40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Whew....what a weekend. Daughter turned 18, AND got her first real paycheck, so I swear we were shopping 60% of the time, and I HATE shopping. Went to bed last night really wondering where the heck the time went, as I had pretty much NO down time.
    Then got to work this morning and no internet....I am dead in the water without it. The tech finally got here at 1pm.
    NOW I can get pack on track for a great week. We did eat out this weekend, but tracked everything and got lots of steps in, and just moving along.
    OH and I splurged and bought one of those Nuwave Ovens....pretty cool. I cooked a London Broil in it last night in 20 minutes and it did not heat up the house at all! Made chicken breasts for our lunches after dinner in 11 minutes! YES, that is the excitement I call my life lol

    Hope all is well with you, now I get to go back and read what you have all been up to, (hopefully some of it is 'no good' so I have some afternoon entertainment)
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good evening Cool Kids.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing good except Alf. And Alf, the DL is the Disabled List. In sports you have to tell the opposing team of any injuries you have, thus when you are hurt, they say you are on the DL. I hope you are soon off the DL.

    I had a busy day today. I got up early to do my lifting. This was my first day with standard reps with the August weight. Last Thursday should have been, but after the trip down the river I did an extra day of preview reps.

    Then I picked the garden and got the new tomato plants staked up. We had two days of storms, and some of them were knocked over. By then I was running late, and should have skipped the dishes from the weekend, but I hate to leave them. So when I left to go to Mamma's garden, it was already time for me to leave for Panama City. I clipped one of her big melons, cut it, putting about a quarter of it in a plastic storage container and took it with me. I was late, but still could have got to the Rehab at a decent time, until I ran into construction. I was stopped for almost 20 minutes. When I did get out on the highway, I was making up for lost time when I encountered a Highway Patrol. He clocked me at 81 mph, but was nice enough to write the ticket for 69 mph. That way the ticket will only be $100 instead of $200. {One of my customers tonight is a retired Trooper. He told me to go to the judge and get the ticket thrown out. I think I would rather pay it, then do the driver school to keep the points from making my insurance go up} So I was 30 minutes late for our lunch date. Mamma had gave up on me and left the cafeteria. But was happy about the melon. Everyone who came in the room was offered a piece. It looks like she will be transferred to Blountstown on Wednesday.

    Today was the first day of early voting here, so Margie will be working late everyday from now until after Election Day on the 26th. The Civic Center is a polling place, so I will get in on the action a little. I used to work the polls, but I haven't in several years. Then for a while I just "volunteered" to run errands if anyone needed stuff delivered.

    I hope everyone has a good week. I hope the rest of mine is a little slower paced than today was.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I really hope I get off the DL list VERY soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :explode: :angry: Just as I suspected NO ANSWERS, they just said to rest and take meds, they changed the muscle relaxer and gave me naproxen instead of motrin. Also lidocaine patches. I put them on already I am hoping they give me some relief and I can sleep tonight. I still have my follow up on the 29th and if not better then they will order some imaging testing. Cheapies, they are just trying to save money I guess... :grumble: :noway:

    KS, dont forget cucumbers and celery!! Those go in my smoothies pretty much every morning along with kale or spinach. I want to play that game!!!! I started on the right track today with my eating especially when I will not be working for another week or so. I might take two.

    Larro, that was a nice state trooper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!! I love reading about your mom stories and your veggies/fruit.

    Annette, the cooking with the nuwave sounded so yummy.

    Good night! :flowerforyou:
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids....Hope all of you are well.

    Solarpower....welcome aboard. The water is great here (smile) Hope you enjoy your stay.

    Kellysue--I am glad you found something so quickly. I hope it works out. It warms my heart that you keep forging ahead with a healthy lifestyle despite the challenges and obstacles that you had to overcome. You rock.

    Alf---I hope you see all the love everyone has for you and concerned about your health. Please keep us posted.

