40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Good luck in your race, caramel!! I BET YOU KILL IT!

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday!
    I'm very excited to hear about your race tomorrow Caramel! I'm sure you'll rock it. You're obviously committed.
    Larro, you have a 6-acre front yard?!?! Wow! Maybe you could save a little time and just mow a maze pattern? Crop circles? :)
    Sdereski, a bear! How cool. We have black bears here too, but they're so shy we rarely see them.
    I feel compelled to go find something heavy to lift! I definitely don't want to be that dude. Thank goodness I gave up smoking decades ago. Thanks for the reminder Beeps.
    Kelly Sue, I'm with you on opting for the outdoors when given a choice!
    Thank you all for the surgery well wishes! I hope it gets scheduled soon. I'm totally ready for it.
    Tomorrow we're off pig hunting! It means 6 hours of driving to/from, and sitting very still in the 100 degree heat for several hours. The good news is, if we're successful, pigs are heavy, AND I'll have to lift it! :laugh:
    I hope you all have an awesome weekend. I'll check back in Monday if not before.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good evening all. I didn't get to the mowing. Or the tiller either, for that matter. But I did spend five hours in the garden. I hoed and raked up the grass out of the peppers.


    I ran the cultivator between the rows of all the young plants,


    then side dressed {added fertilizer} and covered it with my homemade bike plow.


    After supper I got back out and clipped all the watermelons. I will till the vines under, along with the banana cantaloupes in the morning. I gave out of daylight tonight.


    Sorry for posting so many pictures for you guys with phones.

    CG, hog hunting is big around here. The wild hogs do a lot of damage to crops, and farmers will let folks come on their place and trap them. You kill the big ones in the pen {trap}, but keep the smaller ones for a few weeks to fatten them up.

    Caramel, good luck tomorrow. You will do fine. Just pace yourself and have a blast.

    Beeps, when I see a cluster of smokers outside a door, I go over and thank them for doing their part to save Social Security. Smokers save the tax payers Billions of Dollars a year by dying early. Beer, tobacco and the lottery are our the most effective tools for taxing the poor.

    Sdereski, the one time I came face to face with a bear in the woods, I was relieved it was a bear. {This was years ago} I was hunting on posted land, and startled a sow and her cub while following deer tracks. She beat the ground, running toward me though dried palmetto bushes, and I thought a whole bunch of people were rushing me at once. I was down on one knee looking at tracks, with my rifle propped against a tree when it happened. I took off running, leaving my rifle behind. I hadn't gone ten yards before I pulled a hamstring. I had to stop because I couldn't keep running.Then I saw and smelled her. I was so relieved it was a bear I just sat down on a log and waited for her to go her way, and I limped back and got my rifle and started the slow one mile walk back to my truck. She had been eating our corn since she was a cub herself. I had just surprised her.

    I tried a new recipe tonight. Unstuffed pepper trio. I'll post the recipe on What's for Supper??? if any of you want to take a look.

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Saturday cool kids.

    Larry, your garden looks amazing! Those melons! Beautiful. I really wish I lived in warmer climate where I can grow more produce. Maybe once I retire. Living on the water and having fresh fish is a bonus for some, but I don't particularly care for fish.

    Alf, another injury? Oh dear. Really is time to rethink teaching.

    Curious, pig hunting? Sounds........interesting. Not my idea of a good time, but my husband would be all over than am sure. I know I would enjoy he meats afterward though. :happy:

    Beeps, was thinking of that 62 yr old as I dragged my fat *kitten* out the door for a run yesterday. Yes, I finally got out and ran again. Well, it was more of a slow plod, but I kept moving. Kept thinking, I do NOT want to become like that....not that I smoke, but just letting myself go. My younger sister is very obese, probably tipping the scales at 350+. She was never big....I was always the chubby sister growing up, she was the skinny one. So, I can see what letting yourself go can do. And, this past year, I have done that. Yes, I continue ue to exercise, but I was not as mindful about what I put into my mouth. Like CG, I eat healthy, just too damn much of it! Even too much of a good thing can kill ya. :tongue:

    Calling for rain all weekend. Am planning to get out for a bike ride before the rain starts up again (rained through the night).

    Have a good day all....am working on keeping my "pie hole" closed today!!! :grumble:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Please excuse the spelling errors in my previous post. this typing on the iPad sucks.....and it autocorrects where it wants. :tongue:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good afternoon cool kids. Hope all of you are well,

    The race has come and gone. I finished my first race in 39 minutes. I broke down and cried after the finish line. About an hour after the race the Mayor of the city took a photo with me and members of my team. The adrenaline, the preparation, the support both online and literal made this a day to remember for a long time to come.

    Larro, I love the photos. I hope you are proud of your hard work.

    Sdereski , I am happy to hear you ran. I believe your momentum will return and you will kick butt again. You can do it.

    I read an article about wild hogs and the damage they cause to farmers and that it is necessary to hunt them. CG, be careful during your hunt.

    KellySue..hope you are well.

    Beeps, Thanks for the well wishes. Are you lifting today?

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Congratulation on the race Caramel. So proud of you.

    I had a slow weekend at work. Only had one short event on Saturday. I don't like not working, but it did give me time to finish my planting. We also put up some peas in the freezer today. Had thought about a shopping trip to Panama City this morning, but Margie has another week from hell coming up, so I just ran up to Marianna early to get what we couldn't live without. She has to go before the County Commissioners again. They are trying to make all the county offices use one local tech guy. Her response is what happens if he is on vacation and her system messes up on election day. A couple of them always support her, so she should be alright, but it's a PITA to have to bother with it when she is also getting ready for early voting.

    After watching Nascar and an early supper, I worked in the garden until it was too dark to see. I did get everything planted though. Here is the view of the pale sunset we had from the garden just before I came in.


  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids! Another busy weekend here. I ran and then swam laps with the hubs on Saturday, and then cleaned my house, mowed the lawn and did some laundry. Yesterday was my grandmother's memorial service. It was very nice. After, we went to my parents' camp and celebrated my niece's 16th birthday. It was a nice celebration and I ate too much, but back on track today. We didn't get home until late so I slept in this morning hoping I could run, but it was pouring out so I did an aerobics video instead. Still not a bad workout.

    Larro- Love all of your pictures. You are very inventive! Your watermelon look wonderful!

    Caramel- glad to hear the race went well. The picture is great!! 39 minutes is a decent time for your first race. I'll be lucky to come close to that. I am a very slow runner!!

    Hi to everyone else! Have a good day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    congratulations, caramel!!! That is awesome!

    sdereski - hope you had a good run....it's for a GREAT cause!

    Beautiful picture, larro!

    I had a GREAT weekend! didn't get to the gym once, because was on the ball diamond all weekend as we hosted the provincial championship series. It was a TERRIBLE friday and saturday morning for ball, but finally the sun came out and it was HEAVEN. My food choices were poor, since that's all the ball diamond offered - I didn't eat much, but what I did eat was crap.

    As it all shook out, my son's team won the provincials, so I am now the mother of a provincial baseball champion.

    Not gonna lie....that feels pretty damn good!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids,

    I have a pretty busy weekend! Got my hair highlighted went to the movies to Hercules with my mom and son. Then the usual church and grocery store. Thanks to Beeps challenging me I did work out twice this weekend on top of everything else. I was kind of proud of myself even if it was a baby step.

    Caramel - Congratulations on a race well done! Thanks for sharing the pics.

    Larro - Those watermelons looked wonderful. I am not sure that I would eat more or give away more if I have a garden. Good luck to your wife in her fight.

    Beeps - The is awesome that your son won provincial championship! Thanks for pushing me, I really needed it.

    sdereski - I hope that you got some sunshine for your bike ride this weekend.

    CG - Pig hunting. Wow! I am not sure that I am brave enough to do that. But I do hope that you got one.

