40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    JustFindingMe - evening snacking has been my downfall, too....about 2 years ago, I committed to simply "decreasing it in half"....so, instead of EVERY night munching down, I just decided to do one night "I can" and one night "I have to wait until tomorrow".

    By the end of THAT year of doing 1-on and 1-off, I was actually down to 1-time-per week!

    Eliminating evening snacking is the BEST thing for keeping my calories in check. These days, I simply try and skip AT LEAST 3 nights, in a row, of ANY food ingestion (so, that means even CARROTS cannot go into my mouth!).....and if I can stretch it PAST 3 nights, great. If not, I sit down with my big ol' bowl of popcorn and I'm okay.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    larrodarro - bread isn't on my "menu" very often anymore....maybe once per month?!?!? For me, white rice has been the hardest to give up....I hate brown rice (believe me, I've tried it 100 different times and 100 different ways) and I LOVE WHITE RICE. I simply try and limit my intake to only two times per month. It is hard sometimes....my nanny makes rice nearly daily because my daughter loves it so much.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Congrats on your run, GeekMeister! Nicely done.

    What *is* a geekmeister, anyway?!?!? A german geek titled "mister"?!?!?
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday, Cool Kids! :flowerforyou: It has been a busy week and I am glad it is coming to a close. My weekend will not be any quieter though. We have appointments to look at several houses tomorrow and then we are going to dinner with my daughter and son-in-law tomorrow night. Sunday we have Jake all day- his Mommy and Daddy are going to the NASCAR race in Watkins Glenn. We are planning on taking him out to see my parents after we are done with church. If I get up early enough tomorrow I will probably run, but I won't have time to get any other workouts in, I don't think.

    I woke up with a wicked headache this morning so I decided to just walk today. It was nice out and I did have a good walk, so I am good with it.

    Beeps- Have an awesome vacation next week!!

    Alf- I totally get the hip pain. I have been experiencing some off and on for a while now. Good luck.

    Geek- congrats on your race. I am looking forward to mine. I did one last year, but was not able to run it, but losing another 40lbs since then has made a huge difference in my ability to run. I am not fast by any means. You will not see a 30 minute finish time from this girl, but, for me, it's about just being able to run the distance and finish.

    Have a good day all!
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Good Morning all. It looks like it will be a great day in Central Washington, which means high 80s to low 90s instead of 100s. That is a welcome treat! The wild fires are horrible here, I am in the Valley just east of the Cascade Mountains, but there are fires in all directions around me. Many homes lost, and Thousands of acres burnt and they are having a hard time containing them.

    Hoping to take a walk tonight, but doing a thorough clean of the office today. I took it over 3 weeks ago and did some surface cleaning but this afternoon is floors and windows, that will get the fitbit smiling at me!

    My daughter turns 18 tomorrow......it's hitting me hard. I have raised two amazing kids, unfortunately she got my genes and she also has PCOS, so is fighting weight as well...the little stinker lost 4 pounds this week though! She got a great job as a Physical Therapy Tech, at 17! She just graduated from HS and from a Tech School with her Nursing Assistant License, and her instructors lined her up with this great job. She earns $4 more an hour that she would be if she was just working in a nursing home as a NAC changing bed pans and helping feed people. She is blessed!

    Sorry......proud mamma moment got out of hand!

    For joint pain have any of you used Arnica? It comes in lotions, gels, balms etc. Really helps in my opinion, I have Sudden Onset Arthritis in my wrists and ankles and have been dealing with a lot of pain recently, this accompanied with an anti inflammatory really helps!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend1 Be good to yourself, feed your body, mind, and soul, healthy fuel!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome Annette! :)
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Alf: I'm sorry about the hip pain, that stinks!!! I can't relate all too well, unfortunately. I never seem to know what sets mine off, and usually nothing I do (or don't do) makes it better ... all of the sudden it's just better, until it's not again. I hope you get to feeling better soon!
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    welcome Annette.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids.

    Larro----Your neighbor thought you were nude; in this day and age you can never be too sure of anything anymore. He sounds like a joy nonetheless. When I said your energy because you are always on the go and accomplishing so much and when I read all that you do, it nothing short of amazing and then you make me jealous with those wonderful pictures (smile).

    Alf--What you are describing as of late is starting to have me worried about you. Are you going to see your PCP? Have you decided about teaching your classes? I know that is a lot to take in. Now you need a vacation from the vacation.

    Geek--Your timing is awesome. for those of you who never ran a 5k, there is nothing more thrilling than a crowd of people cheering you on, and your own adrenaline to perform at your best. Are you signed up for another one yet? My next one is 9/14 and my goal is to be done in 30 minutes or less. You rock and I am so happy for you. High five and a fist bump.

    Annette- Is that your dog in the photo? I am such an animal lover and English bull dogs top the list. Too cute. Sorry to hear about the fires that are near you. I agree your daughter has a great advantage via her career. Sounds like she will make the most of it. I never heard of arnica.

    KJ--How are you doing?

    MrByte- I was just starting to wonder where you were. I aspire to have a hip crease like you.

    KellySue--Happy house hunting. I hope you find what you are looking for. I miss one level living.

