the neighborhood, and I always take my phone. In addition, I am never more than 5 minutes jog from home, so if he calls I can be there very quickly. This makes for a boring repetitive route, but it works.) Before I could leave him, on nice days I would let him play in the yard while I ran up and down the street, never letting my house get out of sight. Yes, it is monotonous to run for 30 minutes up and down one block, but if you want to bad enough and it's the only option, you can do it. My other option is the stationary bike at home (hate it, but again. . . .last resort) or Jillian Michaels dvd's ("No More Trouble Zones" and "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" are both pretty vigorous).

    One last thing--if I try to schedule classes around my family's schedule it just never works for me. Someday I'll be able to do that again. . . . So for now, it is fit it in where I can.

    And as much as I can, I get in a couple of long runs on the weekend.

    Not optimal, but we CAN make this work.

    My biggest struggle is strength training. . . .Ideas??
  • ld40
    ld40 Posts: 15 Member
    Just got in from a 4 mile run at lunch. Splits were 8:42, 9:14, 9:44, 9:56. Had a pretty good week. Got 4 outdoor runs in, but only made it to the gym for some weights once. Did a bunch of push ups and pull ups at home and had to ride the stationary bike once at home to get my workout in one day. Ate pretty good, but still settling in at the new calorie limit since I changed my settings from 1.5 to 1 lb a week. I still have 15 lb to go on my original goal, but I'm fine with that going slow as long as I can keep up with the exercising.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Just want to check in and say hey!

    I won't be eligible to join for another
    ten days! I turn the big 40 on the 30th. :ohwell:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Everyone said Friday is check in day so I am finishing up Week 2 of P90X2.

    My plan was to go 4 weeks in Phase 1 but I may bring that out to 6

    Also they have Balance + Power on Saturday and X2 Yoga on Friday and I am swapping them to accommodate my schedule better. (I also do 3 Yoga classes during the week in addition so I am not one of these Yoga skippers)
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Checking in...
    I've done a mix of 30DS, race walking and fitness walking and I've been pretty good with my water intake/calorie intake. It's been a good week.
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    Hi, Everyone!

    I am 42 and in the best shape I have ever been in, which is a great place to be at. Also about me... I am a wife, mother (of 3), school teacher and I just became certified to teach group fitness instruction and Pilates (I am currently holding classes twice a week for some of the children in my school). My life is full but happy. However, I am struggling to maintaining my current fitness level because I cannot find time to workout and would love to hear from others in a similar situation on what he/she does. I am already up most days by 5 AM to start my day. So, any earlier is not an option. Ideas?
    This sounds so much like my situation! I too am a wife, a teacher and a mom with active kids (2).

    I struggle with finding time also. That's why, the best cardio for me is running. I can do it anywhere, almost anytime, with no time wasted waiting for a class to begin, travelling to the gym, etc. As much as possible I run when my kids are at their activites/practices. Luckily, they are old enough that I can leave them alone if I am running in the neighborhood (I would never go all the way to the gym with my youngest home alone, but I have shown him the route I use in the neighborhood, and I always take my phone. In addition, I am never more than 5 minutes jog from home, so if he calls I can be there very quickly. This makes for a boring repetitive route, but it works.) Before I could leave him, on nice days I would let him play in the yard while I ran up and down the street, never letting my house get out of sight. Yes, it is monotonous to run for 30 minutes up and down one block, but if you want to bad enough and it's the only option, you can do it. My other option is the stationary bike at home (hate it, but again. . . .last resort) or Jillian Michaels dvd's ("No More Trouble Zones" and "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" are both pretty vigorous).

    One last thing--if I try to schedule classes around my family's schedule it just never works for me. Someday I'll be able to do that again. . . . So for now, it is fit it in where I can.

    And as much as I can, I get in a couple of long runs on the weekend.

    Not optimal, but we CAN make this work.

    My biggest struggle is strength training. . . .Ideas??
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    Yes, we are in the same boat. I think DVD's are the best option for strength training because at least they can be put in around everyone's schedule.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,993 Member
    I tend to focus on my "groups", so didn't see this "club"!! But, I'm here, now.

    2012 I am focused on reducing body fat percentage ONLY. So, heavy lifting it is! And, extra-ordinarily *clean* eating.

    So far so good!