    KellySue- I am glad to hear that everything turned out so good for you this weekend!

    "You don't have to go fast, you just have to go."
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids,

    Caramel, congratulations on the race! 39 minutes is great, and I totally get how emotional that can be. Awesome acheivement, and I bet motivating to do it again!
    Larro, the melons are beautiful. I LOVE the bicycle plow!
    Kelly Sue, the weekend sounded like a real celebration of love and family. And great job of getting a workout in even with rain!
    Speaking of workouts, Emmalusmom! Two workouts over the weekend is fabulous! Weekends are the hardest for me to stay disciplined, but Beeps did put the fear of 62 in us!
    Sdereski, I'm glad you got a bear-free ride in. The weather maps did look pretty challenging up your way.
    Beeps, Provincial Champion!?!?! Wow! Congrats to the kids! You must be so proud. It sounds like a fun day at the ball park, even with park food. We have a group that's been trying to introduce heatlh food options at the games, but nobody buys them! *sigh* So they've given up and gone back to hot dogs.

    Alas, the pigs won this round. We were staked out by the pond for over 4 hours, but they were a no-show. We'll try again in a couple of weeks. You just never know where they'll be, and we can only hunt on one property. Hoping not to get completely skunked, I took my hand fishing line with me kayaking yesterday... but only caught a starfish. The paddling was great though. Lots of porpoises and several sea lions.

    I didn't lose any weight at all last week, so I want to up my exercise routines this week. More lifting!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    I need to go catch up on all the weekend goings on!

    We managed to get a few fun family activities in this weekend. We went to a Rockies game on Sat. night and we got one of the mis-spelled jersey's LOL
    On Sun. we went to the Botanic Gardens in Denver where they have an awesome Chihuly display, so beautiful!!

    In bewtween all that for about 30 hours I was sick with a horrendous stomach bug! :/
    I showed a big loss this morning which I'm sure was due to that, but I didn't want to skip a weigh in day. I may weigh in later this week too just to make next Monday a little more realistic.

    Back at it!!
    I will go catch up as I can (at work LOL)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello cool kids!!! Thank you for your well wishes. It feels much better today. I am teaching tonight, I really need to take it easy. My husband has been telling me lately that I should "retire with dignity". I sometimes get upset when he says that but I think he is right. I have been envisioning swimming more and doing more Bikram yoga lately and of course lifting...

    Caramel, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It gave me chills when you said you cried at the finish line. You must feel very proud of yourself!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Beeps, I love the way you think!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Larro and sdereski, bears???? Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would be so scared if I encountered one!!!! I once ran into a coyote while running but he was more scared than me. :laugh: I miss those running days though...

    Have a wonderful day!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Larro: I love all of your pictures! The sunset pic is amazing...I love 'sky' pics ! :)
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Caramel: Congrats on your race, that's awesome!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Beeps: Congrats to your boy!!! I love that proud feeling when your kids have such a big accomplishment, enjoy!! :happy:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids. I'm glad to hear most everyone had a good weekend. I've done my morning workout, {gazelle/10 minutes, lifting/75 minutes, stationary bike/5 minutes} and had a late breakfast. I ate after I had gone over to Mamma's to move the sprinkler in her garden. While I was there I ended up hoeing her young melon and cantaloupe plants. I planted the cantaloupe for her, and spilled lots of seed. I dug up those sprouts and transplanted them in the hills that hadn't come up yet.

    KJ, sorry you had the bug. That is not the most fun way to lose weight. My sister lived at the Springs for about 25 years. Before that she was at Boulder and Longmont. She followed her 2nd husband out there and stayed. My niece and her two kids live in one of the Denver suburbs, Rancho Something. Sister is a huge Bronco fan, and since she doesn't have cable or satellite TV, when the they play on a channel she doesn't get, she will call and say, "I'm coming over to watch the game. Is that OK?"

    Curious, sitting for hours and not getting a shot off is one of the joys of hunting. Very rarely do I kill anything anymore, but you will always find me in the shooting house during the opening weekend of the deer season. I saw someone on You Tube that had made a bike plow, and I just copied it. It is not as easy to handle as my other plow, but the time it saves changing from the cultivator to the plow makes it worthwhile.

    Beeps, congratulation on your son's championship. I wish more kids played baseball. It is a thinking man's game. We {the Civic Center, where I work} used to be in charge of the County Recreation, and I spent a lot of my time at the ball fields. I loved the work, but dealing with sports parents was not always as fun. But I'm sure you are not one of those parents:bigsmile:

    E's Mom, glad you got the workouts in. I always feel better after I workout. While I'm doing it, I just keep reminding myself of that. And I do give away a lot of stuff from the garden. Margie takes a load with her about every other day. She has a coffee club that meets at McDonald's everyday that gets some of it, and folks at the Courthouse get the rest. I take melons to my coworkers. Since I gave them tomato and pepper plants, they don't need any of them. And working people just don't have time to shell peas. Margie shelled all day on Saturday while I was at work. I did help with what was left when I got home. We put up 2 quarts and 3 pints, then cooked what was left for supper last night.

    Kelly Sue, it is good to remember family who has passed, just like it is to celebrate the living. Glad you got to do both this weekend.

    Almost forgot, but I tried a couple of new twists to some old low sugar dessert recipes. I posted that at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1334831-what-s-for-supper?page=10#posts-20931981 if any of you want to take a look. I had mixed results, but even half bad dessert ain't half bad.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Also....got my lifting in-and-done. My *kitten* is quite sore....this is a good thing.

    My oldest son is coming over for supper, with gf in tow. I haven't seen him since July 1st, so this is a nice surprise!

    Enjoy your day everyone....this is a GREAT WEATHER WEEK around here - I'm going to enjoy, for sure!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids, hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Beeps----congrats about your son.....I know you are proud. thanks for the well wishes on the race. I appreciate it.

    KellySue-You are so strong and its admirable how you still keep going despite the trials, joys and sorrows of life.

    Larro- I think I speak for many of us at how breathtaking your photos are and how passionate you are about your garden. You really are a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate it.

    KJ-Thanks for the kind words, hope you are doing well.

    Alf- I am confident you will do what is best for you. Thank you also for the kind words about the race. I cried like a baby.

    Emma- thanks for the encouragement.

    CG-Perhaps next time you hunt you will get something.

    I had extreme Fit tonight and my legs are still sore from Saturday. My performance was not at beast mode tonight, but I made it through the circuit 3 times. I normally burn 700-800 per my HRM and today was only 500.

    If I forgot anyone, please forgive me.

    Have a good evening everyone
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Since I went to town Sunday morning, I'm going to skip today's shopping trip. It will be rough, but {I hope} the thrift stores can get by without me for one week.

    I was wanting to get my sister to drop me and the canoe off up the river on her way to work, but it would have required me borrowing Mamma's truck {my truck has a bed cover}, loading the canoe last night, and being ready at 0600 this morning when Sister leaves for work. None of which happened. So I have to hook to my trailer, pile the limbs on it on the brush pile, load the canoe and depend on arm power to go upstream for a while before thinking about drifting and fishing. I haven't been fishing in a while, so I need to sort out my tackle too.

    I will go to our creek camp which is near the mouth of 10 Mile Creek where it flows into the Chipola River, that way I have the choice of going into the river, or upstream on the creek. 10 Mile is shallow enough in most places you can use your paddle like a push-pole, so the going is easier. The fishing choices might not be as good though. I can manage to get my lures hung in the bushes with the whole river to fish in, so on the creek, I may never get a hook in the water. I'll try to post some pictures tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz today.

    I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz way too often?!?!? Considering I actually am sleeping pretty decent and I am getting to the gym about 5 times per week.

    And, I have an "unexplained" 10 lb weight gain.

    Could this really be hypo-thyroidism??

    Ugh. I guess I better make an appointment with my doctor.