40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member

    I feel myself in a slight rut and I am not real motivated about boxing today. I will do something different today, just not sure what just yet.

    Caramel - You box ? That's awesome! Ive always been interested ! How long? Have you seen an increase in muscle?


    JFM, yes I box every Wednesday and have for a year or more. My biceps are taking shape. Unfortunately, I am dealing with some loose skin on my triceps as a result of being overweight for so many years. Try it, I think you will enjoy it.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Just stopping by to say I'm off the river. I'll start a thread to post lots of river pictures later tonight. Right now I need a shower, then supper.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I have the new thread up. I didn't want to overload this one with pictures.


  • Equus3nMom
    Equus3nMom Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm new on MFP and found this thread. Hoping to get to know some folks for general support and encouragement. I'm just going to sit myself down over here 'round the campfire and listen in. :-)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Well my hike never happened yesterday. My g/f and her husband walked into my office at 4:30 and said they were staying over.
    Instead, I ran to the grocery store to get stuff to prepare for dinner.
    We had a lovely visit - something we have not been able to do in a while. This friend was one of my closest and dearest friends. She moved away about 5 years ago, so we now see each other sporadically. It wasn't a workout, but it was a great visit. :happy:

    Larro - those pictures are simply spectacular! I certainly got the feeling of calm and serenity from them. You are quite the photographer. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Equu - welcome!

    Beeps - very cool that your son is in a band and heading to Europe! Very cool indeed. I wish him well.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! Welcome Equus! I am enjoying some peace and quiet in my office. I am the only one here right now as one of my staff is off and the other doesn't come in until 10:30. It has been nice! I had fun with Jake yesterday. He really enjoyed the tractors, especially when they had a parade around the grounds. He waved to every single one of them! Too Cute! He got to sit in a few as well. The John Deer camouflage Gator was his favorite, by far. Not a tractor, but he has a toy one at our house so that could have something to do with it.

    I ran this morning. It started out a little rough and I almost stopped, but as I pushed through it got better and I'm glad I didn't stop.

    Larro- I love your pictures! I have a fair amount of family that live in Florida and have spent time down there. They are mostly in the central area- Ocala. I have an aunt that lives on Lake Weir and that is beautiful as well.

    Sdereski- glad to hear you had such a great visit with friends and congrats on being a grandma again!!

    Beeps- Awesome that you got to have some time with your son. Hope his tour goes well.

    Caramel- hope things got better for you yesterday!

    To all- have a great day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    sdereski - I would take a visit with a (old) friend over a work-out ANY day. True story.

    Also, my son going off to "European tour" is not nearly as glamorous as it sounds....they make NO money on tour, they have to save up all their money, quit all their jobs, go over there, sleep in their van the entire time. Oh, and they play in front of 40-people on an average night.

    My son wants this to be his career.....10 years at it proves that it really is a "hobby" and not a "career", but I always wish him well and it makes him super-happy, so good for him!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good morning to all. Welcome to the new guys. I'm on the run again {surprise surprise}. Since I spent yesterday on the river, I'm trying to get a little housework done before heading out to Panama City to visit Mamma. She had a bad 24 hours, with much confusion and trouble with her speech. But she seems to have bounced back. Not sure what it was that caused it. They did lots of test, but nothing showed up.

    Let me tell you guys about about temptation. My shoulders were sore as Hades this morning, and it would have been so easy to skip a lifting day. But I just toughed it out and did it anyway. {BOOM!!}

    Caremel you saying you are having a bad day and not looking forward to boxing would be like me saying I don't feel so good, so I'll only wrestle one gator today. {People still hit each other in boxing, right?}

    Sorry I don't have time to say hello to all of you individually, so here is a big collective HELLO for y'all.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Last day on the coast sniff!! Heading back home soon. :sad: :sad:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I forgot to do the numbers. Today is Thursday, my check-in day. So here goes:

    Body Fat 22.2%
    Body Water 56.7%
    BMI 24.5
    Weight 176.5

    I stayed between 175.8 and 176.6 all week. That is my best week so far at holding at my goal weight.
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    So I wanna be a cool kid.....
    Oh wait, let me rephrase that.

