40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Happy Friday Cool Kids!

    What are crowder peas? Not familiar with the variety.

    I already ate my first pea crop, and finished planting the next round last night. I absolutely love peas too! At least they have a lot of fiber.

    Have a great day all!

    First off, when a Southerner says peas, they mean cow peas. The peas I have bearing right now are Brown Crowder Cow Peas. They have a big, full pod that gets lighter as they ripen. When allowed to dry, {or when you buy the seeds} they have a dull brown color. Even when cooking the green peas, they turn the soup a dark color. I found out they are a very viney pea. I didn't put my rows far enough apart. There is no way not to step on the vines when picking.

    My granddaddy brought a speckled Crowder pea with him when he came down from Georgia in the early 1910's. It came to be known as the Lon Messer Speckled Pea. My granny kept the strain alive until she died in the 1980's, and Mamma kept it going for years after that. But it got cross bred so often it wasn't the same pea. I was trying to find a speckled Crowder and the Brown Crowder was all I could find in the local seed stores. I have seen some speckled heirloom seeds on line, and I guess I will buy some before spring. But they are pretty costly, and it is such a pain to plant far enough away from the regular garden to safeguard against cross pollination.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    After I'm at goal weight I'm heading I to the gym to start lifting again. I've limited my exercise to cardio only this time around because my goal weight has become an unhealthy obsession for me lol.

    Anyway, thanks for having me here in this group, I'll check back often!

    Oh also, stats:

    6' 0"
    SW 255
    CW 180
    GW 175

    I didn't start weight training until I was very close to my goal weight. Now I wish I had started much earlier. When you lose a lot of weight, you also lose muscle. I'm working now to rebuild what I lost through cardio and deficient eating.. You should try a couple of light weight sessions a week just to keep what you have. And if you do it before your cardio, it will cause you to burn more calories.

    Are you getting the, "are you sick," questions yet? I'm 5' 11 3/4" and at 175 pounds folks are asking me all the time if I have been sick. I will admit the weight loss has changed the profile of my face quite a bit. It is taking a while, but I'm getting used to it.

    You are doing great. You have changed your life style, so a few pounds here or there will not matter in the long run. I'm hoping to gain back 5-10 pounds of muscle, but it is going to be a long slow job of work.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Phylb & Mrbyte :happy:

    Im feeling pretty good today, closed my online shop for the rest of the summer so I can focus on my kiddos, get outdoors and prepare for our upcoming 3000 km road trip! We are travelling to the west coast for my baby sisters wedding. Part of my inspiration for getting back in shape is the 90% spandex gowns my sister chose for our bridesmaids dresses!!!! UGH. Honestly......LOL Shes lucky I love her so much.

    Its a beautiful day so Im going to go for a long walk before I lift. Im going to mix up my workouts a bit today and have made a conscious effort to lay off the sugar because I have been at a bit of a stall for 3 weeks. At the beginning I had the big whoosh (8 lbs in 1.5 weeks ) then only a pound since. Wish me luck!

    Happy Friday to everyone,

    Enjoy your day!

    JFM :smile:
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm off to costco to get my organic foods(mainly my meats from there) in bulk. I find if I am stocked up I eat better. If I run out, trouble begins. My problem is keeping up with my caloric needs at this condition. I will lose pretty quickly if I don't keep up with they calories. Currently I am eating 3300 to 3500 calories and my weight is pegged at 200. 20% carbs, around 260g of protein a day.

    larrodarro, I agree with resistance training right away when trying to lose weight. By keeping your LBM up your base metabolic rate stays high and you can burn more just sitting around. Plus, you can eat more and enjoy life in general and end up with a more full looking physique when you reach your goal weight and not play catch up with LBM. I think people who do this reach their goals much faster imo. I'll help in anyway I can on this thread.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Oh..I'd better add that I in no way am advocating my diet or macros to anybody. I've gotten blasted on other forums that my protein uptake is to high and my carb intake is to low. I didn't advocate it there or here. Just stating what I do. I hope this clears things up if anyone else wants to criticize the way I eat.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Oh..I'd better add that I in no way am advocating my diet or macros to anybody. I've gotten blasted on other forums that my protein uptake is to high and my carb intake is to low. I didn't advocate it there or here. Just stating what I do. I hope this clears things up if anyone else wants to criticize the way I eat.

