40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    That's awesome Beeps, congrats!!! Your waist is pretty small!! :drinker:

    1968samuel, thanks! That was a pic taken on the day of my 50th bday. Happy birthday to your hubby! :drinker:

    It is pretty quite around here today. I got NROL4life book at the library. Have to skim through and decide but I am waiting for another one called NROL Supercharged. I normally don't buy the book, I get them from the library and if doing the workout I scan/copy pages I need for reference. In the meantime I am still doing two little challenges with facebook friends. One consists of 2 abs exercises and squats, the other one is push ups, planks and chair dips. The reps increase/change daily for 30 days. I did a plank challenge in late Nov/early Dec and at the end I held the plank for 5 minutes, that was the goal. :drinker: it was tough, I never want to do it again!! :laugh: I have two sick men in the house. My son, who is getting better, but my husband has been in bed since yesterday afternoon. He keeps saying he is fine, that is just a cold that my son is now getting over. To me it looks like the flu. :cry: I just hope I don't get it.

    Have a great evening! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    No sick, alf!! NO SICK!!

    It's sunny here, but it sure isn't warm....with wind chill it's -40C. Boooooooooooooooo.

    I am unsure if the gym is in the cards for me, today. No problem, I'll drink diet pop all afternoon and keep the calories at bay.
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 44 and would love to participate in the group. I just joined MFP and I'm really liking the tools and community.

    I have about 45 lbs to lose and actually started March 2013 doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution at home. A bad shoulder derailed me and I had to have surgery in late July so now I'm getting back on board and starting back at the beginning. I eat healthy 90% of the time and have a weakness for cheese & crackers, Hooters wings and Blue Moon beer. :ohwell:

    I've done this before pre-40 so I know I can lose it again. I love the feeling of strength and satisfaction after a workout but as with everyone, finding time is the hard part. I leave my house at 6am and don't usually get back home until 7pm so I'm trying to discipline myself to get up earlier (ugh) and work out in the morning. Really struggling there!

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to great conversation here. I'm in southeast Texas so we're not going to get as cold as many of you but it's still getting darn cold for here! Everyone stay warm and safe.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I would like to become part of your group. I am 43 & have gained about 25 lbs since turning 40. How do I join?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello Ruby70 and astronut96!!! :drinker: Welcome to the club!!! We are all here to support each other. Losing weight, getting fit and staying healthy is challenging after 40 but it is possible!!!! This is the reason I created this group about 2 yrs ago! I have been a member of MFP since 2008. This site is a great resource for those who want to get healthy. :drinker:

    It is a beautiful day in San Antonio today but it is kinda cold. At least for me. LOL I wish I could go to the farmers market but don't want to leave my sick hubby at home by himself. My son went out with his recreational therapist.

    I did a quick workout this morning. I will be rehearsing some choreo for my Zumba class tonight.

    Have a great Sunday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    hey all and welcome newcomers!

    Beeps- that's a tiny waist! yay for bloat gone! hope you can get your sleep back on track now.

    alf - hope your hubby isn't so generous as to share his cold/flu! a 5 minute plank is just crazy!! I can hold for 45 sec before the shakes start and then I am lucky to get a full minute in with good form. I have never tried Zumba but those that do it love it so maybe I should put it on the 'list'. Rock that class tonight!

    sam - sound like a nice evening with the hubby and a good reason to enjoy a fine bottle of wine!

    I decided to flip my ticker over to start the countdown to 'goal weight' although I am not really even sure what my goal weight actually is. For my body frame, etc., calculators tell me that 160 is ideal. I also have filled a little 'LBS to go' cup with 30 pebbles and for every pound I lose, I will move one over to the 'LBS Gone' cup... a little visual motivation. =)

    I got in my Daisy Duke workout yesterday and my quads are reminding me of how good it was! it's rest and food prep for me today however, my guy is wanting to get to the outdoor oval for some skating this afternoon. Pea soup is in the slow cooker with the ham bone from our new years dinner.... mmmmm!! Next up, oatmeal and Pinterest!!

    Have an awesome Sunday everyone!
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    I will turn 40 on Feb 3rd...am I close enough!?

    I really need some new support and hope this is it!! I lost 60 pounds from 2011 to 2012 and then in 2013 it all went down hill. I gained all but 20 back!! I got sick and then started to get depressed and what do I do when I am depressed.....eat, eat and eat!

    I am feeling better than i have in months and am starting today and hoping to be a hot momma come August when we move our oldest son in to college!! I have read through a lot of this thread and you people are awesome by the way!! So I would love to participate!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    Ruby where is Plum City? I live in St Paul but have a cabin in WI? Ready for the Pack game. cold ah?
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Alf! I love to be fit but after 40 it definitely seems harder to get to and maintain. I want to be in good shape in my 60's and beyond and I truly think it starts here while I'm still relatively young. Thank you starting this group for those of us that are soon to be entering that phase where children are flying the coop soon (yikes!) and we get to start the rest of our lives. My son is a senior in HS and I'm trying to see it as e beginning of a new phase rather than the end of his childhood. :smile:
  • Frmvt
    Frmvt Posts: 15 Member
    Great, please sign me up!
  • jrzchick
    Hi Cool Kids! I am 40 and sort of new here (logged on looong time ago, just never posted). I *think* I need to lose 15 lbs. I am scared to weigh myself. Used to weigh myself every day but stopped mid summer sometime and now I'm SCARED. LOL. My jeans are a bit tight and I know my stomach and legs and *kitten* are bigger. So, my strategy is to continue logging here for 4 weeks, then weigh.

    It's tough--I'm already a gym rat (5-7x per week) and I don't eat *that* bad. But I do eat out of boredom so I need to pay more attention to that. And I like to drink wine :love: :drinker:

    Beeps, your B&A pictures are amazing! Congrats!

    Happy New Year!
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    You will do well, keep the faith
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome!! :drinker: I am so glad you are motivated to continue on your journey of becoming healthier. I also eat more when depressed/sad but more out of boredom. So far I have been doing great this year. Don't ever give up!! :flowerforyou:
    I will turn 40 on Feb 3rd...am I close enough!?

    I really need some new support and hope this is it!! I lost 60 pounds from 2011 to 2012 and then in 2013 it all went down hill. I gained all but 20 back!! I got sick and then started to get depressed and what do I do when I am depressed.....eat, eat and eat!

    I am feeling better than i have in months and am starting today and hoping to be a hot momma come August when we move our oldest son in to college!! I have read through a lot of this thread and you people are awesome by the way!! So I would love to participate!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi!!! Great you are here!! Good thing you stopped weighing yourself every day. That would drive me INSANE!!!! lately I have been stepping on the scale once a week, at least that is what is recommended to keep yourself in check. But I am hoping to just do it once a month later. Do you think you are just suffering from bloating more than weight gain? I know when I eat poorly I just retain water. Once I get back on the healthy wagon the "pounds" start coming off. :flowerforyou:
    Hi Cool Kids! I am 40 and sort of new here (logged on looong time ago, just never posted). I *think* I need to lose 15 lbs. I am scared to weigh myself. Used to weigh myself every day but stopped mid summer sometime and now I'm SCARED. LOL. My jeans are a bit tight and I know my stomach and legs and *kitten* are bigger. So, my strategy is to continue logging here for 4 weeks, then weigh.

    It's tough--I'm already a gym rat (5-7x per week) and I don't eat *that* bad. But I do eat out of boredom so I need to pay more attention to that. And I like to drink wine :love: :drinker:

    Beeps, your B&A pictures are amazing! Congrats!

    Happy New Year!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Whatabroad, you look amazing!!!! Look at you! You are truly an inspiration! What is the Daisy Duke workout? Sounds fun! :laugh: You should give a Zumba a try! It is definitely a stress reliever for me. It is a great workout, well, depending on the instructor. Some are better than others of course. So if you go to one and you don't like just try another one. Yes, planking for 5 mins was tough but I can say I did it!!! I never want to do it again unless someone challenges me for money. :laugh: :noway: I am participating in a challenge now that involves planks but they are less than a minute. :happy: I love your food prepping idea! I made it to the farmers market after all, my husband said he would live without me. :laugh: What a baby!! So off I went, I got some pretty yummy produce. I also got some lamb, have never had it. I know...lately we have been into grass fed meats, free range eggs, etc. It is pricey but so much healthier. Let see how long can we keep it up. :flowerforyou:

    hey all and welcome newcomers!

    Beeps- that's a tiny waist! yay for bloat gone! hope you can get your sleep back on track now.

    alf - hope your hubby isn't so generous as to share his cold/flu! a 5 minute plank is just crazy!! I can hold for 45 sec before the shakes start and then I am lucky to get a full minute in with good form. I have never tried Zumba but those that do it love it so maybe I should put it on the 'list'. Rock that class tonight!

    sam - sound like a nice evening with the hubby and a good reason to enjoy a fine bottle of wine!

    I decided to flip my ticker over to start the countdown to 'goal weight' although I am not really even sure what my goal weight actually is. For my body frame, etc., calculators tell me that 160 is ideal. I also have filled a little 'LBS to go' cup with 30 pebbles and for every pound I lose, I will move one over to the 'LBS Gone' cup... a little visual motivation. =)

    I got in my Daisy Duke workout yesterday and my quads are reminding me of how good it was! it's rest and food prep for me today however, my guy is wanting to get to the outdoor oval for some skating this afternoon. Pea soup is in the slow cooker with the ham bone from our new years dinner.... mmmmm!! Next up, oatmeal and Pinterest!!

    Have an awesome Sunday everyone!
  • jrzchick
    Alf--No I NEED to weigh myself every day...that way my head is not in the sand like it's been most of summer, fall and now winter. I have def gained although I haven't gone up a size BUT my jeans are a little more snug than I'd like them to be. So I will give it 4 weeks, then weigh and go from there. I'm totally scared. But hope to be pleasantly surprised at the end of 4 weeks. ughhhhhhh

    Thanks for your kind welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    Thanks so much and congrats on a successful Jan so far! :) . I really enjoy the fitness pal app so i figure I should get more active in the community as well. Another forum was a big part of my success last time...so I have big hopes!
    Welcome!! :drinker: I am so glad you are motivated to continue on your journey of becoming healthier. I also eat more when depressed/sad but more out of boredom. So far I have been doing great this year. Don't ever give up!! :flowerforyou:
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    I have to weight myself every single day also....its the only way I have every known to keep me honest. When I stop weighing and stop tracking it all comes back...like it did in 2013! I am the queen of "oh its only a few pounds" then its 20 or 40 in this case! So I totally understand!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Hello all new people.

    Jrzychick. Where exactly are you from? I moved down here in Alabama 2-1/2 years ago from Brick, NJ. Before that we were in Eatontown and before that I was in Union county.

    Anyway, I have less than 15 pounds to go. So I'm slowing down my goals just slightly now. Which is important since I am now training for a half marathon in April. Need to restrict myself even less. I did my first 12 miles yesterday and did great. Well I was slow but I survived and I'm not limping today. Lol

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • jrzchick
    I'm in North Brunswick, near Rutgers. Displaced Southern Jerseyan (Jerseyian? Jersey-an?) Moved up here 14 years ago after I got married.

    You look great and really have done an amazing job, Sto! Congrats on training for your half. I swear I'm gonna run a half every April when the weather is great for running. Then by June, it's too hot and I'm over it. LOL. Besides, after 5 miles, I am so done. Couldn't handle a half, but I'm okay with that. :laugh: