40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Cross Training Day: The plan was to do 35 minutes of Inline Skating. Instead, I did 50 to 75 flights worth of stairs at work, lol. Carrying various assundry musical instruments up and down and here and there. Rental season is in full force. Not to mention the 75-100 instruments I loaded up the van with at the warehouse and unloaded back at work. All in all, I think I did at least 35 minutes worth of cross training today

    It's days like this that I wish I had one of those gadgets that count these kind of things for ya.
  • sherman555
    This sounds like the group for me. I'll update goals etc later
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    *bexdc: great runs!

    *Fit4kateri: Machines always feel like cheating to me. Besides, you work out so many more stabilizer muscles/tendons and what not with the free weights. Much more applicable to real life situations than machines.

    *alf: :bigsmile:

    *jujibean & tbooth & lori: welcome!

    *parys: great dedication doing the race walking in that weather!

    *tron: love my shakeology. I mix a scoop of pure protein in with it as well.

    *Umpire: I *really* need to get back to doing Yoga once a week like I used to

    out of time. night!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    umpire - I am so impressed with your calorie burn goal. WTG! :drinker:

    Chris - you are a runner man! I know you're hooked.:wink:

    bexdc - you are killin those runs! You are FAST lady! :happy:

    tron - have heard so much about shakeology, but have never tried it. I used Isagenix - similar I think.

    cms6300 - what are pushup-jacks? They sound brutal.

    Beeps2011 - glad you are feeling better. Not sure about the SAD lamps, but you never know. Hope it helps.:flowerforyou:

    Jipples - awesome weightloss!!! :drinker:

    Big shout out to my pals - alf, Becky and Lady Persia. :flowerforyou:

    Fit4Kateri - good job on getting those workouts in, especially on crazy hectic days. :flowerforyou:

    To all the newcomers - welcome! :flowerforyou: Just jump right in and post away.

    As for me - 4m run yesterday, 50min of strength training and a 4m run today. Have been doing treadmill runs as we got some terrible weather that made running outside treacherous. Hope to run outside tomorrow. Another 4m run on tap.

    Great work all. :flowerforyou:
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    Hey I'd like to join. I'm 42 and just learning now to eat clean! I exercise 4-6 days a week. I'm up for knee surgery in a couple of days so food intake will be of utmost importance. Looking to really get my eating inline the next 6 weeks I'm off work.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member

    *Umpire: I *really* need to get back to doing Yoga once a week like I used to

    P90X2 has it's Yoga routine once a week and I am adding 1-2 group classes a week. I would go more if my gym had more :)

    Also NOTE: If you are a desk worker and get stiff sitting at your desk all day then there is a site called Yogamazing that you can do quick 10-15 minute routines during your breaks to loosen up. I do the one for neck pain a couple of times a week and always feel much better after.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    At 18,128 after this morning for the month. I actually should break 20,000 before this weekend so I am going for 22,000 for the month! :-)
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    Hello, Everyone-

    Completed day 4 of Hot Yoga yesterday and cannot believe how much I LOVE it! Due to my schedule I can't go today but will be back on Friday. Now that I want to find time for this, I need to reorganize my workout schedule (which was difficult enough before adding this to it) so that I can fit it in along with my cardio and strength training. Where there's a will, there's a way!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    finished the 100 push-up challenge today. 101 consecutive - the last 20 left a mark. Going to tackle my arch-nemesis next - pull-ups.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    cms - good for you. One day (soon), I'm going to get through the 1 push-up challenge. I'm close.

    Cara, I did bikram for about 2.5 years. And loved it. And, then got bored of it. But, ohhhhh, that last savasana is TO DIE FOR!!

    Today, I did my HIIT on the bike. I've never done this before! It was VERY CHALLENGING....to the point where my HIIT was only 30 seconds (it was supposed to be 60...) I'm going to keep up with this for awhile.

    Back to work, peeps!
  • tawnysmom
    tawnysmom Posts: 20 Member
    Hey, I am interested in joining this group. I am 52 and have been overweight most of my life. But this is my year. I need to improve my health and I think having that as my main goal will help me achieve it.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Went to the dentist during lunch today. Got two more fillings. She did a great job!

    My 10K training plan had a 2 mile run scheduled for today and a rest day for tomorrow. Gonna switch that around, lol.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! OH MY! So much activity. I haven't been able to keep up!

    CMS--wow, awesome work on the pushup challenge! I would love to be able to do that!

    pary, good for you--toughing it outside in the snow/ice! I have yet to get my bum outside for exercise in awhile (aside from my dog walk...) because of that...but you are right, kind of invigorating once you do. Maybe when it stops raining and starts looking like a real winter in Vermont, I can do that!

    Tron--so glad your energy is better! I have heard of Shakeology but am not sure what it is....must look it up.

    Alf--glad you are back on track w/exercise and logging! I know you were concerned w/some body-shifting last month. Hope you are getting more comfortable in your clothes and things....

    cwojo---awesome news on the 2-piece! Looks like you worked hard for those abs! Show it off! You look great!

    Things are fine here. I'm about to start week 8 of P90x, a nice recovery week, with lots of yoga and stretching. funny at the end of phase 1, I was cursing this recovery week because it didn't have enough action for me. Well, I have changed a bit in the last month. I feel like I finally "get" the need for the yoga and stretching. After 7 weeks of getting used to this, my body seems to crave it now--I feel like I always need to stretch! Also, I seem to finally understand that fewer calories burned is ok....no big deal...

    Anyway, I finally have the diet under control after my trip. After a brief few days of wondering if I should try the "no logging" technique, I smartened up and tightened up my maintenance calorie limit instead. And started a challenge w/another MFP friend to log better, since we had both been getting lazy. Anyway, I think this was the better choice. I feel better. I am feeling like I'm in control again after being out of control for a week. It's all good. Yes, one would think after logging for 2 1/2 years, maybe I could try not doing it --but hey, I don't particularly want to gain weight so why risk it, right?

    Aside from that, I gave myself a "no weighing" challenge for the year and am still on it since November. I can't remember if I posted my write up here a few weeks ago...but you can check it out if you like. I'm loving this feeling of freedom from the scale and highly recommend it....here it is if interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/Robin1117/view/victory-over-the-scale-185885

    Have a great day everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey I'd like to join. I'm 42 and just learning now to eat clean! I exercise 4-6 days a week. I'm up for knee surgery in a couple of days so food intake will be of utmost importance. Looking to really get my eating inline the next 6 weeks I'm off work.

    Good luck with your surgery!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! Quick check in...lost a little bit of weight. I will take it! :drinker: I am a little under 130 now...yeah!! Did my strength workout this morning. The shoulder presses were tough!!! :noway: I fee great about this week as far as workouts are concerned and my eating! I am trying to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist in another site to eat only when hungry and not have scheduled meals everyday. :sad: That has been challenging but I am going to keep it up and see what happens.

    Glad to hear from a lot of you who are doing so great!!!! Keep up the good work!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Robin, yes, I am feeling so much better now. I wish I can go without weighing, etc right now but that got me in the situation I am in now...so for now I will weigh myself and also take my measurements, log in foods, etc until I get down again to my goal, 125lbs. That is where I feel most comfortable.

    Cara, great job about going to Bikram and taking time for yourself. :drinker: :drinker: I love Bikram. My goal for this year was to go every week and so far I havent accomplished that. :cry: :cry: The studio closest to me is not that close their hrs are not great plus being 90 mins long takes so much preparation. I really want to get back to it, maybe I should make a goal first of going once or twice a month instead.

    Tawny, welcome!! :drinker: What are your specific goals?

    Cms, good job on the pushups!! My goal this year is to be able to do pull ups especially when they are part of the program I am doing. When I did p90X I was not able to do them unassisted. :grumble: they are tough!!!! Well, at least for me. Push ups are ok, I just have to do them more often.

    Have a great day everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    Checking in.....broke the 10lb mark today.:smokin:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Officiated youth basketball last night and they had a new guy come in and wanted to work 3 man. 1233 Calories for 2.5 Hours. I pulled that for 1.5 hours of 2 man. The other 2 were like - Yea, this is much better! - I was like, Crap, I am not getting a good calorie burn! :-)

    That along with this mornings session of P90X2 - Balance + Power (My favorite of Phase 1) I am at 19,954 calories for the month.

    I have 4 games of 2 man basketball officiating in the morning and X2 Yoga on tap for tomorrow and X2 Recovery + Mobility on tap for Sunday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    everyone is doing great!

    alf, congrats on the weight loss - always a "plus" - and hard to get when you're strength training. Awesome!

    Today is strength-training for me, too. Will finish up learning (stage 1) early next week and it's onto Stage 2 on Wednesday. I'm excited for some new things to do/try.

    And, I have my new ipod nano. I bought "pink", again, even though it didn't thwart the thieves the last time. This time, it'll be in my pocket at ALL times!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Checking in...........good job fortysomethings...............
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    Officiated youth basketball last night and they had a new guy come in and wanted to work 3 man. 1233 Calories for 2.5 Hours. I pulled that for 1.5 hours of 2 man. The other 2 were like - Yea, this is much better! - I was like, Crap, I am not getting a good calorie burn! :-)

    That along with this mornings session of P90X2 - Balance + Power (My favorite of Phase 1) I am at 19,954 calories for the month.

    I have 4 games of 2 man basketball officiating in the morning and X2 Yoga on tap for tomorrow and X2 Recovery + Mobility on tap for Sunday.

    Starting to look like Ed Hochuli.