    Beeps--You are going to be rather busy.

    For those of you who inquired about the vegan cookie dough, it has eggs in it which I am allergic to and lactose intolerant. I love sweets but it is easy to pass by so many of them because they either have milk or eggs in them. If I do not got to a specialty grocery store I can forget about it.

    I love my trainer. She knows that I bore easily and yesterday she did several segments quite different and I loved it. It still feels a little intimidating when I am in the back of the gym with her and I am squatting and doing push-ups, etc with so many men around. I know they are not paying me one bit of attention, but it still feels weird. Go figure. I am running today and back to train with her first thing in the morning.

    For those of you that work does your employer pay for your gym membership/training? There was a forum post on it and I was surprised that so many employers do not.

    I hope I did not forget anyone. If I did, please accept my humblest apology.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Caramel~ No, our employer doesn't pay for gym memberships. I WISH! We do get a 10% discount and can do payroll deduction but that is about it.

    Annette- that is awesome about your daughter with her job! Good for her!
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, I am very proud of my girl. I have a 22 year old son who has worked the same job for 4 years, and is a shift supervisor at a plastics manufacturing company, he is the boss over men twice his age.....I got two very good eggs that for sure.

    Yes, Caramel, that is my English Bulldog in my picture, her name is Kippah and she is 3. She is such a joy, I will never have another breed but English.....well never is a strong word, but you get me.....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    lol @ employer "paying" for gym memberships....ummmmm, nopey. My employer does not.

    Mind you, you do get a $500 tax credit with federal government if you can document (with receipts) physical pursuits (like a gym membership)....so, there is that!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    HI all

    Not much to report here...Im not feeling well today. Upset stomach, fever, chills and so achey :frown:

    I just had a good walk on the treadmill after gorging myself on baked goods this morning and it really hit hard - Im going to go lay down

    Have a wonderful weekend my cool kid pals :flowerforyou:

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    larrodarro - bread isn't on my "menu" very often anymore....maybe once per month?!?!? For me, white rice has been the hardest to give up....I hate brown rice (believe me, I've tried it 100 different times and 100 different ways) and I LOVE WHITE RICE. I simply try and limit my intake to only two times per month. It is hard sometimes....my nanny makes rice nearly daily because my daughter loves it so much.

    Since I'm at my goal weight, I have added bread back in my diet. I use the Italian loaf bread from the Walmart bakery, and slice it very thin. Unless I'm having a sandwich, I will lightly toast it. I just don't like soft bread.

    I try to cook brown rice, but I have never got it to taste as good as white rice. When I first started trying to lose weight 4 or 5 years ago, it seemed like Margie was cooking rice and gravy every other day. This time she has been really good about helping me out. Although she still wants to put bacon fat in peas and green beans. I figure a pound of ham doesn't have the fat a Tbs of bacon fat has.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    "Hi all! Alf, I just skip breakfast (I do that daily anyway...), down 1 x protein shake for lunch, and have a normal portion supper including 1 x protein and 2 x veggies. maxes out at about 800 cals per day (that's if I need a 1/2 protein bar as an afternoon snack or something....) After 3 days of that, there is NO bloat. There is lethargy, and there are headaches, but there is NO bloat. "

    Back at the beginning of September I started doing the 5-2 fasting diet. It is 600 calories for men, and 500 for women on two nonconsecutive days per week. I went from 240 down to 200 by the New Year. I had stir-fry for breakfast. Stir-fry with an oz or two of chicken breast or fish for lunch. Then a little more of the same for supper. By eating lots of stir-fry. I was never hungry. Or suffered any ill effects. I had to give it up when I was doing too much cardio for the low calorie days. But if I ever had to lose again, I wouldn't hesitate from doing it again. Because of my work schedule, I did Tuesdays and Thursdays as my low calorie days. And if something comes up, like a family gathering, you can always switch days.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    No paid gym membership for me either. Not that we have a gym within handy driving distance. Or that I would want to go to one anyway. The Civic Center does pay 100% of my health insurance. From what I hear, that is rare these days. And I do a lot of my walking at work. It is easier to workout when you are getting paid to do it. If the customers would just stop calling and messing up my walk.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    larrodarro - I kind of do a 5-and-2 all of the time....EXCEPT when I am removing bloat....then it is just plow through.

    Now that bloat is gone, I'm going back to more of a 5-and-2 style. Although, I'm doing a 6-and-1 because I'm on THE CLOCK.

    Just think when these 5 weeks are done, how GLAD I will be to go back to a 5-and-2?!?!?! It will feel like my own little slice of HEAVEN!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    KellySue, I am a certified NASCAR nut. I love the road courses as much as the ovals. I also watch the F1 races. As they are on their summer break, I'm not getting my dose of open wheel racing for the next three weeks. Hope they enjoy the race.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Beeps, glad the 5-2 is working for you. I have a "What's for supper???" thread on the tractorbynet site too, and a friend there told me about it. He was heavier than me, but he had lost 75 pounds with it. I figured what could it hurt, so I gave it a try. The rest is fat loss history.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    JFM, hope you feel better soon. Maybe a nap will help:yawn: