40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    Hi, Im 45 and have a ways to go so this looks like a great place for support. I have fibromyalgia so cant always work out as much as i would like, but i am doing as much as i can! Have just started week 3 of c25k, tho i am taking m,uch longer than a week at each stage!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Hi everyone. Just checking in. Now why did i move to Alabama? it's just as cold as it is in NJ right now. lol
    I still made it to the treadmill and ran 4 miles. it just get's easier and easier. :-)

    carolhama: The best you can do to start is try walking, maybe for 20 minutes and work up to half hour then eventually to an hour.
    If you really want to spice it up, turn that brisk walk into a slow jog. Over time it won't be such a killer.
    Also, drink lots of water. Plain water. Those 2 things will make a difference in the start of your new journey.
    The rest you will learn in time. Stick around.

    Everyone else keep doing what you are doing.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    KellySue - nice way to start the day! good luck on your weigh in but we all know with your consistency, you will see a favourable number!

    johnlatv - cool is just a state of mind! :smokin:

    spetermann - THIS is the only cool club!! and you are only as old as you feel but dayum, 41 huh? You'd give most 20 somethings a run for their money! :tongue:

    carolhama - the only thing you need to do to get the weight off is eat at a deficit. Walking is always a great place to start and after a while, as you start to feel better, you can slowly incorporate more activity into your routine... and then you get to eat a little more too!

    caramel - enjoy your walk!

    sdereski - I'm sure you'll do fine in your half, you know the actual event always goes way better than the training! good for you for setting up a trainer! 2014 is going to be an awesome year for you!

    I was drained yesterday so I poured a gin and tonic last night and vegged! Woke up refreshed so I started my day with some barbell complexes and jump rope and will get in some hill sprints after work!

    Enjoy your day everyone!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    whatabroad, did I tell you how amazing you look? I saw your profile picture and WOW! You certainly have come a long way. GREAT JOB! :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    simple, to the point... love it!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi, Im 45 and have a ways to go so this looks like a great place for support. I have fibromyalgia so cant always work out as much as i would like, but i am doing as much as i can! Have just started week 3 of c25k, tho i am taking m,uch longer than a week at each stage!

    My mom has fibromyalgia- she's been dealing with it for many, many years. The biggest thing with it is to keep moving. Even on days that you feel like you can't do anything- do a little bit of something, even if it's only a short walk. If you are persistent, it will pay off and you will feel better in the end.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    whatabroad, did I tell you how amazing you look? I saw your profile picture and WOW! You certainly have come a long way. GREAT JOB! :drinker:

    thanks doll!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    In... and...
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    whatabroad, did I tell you how amazing you look? I saw your profile picture and WOW! You certainly have come a long way. GREAT JOB! :drinker:

    I totally agree. BTW, did you enjoy a gin and tonic for me as well? ;-)

    I am closer to my goals and relaxing my deficit a lil bit, but not ready to go hog wild. We won't mention the 4 Michelob Ultra's that I had one night while on Christmas break. ;-) Hey, they are low in carbs. hehehehe
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.

    chilly? did you say chilly at 67? It is currently 11 degrees in northern Alabama. That's southern U.S. lol
    And the poor folks in northern US and Canada. hahahaha

    You can knock off the 6 lbs in 3 weeks time. Be tough but you can do it. :-)
    The last few are the hardest and they say the best way to do it is a calorie deficit that represents .5 - to 1 lb loss in a week which equates to 1750-3500 cals below your TDEE. That would mean 6 lbs would take 6-12 weeks however.

    Me, I run a lot and lift 4x a week. I am at the point now where I will run 32 miles a week. I am currently at a 1.5 lb/week deficit and plan to bump it up to a 1 lb/week deficit after how I see how this new plan goes. At least that is how I have my mfp goals set right now. I still haven't managed to eat back ALL of my exercise calories yet, but I am eating more than I did than the last few weeks.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Happy Tuesday morning cool kids.

    Welcome newcomers! Wow, there is quite a group.

    Alf - welcome back. I have been on here intermittently lately, but I am hanging in.
    WE got a huge dumping of snow this past weekend, so husband and I went out snowshoeing on Sunday. It finally warmed up enough to play outside. We had a grueling 2 hour hike - breaking trail in the thigh deep snow in some places. The poor dog (140lb Alaskan malamute) was having a hard time not sinking - even with us breaking trail in front of him! Felt so good to do it though.
    Temps plummeted again Sunday night, and we are once again in a deep freeze, so have been relegated to running on the dreadmill.
    Florida is going to feel wonderful next week!
    Running has not been going well, although I keep trying. I am struggling to get my miles in. Am not sure how I'm going to do in my half marathon - guess it is going to be a walk/run. I am going to enjoy myself though, Despite my lack of training, I am going to enjoy the day...and the warm weather (I hope)

    I have decided to hire a personal trainer. She is online (my gf sees her in person regularly and highly recommends her). We have had some preliminary discussion and have agreed that I should start when I am back from Florida. She will create a meal plan and workout schedule for me (mainly weight training). I will have daily check ins with her which should help keep me accountable. How silly that at this age, I still need that accountability otherwise I get lazy and fall off, but it is what it is! We are going to try it in 4 wk blocks to see how it goes.

    sdereski: what half are you doing and when?

    I have my very first half that I am training for in April. The Bridgestreet 1/2 in Huntsville, AL.

    Good luck on your training. I just ran 12 miles for the first time last Saturday. I did it slow (2:19:37 @ avg 5.2 mph) but ran consistently. That was a big deal for me. I will try again this Saturday a little faster.

    I also have a 10K in March. My very first race ever. Kinda excited.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    bump to keep up with our group!!:laugh:
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    What kind of crap is this?
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.

    chilly? did you say chilly at 67? It is currently 11 degrees in northern Alabama. That's southern U.S. lol
    And the poor folks in northern US and Canada. hahahaha

    You can knock off the 6 lbs in 3 weeks time. Be tough but you can do it. :-)
    The last few are the hardest and they say the best way to do it is a calorie deficit that represents .5 - to 1 lb loss in a week which equates to 1750-3500 cals below your TDEE. That would mean 6 lbs would take 6-12 weeks however.

    Me, I run a lot and lift 4x a week. I am at the point now where I will run 32 miles a week. I am currently at a 1.5 lb/week deficit and plan to bump it up to a 1 lb/week deficit after how I see how this new plan goes. At least that is how I have my mfp goals set right now. I still haven't managed to eat back ALL of my exercise calories yet, but I am eating more than I did than the last few weeks.

    Thanks, I only got 4 lbs to go after the first week. I knocked off 10 lbs August to Sept in 2012 with 1500 cals and CF, but kind of lost my way on the calories after. I just have get tough on the weekends and stick to the calorie plan. I am cranking in down to 1200 by not eating BF (Intermittent fasting and scheduled eating (11 am and then dinner)). It's actually not too bad. I have less cravings and I don't really get hungry in the morning until around 10 -10:30 AM. I try to wait until 11 AM to eat. Plus CF burns tons of cals.

    32 miles a week nice. I ran in my teens and twenties. It kind of wears me down mentally. I need some kind of action to keep me interested like a chasing a ball or being pursued by maniacs with sticks on ice or getting chased by a dinosaur etc.... for a long distance run to be fun.

    Bama is in the teens wow. I'd wish it get that cold here with some snow for a couple weeks. That would be fun.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    What kind of crap is this?

    Fun group of middle agers talking fitness and life in general. :-)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Bama is in the teens wow. I'd wish it get that cold here with some snow for a couple weeks. That would be fun.

    Yeah, it usually doesn't, but it happens every so often.
    Snow? That is another rarity around here. They don't know what to do when it snows. They close schools the night before around here on the THREAT that it may dust. They just don't have the equipment to deal with it around here. Back in NJ, we get a delayed opening for 6 inches of snow.
  • Missou
    Missou Posts: 96 Member
    In 45 years. Kind of chilly here in San Diego (67 degrees) brrrr it may hit 70 later on today.

    Trying to knock off 6 lbs in 2-3 weeks with 1200 cals and CF. Need to get BMI down to 25.0.

    Was 184. in June now 168 need 4 lbs to reach goal.

    chilly? did you say chilly at 67? It is currently 11 degrees in northern Alabama. That's southern U.S. lol
    And the poor folks in northern US and Canada. hahahaha

    Thanks for thinking about us :laugh:

    Hey everyone, I am an hour away from Montreal, Quebec. I am a survivor from a car accident and had 3 heart attacks so far. Hope it is the end of it :wink: I am a sailor but I have several bodily issues such as a very partial paralysis, a problem in my spinal cord that is waiting to be diagnosted and a partial knee replacement. Moving is not the easiest thing to do but since I want to be on a sailboat as often and for as long as possible, I have to force myself and do somekind of training. For today, I am going to climb on my incline trainer and sweat a little.