40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    part of it, for me, is that I have never had "weight to lose".

    Meaning: I've been in the "lose 10 lbs" club for about 100 years.

    I was never overweight. I am still not overweight. I spent some time in my youth as an underweight. But, for the most part, I have been "normal weight" my whole entire life.

    I think a LOT of these "lose weight" methodologies work BEST for peeps who have a bunch of weight to lose. If you are in the "lose 5 lbs" or "lose 10 lbs" club, it is just the craziest ride in the WORLD.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids. Hope everyone is sleeping in and having a good weekend in general. I've been at work an hour and have already got my morning two mile walk in. {27 min @ 4 1/2mph} But with two family reunions scheduled today, I'm sure I will have to do more tonight to break even calorie wise. One of the reunions is a three day affair, Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday day. This summer has been really slow, so it's good to have a full weekend of events. When I'm at work, other than cardio, I get a chance to rest up:bigsmile:

    Everyone enjoy your weekend.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Good Morning!

    Im feeling MUCH better today...I think I ate something bad? Not sure, Either way its gone :happy:

    Im helping the elderly lady across the street from me disconnect her washer and help move a new one in...geeesh! I hope Im a help and not a hinderance lol.

    This new kitten is keeping our family on it's toes. This morning, I opened the front door and he whooooshed by me and ran, without stopping, right up the neighbors tree. He cried and cried, afraid to come down. So, because my hubs is on evening shift and still sleeping, IM THE SUPER HERO that must save the day lol.....

    If you can picture, I'm trying to climb the tree, clumsily, while trying to stretch and reach the little devil... I turn my head because I felt someone watching and as I see my neighbors face, I slip and slide fireman pole style down the tree - ZERO kitten in hand. After another try ( Im determined now, and a little pi$$ed off ) I grab him and scold him with a thousand kisses. My inner thighs are pretty scraped up so Im walking a little funny today.

    Hope I provided a little entertainment to your Saturday morning....

    Have a positive day :flowerforyou:

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    JFM, hope you were not wearing shorts. Ouch.

    I like the new picture.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Where is everyone? I'm dodging tumbleweeds here.

  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Larro!

    Yeah...pretty quiet here....

    Everyone must be out enjoying their weekend :happy:

    Im going to the lake with my fam today, lots of sales and market tables there today!

    Enjoy your day,

    I'll check back later :smile:
  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Hey cool kids! Been a busy weekend and haven't had much time for the group...sorry. Its been rough this weekend trying to stay on track...but I've managed. I'm still coming down after a stellar week and I think that silly part of my brain of mine has been trying to tell me I'm done...which I'm not. I headed into the gym for the first time in months today and that went well. I find I have to really keep myself occupied when its a non-running day. So I figured why not just go lift weights. I've had voracious hunger today which has been really hard to cope with. I'm trying to stabilize my weight before I hit the weights too hard.

    Back to work tomorrow and life is much easier when I'm working. I'm too busy to worry about being bored enough to eat. Its also a running day tomorrow which also makes it easier. I'm much less pre-occupied with food when I have a steady stream of activities planned. Anyway...thats my weekend.

    JFM - glad to hear you're feeling better and must be nice to have a lake to go to on the weekends! We just have a gross river :)

    Larro - Sorry I haven't had much time out here this weekend. Hope your family reunions were good.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I'll try to be more active as the week progresses.

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids...hope all of you are well.

    Saturday I met with my trainer and I had loads of energy, which resulted in me walking for about 45 minutes or so. When that didn't settle me, I geared up and ran a mile. I was like the energizer....still going...lol...I ran with my daughter on Sunday. She did great going down hill, coming up challenged her a bit. She needed to sit and I commended her on a job well done. Seeing a pooped teenager is priceless. I treasure my moments with my babies.

    JFM...glad you are feeling better. Like the new photo.

    Larro...it's often quiet around here on the weekends. I love the tumbleweed photo. You are amazing.

    Geek...since I have been running and lifting heavier my hunger has increased. It took me a minute to come down after my race. For 2 days after, I slept well. You look debonair in your new photo.

    Have a great night everyone. The gang will be back in full swing tomorrow.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member

    Larro - Sorry I haven't had much time out here this weekend. Hope your family reunions were good.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I'll try to be more active as the week progresses.


    I work at a small town community center. One of our main customer groups in mid-summer is family reunions. Spring and fall we do more weddings. It is not uncommon for me to work 14 or 15 hours on a Saturday, most of it sitting in front of my laptop. So when I'm not walking, I have way too much time to spend on forums.

    During the week I work nights if there are events scheduled. I have something every Monday night, Taekwondo and Quilters' Club, but the other weeknights are hit or miss. When I'm not working there is a thousand things keeping me busy at the Larro Ranchero, so there is very little online time, other than logging my food and exercise, and posting pictures of my supper.

    Speaking of posting my supper pictures, I had better do that. See you around,

  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Good Monday Morning Cool Kids :)

    We had a busy weekend just doing stuff around the house. I did manage to get a 3.86 mile walk in yesterday so that was nice :)

    JFM....<shaking my head> these animals! LOL

    My employer doesn't pay for a gym membership, BUT it could work out if you find one in the right price range. They have us download an app on our phones..."BeColorado" and if we exercise 12 times per month for at least 30 minutes per session, and if it's 'recorded' by the app, they will give us $25 extra that month. I go to.....ok, well "go to" is a strong phrase....I belong to Planet Fitness which is only $10 per month. As easy and common sensical as it sounds I don't/haven't made it there 12 times in any month yet since I joined (eyeroll at myself!)
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,161 Member
    <~~ Reporting.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Monday morning Cool Kids! I had a busy weekend. Went and looked at several houses Saturday morning. I think we may have found one that we are really interested in. Very Cute, and just about brand new- as a matter of fact, the guy that is selling it isn't quite finished with it yet. It also has a great yard. We're going to go back and look at it Friday and do a little more serous talking about it.

