40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Thanks for the group. Have been lurking about
    Am over 50 and have decided to get it back
    Been at this 2months and have lost 9 plus pounds but amazingly have gone from 500 steps daily with pain to on weekend days when I have time hitting 15,000 steps, over6miles incorporating mountain trails with 64 flight of stairs equivalent and no pain only muscle fatigue
    The goal now is to get up the trails faster and stronger.
    We can do this. LOL

    500 to 15,000 is amazing! Incredible job.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    That IS quite impressive!

    Just got back from the market...picked up an old Raleigh vintage bike, complete with straw basket! Now I can ride with my son as he learns, yes!! I forgot how much I love the feeling of cruising down the road, wind in your hair.....and what a great workout!

    Had a really delicious turkey burger for lunch. If you haven't tried schneiders country naturals turkey burgers, you MUST. They are incredibly juicy and full of protein :bigsmile:

    Ok, off to put air in my tires -

    Have a wonderful day all!


    Oh and MRBYTE, don't ever let someone belittle your food choices.We are all unique and you have found something that works for you :happy: Its clearly working VERY well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    You guys just make me uber-jealous of quickly dudes can drop bodyfat.....testosterone!

    Anyway, i dud my cardio on saturday. Went to festival yesterday. Ate too much (shocking, i know....).

    Tried on dress for september wedding and, yup, i gave bodyfat to lose. So, am settling in for august "cut". It us here. Ut us time.

    I think i'll do some cardio and some strength today....it is a holiday, today, weather is great, and i have a few novels to plow through!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids! Nice to see all of the weekend banter! I usually just check in during the week. Weekends are always loaded with something that need to be done! Speaking of which, I ran on Saturday and then did go to the gym with the hubs, but wasn't into swimming so much this week and ended up only staying in the pool for about 20 minutes. We then went to the Mennonite market and stocked up on fruits and veggies- We're doing a fruits and vegetable challenge at work during the month of August. Normally, we would log all fruits and veggies we've eaten, but this year someone had too much time on their hands and decided that it would be more fun to only log certain colors of fruits and veggies each week. Last week was red fruits and veggies, this week is orange and yellow, next week is green and the following week is white and blue/purple fruits and veggies. It wasn't a shopping week for me last week so I was not as prepared for the red, but I have gotten a nice selection of orange and yellow stuff for this week and, of course, some green for next. My neighbor has also brought me some squash and beans from their garden.

    I also mowed my lawn on Saturday which, I think, has stirred up my allergies because I have been feeling the allergy ickiness ever since. I have been taking allergy medicine twice a day since yesterday so hopefully I can get it under control!! I did not workout today as a result. I was all stuffy and had a nasty headache this morning. Ugh!

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!! "Are we there yet?" Has been asked several times already. LOL
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!! "Are we there yet?" Has been asked several times already. LOL
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids,

    I am feeling a little discouraged today. I have worked very hard to stay within my calorie intake and have not seen the scale move at all. I am happy that it has not moved up in anyway. But wish that it would go down some to at least let me know that I am not doing all of this for nothing. I know that I should be exercising a lot more than I currently do, but going from 3,000 to 4,000 calories a day to no more than 1,300 I thought would get me somewhere. Okay enough of the whining and back to staying foucsed. I know that I have grown some, because the if the old me would have not seen and results would have said F-it and gone back to my old habits. I am NOT giving up this time. This is for me, my family and my future! As Beeps says: BOOM!

    alf - I hope that you have a good time with your grandbaby. I have taken my on vacation twice. The first time was a challenge since she was teething but the second time was better. Our whole family is going to Colorado in a couple of months for my sons wedding and she is the flower girl. I am hoping that goes with that. She is 3.

    Larro - I glad that your Momma is doing better. I pray that her road to recovery is quick.

    KellySue - It sounds like you got plenty on moving in this weekend.

    Beeps - Keep pushing through!

    Mrbyte - I say if it is working for you don't worry about what others think. The proof is in the pudding (or you pic) :wink:

    Caramel - First I want to say that I think that you are beautiful and would not let others help define what I think of myself! There are always going to be haters. You have given me so much inspiration and that is the things that you should focus on, all the positivity that you bring to this group and the world.

    Geek - Good Luck with you 5k, I think that you will do just fine. You seem to be a very determined person and will blow it out of the park!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Boy the board was busy this weekend! I tend to check-in more on the weekdays (while I'm at work LOL) than on the weekends.
    We've been busy getting new carpet, and man o' man is that ever a big job!!! I think it would have been just as easy to move all together! LOL
    When it's done it'll look great, but whew!!

    Curious: Your little work out area at work sounds awesome, I wish we could do something like that!

    Larro: Great to hear that Mom is improving! Wishing her continued improvement!

    Nowiners: Welcome :)

    KellySue: Nice job on your bike ride. I think your veggie challenge sounds fun too!

    Justfindingme: You clearly love your sister a LOT to wear an almost all spandex gown....a LOT! LOL I bet you'll look great though, and it will be beautiful and lots of fun :)

    Alf: Have fun with the grandbaby!
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    tough weekend. i got down on myself with my nutrition/diet. Re focusing with the matra of, all i can control is today.
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Good morning cool kids ✿

    Lonewolf - All we have is today, my friend :smile: Make today count ! BTW - Have you forgotten you've lost 99lbs?

    KJ - Youre not kidding about carpet being a HUGE job! Its SO worth it when its done though !!!

    Kelly Sue- What a fantastic idea! I think my kids would really like that. Im always looking for clever ways to get veggies into their bodies.

    Beeps - Are you in a wedding, or getting married? ( sorry just new here )

    My bike ride went pretty well. I had forgotten that it has been over ten years since Ive ridden ( sp?) a bicycle and tried to turn a corner too quickly, slid on some gravel and tweaked my back OWCH LOL...Its a little achey today when I stand up so Ill try to work my strength training around it as not to make it worse and let it heal.

    Lunchtime for the kiddos..check back in a bit !

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Emmalusmom- Sorry to hear that the scale is not moving downward. I think we all can attest to how frustrating and demotivating this can be. I am wondering though, if you are not eating enough?? Being at such a high calorie count (3-4 thousand/day) down to 1300 per day is a BIG drop. I am never really sure about the whole "starvation mode" theory, but I have seen people, my mother included, that have dropped calories so drastically that they have stalled their weight loss. I might suggest that you try eating around 1800 calories/day for a few weeks to see how that goes. Just a thought, mind you, but it never hurts to give it a try. Good luck!

    So, I have pre-logged my food for the day and for orange and yellow fruits and veggies I have gotten in cantaloupe, baby carrots, pineapple, a nectarine (counts due to the orange flesh), and will be eating some corn later! WhooHoo!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks KellySue - I have been wondering the same thing. Maybe I should try a few more calories a day and see how it goes. I just start feeling guilty when it starts going over the limit the MFP has set for me. But it never asked how much I consumed before either. I apperciate the words of encourgement. This is so very important to me.
  • RebeccaP1972
    RebeccaP1972 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey y'all, I'm 42. Can I be a cool kid? :smile:
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Of course you can. Sounds like you are from the south too! Welcome Rebecca!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon Cool Kids. Boy it sounds like all you folks have been busy. I've been pretty much laying around all day. Well, other than an early workout {gazelle 10 min, weight lifting 75 min, stationary bike 5 min}, watering and picking my garden, watering and picking Mamma's garden, showering and getting dressed, driving an hour to Panama City, visiting Mamma, shopping afterward, driving an hour to work, and getting stuck on the phone for half of the hour and a half since I've got here. But other than that, I haven't done much of anything. When the Taekwondo class gets out of the Ball Room, I will go down there and do my 2 miles. It is bad when walking at 4 1/2 mph is the most relaxing thing I can think of right now.

    I took Mamma some well water and the cucumbers I picked in her garden. I also have picked a handful of her peas ever other day. She wants me to shell them and put them in the freezer for her. Each picking would be about a cup and a half. Who knows. I may do it.

    E's Mom, I was thinking the same thing about the calories. Maybe the reason you don't feel like more cardio is you are not getting enough to eat. If you are stuck, it won't hurt to give it a try.

    Howdy Rebecca. Welcome to the club.

    KellySue, the colored veggie challenge sounds fun. With my carrot consumption, everyday is an orange day for me.

    Just, the old bike sounds great. Be careful with that back though.

    Alf, enjoy the time with your grand-baby. Before you know it, she will be in college.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Emmalu - i hear you! I am discouraged, too, by my lack of progress....let us just focus on "one day at a time" because that is what it takes to stay in this game! You got this!

    My september wedding is my nephew's....i am already married!

    I hit my calorie target today. Day one = done. BOOM!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids, hope all of you are well.

    Whewwwww, Extreme fit kicked my can today. I am increasing my weights each week and I felt the extra 5lbs today. My push ups with a row has truly improved. It really does challenge me and the instructor is not easy to impress. When you do get a comment or praise, you have truly earned it.

    Emmalu--I understand how discouraging it can be when that scale does not move. I learned early on in this journey, that the scale is part of the equation. Take your measurements and check them because you may find that you are losing inches versus weight. Thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

    Beeps--If anyone on here can reach their goals is you. You will be fabulous in the dress.

    Alf--enjoy your grandbaby.

    KellySue-Hope you are well and your running this week is what you hope for. I am so encouraged by your determination despite LIFE happening. You rock

    Larro--Hope mom continues to recover. You are a busy bee for sure.

    JFM- 90% spandex, OH MY. Thank goodness you love your sister. I am confident you will do what is necessary to be FAB in the dress.

    GM-I found when I was training for the race, I was starting to get shin splints. I had to ice my legs quite a bit. After the race was no different. My legs are just start to feel normal again, until I got to the gym today and had to run around the shopping center twice during class.

    Welcome all new comers. I like that the group is growing so nicely.

    For all of you hard core weigh-lifters, have any of you had to deal with loose skin? My arms suffered the worse from the weight loss and my tricep area is horrible. I trust my trainer and we do quite a bit of arm work because she knows I dislike my arms. I would love to know what some of you would recommend or suggest. I am trying to give myself the benefit of the doubt and see what my progress is like by December. I am really considering surgery to remove the excess skin if the weight lifting does not work. I welcome all honest opinions. Thanks

    If I forgot anyone my sincerest apologies.

    Have a great night and as beeps would proudly say "BOOM"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I don't have any help to provide, re: loose skin. I hope you find a solution that will work for you!

    My hubby and kidlets leave today for a short holiday....in the mountains! They are meeting my hubby's old room-mate, who is out from Ontario with his family. I have to work....which is fine.

    I'll lift at lunch, today. I am getting my skunk-grey streak dyed out after work. And then tomorrow I have a patio-night visit with gf's after work.

    My family returns on Thursday, so it will be a bit of a whirlwind while they are gone.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member

    I bet if you keep up the with the weights, your loose skin will get a little better. It may not snap back but it will definitely get better! Your skin will have some sexy muscles to wrap around :bigsmile:

    Have a great time beeps, Im envious! What I wouldn't give for a few nights of pure ME time mixed in with a little social thrown in! Ive just recently relocated and its a VERY small town. I do not know anyone on a social level yet :ohwell: It seems if you aren't from here, people aren't very receptive to inviting you into their world. Its a big change, I used to have a pretty healthy social life. I spend a lot of time doing things with my family, which is good, it just miss grown up stuff lol.

    Have a great day everyone!

    OH!!!! I forgot to mention - I won $450 at the casino last night! Haha Our little local Video Lotto machines in the restaurant, But HEY I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    KellySue, Larro, Beeps and Caramel - I really appreciate the words of encouragement it means so much to me. It just really shows why I joined this group. It is nice to have people to be with you in all the ups and downs of this journey. It is nice to know that you all have had days like mine, it keeps me from feeling so isolated.

    I will try to go up to 1800 calories for a bit and see how that works for me. Maybe it will give me some more energy to move a little bit more. I have been trying to figure out how to add some movement during my lunch at work. I know that there is a way to make this happen for me, I just have to find the right combination. And I will!

    You guys are so AWESOME and just ROCK!

    Thanks for being my support system, it is making a difference in my life and I want you to know it!