    Hey, I am cool, can I join you?

    I am 48, and been overweight most of my life. Was diagnosed this year with PCOS so now I know WHY losing weight is so difficult. Seems like that has empowered me a little. I started a new job, after being at home for 18 months and it is kicking my butt trying to maintain my home and family, and start up this new office and all. I forgot how I did it 2 years ago when I was working 50 plus hours a week.....but to be honest I was not doing it well. This time I refuse to allow my house to become a mess, or to resort to eating out instead of taking the time to plan and prepare meals.

    Weighed in today and I have a 2.2 lb loss for the week, so I am on track this week and that feels very good. I got a fitbit last week and boy oh boy do I need to work on getting my steps in, on the weekend I at least got over 5,000. But on weekdays I am struggling to come even close to that. I aim for 1400 to 1600 cals a day, and I usually have a 1,000 calorie deficit daily, which showed up in my 2 lb loss.

    With my blood work done in May I also found I was critically low in vitamin D, so with taking those I am just starting to feel a little energy. I have about 4 things going on that cause extreme fatigue, again it was a little empowering to know this could be address and there was hope that I would be feeling better over the coming months. With the Pcos (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) comes MANY things that have nothing to do with ovaries. Fatigue, High Bp, High Cholesterol, Insulin resistance, and lots more.

    Sooooooo there, that is my journey in a nutshell. I have a son 22, and my daughter turns 18 this weekend...and I am feeling very old. LOL.....BUT I am still WAY COOL!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Good afternoon kids....Hope all of you are well.

    Alf--Time does fly when you are on vacation. Now you need a vacation from the vacation.

    Sderski--Thanks for the encouraging words yesterday. It is appreciated. Congrats on another addition to your family. I waited to a parent pretty late, so when/if my girls decide to have kids, I may be too old....(:blushing: )

    Larro--You never fail to deliver with the photos. Hope you and your family are well. Whatever you are doing to have so much energy, I will take a double glass (smile)

    Beeps--Happy you had some time with your son. Hope he kicks some can on his European tour. Is today a lift day for you?

    KellySue--I am glad Jake had a good time. Life through the eyes of a happy child is PRICELESS!!!!! I am glad you kept going with your running. Are you signed up for any 5k's?

    Welcome Annette, hope you enjoy your stay. We are a very positive and interactvie group. Jump in when you are ready. I think the plan you have in place is great. Congrats on your 2.2lb weight loss. I hope you are proud of your progress.

    I was in an awful rut yesterday and my body was quite fatigued, which resulted in me not take my boxing class yesterday. Needless to say I will pay when I train with my trainer tonight. I am sure running will be a part of the equation. My cravings for vegan chocolate cookie dough is as if I was expecting. Not sure what that is about. Have to keep myself busy.

    If I forgot anyone, my apologies.

    As BEEPS would say, "BOOM"
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    .larro - sorry about your mom, but YAY on your scale-weight control! AWESOME!

    Alf - sorry you have to leave....I HATE coming home from vacation!

    annette - welcome!

    Hi caramel - no lifting for me, today - tomorrow! and cardio on Saturday....I bet you will feel just fine after a day of rest and I bet your training will actually IMPROVE tonight, you'll see!

    What is vegan chocolate cookie dough?!??! (Is there meat in normal chocolate cookie dough??!?!)

    I am on day 3 of my BLOAT-BE-GONE....so, another ultra-low calorie day. No treats. And yes, I am a bit lethargic.

    It's okay, I am paying attention to my sleep and my rest and by tomorrow, bloat should ALL be gone and i'll be in a REALLY GREAT place to start tackling the bodyfat. 6 more weeks, remember?!??!?!?!?!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Alf~ Sounds like you have had a fabulous vacation. We always feel bad when they come to an end, but always seem to be happy to get home too!

    Larro- Glad to hear that you Mamma is doing better today. I went through that with two of my grandparents. It can be difficult when you can't figure out what's going on sometimes.

    Caramel- I am running a local short race on the 22nd that is sponsored by the YMCA. It's a certified 1 mile course- The Downtown Mile. Then I have not officially signed up, but am looking at a 5k on September 20th for Childhood Cancer (I get to wear a tutu for that), and then another in October to help expand a local historical sight, and then I will do It's A Wonderful Run in December when Seneca Falls has their "It's a Wonderful Life" weekend. (They celebrate it every years as it is said that the town of Bedford Falls in the movie is modeled after Seneca Falls). That's my plan. Just have to space out registrations as it is a lot to pay all at once.

    On top of everything else going on with me, we are house hunting! We have the opportunity to get an interest free loan from my parents to buy a single story house so that my hubby can get around easier. We currently live in an old two story house and the Hubs is really having difficulty maneuvering the stairs, and even though he is working hard at losing weight and has been exercising 4-5 days/week, his knees are not going to get better. Saturday we are going to look at three different houses in the area. Oye!
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Kelly, we moved from an old Craftsman style 2 story house to a brick on story this year, the new house has new roof, flooring, and windows. Oh. My. WORD the money we are saving on heating and AC, not to mention how nice it is to be all on one floor. My hubby also have knee/hip issues and he is so much happier now too.

    Happy house hunting!
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    Afternoon all!

    Welcome Annette!

    Oh boy...it is STORMING out there today! High winds, black clouds... ☂

    I have been really trying to follow the advice Curious gave me about cutting out some sugar and have given in to poptarts 2 nights in a row :grumble: MUST STOP THIS. Its the evenings I struggle with. It seems the entire day is very well-planned and thought out, I feel proud of myself for being accountable and eating healthily then 8pm rolls around and I eat some sugar-laden garbage.

    Caramelgyrl - I have been googling boxing centers and there are none around me ( im in a tiny little town ) - DRAT! Another time, I suppose!

    Larro - those pictures of the river were SO nice...very serene

    Ive got 2 hungry kiddos waiting for supper ( we were out this afternoon ) so Ive got to go -

    Hope all you cool kids have a beautiful evening :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am home!!!! I am very tired but have been just snacking and watching TV. I had a wonderful time with hubby and granddaughter but to tell you the truth I was in pain the whole trip. I hardly slept. On Sun I worked out and did some flutter kicks and scissor kicks but not for long, was just one minute. It was part of Shaun T 5 min challenge workout. I got up on Mon with a little pain/soreness, nothing major. Then we started the 5 hr journey down to the coast. Both sides, hips were hurting, I could hardly sleep with the pain. I took motrin 3 times, also had a Ben Gay rub but didnt get any better. All I can "blame" is that exercise because everything else I did on Sun was the same as usual. I just cant explain all this pain, it doesnt make sense. I really dont want to go to urgent care and tomorrow we travel again to get my son from camp. Then my sister arrives tomorrow night to a conference here but we are getting together (her birthday was on the 5th). I dont want to cancel my class this coming week. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesnt feel it is my low back, it is on the sides, hips. Weird!!! I am so tired of getting injured. And the weight keeps creeping up!!!!! Anyone knows of a challenge this month? Especially a nutrition challenge? I really need to lose this weight!!!

    Annette welcome!!!! That is my name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Justfindingme, I want to cut out the sugar too!!!! need to join you!

    Kellysue, happy house hunting!!!!! That is our goal in the near future, move into a one story home or apartment. We are tired of going up/down stairs and my husband is tired of lawn maintenance.

    sdereski, congrats!!! Another grandbaby!!!!!

    Beeps, what do you for your blat b gone diet??? I am determined to lose this weight ASAP!!!!!!

    Caramel, vegan cookie dough? No milk I am guessing, right? Are you a vegetarian?

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids. It is good to see the group growing. Welcome Annette {and any other new guys I may have missed}

    I had a good laugh tonight. Margie spoke at the 1st Baptist church in Altha today. They have a luncheon with a speaker once a month. They always ask her to speak when it's election time. {these things used to scare her, but now it's old hat} One of our neighbors was there and said he had seen me in the garden this morning. He had to slow down and do a double take because he thought I wasn't wearing any pants. I did have on my workout clothes, which is a tank-top and a cream pair of Columbia river shorts. He is a funny old guy and always trying to stir up something.

    Alf, you take care of yourself. We don't want this thread to turn into the DL report.

    KellySue, good luck with the house hunting. We borrowed half the cost of our house from my parents. We paid 3.2%. This was 12 years ago before rates got so low, so that saved us a ton of money. We built a 2 story house, and now a month can go by without us going upstairs. If I had it to do over, it would have been a one story.

    Just, I have found that if I don't buy the sweets and bring them home, I'm less likely to eat them:blushing: But I guess having kids in the house would make that harder. I have started eating a little more sweets now that I have reached my goal weight, but I went cold turkey on sugar when I hit 250 pounds and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Bread was much harder for me to give up than sweets.

    sderesk, congratulation on your newest grand-baby.

    Caramel, what energy? Driving back from Panama City this afternoon was terrible. I had to fight sleep the whole way. As soon as I got the groceries put up I took a 2 hour nap. Now that it is almost weekend, I can get back to work and get some rest.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Cool Kids! A good morning to you all. Its been a busy week here for me. Last night I ran my first 5K ever and it was AMAZING! I ran a personal best time of 30:18, still pretty slow :( but my best! This was a cool race because it went right by my parents house in the neighborhood I grew up in. All the neighbors and my folks were out on their lawns supporting us. And it was for a good cause. It was the FreedomRun here in our town and it benefits military Verterans. It was a real thrill to cross that finish line, I've never experienced anything like it.

    Today I'm supporting another cause near and dear to my heart, The Make-A-Wish foundation of Iowa's annual golf outing. My company is one of the sponsors and I love supporting these brave kids and their families. They just melt my heart. I'll try and post some pictures from the event later.

    annetehangar Welcome! Great positive group here I'm sure you'll enjoy!

    caramelgyrlk sorry to hear your a little under the weather, I'm sure it'll pass!

    larro great pics!

    kelly good luck with the house hunting and congratulations on getting into those runs. You wont regret it, its an amazing feeling crossing the finish line!

    Alf welcome home! Hope you find an answer to your pain :( take it easy and let it pass!

    Take care all!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Hi all! Alf, I just skip breakfast (I do that daily anyway...), down 1 x protein shake for lunch, and have a normal portion supper including 1 x protein and 2 x veggies. maxes out at about 800 cals per day (that's if I need a 1/2 protein bar as an afternoon snack or something....) After 3 days of that, there is NO bloat. There is lethargy, and there are headaches, but there is NO bloat.

    On another board, someone has this great homemade "tea" mix they do ... I'm too lazy and I just drink TONS AND TONS of WATER, WATER, WATER, too!

    Today is my oldest son's birthday....so, it's going to be a BUSY weekend!

    My brother and his family (wife + kids age 4.5 and 2.5) arrive tonight....they will help dismantle the fort and then they will haul all the wood away, in their trailer, to build something fabulous at their cabin. We get them for one night.

    Tomorrow, we are celebrating sonshine's birthday....we are doing steak and crab, so I'm off to buy crab sometime today. Sorry that my brother + family couldn't stay, but my s-i-l has to be at HER father's bday tomorrow. I get it.

    Then, Sunday, we pack up and leave for a one-week mountain vacation.


    But, for today, I lift! Oh, and I have MADE it through my 3 days of ultra-low cals....and I will weigh in today. I don't think I will do scheduled cardio tomorrow because I only have the one day to visit with my brother + family.

    Doesn't matter....I'll get lots of cardio when I am walking in the mountains next week!