    Larro--as always you are such a busy man. That was nice of the trooper. How was the melon? I bet could make some serious green juices from the veggies/fruits in your garden. A lemon ginger blast would be ideal right now. Sigh!!!!

    Annette..you had plenty of activity as well.

    The group has grown so much and full of activity and news. I like it.

    CG--Hope your BF has a speedy recovery. Hope you are holding up under the pressure. Sending an air hug your way.....hmmmm

    I did not see anything from BEEPS.....Is she ok or did I miss that she was away or something?

    SDERESKI--I hope you picked some good stuff from the farmer's market.

    My daughter joined me today at the gym for extreme fit. She has a newfound respect for me and has a different view of working out. After the squats and the 200 meter run warm up, she was flustered. 30 minutes I checked on her again and she said "Mommy, you make this stuff look so easy". I replied by saying, "If I never started and endured it each week I would not be where I am today". Medicine balls are evil I tell you. She made us put our heel on one and lift our opposite hip in the air (a hamstring exercise), I screamed like I was belting out a patti labelle tune (lol). Have a great night everyone.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Curious....sorry to hear your BF is having a rough go of it! I hope he continues to improve each day. Being a caregiver is a tough job!

    Alf...I'm sorry you didn't get any answers :( Drs are required by insurance to do things a certain way, and it hardly ever benefits the patient, it's frustrating!

    Caramel....Way to bust it out in class and impress your daughter....win/win! :)
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    GOOOOOOOD Morning Cool Kids

    ( My tribute to the brilliant Robin Williams :brokenheart: )

    Its a beautiful day out side FIANLLY! I cant wait to get out and enjoy the weather. We've had such on and off sunshine, its hard to plan anything outdoors.

    I've been walking evenings with my neighbour and getting some pretty good distance :smile:

    Welcome new posters, GREAT group here!

    So much to comment on - I'll say I hope everyone takes hold of the day and enjoys it today ! I hope all on the DL get some good news or relief soon :flowerforyou:

    On the weightloss topic, im up 4 pounds - PPFFT. Must be the hilly walking Ive incorporated to my days, or just bein a woman :wink: You know, you'd think being 40 yrs old I'd know WHEN to expect bloating, water gain etc every month - lol.
    I swear, Its like Im always surprised.

    A funny thing - my 8 yr old son called me into the bathroom last night and whispers loudly " OMG Mom I think Ive had my puberty " Im thinking " WHAT?!" He shows me, in complete seriousness, the " Hair" that has grown on his chest. It was dust/dirt from his water fight and melted freeze pop stickiness LOLOLOLOL

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey cool kids, hope all of you are well.

    I must say I was in utter shock about Robin Williams. My heart hurts for his wife and family.

    JFM, your outlook on the world is refreshing to say the least. The moment with your son and his "puberty" PRICELESS. Remind him about this in a few years...(lol). We are still conditioned to wanting to see less on the scale, despite mentally knowing we are going to bloat, fluctuate and the like. There are times I am obsessed with the scale. Great job on walking with your neighbor.

    My daughter yelps as she walked down the steps this morning. She is experiencing soreness from Extreme Fit last night. She is truly my kid; despite her agony, she wants to box with me tomorrow. I told her the warm up is calisthentics based and she would have to do push ups and mountain climbers and burpees on a bosu ball along with boxing. She said she is a WARRIOR born and of course I said, "Don't sing it, bring it" (lol). I love my family.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Oh. MY. WORD, JFM that is hilarious! Dang dirt, I bet he was a little depressed after that lol
    I remember when my son, who is now a 22 yr old Sasquatch, was so impressed with his newly formed arm pit hair that he would twirl it while he watched TV. I always threatened to braid and bead it.....still threaten that actually.

    SO here in Central Washington we woke up with clouds...what the heck? Still will be in the high 90's but stormy and lighting.....Looking forward to the next couple days when we crawl down to the low 90s!