    In terms of exercise, I ran Saturday, but that was it. Food wise, it wasn't my best weekend. We ended up getting pizza for dinner Friday and then Saturday we went to an Italian Steak House with my daughter and son-in-law on Saturday- so so good! Sunday we had Jake all day and had a lot of fun with him and also went and bbq'd with my parents. It's back on track today. I ran today and got a good time for me. Very happy about that.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday cool kids,

    Had a great weekend here. The weather was fabulous and everyone was out and about. I hosted a family on Friday night, so after they left Saturday morning, I was busy washing bedding, towels, and cleaning up.
    Our local drag races were held this past weekend, which I volunteer at each year. This year, I ended up working noon - midnight!
    It was all good.

    Sunday, I finished making up all the beds and started washing all the duvet covers. A bit of a major as I iron everything.

    Had my family over for dinner and my granddaughter and I baked cookies for dessert. No, they were not the low-cal type. :tongue:
    After dinner we had a bonfire on the beach and just enjoyed the warm weather and beautiful sunset.
    So - no workout, other than regular house and yard work which I don't count.

    Kelly - good luck with the house - does sound cute.

    Carmel - WTG!!! The lifestyle change is giving you the energy we all crave and need.

    Larro - had to chuckle at the comment about you not wearing pants in the garden.

    Alf - welcome back from vacation. Certainly hope you find some answers and relief from the pain you are experiencing.

    Geek - congrats on your PR for the 5k! :drinker:

    Welcome to the newbies - I do believe I saw some new faces.

    Beeps - like your bloat removing diet. Have been trying to do something similar, but nothing is working yet. I need to get my *kitten* out the door. Don't know what the heck is wrong with me. For years, I worked out faithfully and now..............:noway: ugh!
    Have a good time on your hiking holiday. :happy:

    Wishing you all a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I just skimmed through the threads. You guy crack me up. :laugh: For sure lift up my spirits...I am still in pain. I found a sub for this week. I went to the acute care clinic, the "Dr" a PA, just saw me for about 5 mins and said it sounded like I hurt my sacroiliac joint exercising and gave me Motrin 600 and a muscle relaxer and to follow up with my PCM. I have found no relief with the meds and today I have this splitting headache! So I called to schedule with my PCM and they have no appts until the 29th. So I called my doctor's nurse and left a message. Luckily she called me back and asked a few questions and said they had an appt available this afternoon. It is not with my PCM though who I love because she takes her time, so hopefully at least I get a better answer, they order tests, etc. :cry: :sad: I am so tired of dealing with so much pain and this weight gain is killing me!!!! As of this morning I have gained 13lbs since May. :explode: :grumble:

    Larrodarro, what is the DL report?

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Alf- sorry to hear all that you are going through- hopefully you will get some answers today.

    sdereski- sounds like you had a perfectly lovely weekend! I love being on the beach with a bonfire!

    I didn't mention earlier, but this is "green week" in my fruits and veggies challenge. Salad and green grapes for lunch and I think some fresh green beans from my neighbor to go with dinner will do the trick for today! I have to say that this has made me get out of my comfort zone a bit. I like most fruits and veggies. I just don't buy them all the time, so I don't eat some of them regularly.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Alf, I'm sorry about your problems getting seen!! I hope you can find some answers and relief soon!
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Kelly: Yum, green fruits/veggies! Don't forget avocado and brussel sprouts, two of my favs ;)
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday Cool Kids!

    I've cruised through the recent posts and it looks like everyone is doing awesome! Except Alf :frown: that's terrible news. I really hope your PCM can do something to help the pain.
    Exciting news about the new house KS. Even though I've been in my house for 16 yrs now, I still love setting up a new pad. And Green Week sounds fun!
    I'm really glad to hear summer finally arrived for you sdereski! It's about time!
    Congrats on your 5K Geek! And Carmel, I love to hear about your challenging workouts. Very inspiring.

    My BF had surgery Wed on his ankle, and his post op experience was / is pretty grim. Lots of pain. Hard to move. I've been really busy as his FT care-giver. I got a little exercise in over the weekend. A nice hike in the woods after dinner Saturday, and a walk to the store Sunday. That plus I get to do all his chores about the house too, so lawn mowing and greenwaste hauling. He's able to crutch to/from the bathroom now, so he's on his own for the day while I'm back at work. I ate poorly during this whole episode. Like Geek, it's much easier for me to behave on work days.

    So I'm back and will be able to check in all week. I didn't get a chance to weigh in this morning ... I'll try again tomorrow. The scale had to move to the closet to put in the "transfer bench" he needs to get in the shower.:laugh: Funny that THAT was the thing I had to move out.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    CG - hopefully, the pain won't last too long and the road to recovery for your BF will go smoothly.
    As for you, make sure you take care. Often times it is the caregiver that end up requiring more care than the patient!

    KS - are you only eating green fruits / veggies for a week? Interesting.
    I love all fruits & veggies and eat them daily.

    The farmer's market came to town on Friday and I was their first customer. :laugh:
    Yesterday's dinner consisted pretty much of all the fresh vegetables I purchased -green beans, carrots, new potatoes, cucumber, grape tomatoes. Served all that with some BBQ steak -:happy:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Sdereski~ No, not eating just green fruits/veggies, but those are the only ones we get to count. It's for work- we earn points for participating in different healthy challenges and then if we do enough things we get a discount on our health insurance for the following year.