40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    alf- congrats on the loss... must be odd to eat only when hungry- of course, that would backfire on me, who is hungry all the time. Jipples- Happy 10-- outstanding.

    Insanity Plyo done today-I'm about one week into a progressive cal jump as I will start heavy lifting next week (or the week after, depending upon how my broken rib feels- it is almost there), and have begun some moderate weight training this week by switching out heavier weights and fewer reps in P90x-- lined up my trainer to teach me how to lift properly-- looking forward to it.

    Happy Friday!

    LOL :laugh: :laugh: That is my challenge, to learn how to recognize when I am truly hungry or I just want to eat because the clock tells me to...LOL so far so good, I think I am learning when I am truly hungry. It feels like my stomach is eating itself. :noway: :noway: I just want to say that I am not starving myself by doing this...I am still managing to eat close to 1900 which is just under maintenance calories. :drinker:

    Jipples, congrats on the weightloss and hitting the 10lb mark!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Starting to look like Ed Hochuli.

    He is an officiating beast! :-)
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Happy Friday! I'll be going to a Pilates class tomorrow morning after being out of it for 7 months. I hope my legs will remember how to stretch and that my abs forgive me.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Everyone TGIF! :tongue:

    Good week for me I am doing a good job of keeping my calories b/w 1200-1300 daily. I'm trying something different this month...when I got back on the wagon from the holidays, I decided to set my wt loss goal at 2lbs a week instead of 1lb/wk for one month and to not do any set excercising other than what my daily activity level is. I figured it could help me understand just what calorie restriction could do for me and show me how "average" my body was in terms of losing what MFP figured I could just with calorie modification, I also gave myself a month to absorb any hormonal influence that might affect my metabolism, water retention etc.... OK so the results so far are this........tell me what you think......On average over the past 3 weeks I have lost a total of 1.9lbs/wk. Over the last 2 weeks it has averaged 1.2lbs/wk so it's going down....interesting...is my body getting used to the decreased calories and accomodating? And if it is what should my next plan be? Adding excercise seems wise :laugh: !!! So let's say I add a 250 calorie burn 3x a week. Do I then eat back my excercise calories those days or not? My thoughts are.... Yes in the sense of not getting my total calories too low but No in the sense that if I expect to increase my wt loss I should burn more calories. Open for suggestions!

    On a different note...Ump and Jibbles....I have a confession to make.........I have a crush on Ed Hochuli's...his arms are to die for!:blushing:

    Finally, another question for all. Let's talk scales! Who has what and why do you like it? I think it was Chris who mentioned a scale that takes into account water wt. or something. Anyway....tell me what you think. I use my Wii for weighing and logging but I would like somehting I can just hop on that accurate.

    Enjoyed all the posts. Hope everyone has a good weekend and week! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    I don't have any information on scales....but will read (with interest) what other people post!

    I'm off to book club. We read "Still Alice" this month. And, because I'm doing a "clean" January, I won't have any alcohol....I'll just choose tea.

    No sabotage, pour moi, pour le janvier!
  • Joining you all might just be the kick in the butt I need to get back exercising. I'm 57 and spend too much time sitting at work and sitting at home in my sewing studio.

    10 years ago I lost 50 lbs by eating healthier, but slowly got lazy and slowly all the weight has come back. What packs pounds on me is the white fluffy carbs, so my goal is to go back to eating healthy carbs, watch my fat and calorie intakes. Now that there is room in the basement again the treadmill and weights are calling.
  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    I don't have any information on scales....but will read (with interest) what other people post!

    I'm off to book club. We read "Still Alice" this month. And, because I'm doing a "clean" January, I won't have any alcohol....I'll just choose tea.

    No sabotage, pour moi, pour le janvier!

    A "clean" January is very impressive! I was proud of myself for going 9 days at the start of the month for my 'healthy clense'

    And how was the book? My book club is reading one, The Night Strangers, that I can't get into>
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member

    Good week for me I am doing a good job of keeping my calories b/w 1200-1300 daily. I'm trying something different this month...when I got back on the wagon from the holidays, I decided to set my wt loss goal at 2lbs a week instead of 1lb/wk for one month and to not do any set excercising other than what my daily activity level is. I figured it could help me understand just what calorie restriction could do for me and show me how "average" my body was in terms of losing what MFP figured I could just with calorie modification, I also gave myself a month to absorb any hormonal influence that might affect my metabolism, water retention etc.... OK so the results so far are this........tell me what you think......On average over the past 3 weeks I have lost a total of 1.9lbs/wk. Over the last 2 weeks it has averaged 1.2lbs/wk so it's going down....interesting...is my body getting used to the decreased calories and accomodating? And if it is what should my next plan be? Adding excercise seems wise :laugh: !!! So let's say I add a 250 calorie burn 3x a week. Do I then eat back my excercise calories those days or not? My thoughts are.... Yes in the sense of not getting my total calories too low but No in the sense that if I expect to increase my wt loss I should burn more calories. Open for suggestions!

    Oh, very interesting experiment, and very daring too! good for you! I love this kind of thing.

    Well, I would say definitely, when you start exercising again, eat your exercise calories back; you need them! I do not think your body will like 1200-1300 calories for the long haul--it would be really hard to sustain for any length of time. I just can't see where there would be a downside in doing so--I have since the beginning and the numbers with losing weight and maintaining for the last year and a half, and eating exercise calories have reconciled just fine.

    thanks so much for sharing your story!

    Well, I have a basic Seca scale that works really great and is super-accurate to the Drs. offices, although it's lonely because i haven't used it. :laugh: I look for good quality and simplicity. I just read tons of reviews on Amazon to buy it--those are so wonderful as a resource.

    Frida--great for you about going to Pilates class after so long! good luck!

    have a great weekend!
  • Hi I am over 40 and just found mfp this month :).
  • tshahady
    tshahady Posts: 84 Member
    would love to join the group! 40 - soon to be 41 in March!! How do I bookmark this forum?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I use an Omron HBF-514 scale. Very consistent, which is IMO the most important thing for a scale. I can get on and off it several times in a row and it will tell me the same weight within 0.2lbs each time.

    Some tips:
    *Don't weigh yourself more than once a week, some people even prefer no more than once a month.
    *Always put the scale on the hardest most level surface possible. Especially the Wii Fit Board, if you are using it on anything other than a hard floor, it is probably giving you lower numbers than it should be.
    *Weigh yourself at the same time and same day every time. For example, I weigh myself every Saturday in the morning, after I use the restroom and before I eat or drink anything.
    *Weigh yourself in the nude.
    *Exhale as much air as possible out of your lungs so you aren't weighing all that cubic footage of air (Just Kidding on this one! :laugh: )

    Always keep in mind that the actual number on any given day is not that important, it is the trend over the last several weeks that matters.

    Always remember that your weight is not the end-all-be-all statistic. It is just one indicator among many others that you should be using. Just one small tool in what should be a full tool box.

    IMO, inches are much more important than your weight. How your clothes fit is a much better indicator of how you are doing than your weight. And, of course, you are keeping track of your work out numbers, right? How they are changing/improving is also more important than your weight.
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi! I'd love to join . . . not 40 until June . . . but I think that should count!
    My goals are to lose my last 25 lbs. (I have lost 45 already!) I have completed Turbo Fire and Insanity so my next is P90x. I want to be healthier and have the energy to keep up with my 2 daughters (8 and 3). I have a great husband (who I'm trying to get a little healthier too!) Any advice on this????
    I have also started Shakeology . . . anybody else out there tried it???? :wink:
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    I use an Omron HBF-514 scale. Very consistent, which is IMO the most important thing for a scale. I can get on and off it several times in a row and it will tell me the same weight within 0.2lbs each time.

    Some tips:
    *Don't weigh yourself more than once a week, some people even prefer no more than once a month.
    *Always put the scale on the hardest most level surface possible. Especially the Wii Fit Board, if you are using it on anything other than a hard floor, it is probably giving you lower numbers than it should be.
    *Weigh yourself at the same time and same day every time. For example, I weigh myself every Saturday in the morning, after I use the restroom and before I eat or drink anything.
    *Weigh yourself in the nude.
    *Exhale as much air as possible out of your lungs so you aren't weighing all that cubic footage of air (Just Kidding on this one! :laugh: )

    Always keep in mind that the actual number on any given day is not that important, it is the trend over the last several weeks that matters.

    Always remember that your weight is not the end-all-be-all statistic. It is just one indicator among many others that you should be using. Just one small tool in what should be a full tool box.

    IMO, inches are much more important than your weight. How your clothes fit is a much better indicator of how you are doing than your weight. And, of course, you are keeping track of your work out numbers, right? How they are changing/improving is also more important than your weight.

    Excellent suggestions, thnak you.
  • dan323
    dan323 Posts: 271 Member
    Count me in. I'm 50,lost 33 pound,gained back 7 and am now on my way back down to my goal weight of 165. I weighed in yesterday at 173.2.
  • inuit
    inuit Posts: 72 Member
    Well had an odd week this week, i have ate more garbage than usual, this is the first time in 12 weeks that i have had the muchies and been hungry. So been shopping today to get nice healthy stuff - bought some Quark, tried to make a sauce with it and it seperated, looked garbage but tasted great. Bought more fresh and high protein stuff to get back on track.

    Lost 1lb and no inches, just lost a bit of motivation, but in saying that my work schedule has been good.

    Every morning - 10 crunches, 5 reverse crunches, lying on stomach crunches, not sure what the proper term for them is and attempt at 5 proper push ups (been doing the worktop ones as well at home, up to 12 of those without too much trouble).

    Then swim for 30 mins each day, burning between 250 and 300 calories.

    Do 5 - 10 mins of lunges and squats with two 2.5kgs dumb bells.

    Normally average 1200 calories net, but have been eating more like 1400 - 1600 net hence very little weight loss.

    I am not bothered about the weight loss, but a bit peed no inch loss, infact the old muffin top went up half an inch, but maybe i am mesuring in a different place, but always aim for the fatest/largest part.

    Anyway, next week is a new week and think i might not swim every day and get a bit of walking/jogging in next week and do a few more weight exercises to burn some more fat.
  • Jipples - good for you!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Everyone is doing so great!
    Jipples - you broke the 10 lb mark!! Congratulations!!

    No exercise for me these past few days. Didn't feel well the last couple of days. Felt much better today. Cleaned out, laundry, grocery shopping and cooked dinner. Had my son & his family, my MIL and a couple of friends over for dinner. My friend is a Dietitian, so I made sure it was all healthy choices (other than dessert :tongue: )

    Long run planned for tomorrow. Hope it doesn't snow.

    Have a great night all. :flowerforyou:
  • sreeves1429
    sreeves1429 Posts: 23 Member
    This has been kind of a tough month for me. Following some medical issues, I had a surgical procedure done this week that I had ben putting off for a vey long time. This made it difficult for me to exercise like I wanted to, but I am on the mend and have been given the ok by my doctor to resume regular workouts this coming week, so I can begin doing strength training exercises and such besides all the walking I have done. I did manage to follow my doctor's advice and increase my caloric intake daily, although it's still not exactly where I should be, but I am getting closer to it day by day.

    Looking forward to getting back to a more structured and balanced eating and workout routine going forward.
  • tikanique
    tikanique Posts: 54 Member
    Down 15 lbs since I started this. Kind of worried that i'm losing muscle.......I have got to plan my eating better so I'm not trying to get in a lot of calories at the end of the day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,095 Member
    Cara, I liked the book. How did you like your book? Our next read is "State of Wonder", by Ann Patchett.