    No complaints on your diet. Whatever works for you, and all that. I just wish you wouldn't make the rest of us old guys look so bad:bigsmile:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday cool kids. Hope all of you are well.

    Mtbyte..Welcome aboard. We do not criticize here. We motivate and support one another. The dialogue here is great.

    KellySue, perhaps you are right. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

    Beeps...you need some r&r this weekend. Hope you do.

    Larro, I wish I had did more strength/weight training right from the start.

    I decided to only walk this weekend. I am quite tired.

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Curious - Thanks for the encouragement, sorry to hear about your hip issue. I've really learned to love running...something I've always frowned on in my early years. When I was in the military I hated it...HATED IT. For some reason it just brings me some peace when I'm out there alone running with my tunes on. My race is on the 7th, its called the "Freedom Run" and is a local 5K here in the midwest to celebrate our military veterans. It seems like a cool event so I'm gonna go for it. I actually was signed up for an event earlier in the year but I had a calf injury (something that continues to plague my runs) so I couldn't make it. This one I dont care if I'm on crutches I'm running it just so I can say that I ran one. In any case, thanks again for the words and welcome.

    Larro - Yeah last year when I was dropping a bunch of weight I went straight into the gym...I dont regret it but it slowed down my losses and played games with my brain. It de-motivated me to a degree because I was up and down. I was gaining muscle for sure but my fat loss just wasn't there...I'm sure I was over training as I was running as well...probably what caused my calf injury. Regardless, it hasn't been my goal to be emaciated...though I am getting to that point, I just want my goal number. As I said...a little bit of an unhealthy obsession. Yes I've been asked if I'm sick...do I have an eating disorder...etc. I dont even bother to argue with anyone. Its just part of my plan. Get the fat off...which for the most part it is...then head into the gym and increase calories so I can gain in a lean way. I have no desire to simply be skinny. I want to be in shape and healthy..simple as that. I think as long as I am in control of it and am aware of my low weight I can deal with it. I'm not saying that I'm right but with 5lbs to go, I'm just going to see it through and hopefully it'll work. I know my way around the gym pretty well and I'm sure with the huge deficit I've been in it will not take long to gain weight back as soon as I migrate my calories to slightly above maintenance.

    Thanks again all. Looking forward to participating in this group!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good morning cool kids. Hope all of you are well.

    Geekmeister..do your best on you run. I ran my first one on 7/26 and finished in 39 minutes. Do your best and don't compare yourself to others. The adrenaline rush is beyond words. Please let us know how you do.

    Larro..hope mom is doing better. How are you doing?

    beeps...thinking about you

    Kellysue..hope you are relaxing

    CG....hope you are well.

    If I missed anyone, my apologies.

    I will walk again today.

    Have a great day everyone
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Oh..I'd better add that I in no way am advocating my diet or macros to anybody. I've gotten blasted on other forums that my protein uptake is to high and my carb intake is to low. I didn't advocate it there or here. Just stating what I do. I hope this clears things up if anyone else wants to criticize the way I eat.

    No complaints on your diet. Whatever works for you, and all that. I just wish you wouldn't make the rest of us old guys look so bad:bigsmile:

    Larrodarro, I believe consistency is key. Train at least 9 months out of the year if possible and find the macros that work for you and stick with it. I'm a big believer in wholesome foods as well. Less supplements when possible. Proteins should be eaten and not drank(when possible). I don't have more than 30 grams of carbs per meal and it works astonishingly well for me. Again, I eat a lot of protein. I eat 8 oz of meats at least per meal but I don't recommend that to anyone. I don't think it's a simple as CICO as well since I'm way over my CI frequently and I don't gain bf on my macros so far. I'm still observing.

    caramelgyrlk, Yes I agree. I think its very positive here but I just wanted to put that out so I don't get reported or something for promoting a diet that some haters feel doesn't fit thier parameters. I only tell what I do to get my results. I don't promote. :)

    I can't run because of a back injury but I bike in place. I get more of a leg workout with a bike anyway and like the quads getting pumped.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Geek, I know about the thrill of losing. Watching those numbers get smaller can be habit forming. I had set my goal weight at 173 because it was a prime number, never thinking I would get close to it. But when I got down to 180 I reset it to 176 and slowed my loss to a half pound a week.

    About that same time I started working with {light} free weights. I had never lifted in my life, and starting out at 53 years old was a strain on my old bones. I just do an all around workout, trying to hit all major muscle groups. I do about 75 minutes two days a week, increasing the weight by 2 1/2 pounds at the beginning of each month. I know many folks lift four or more days a week, but all I want to do is get a little stronger and lower my body fat%. I had skinny arms and legs, even when I was fat. So after losing 65 pounds, I was puny. It is going to take me a long time, but I can see and feel changes after only three or four months.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    larrodarro, I know a gentleman that never touched a weight until he was 55. he was 150 pounds as well. He is 67 now and has 8% body fat and probably close to 200 pounds. Incredible physique for any age. He was very well off and had time to train and eat to perfection. Seriously, it gave me a paradigm shift because I've been told all my life that after 50 the male would lose muscle. So now I'm approaching 50 and train like a madman and eat as good as I can.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning guys. I forgot to mention last night that Mamma got transferred to the rehab in Panama City late yesterday afternoon. Or as Sister put it, she is now in the Witness Protection Program. They do 4 hours of PT a day, 6 days a week. She will be glad tomorrow is Sunday, and she will have the day off.

    I am about back to normal, although my weekly schedule was thrown all to hell. The lady who comes in every other week to help with the cleaning had her car in the shop, so she couldn't come this week. And with me at the hospital everyday, all I could do was fling a load of clothes in the washer as I was leaving, then run by and put them in the dryer on the way to work. Margie does her work clothes {just because I have dyed a couple of loads of clothes, she doesn't trust me} so it's just my clothes, socks and underwear, towels, sheets and the like. So a few of the ones way back to the back of the closet are getting used.

    My event at the Civic Center today is where they hand out free school supplies. Most years there are over 1000 people come through here. But the lady who had done it for the last 10-15 years changed jobs, and a new person is doing it. There must have been less publicity because so far, the crowd is much smaller than in years past. But since I will be doing the cleanup when they leave, I'm not going to complain.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    larrodarro, I know a gentleman that never touched a weight until he was 55. he was 150 pounds as well. He is 67 now and has 8% body fat and probably close to 200 pounds. Incredible physique for any age. He was very well off and had time to train and eat to perfection. Seriously, it gave me a paradigm shift because I've been told all my life that after 50 the male would lose muscle. So now I'm approaching 50 and train like a madman and eat as good as I can.

    Time is one of the things that seems to be in short supply. But I am in no hurry. As long as I can keep increasing my lift weight each month, that will be plenty of challenge for me.

    I don't really watch my macros very close, other than protein. My Doctor told me to get 30-35 per meal before adding any for exercise. I do use 1/4 scoop of protein powder in the morning, but I got in the habit of using it to mask the taste of the watered down milk I was using more than anything else. I was down to 1 oz of milk a day when I was losing. Now I use 6 oz a day. The last couple of weeks I have been adding Greek yogurt, soynuts and pumpkins seeds to my witch's brew, so when I have time, I will figure out how far I can cut back on the powder and still hit my numbers.

    I'm over on sugar almost everyday from eating so much fruit. But I'm not going to sweat it as long as I can keep my weight around where it it needs to be. Later on if I start to have problems I might pay more attention.
  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Well Good Morning Cool Kids! I just finished a 4 mile run and feel fantastic. Its a great way to start my day.

    Caramelgyrlk - Congratulations on your first 5K! I'm so looking forward to feeling that rush as I've been working towards this for a long time. I expect my time to be fairly close to yours but I'll surely post my results when it gets here. I will do my best!

    Larro - I've been stuck at 180 all week so my goal of 175 is just toying with me now. Ha! My scale and I have a love/hate relationship and its "complicated". I promised my scale if it'd let me into the 170's I wouldn't stand on it for a week! Yet it continues to mock me! Seriously though, I'm looking forward to joining you in the weight training which should happen in a few weeks if I can manage to get that dumb..i mean lovely scale to work for me again. Sorry to hear about your mom as well. Sounds like she's in good hands and hopefully you can rest a little.

    Mrbyte - Amazing physique, I'd love to be a cut 190 in the end. I know my track is different but in a few weeks I'll be back in the gym! Welcome by the way...not sure if I'm qualified to welcome you since I'm new too...but hey welcome anyway.

    All have a wonderful day! Time to mow the lawn...woohoo...not. :(
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Morning :happy:

    Looks like were all on our way to our goals!

    I just got an upexpected workout...my 7 week old kitten just escaped and thought it would be fun to run down the street! I would have just let him come back home ( cats are good at that no? ) BUT were in a rural area and there are mama bears with new cubs, foxes and lynx that roam by....yikes for him! So Im still in my pjs and sweating like I ran a marathon - MAN HE CAN BOB AND WEAVE!

    Enjoy your Saturday everyone!


    ALSO - Extremely envious of you runners!!! Congrats - you ROCK :bigsmile:

    Larro - Your posts make me smile, youre a really good guy. Your mama and wife are very lucky.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    larrodarro, Don't get me wrong. I think powders have their place. I'll use them in a pinch and to push my macros around if I'm light on protein for the day but generally I try not to intake more than 15 to 20% of my protein via powders.

    Geek, Thanks. Consistency in training to keep lbm and diet to bring out definition. I think I push it with my training because I'll feel beat up after 4 weeks of training hard and will have to back it down a bit. I'm at that stage right now. Ready for a break because joints feeling it. :) I refuse to have my age mold me! (I just made that up, lol)

    Not that it matters but I have a ruptured s1-l5 that impinges on my left sciatica. I'm very lucky that it's mostly painfree when it's not acute. But it has taken me out of the gym for 10 months at a time when it flares. I've lived with for 32 years, slight rotator cuff issues in my left shoulder and I still make it to the gym and train as best I can. Others can do this too if I can. I finally first time in my life started training abs because I have babied my core from the back injury.

    I do weight every morsel of food I intake. I do recommened that to people. Even if you aren't tracking macros, it's good to know what's going in. After you see whats going in, you can step back and change things up. Can't begin to change things for the better when you don't know what's going in. my 2c.

    JustFindingMe. Hi there. I can tell this forum is a lot friendlier than the advice forums. Give out any contrarian advice and prepare to have you own macros attacked even though the results speak for themselves. Go figure.

    Thanks for the welcome kids!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WOW!!! Lots of male action. LOL :laugh: :laugh: Welcome to all new cool kids!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: Sorry been MIA. I have sooo busy at work. I have been doing my usual workouts, Bikram twice this week. Eating...not so good. Have to get out of this SOON!!!!!!!! And guess what??? Taking my son to his yearly camp in a few minutes. He will spend 5 days there. My husband and I are then taking our usual summer break. There is a change this year: WE ARE TAKING OUR GRANDDAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: Hmm not so sure I should be celebrating yet. :laugh: :laugh: We will see how she behaves. It will be pretty interesting! if she does well my husband is already saying we might take her on our next cruise. :bigsmile:

    I will try to check in later....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Sunday Morning Cool Kids.

    I hope everyone has had a good weekend so far. I had the circus {free school supplies} here yesterday. But it was a smaller crowd than in years past. Only about 750 folks. Not too bad of a clean up. And if Uncle Sugar isn't listening, I'll say I got paid for the cleanup in cash. {If you are listening, US, I was just kidding} They had pony rides, a old timey three piece band, lots of healthy snacks and so much more.

    I didn't have to come into work until 1100 this morning, so I had time to work in the garden for a little while. I had bragged about my moon light pea picking a little too soon. There were a lot of peas that I had missed that were dried up. Hopefully I got them off the vines in time. Also picked cucumbers, peppers and pinto bean this morning. I have never grown pinto beans before, so I will have to Google some recipes to find out what to do with the green ones.

    I also had time to cook breakfast this morning. There are pictures at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1251741-what-s-for-breakfast?page=12#posts-21009504 if anyone of you guys want to look. For someone with so little free time, I seem to waste a lot of it taking and posting pictures of my meals:blushing:

    Margie and Sister are gone to Panama City to see Mamma. I'm going to be a good husband and wait to watch NASCAR until she gets back. I'm re-reading an old Ed McBain novel anyway, and golf is a good sport to read by. It's long and quiet until someone hits a good shot. And they will always replay it, so you don't even miss it.

    See you guys later.

  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    Thanks for the group. Have been lurking about
    Am over 50 and have decided to get it back
    Been at this 2months and have lost 9 plus pounds but amazingly have gone from 500 steps daily with pain to on weekend days when I have time hitting 15,000 steps, over6miles incorporating mountain trails with 64 flight of stairs equivalent and no pain only muscle fatigue
    The goal now is to get up the trails faster and stronger.
    We can do this. LOL