    Sounds like everyone else is happy and positive, and that is half the battle! Have a great one!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good afternoon cool kids! I am just having a blah day! I don't feel sick or anything and I did work out this morning, but it is rainy and dreary and work has been crazy. I think it's just piling up and I am ready for a break! I will be off next Friday and the Friday before Labor day, but they seem so far away! That and I can think of a million other things I have to do, especially in regards to possibly getting ready to move. AUUUGH!

    JFM- love the story about your son! That is great! We are trying to potty train my grandson right now which has it's own interesting stories. He has started ripping his diaper off and running around without it and you KNOW he has to go but he won't sit on the potty. Then as soon as he gets the diaper on, he pees. He is willful for sure! But, I guess I wouldn't have him any other way!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello Cool Kids!

    got to meet her mom, two of her sisters and some aunts and cousins. All went well. I am proud to say that I didn't gain any weight while I was gone even though I ate out the entire time. So I guess that I am learning to make better choices. (Finally!) The flights went pretty well except for the last leg home was a little rough and bouncy. The hotel on the other hand was a little on the scary side and I was glad that we only had to stay there two nights. They may have done hourly rentals...:noway:

    I think that I walked more than I have in a long time this past weekend. I think that I finally got in over 10K steps! With the walking in the airports, mall and the Akron zoo added up. So I was glad to feel like I got my exercise in this weekend.

    I have read through the threads and it seems that everyone except Alf (I hope you get answers soon) is doing good.

    RIP - Robin Williams!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Just a random 28 year old popping in to say hi :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Some real kid is snoopin in our thread. LOL :laugh: :laugh: just kidding Deskercise!! :wink: My daughter is older than you. :tongue:

    How is everyone doing? Yes, I am very saddened about the news. Most of you know that my son is severely autistic and has MR. He loves Disney movies and has tons of them. He watches them regularly. I went into his room and he was watching Aladdin!!! I found that very odd. I had to sit down and watch it with him. Robin Williams was so funny in that movie. Love the Genie!!! :flowerforyou:

    KellySue, did you take another look at the house you liked? Potty training is no joke!!! :laugh:

    emmalus, good to see you. Thank you for the well wishes. Glad you had a great time off. Hourly rentals? Not good. :noway:

    Annette, it is raining here as well!!! As a matter of fact it is pouring right now!!! But we definitely need the rain!!! :drinker:

    Thank you everyone for your comments. I am trying to stay positive. The patches and meds did nothing for me last night. I just wish this pain goes away. I would hate to stay in pain until my next appt, Aug 29. The Dr said she will then order Xrays then but that means there will be more waiting. Crossing my fingers I get better soon. In the meantime I am on diet mode, I was going to anyways but even more so that I cannot exercise. I really dont know what to do that wont aggravate the painful hips and back. All I can do is pray.

    Good night! :flowerforyou:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey Cool Kids. It's good to hear from everyone. E's Mom, it sounds like you had a good trip. Did you bump into King {LeBron} James while you were in town?

    The kid's stories are funny. I have been told that I stood on a chair at the bathroom sink beside Daddy and 'shaved' when he did, using a razor without a blade. {this was back in the safety razor days} I don't remember it, but there is a picture somewhere with my face covered in shaving cream.

    Speaking of the DL, I tweaked my back a little. The group at the Civic Center on Sunday left a huge pot of green beans on the stove. It was too hot to deal with then, but last night I carried it out to the edge of the woods to throw the beans away. It must have been 6 or 7 gallons, and was heavy as Hades. This morning I was having back spasms. Not really painful, just scary that you know something isn't right.

    I have to be in Panama City at 1000-1030 in the morning to pick Mamma up, and take her to the rehab in Blountstown. I think I will leave plenty early this time. Can't afford anymore tickets. I tried to get some of the house cleaning done today since I'll be gone tomorrow when our cleaning lady comes. But I ran to Marianna to do the shopping, so I didn't get all that much done.

    See y'all later,

  • GeekMeister
    GeekMeister Posts: 41 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids! Hope everyone's day is starting off fabulous. I'm getting ready for work and thought I'd pop in and say hello. Woke up pretty stiff from the gym but the soreness is relenting a bit . Today is a running day for me so I'll look forward to that tonight. Back I the gym tomorrow. Feel really good this morning overall!

    Alf - hope you're felling better soon. I've suffered a number of injuries and know how frustrating that can be.

    Larro - Have a safe trip! Take it easy on that back of yours.

    Everyone else, have a wonderful day!

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning all! Rest day for me today- still feeling blah! Still rainy here too. I had to take the hubs in for blood work this morning, speaking of back pain. No- he's not a pain in my back(side)- OK, maybe sometimes- but in all seriousness, he has continued to have terrible back pain for weeks. They originally thought kidney stones and did an CT scan that turned up nothing, then they were thinking it may be one of his meds, now they are not sure and sent him for blood work and some other samples. Hoping they find out soon as he is not sleeping well, so neither am I. Not good for either of us.

    Alf- we are going Friday to see the house again. I am in the process of trying to downsize 17 years of accumulation that is in our current house. It is slow going since it is just me doing all the work. Tiring for sure.

    Larro- have a safe trip to get your Momma. Hopefully, no tickets for you today!

    Everyone else- Have a wonderful day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    Mountain vacation continues....first two days were beautiful. I am sure today will be, too!
  • MomforNoah
    Good morning Cool Kids! I've decided my exercise tonight will be basketball with my teenage son. Now I am not a challenge..but I can break a sweat just trying to get the dang ball away from him :) Hope everyone has a great day!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hi Cool Kids,

    Larro--Have a safe trip.

    Beeps--- Hope you are having a great time

    KellySue-I hope everything works out for you with the house. When I downsized after 11 years, I had a yard sale and what I did not sell, I gave away to coworkers and goodwill.

    I am still sore from Monday's class, but I have boxing today, so I have to suck it up and keep pushing. One of my goals in January was to do a photo shoot this month. I am not satisfied at this point, so I will do it in December. I really have to kick it in gear and make sure I stay focused.

    Have a great everyone
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello all my cool kids friends! I hope that your day has started off wonderful!

    Caramel - I am sure that you will have a beautiful photo shoot. Your outside beauty AND your inside beauty will shine! I think that you are a beautiful woman!

    MomforNoah - I have three boys and know how they can wear you out. But so much fun too. Enjoy it while you can, it goes by so fast. Then they have their own agenda.

    Beeps - Enjoy your vacation!

    KellySue - I am so excited for you the you think you have found the one so quick. I know how it is trying to downsize. When I got remarried eight years ago my house had been in my family for several generations plus I had to blend in with my new husband and his already full house. It was a challenge at times but it all worked out in the end.
    I have a granddaughter that we just finished potty training and I was not sure it was ever going to happen. She is three and a half and did not want anything to do with it and all of a sudden she decided that she wanted to wear big girl panties. Come to find out she didn't like her feet hanging as soon as she got a stool that her feet could touch she was fine.

    Geek - I hope that you have an awesome run today!

    Larro - I am glad to hear that your Momma is doing better.

    CG - I hope that your BF is getting better.

    JFM - Keep your head up this too shall pass!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Beeps, enjoy your mountain vacation!!!! :drinker:

    Larro, oh oh, are you on the DL list now? :noway: I hope not. I have been to Panama City once (to the real Panama City in Panama, 3 times :laugh: ) I thought it was nice. We just drove around. We were actually staying in Pensacola and just drove down there one day. I would love to live in Florida, I just want to be near the ocean. I grew up in Puerto Rico and that is what I miss the most, seeing the ocean.

    MomforNoah, have fun playing basketball!!!!

    I want to workout soooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :sad: Ok ok, be patient!!! :grumble: :explode: geek, thank you for the encouragement!

    I just cooked lots of different fish to eat throughout the rest of the week. It feels so good to eat healthy again. I should have not let go this much. It is so hard to maintain and I can gain so easily once I start making bad choices. :mad:

    Have a great rest of the day!!! :flowerforyou: