40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday All! It's here FINALLY! Had another .2lb loss this morning! WhooHoo! Made it to the gym- Did legs, core and walked today. Awesome work out all together.

    Not sure if I will make it to the gym tomorrow or not. Jake is spending the night with us tonight, so the morning will definitely be off schedule and I think we have some other things that need to get done tomorrow.

    Have a great day all!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    TGIF! look at all the new faces! remember to come back =)

    alf - your dinner does sounds yummy! I do the meatless Monday thing in my house and that's about it, lol. hope the appt goes well.

    mindmelter - glad you came out of 'lurking'! maybe you are being a little too strict with your diet? For me, things clicked when I decided that I wasn't 'dieting' and didn't put a deadline to my weightloss. In my opinion, the only way long term success at keeping the weight off is to change your way of thinking and everything just seems to fall into place. =) ETA: maintenance usually is a 5lb fluctuation anyways, no need to stress it if you expect and accept it!

    Beeps - happy lifting and weighing!

    Ruby - 'early' is a great word and this inspires me to give it some thought for my own word, thanks!

    KellySue - a little bit each day adds up to a lot, your ticker is proof of that! nice start to the day too. Have fun with Jake tomorrow!

    Was heavy day for upper body and my shoulders are feeling it! No extra detailing of the hair and make up either today, lol! My program calls for 'any interval style cardio of my choosing' today after work so I think I will hit up my fav Fitness Blender tabata workout.

    Have an absolutely Fabulous Friday peeps!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member

    mindmelter - glad you came out of 'lurking'! maybe you are being a little too strict with your diet? For me, things clicked when I decided that I wasn't 'dieting' and didn't put a deadline to my weightloss. In my opinion, the only way long term success at keeping the weight off is to change your way of thinking and everything just seems to fall into place. =) ETA: maintenance usually is a 5lb fluctuation anyways, no need to stress it if you expect and accept it!

    This is so, so true!! :happy:
  • MindMelter
    MindMelter Posts: 18 Member
    Whatabroad--Nah, I'm not being strict. It is more the opposite. Being gluttinous. Going from drinking 4 days a week to 7 (ouch, I know--and not heavily, but damn, 2 glasses of wine a night adds up), in addition to eating starchy carbs more often than I used to. I LOVE bread and pasta, I just can't eat it at every meal. I definitely am fine with the 5lbs fluctuation, just not 15! :) I think I've finally learned my lesson, though--starchy stuff only after workouts and drinking less. *sigh*
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    For a myfitnesspal.com challenge that I'm in (it's a 10-week, 10 lb weight-loss challenge for me...) here are the first 3 of my 10 weigh-ins....

    12/30: 149.0
    01/06: 147.0
    01/13: 145.4
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    For a myfitnesspal.com challenge that I'm in (it's a 10-week, 10 lb weight-loss challenge for me...) here are the first 3 of my 10 weigh-ins....

    12/30: 149.0
    01/06: 147.0
    01/13: 145.4

    Awesome! You are on your way!!
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Wow!! I'm out of the loop for a few days and so much happened!

    Beeps - Great job on the loss! You're well on your way to the 130's!!

    WhatABroad - You're getting so close to goal weight...look how far you've come!!

    KelleySue - Registering a loss week in and week out!! Very nice!

    Welcome to all the new faces and happy Friday everyone!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I qualify as being in "The Club" .. and guess that makes me cool by default.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    For a myfitnesspal.com challenge that I'm in (it's a 10-week, 10 lb weight-loss challenge for me...) here are the first 3 of my 10 weigh-ins....

    12/30: 149.0
    01/06: 147.0
    01/13: 145.4

    that's an awesome one week weigh in girl!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, I am doing the happy dance for you!!!! :drinker: :drinker: That is awesome!!!! What are you doing?? Could you share please? :wink:

    Thank you for your well wishes. My poor grandbaby had to go to the hospital for a procedure. She had to go under sedation. It was pretty scary. My daughter was crying. I was strong. But it got taken care of and she did well. :drinker: I couldn't make it to Bikram as suspected. I am hopeful I can go tomorrow. I am glad I did my little workout this morning. When I left the hospital I went to the store and decided to buy ingredients for a 3 day "juice" fast I have been wanting to do for a long time. It will be more like a smoothie fast because I don't have a juicer. :laugh: :tongue: There is a local juicing place that makes excellent raw juices. I love them but it can be pretty expensive. They post the ingredients to their juices so I am going to try to replicate them but in my nutribullet and see how it goes. I already warned my husband. LOL He shouldn't be a problem because according to him he is on a "diet". :noway:

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    My smiley-streak ended yesterday in my "no excuses" challenge. I went over-budget on my calories. My son (unexpectedly) didn't make his school team basketball squad. I consoled him. As a bad mother, that consolation included food. I am fasting, today, as a consequence of my unplanned binge.

    No excuses - new smiley streak starts today!

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Well, it's been a night. Jake stayed with us overnight. He has been great, but my last kitty died last night, so I was sad too. She was 14 years old so had a good long life. She has been going down hill since we had to put the dog down over the summer. I guess she just really missed her friend.:frown:

    No work out today. Trying to keep calories low.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    All I am doing, Alf, is only eating my alotted calories and getting in 3 x weekly lifting.

    To build a good habit, I am brushing my teeth IMMEDIATELY after supper and that has forcibly eliminated my mindless night-time snacking - my achilles heel.
  • InfoomaousTete
    InfoomaousTete Posts: 1,383 Member
    I've been reading a bit on here...but Its been a few days since I've checked in but I am happy to say that as of yesterday I was back under 200 pounds..,..weighted in at 199.6 ...so yea me :)
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    beeps - dont' feel like a bad mom for consoling your son with some good old fashioned food. Our kids are the most important things in our lives & they grow up really fast. That just shows your a great mom. Back on the better choices today & you will be just fine.
    Kelly sue - so sorry to hear about your kitty. I am a pet lover too & I know how much that hurts to lose them.
    Alf - I am glad everything went okay with your grandbaby. Bikram class today girl!

    good job to everyone else for sticking with it & make it a great weekend. I am helping a cousin in college move today 3 hours away so unfortunately that will be my only workout today we are traveling on glare ice roads now. Yuck! Gotta love those college kids.
  • 1968samuel
    1968samuel Posts: 176 Member
    Got a nice workout in today with my brother and did some lifting. His form is much better than mine so it's really helping me out. Swimming is on hold until I get back to see the ear doctor. My right ear always gives me problems and feels really plugged up right now. This happens EVERY year around this time. Sigh.

    Alf - I'm so glad your grandbaby is okay!

    KelleySue - Sorry to hear about your cat. My kitty is my baby. These things are never easy. :cry:

    jajomo0ll8 - Great work getting out of the 200's!

    ruby70 - I have a cousin in college that I hope to see next month and take out to dinner. You do have to love them!

    Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Saturday, ahhhhhhhh.

    alf - I echo the sentiments of the others about your grandbaby =)

    Beeps - you spent some quality time with the kiddo, that's what matters =) Back to smiley faces now!! I think I will adopt your tooth brushing thing on my lower cal days ... sometimes I am still trying to get my macros in after dinner on my heavy lifting days, lol.

    jajomo - welcome back and congrats on getting back into onederland! keep at it!

    ruby - moving is definitely a workout in itself; bending, lifting, carry things heavier than the body is used to... it's like crossfit!! lol

    Samuel - that's cool that you worked out with your brother and it's always good to have someone with experience to show you some tweeks for progress.

    Today was a 8 mile run on the treadmill, followed by a 2 mile walk while watching the Hunger Games on Netflix. I really like putting on a movie or a podcast when I do a long treadmill session to keep my brain from revolting, lol.

    Have an awesome weekend peeps!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello cool kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: My grandbaby was just visiting and she is definitely back to her own self!!! This girl has some energy!!! LOL And she is sooooo silly!! I wonder where she gets that from? :laugh: :noway: :wink:

    I went to Bikram this morning. :drinker: The place was packed!!! :grumble: I still have to do my quick workouts for my challenges. I kinda feel I should leave those for tomorrow. I haven't eaten that much and still have to drink one more smoothie for my cleanse. I think Bikram should do it for today. I did really well on my poses. :smooched:

    I am glad to hear that everyone is doing so well this weekend!!! :drinker:

    Samuel, I hope your ear gets better soon!!! :flowerforyou:

    KellySue, so sorry about your kitty! I am an animal lover too! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    You're all very kind....and my son will be fine - it's all character-building.

    However, I think using food as a reward or as a consolation just sets up a life-long *kitten* relationship with food....so, that really is contrary to my own values and I'll have to curtail that for the future!

    My fast went super-fine yesterday. Back to low-calories for the next few days, which I can totally handle.
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    KellySue - sorry about your cat. Pet's short life span is a tough trade off for their love and devotion.

    Sam - hope your ear clears up soon, that must screw with your balance as well. Do you wear ear plugs when you swim?

    Today is a Mommy and me day with my oldest, lol, she's 21 and still calls it that. Getting a mani-pedi and dress shopping for a gala dinner next weekend. I'm so excited! I haven't gone shopping for a couple months and I know my body has changed since then.

    It's snowed a crap load overnight and still coming down so I told my guy that I was going to take care of it this morning and will get in some short form of cardio today as well. I have been consistent in my eating and exercise this week so I hope to see at least a half pound gone in my weekly weigh in tomorrow morning to be on track with my goal.

    Enjoy your Sunday!